Dec 31st, 2002, 02:53:16 PM
I'm in a NFL Fantasy Football contest. The guys in the league told me I could invite as many people as I wanted so here's the link:
My team's name is:
I don't hate them, it's just a little jab at my wife. The league was started by someone at her job and they all know how much she loves Jon Bon. I don't even want to get into what happened during the regular season. Suffice to say, a lot of male egos got crushed. :x
My team's name is:
I don't hate them, it's just a little jab at my wife. The league was started by someone at her job and they all know how much she loves Jon Bon. I don't even want to get into what happened during the regular season. Suffice to say, a lot of male egos got crushed. :x