View Full Version : Another Visit.....Alone (open)

Feliciana Devano
Jan 1st, 2003, 04:54:05 PM
A dark figure clad in black robes entered Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. Before even reaching the security guards at the door, she already had an array of weaponry in her hands, ready to hand over to them.

"We'll be watchin' you, Darksider..."

They growled the words at her. Rolling her eyes, Feliciana set her cyan eyes out for a table. She found one quickly and as she walked, she pushed back her black hair and it came to rest midway down her back. She was beautiful, but dark....very dark. Once seated, a serving droid approached the table and a slight smirk appeared upon her cherry lips.

"A flask of Corellian Whisky, please......"

She said, sending the droid away beeping and whistling with her order stored in its memory. Sighing, the young Dark Jedi sat back in her seat and allowed her senses to take in everything here. 'How is it that all these people can be so happy! They're slaves!' she thought to herself as she focused in on a couple talking and laughing together. Her eyes dropped as thoughts of Sasha entered her mind, but then were interrupted by the droid, returning with her drink.


The woman said dryly, taking the cold bottle in her hand. Putting it up to her lips, she tilted it upward and let the cool liquid slip down her throat, bringing a refreshing feeling to her body. She then placed the flask upon the table and gazed out at the crowd once again. 'Jedi...they make me sick.' she thought once again and continued thinking as she sat, uninterrupted.

Estelle Russard
Jan 1st, 2003, 09:26:01 PM
Estelle felt the maleviolent glare, even before she made contact with it. Feliciana had been looking about the room, taking in the patrons, and had caught Estelles attention.

Clearly, the woman felt only disdain for the Jedi...a concept inconceivable to Estelle, making the jedi knight curious as to why this dark beauty would come here.

Approaching her table, and waiting as Feliciana lowered the flask, Estelle extended a hand of welcome.

"Hello, my name is Estelle... Are you looking for someone? Perhaps I can help.....?"

Feliciana Devano
Jan 1st, 2003, 10:02:53 PM
The cyan orbs of Feliciana's eyes gazed upward slowly until they came to rest upon the stranger's face. There was something....light.....around the woman that made the Dark Jedi feel nauseous. Sighing, she shook her head.

"No.....I wouldn't be looking for anyone in here."

She laughed and took the woman's hand, gripping it tightly and digging her nails into Estelle's flesh. Smiling wickedly, Feliciana let go and smiled.

"Feliciana....sit if you'd like."

Estelle Russard
Jan 1st, 2003, 10:13:42 PM
She took back her hand, frowning at the nail marks that were clearly visible, and rubbing it slightly with her other hand.

"Thankyou Feliciana.." she sat, looking now at the woman across from her, her eyes showing no mailice, only a certain non-understanding.

"You have quite...a grip."

Jan 1st, 2003, 10:26:31 PM
*The scanners went wild as they detected my lightsaber as I strode into the bar. The guard's head lifted, and his eyes met mine. A flash of recognition crossed his face.*

"I thought you were dead."

I smiled. "Almost. I'm a Zoolat-farmer now."

"No kidding?"

"I have a nice little farm on Naboo. You should drop by some time with the wife and kids." Funny thing is... I left the Jedi to calm my mind. Unfortunately, herding doobaks and selling zoolats in the market is MUCH more stressing than the darkside ever was. Both of our eyes moved down to my weapon. "Is it okay if I keep it on me?"

He gave the slightest hesitation, but then broke into a wide smile. His hand waved me in. "Sure."

I gave him a quick bow and continued my walk to the front of the bar, taking a stool adjacent to two woman, one that was just taking her seat.

"Great. Small talk," I groaned to myself underneath my breath. "Let's see if the ol' Kenobi charm hasn't been rusted after all these years in hermitage."

Feliciana Devano
Jan 2nd, 2003, 09:36:10 AM
Feliciana let a wicked smile cross her pouty lips as Estelle eyed her curiously.

"Thank you....though, I can't say the same for yourself."

'Jedi are weak', she recalled the words her Master spoke to her. He also told her, though, not to underestimate the enemy...at least, not yet. Suddenly her eyes drew away from the woman and came to rest upon a newcomer who happened to welcome himself to their table. Watching him with a sense of disgust, the Dark Jedi rolled her eyes at his lack of conversation.

"So, you're a Jedi....right?"

The words fell off her tongue and seemed to hold in the air momentarily; the question directed toward Estelle. Occasionally the young woman glanced over at Hart, unaware of his intentions or purpose of even being there at all.

Jan 2nd, 2003, 10:40:49 AM
"Not anymore I'm not." Her aura was cold and dark. A darksider. I attempted to raise the corners of my mouth, but they stubbornly refused.

"The name's Hart Kenobi," I spoke with a low, but clear tone. "I just stopped here to refuel on my way back from Corellia. Bought myself one of those new cropdusters on the market." My eyes wandered the bar. "It's a good thing I knew where this was. Otherwise I'd but on a dead ship floating in space. Some Argi Pirates sent a charge into my hyperdrive back near Kessel," I explained.

I turned slightly to order my drink. "Just a water, thank you." My attention returned to her and her apparent companion after I took my first sip. "May I know the names of the women who I am having the pleasure of meeting?"

Estelle Russard
Jan 2nd, 2003, 09:10:13 PM
Extending her hand to greet Hart, Estelle introduced herself once again.

"Estelle Russard....And this is Feliciana, though I suggest you prepare yourself if you shake her hand..(she winced and grinned)

Im sorry to hear of the trouble with your ship, Mr. Kenobi. I hope you will find the parts you need for repairs without too much trouble." It was not lost on Estelle that Hart said he wasnt a Jedi anymore, but she wasn't so forward as to ask why ever not??

She ordered herself an orange juice, before the server moved to get Kenobi's water. Feliciana was giving off a distinctively antagonistic vibe, and Estelle was certain she was of those who call them selves "darksiders" but, she had invited her to sit and so the Jedi Knight was happy to oblige.

"Yes, I am a Jedi, Feliciana." The reaction in the dark eyes was expected, but still dismayed Estelle. " Does that offend you?"

Jan 3rd, 2003, 10:24:01 AM
Estelle's aura had a brightness to behold. It was a long time since I've had the pleasure in being in the company of a Jedi, their own energies reinforcing my own. Even now, with my Force powers significantly stunted with inactivity, I felt her warm and strenght.

But there was a conflict within the darksider. An inner turmoil, that was plain and open to see. As I saw Feliciana's wicked smile and empty eyes, I could see the signs of the coming of the skin condition that I had seen long ago, before the Empire.

I clutch my head as my mind flashes back to the Clone Wars once again. I see my.... friend, young Anakin Skywalker, raise his saber against mine... and give that same smile. He leaps towards me and slashes down...

I snap back into the present with a jolt. My spells were getting worse and longer... I shouldn't have left Naboo again.

"Estelle Russard....And this is Feliciana, though I suggest you prepare yourself if you shake her hand..", I hear, just barely

I gave but a slight nod to show that I had heard, but I look towards the ground as the first beads of sweat form on my brow. After a moment, I struggle to raise my head to meet her eyes. My body feels weaker... I talk in an almost inaudible whisper. "It's my pleasure to meet the two of you."

And then it was over. My head cleared and the throbbing within my chest deceased. Breathing heavily, I slowly, suspiciously, sat up straight. "It's mighty humid here, isn't it," I comment to lighten the mood. Unfortunately, it came out as more of a grumble that nobody heard. I chose then to but listen to their conversation for a while.

Estelle Russard
Jan 4th, 2003, 01:13:35 AM
A wave of concern washed over Estelle as she sat politely waiting Feliciana's reply.

The former Jedi beside her looked pale and some of his enthusiasm upon joining their table suddenly waned. She leaned toward him slightly and murmered, "more water?"

Jan 4th, 2003, 12:37:31 PM
I gave a small smile to reassure Estelle that that I was under control. The Jedi training from my master, Ki Adi Mundi, (before I was encased in carbonite) gave me sufficient abilities to block most of the physical pain during the flashbacks. The Jedi was quickly able to recognize my momentary lapse in consciousness, but hopefully I had not made it too obvious, especially not in front of a dark user. My growing and growing inability to hide my pain was a weakness that I shouldn't allow to be exploited.

"Yes, my throat is a bit parched, thank you. And Feliciana, I too am curious to know what you think of the Jedi," I spoke quickly, eager to change the subject.

Feliciana Devano
Jan 4th, 2003, 11:10:37 PM
Feliciana rolled her eyes and allowed a laugh to escape her lips momentarily.

"Of course it offends me....I would just assume see you dead than be decent to you...but unfortunatly this place does not allow fights and you don't seem like the fighting type anyhow."

The woman took a sip of her drink before her firey eyes glanced over at Hart. 'Jedi on both sides...great.' she thought to herself. The Dark Jedi's skin paled ever so slightly and her eyes rolled back in her head before shutting. Drawing in a deep breath, Feliciana sighed and opened her eyes to allow the cyan orbs the light once again.

"And do I offend you with my words?"

Jan 4th, 2003, 11:30:53 PM
I raise an eyebrow and choose my words carefully. "I think you'll find that it takes much more than words to rile a fully trained, disciplined Jedi Knight," I comment, looking sideways towards Estelle.

I move to lean forward into my chair, trying to hold Feliciana's eyes. "It is not too late for you, young one. It was thought decades ago that once one goes down the path of darkness, forever it will consume them. But it has been proven wrong many times since then."

Just like old times. If only Master Mundi could see me now.

"You must choose to let go of your hate. Let go of your hate, and your healing can begin."

Feliciana Devano
Jan 4th, 2003, 11:38:13 PM
'He sounds like Navaria.' she reminded herself quietly before turning to face Hart. Her hallow eyes seemed to reveal more than perhaps she even dared to think. Deep inside she was yearning for the truth, but it was an eternal struggle in her soul.....and unfortunatly, the Darkness would come out on top every time.

"Lies....more and more lies! Hope? I know what hope is...what you Jedi have is promises laced with fallacy....always controlled by your Council."

'I'm sorry.....I just can't be a Jedi....ever. I wasn't cut out to be one.' She quietly spoke these words into the man's mind before looking away to her flask. Her hand met it briefly and she brought it to her lips for a quick sip. Setting it back upon the table, she sideglanced Hart. Still that same empty hopeful look was in her eyes....though it was something she desperatly tried to surpress. 'They'll make you weak, don't succumb!' she told herself, recalling what her Master said once. Sighing, the young woman tore her eyes away from the Jedi and focused them upon the table.

Estelle Russard
Jan 4th, 2003, 11:59:46 PM
Kenobi's words to Feliciana surprised Estelle, given that he had revealed he no longer considered himself a Jedi. She wondered about him, about his past and what things had made him willingly give up the path that he was obviously so suited to....and still so much believed in. She felt a great compassion towards him.

She turned to Feliciana, however, to reinforce what Hart had said.

"You think there is no hope Feliciana, because you are accustomed to living in the darkness. It is hard for one to see the light when they set their mind so determined against it."

Estelle could see the struggle in the womans mind from the look in her eyes - and the thing that struck the Jedi most was Feliciana's fear of being, or even appearing, weak.

Who did she suppose that admitting none of us are as strong as we wished, would appear weak to? Them?

"You turn from a life you dont understand. You only think you understand it."