View Full Version : Breaking Foundations: The Year of the Dragon

Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 31st, 2002, 01:54:00 PM
<Center>From 'The Book of Records' on Balmorra:

The Balmorran New Year has always been a sign of change, no matter how small the form is. In the early part of the Warlord Battles, the New Year became the site of a power change...from one house to another. Balmorrans, view the New Year as something to be revered, even more than those on Omar Prime.

The one celebration on Balmorra is the New Year, there is no independence day. No Winter Holiday...or Spring for that matter.

Only the New Year.

It is a Tradition that has been kept for over 1,500 years and will continue to, no matter how small.

Or how big.</center>

Balmorran Shipyards on New Year's Eve

Balmorran Emperor Tyrel Kiterix smiled as he pulled his formal suit coats around his arms. A quick straightening of his black tie, an adjustment to his scarf and pin, and he was ready.

The New Year approaches, he smiled as began walking from his dressing room. Indeed it was time for a change.

The old was on its way out, with Millard off still attempting to find Loklorien s'Ilancy. Commodore Tomar was gone, removed from command and placed in charge of 'Logistics'. The military was beginning to come under his control.

And Shadow Squadron...Shadow Squadron was under his thumb too.

All of Balmorra loved their Emperor. And why not? Balmorra was a place of wonderment and beauty. The largest of all the Imperial Factions, as far as Kiterix was concerned. The Nevoota System was his, and soon...others would fall before him.

And in the next year, even more change would come. If...he got the help he wanted and needed.

Kiterix's hair was styled in the normal brushed back, and on his fingers were the ceremonial rings his father, Xavier Kiterix, had designed for him.

The Balmorran Civil Guard was waiting for him as he exitted his quarters and began the walk down the long hall of the shipyards.

"Is everything in place?" he asked the one standing next to him. A nod told him so.

"Good...now...let's be prepared to see a remarkable delight," he paused and looked out the nearest window.

There she was...one of the newest additions to the Balmorran Space Fleet.

The Super Star Destroyer Draconian.

And it was being christened today...

Kiterix smiled and marvelled its beauty, then walked on.

Dec 31st, 2002, 11:57:18 PM
New Year's Eve, the pilot thought as he hovered in his ship, I never understood the importance of it.

They were waiting, cloaked in a blanket of refracted light.

It wouldn't be much longer...and then it was time for them to strike again.

Sarin Vorrann
Jan 1st, 2003, 11:15:05 AM
Like a flake of snow against the obsidian expanse of the Grand Obelisk on Coruscant, the Lambda-class Shuttle Imperator ascended next to the only construction bearth above Balmorra and the one ship she contained.

An Imperial Super-class Star Destroyer, Mark I, that went under an ancient name: Draconian.

From the viewing sliver behind the pilot's compartment, an officer in white gazed out upon the massive vessel that was to become his home. While not a Grand Admiral or illustrious member of the Twelve, the stark uniform with silver epaulettes and like coloured shoulder cords, known to the Imperials as aigulettes, was the required dress attire for a Sector Group Commander, a post Admiral of the Fleet Sarin Vorrann now filled, in one capacity or another.

" An impressive site, no?" Vorrann asked his aide de camp, a fresh young Balmorran Lieutenant named Malek.

" Definitely sir. You used to command one of these?"

Vorran smiled, not looked the forty years senior to the boy he actually was. Chronologically in appearence, they could have been brothers. " I told you about that? Yes, when I was commander of the Bastion Sector Fleet's IInd Destroyer Division. A Super-class Star Destroyer by the name of Autarch. She was destroyed in the Vong incursion, and I moved my flag to the auxilliary flagship, a vessel I designed."

" The Plutarch, sir."

A grin. " Yes. How do you know so much about me?"

The officer flashed a set of hiw own ivory teeth. " It is a requirement before becoming a staff officer to know every bite of data on the Imperial DataNet."

" I see. Well, then you will know that you have about ten seconds before I notice that smudge on your jackboots."

The lieutenant looked down and came to attention, his face awash in displeasure. He then broke and ran aft to the refresher where he promptly repolished his footwear.

Vorrann liked Balmorra. Current on his mind though was how this ship would be supported by the Empire. It mattered not, though. She was his to command. And with it, the new Supreme Commander would bring glory to the Balmorran banner.

" We're on our final approach Admiral."

" Excellent."

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 1st, 2003, 07:54:14 PM
Kiterix's entourage continued their walk down the halls of the shipyards towards the Draconian's dock. It wasn't the only ship being christened today.

A ship named after Kiterix's ancestor, Gham Kiterix, was also prepared for its first voyage. Gham's Belief was an Imperial-Class Star Destroyer, built out on Rivendel. After a short test cruise, mainly to check hyperspace drives, it was fully ready for launch.

Kiterix all ready knew the Super Star Destroyer was ready, Jeseth Cloak (a 'colleague' of Millard's) had given the ship as a gift. The Balmorran Emperor still renamed it though, choosing a decadant name 'The Draconian' over anything else.

The newest ships were ready to be sent out on their maiden voyages. Kiterix hoped the crews were ready, as he was.

He turned to the black clothed woman next to him.

"So...enjoy the view?"

Fenra s'Ilancy
Jan 1st, 2003, 08:08:52 PM
She strode next to him, the long black sleeveless gown she wore hugging the contours of her body well, the slits running up both ends of her legs ending at just below her hips. Her hair had been styled, and while she preferred to keep it short, it was still easy to manage and make presentable. Slender body keeping up with the Emperor, the young woman clasped her hands before her.

It was an impressive ship, to say the least, and Fenra smiled lightly back at Kiterix as he spoke to her.

"It's impressive; I've never seen a ship that big before... "

Silus Xilarian
Jan 1st, 2003, 08:19:07 PM
Silus had finished suiting up before the rest of the squadron. The day before, Silus had taken his TIE back to his ship to let his own droids run maintence inspections and clean the fighter. Since he had bought the droids, he had their programming adjusted slightly, and trusted their work above the techs at the shipyard.

His fighter gleamed in the lighting of the docking bay. He wasnt one for parades and ceremonies and such, but he always prefered being in top form.

The rest of Shadow Squadron would be in the bay shortly, so for now, Silus waited patiently on their arrival...

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 1st, 2003, 08:31:18 PM
"A Super Star Destroyer is always something to behold," Kiterix smiled as he watched the ship. Slowly a shuttle docked and out walked Sarin Vorrann.

"Ah Fenra, I would like you to meet the commander of this vessel, Admiral Sarin Vorrann," he nodded to Vorrann as he introduced the two.

Sarin Vorrann
Jan 1st, 2003, 08:48:16 PM
Admiral Vorrann strode down the transparisteel enveloped walkway, with a view of the Draconian and Balmorra below, and the stars above.

Behind him walked Malek, the younger officer clad in his dress greens, Vorrann in his whites.

The Emperor had summoned him to the christening of his flagship.

" Ah Fenra, I would like you to meet the commander of this vessel, Admiral Sarin Vorrann."

The Admiral stopped short of the Emperor and his female companion.

" Actually, she is my flagship. The actual commander of the vessel itself is Captain Lawrence, a capable officer formerly of the Corsucant Sector Fleet. He formerly commanded the Omega, an older SSD, so he is more than competent."

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 1st, 2003, 08:58:52 PM
"Of course, my mistake," Kiterix smiled, "I meant, since you will use it as your flagship, in essence, it is your command.

"Admiral this is Fenra, one of the members of the Balmorran Civil Guard. One of our top grads from the acadmeny in fact."

Sarin Vorrann
Jan 1st, 2003, 09:09:53 PM
The Civil Guard? The Admiral made a note to chastize Commodore Tomar for not including Civil units in his defensive manifest.

A civil guard, though. That was playing with fire. To challange the standing military for supremacy would be the calling to civil war. That was the reason the Empire had disbanded small militai and system defense units inside its borders, integrating them all into the Imperial Military. It fostered unity and solidarity.

Kiterix was threatening to cause instability through zeal and naiveitiae.

But now was not the time for that.

" Madam." The Admiral bowed.

" What is it you do in the Civil Guard? And with that, what is your...rank?"

Fenra s'Ilancy
Jan 1st, 2003, 09:40:14 PM
Fenra looked to Kiterix, curious as to why he hadn't spoken her last name...

"Well, I'm still in the Academy, but I'm training to be a pilot... "

She canted her head at the Admiral. "I don't have a rank really, I'm still just a student... "

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 1st, 2003, 10:23:35 PM
"The Civil Guard is much like CorSect Academy, Admiral," Kiterix said, "We use it as a way of recruiting into the general military. They also serve as a police force for Balmorra.

"Their existance has dated back over 800 years, even during Emperor Palpatine's reign."

He put his arm around Fenra, "Don't be so modest, Fenra. She's at the top of her class. A very bright woman."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Jan 1st, 2003, 11:04:43 PM
She blushed a little, looking to the side as Kiterix put his arm around her.

"Well, there's lots of others in my class who're real smart... "

To be in the presence of these two men; one an Admiral and the other an Emperor, was a new experience for Fenra. She didn't know if there was a certain way for her to act, so she simply said almost nothing except to answer questions whenever they arose.

She looked back to Vorrann, trying to change the subject. "... How long have you been in the military... ?"

Sarin Vorrann
Jan 2nd, 2003, 11:11:58 AM
Vorrann looked down at the smaller female.

" All my life, young one. For a hundred centuries, the male members of my family have served the reiging military power in the galaxy, from the Republic, to the Empire that replaced it, and the Emperor that replaced it. For my life, I've had only one vacation as it were, from the end of my Imperial Service to the commencement of my Remnant career. Shortly thereafter, I was again in the ranks of the Diktat's Fleet. And now I am here.

" Service, young one, is a prideful event to last as long as it can. To die with a tunic on your back and medals on your chest is an experience unlike any other, one which I have half completed."

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 2nd, 2003, 11:08:42 PM
"I certainly hope," Kiterix said, a small smile on his face, "You're not hoping to die anytime soon, Admiral. After all, we do need you to command our fleet for a long time.

"So tell me, Admiral, are you happy to have command of a Super Star Destroyer again?"

Jan 3rd, 2003, 12:06:56 AM
There was not much time now. Only an hour or so.

Wraith and his three wingmates continued to wait, looking at the empty space in front of them.

His sharp eyes looked for any distortions around him, and he ran the plan over in his mind.

Wait. Attack. Leave.

Simple as that.

Wait. Attack. Leave.

Sarin Vorrann
Jan 3rd, 2003, 12:24:15 AM
The Admiral let slip a thin smile.

" I do indeed. I have always had a fascination with big ships, within reason. The Eclipse-class Star Destroyers were a waste of materiale, but the Super-class line is perfect. Twelve fighter squadron,s fifty quad turbolaser emplacents, five hundred other heavy weapons and half that number in concussion missile batteries. A wonderful ship: practical, feared, and intimidating."

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 3rd, 2003, 12:33:58 AM
"I'm afraid I disagree with you on that, Admiral," Kiterix spoke his mind, "I have always liked the size of the Eclipse class.

"The Super Star Destroyer is quite an impressive and intimidating ship, but the Eclipse class had the New Republic running scared."

He looked out at the Super Star Destroyer, "But the Draconian is sight to behold. I am happy it is on our side."

Sarin Vorrann
Jan 3rd, 2003, 12:57:39 AM
" I have seen an Eclipse in action, sir. It is ungainly and immense. Her size a deterrant, but her weapons for a ship of that size are paltry. Only the mantle superlaser poses a real threat: I would trade one for a squadron of ISDs any day."

He turned to the Draconian below.

" So, Emperor, what exactly do you have planned for today?"

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 3rd, 2003, 01:02:35 AM
"A simple ceremony, with Shadow Squadron giving a fly-by in parade formation, then they will land on the Draconian."

Kiterix smiled, then stroked his chin, "We will then have a reception, and then I would appreciate if you broke a bottle of champagne on the hull to celebrate the [I] Draconian's existance."

Sarin Vorrann
Jan 3rd, 2003, 01:24:36 AM
" Certainly. Are they to fly by here? Or will we have the ceremony on the ship?"

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 3rd, 2003, 01:30:15 AM
"They will fly by here," was his reply, "Then land on the Draconian.

"The ceremony will be here. It should take only an hour or so. I'm certain you're ready to get out and take the Draconian out for it's first mission."

Sarin Vorrann
Jan 3rd, 2003, 01:41:06 AM
Vorrann smiled ominously.

" I am. I am indeed. Her trail jump will be to combat, her shakedown in the teeth of the enemy. Let us hope she is worth what we paid for her. And that General Xilarian is as good a wing commander as he is a pilot."

Elessar Stavit
Jan 4th, 2003, 12:59:26 AM
"You know I think the one thing about being a part of Shadow Squadron that's nice," Elessar said as he walked into the pilot's locker room.

"We don't always have to wear the black jumpsuits. Those things itch like hell."

He grabbed his gear, then zipped the jumpsuit up.

The Imperial pilot brushed his hair back and grabbed his helmet.

"So Arik how ya liking it here? SS as much as you were told it'd be?"

Fenra s'Ilancy
Jan 4th, 2003, 01:46:53 AM
Fenra had stayed close to Kiterix during the conversation, Admiral Vorrann just a little daunting; of course Kiterix had seemed the same when she'd first met him... perhaps all it took was the right amount of time to get to know the Admiral...

But that would be for another time... Fenra figured that both men were fairly caught up in the christening of the SSD, and so she merely relegated herself to simple smiling and nodding until another question was asked of her.

Arik Illian
Jan 4th, 2003, 03:02:39 AM
"I'd say it's exactly what I'd expected," he said, gathering his own things to prepare for departure. Usually, he wasn't much of the talkative type. He liked to give people the cold shoulder, the blank 'get the hell outta my face' expression, or the plain "frell you." But Elessar was different. He was a comrade--a fellow pilot. He was Shadow 4, Frosty, a wingman of Shadow Squadron. These men and women deserved respect--especially from him. He was so new here, he needed friends, not enemies.

"A motley crew of damn good pilots with different backgrounds and even more different personalities." He slipped his feet into the legs of his heavy flight suit. "Sounds like a fun party, eh?" He gave Elessar a sarcastic grin. Pulling out an old cloth duffle bag, he removed a few items from it. Strapping a blaster pistol holdster to his thigh and a small knife to his belt, he began to zip up the suit.

"Never can be too careful." He pointed to his weapon. "In the likelyhood that I would actually survive a crash in space, I always wanna have a little heat with me." Zipping up the rest of his suit, he threw the bag into the cargo box and reached for his gloves and helmet. "By the way, thanks for the tips during manuevers. It was my first time, and I really needed it."

"Well, looks like it's 'bout that time, eh?" He checked his chrono. "What exactly is going on today? I fell asleep during the briefing." He smiled again, a sheepish grin.

Ned Stark
Jan 4th, 2003, 04:28:20 AM
"We are," a gruff voice came from behind Arik, "Supposed to go in parade formation and fly by th'diplomats and show 'em how pretty we look in formation."

Ned Stark cast a dark glare at 'Spaz', then grabbed his own knife from his locker.

"I don't care how good you are. You're new...therefore, you'll be my wingmate as we fly by.

"We'll see if you can fly as well as me," Stark grabbed his helmet, "Of if you'll be chewing on my Ion Engines as you try 'n keep up."

The Imperial Flight Commander started walking out.

"Oh and one more thing," he addressed the group of SS Members.

"If I hear any of you fall asleep again durin' the briefing. Your <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> is mine."

Then he walked out.


Silus Xilarian
Jan 4th, 2003, 04:40:48 AM
There was an uneasy silence for a moment as Stark left the room. Silus had made his way towards the rear of the hangar to watch the fireworks, as he'd seen Stark's facial expression change when Arik said he'd fell asleep. He then sat down and was visibily amused as Stark not only tore into Arik, but threatened the rest of the group. After a few minutes, laughter broke out from the back of the room...

"Damn Arik, you may as well have pissed in his cereal..."

Elessar Stavit
Jan 4th, 2003, 04:45:41 AM
Elessar was probably laughing the hardest. He'd received the same threat when he joined up.

"Ah welcome to Shadow Squadron Arik," he patted him on the back.

"Every squad's gotta have one.

"Yo Kam," he said to Dapp who was busy checking out a datapad.

"If Bette seeing you readin' 'Idiots Guide to Dating Within a Squadron' she's gonna have a fit," he smirked.

"Also, for once, you owe me some creds. Pay up."

Arik Illian
Jan 4th, 2003, 11:19:42 AM
Arik's eyes didn't leave the eyes of the Commander as Stark gave him a swift verbal lashing. Luckily, it was quick and to the point. He was glad it wasn't time for a lecture or anything like that. In all reality, he deserved it, so no verbal retaliation would be issued at this point. He'd show off out there today--he'd see who was eating who's ion wake.

He was ready now, and stood with his comrades, awaiting the final preparations and departure. It was gonna be so great to be back out there, he thought. He had, as of late, spent too much time finding 'work' on Coruscant. Being the nomadic type, he was pleased to be back in the pilotting business again--especially along side Silus.

He looked around at the rest of Shadow Squadron. What a group. He didn't know who found them all and decided to place them in one group--it didn't matter. It didn't matter whether he liked them or had a personal connection to them or didn't like them or whatever. Silus trusted them--and Arik, in turn, trusted them. It was as simple as that.

Kam Dapp
Jan 4th, 2003, 11:52:48 PM
Without looking up, Kam reached into his pocket, and pulled out a neat stack of credit chips, placing them on the side next to him.

"Oh I'm sure she wouldn't mind. I'm sure she'd be flattered that the dashing young pilot from Bespin took an intrest in her"

And more suprising would be the fact I had the guts to say something was what he didn't add at the end.

Elessar Stavit
Jan 5th, 2003, 12:11:14 AM
Elessar gave a laughing smile then turned to Arik.

"Kam's got this crush on our resident female Flight Commander. Apparently none of the younger girls appeal to him."

He reached over and patted Dapp on the shoulder.

"Don't worry Ace, she'll get that crush she's got on General Xilarian and Razor off herself, then come runnin' to you."

He smirked and again and handed Kam his helmet.

"C'mon let's fly."

Kam Dapp
Jan 5th, 2003, 12:18:20 AM
"I do NOT have a crush on her!" Kam said to the two pilots with him, keeping his voice down so noone else could hear.

Still grumbling, Kam put his helmet under his arm, and stepped into his Advanced for the pre-flight check.

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 5th, 2003, 04:58:58 AM
"From the reports and the interviews I've seen," Kiterix smiled, "General Xilarian is all he's cracked up to be. He wouldn't be in command of Shadow Squadron if he wasn't good."

The Balmorran Emperor took two glasses of champagne from the serving droid who rolled by, giving one to Vorrann, and one to Fenra.

"Just a sip dear," he said politely, "You have class tomorrow."

It was then he heard a small *ah-hem* behind him. Kiterix turned and nodded to the smaller man standing next to him.

"Admiral Vorrann I would like to introduce you to the director of the Inquisitors, our Intelligence division.

"Please meet Mr Morewind. Mr. Morewind this is Admiral Vorrann, the head of the military."

Jan 5th, 2003, 05:02:58 AM
Morewind smiled. He knew about Admiral Vorrann and his record.

"Admiral it is a pleasure to meet you," he said smoothly with a small smile, "I look forward to working with you."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Jan 5th, 2003, 05:14:40 PM
Kiterix wouldn't have to worry about her drinking any of the champagne he'd handed her; Fenra didn't really care for any sort of alcohol... never had. Standing silently, she gave the Emperor a small smile and nod as he spoke to her, cradling the flute of champagne in her hands.

At Mr. Morewind's ahem, she nearly jumped, and turning a little, regarded the man. While rather short, he was still a little taller than she. With a polite smile she remained still, watching the three men interact.

Arik Illian
Jan 8th, 2003, 05:17:45 PM
Arik smiled and chuckled to himself as the two pilots joked. It was nice to be here--to be a part of something. He felt like he belonged. Even with the verbal lashing and the teasing here and there, these people wanted him around. That was something he hadn't felt for some time.

"Guess it's about that time," he agreed with his comrades, hopping into his Tie Advanced and checking over the pre-flight manual. He knew it pretty well, but wanted to make sure he didn't forget anything. Hadn't been in one of these babies of awhile.

Silus Xilarian
Jan 8th, 2003, 07:44:49 PM
Silus climbed into his TIE as the time drew near for the parade. As the pre-flight checks were ran, Silus glanced out and over to Kam...

"You know, Kam, you could just take her to Coruscant. There's some nice resturants there. Fining dining, a classy hotel room. Isnt that why you play sabacc so much? So you can afford to wisk Bette away on your next vacation?"

Sarin Vorrann
Jan 9th, 2003, 07:47:12 PM
Admiral Vorrann saw Director Morewind and took measure of him. He had the face of a soldier, but had no doubt been corrupted by his political superiors.

" A pleasure," the Acting Balmorran Supreme Commander replied.

The Admiral's gaze shifted out towards the stars and the view of Balmorra below the repair yard. It was amazing that a world such as this, looking so peaceful and serene below its thick blanket of cirrus clouds could produce the legions of cybernetic and robotic war machines for which it was famous..and infamous.

" Emperor, will I have access to the Intelligence Bureau for my next milutary endeavor?"

Vorrann turned. " And of that, what is your agency doing as of now?"

Jan 9th, 2003, 08:18:27 PM
"Oh we have scouted the entire region for you, Admiral," Morewind smiled.

"I can have everything for you on the surrounding regions for you in five minutes if you wish.

"And as for what we're doing..." he paused mulling his answer.

"We're doing things...here and there."

Morewind smiled again.

Sarin Vorrann
Jan 9th, 2003, 08:37:18 PM
Vorrann gave a curt smile, reaffirming his view that Intelligence as well as Fighter Corps soldiers and officers possessed a smugness that was earned but unneccessary, as well as annoying.

" Excellent. I expect the report to be thourough then."

Vorrann turned to Kiterix. " When will the premier fighter pilots be gracing us with their presence?"

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 12th, 2003, 09:19:46 AM
Kiterix crossed his arms and looked out at space.

"I would say about seven minutes or so, Admiral. Then we will release the bottle of champagne and the Draconian will be ready for use."

Tamara Friesen
Jan 25th, 2003, 10:17:27 AM
Her black boots *clacked* on the metal bulkhead as the blond woman made her way through the crowded hangar of Tor Station. She was a bit unsure about this new assignment, it was different from any of the other diplomatic postings she'd had.

But if this fighter squadron is as unorthodox as Mr. Morewind says it is...I suppose they need a diplomat there.

Her brown eyes scanned the hangar, finally spying the 11 Shadow Squadron TIEs as they sat housed in the bay.

She walked over the metal flooring, finally spotting General Silus Xilarian preparing to enter his TIE.

"Silus Xilarian?" her voice was a bit lower pitched, but smooth as silk.

"I'm Tamara Friesen from the Inquisitors. A pleasure to meet you."

Silus Xilarian
Jan 26th, 2003, 01:25:49 AM
Silus nearly jumped at hearing his name called. He turned to see a blonde woman standing there. However, he had to for go his usual response of saying "thats me" and making some ego inflated remark about people knowing his name. This was due to the rest of her introduction. Another inquisitor, what the frell was she doing here?

Upon hearing this Silus smiled and offered his hand to shake...

"You too....I wasnt informed of an Inqisitor flying with us today"

Silus' comment was more or less to break any tension that would arise. The fact that a pleasant mood would make him more disarming didnt hurt either....

Tamara Friesen
Jan 26th, 2003, 01:35:42 AM
The Inquisitor nodded at Tod Marr as he and Val walked by.

"It's not only that General," Tamara said, "Colonel Vance Emmerick has been reassigned by Admiral Vorrann. I am his replacement. And the liason between you and the Inquisitors."

Silus Xilarian
Jan 26th, 2003, 09:46:48 PM
"I wasnt informed of Emmerick getting reassigned either, but thats not you fault, I 'spose..."

Silus tossed his helmet over the side of the cockpit into his seat and stepped back down the ladder...

"So what kinda training do ya got?"

Tamara Friesen
Jan 26th, 2003, 11:43:18 PM
She lifted her eyes to stare into Xilarian. He wasn't pleased about not being informed, she could tell that.

"I have been trained in all forms of piloting with TIE Fighters," Tamara said, "My own fighter's at the other end of the hangar."

She bit her inner lip, keeping her face unreadable, "I can tell, General, you're not happy about not being informed. I'm sorry, I only go where I'm assigned."

Tod Marr
Feb 5th, 2003, 04:40:42 AM
The hanger was pretty chilly, but that glance just then was as hot as a chili pepper! Who was she, he wondered? She can't be a new member since the squadron was maxed out already. Or was there something he didn't know.

"Morning sweethearts! Ready to be on your best behaviour for the big wigs today? 'Course - I'm not! Heh!"

He gave a cheeky grin at Frosty and Oddball, Val off to the side. Then he turned to the newbie...

"Arik right? How ya doin', I'm Maniac!"

He grabbed his hand and shook it with gusto. Arik smiled at his friendliness. Then, Tod pulled him in to him, wrapped his arms around him and began to sway from side to side as he slapped a big kiss on his forehead, being slightly taller than Arik...

"Y'know - this could be the start of somethin' special! Heheheheheh!....."

He pushed Arik away slightly, grinning unshamefully...

"Just kiddin' pal! Welcome to the Shadows! Oh and uh - a little advice.....be careful with the Flight Commander - she's got some fire. And Val here might be a little...touchy!"

Val kicked him slightly from behind, accompanied by an 'I heard that' smile.

"See what I mean?"

They engaged in friendly banter for a few minutes until Xilarian moaned at them for waisting time. Tod turned to Frosty...

"Hey - who's Snow White?"

Tamara Friesen
Feb 6th, 2003, 01:25:29 AM
It was Tamara who ended up answering for Stavit, standing close enough to hear what they were saying.

"Tamara Friesen," she said not unkindly, "I'm the new liason between the Inquisitors and Shadow Squadron."

Tod Marr
Feb 6th, 2003, 08:59:57 AM
"The pleasure's all mine but I'm sure I can give you some!"

He shook her hand, smiling cheekily as he did so.

"I'm Tod Marr, but everybody calls me Maniac. Haven't a clue why though!"

The grin came back as his pals coughed and muttered under their breath.

"Liason huh! So that means what? You're gonna be flyin' with us for today?"

He almost had to force himself to keep eye contact with her. After all, she did have a perfect paid of... er...earlobes! Out of the corner of his eye, Maniac noticed Val turning away to hide his grin from Tamara.

Tamara Friesen
Feb 6th, 2003, 09:09:42 AM
She gave him a glare.

"Colonel Marr, a pleasure to meet you. Yes I will be flying with Shadow Squadron. I've been assigned to be a part of the squadron until I'm told otherwise."

She turned to Xilarian, "If you don't mind, I'd like to get to my fighter now. I'm certain Admiral Vorrann and Emperor Kiterix will be wondering why we haven't done our fly-by yet."

Silus Xilarian
Feb 7th, 2003, 11:35:09 PM
A grin cracked across Silus' face. This was probably a bad idea, but you had to break in the rookies somehow.

"Oh yeah!! The fly by.

Silus looked over to Marr and back to Tamara before bursting out laughing again.

Tamara Friesen
Feb 7th, 2003, 11:52:54 PM
She didn't like doing this but sometimes she had to.

Tamara concentrated...she wasn't that skilled, but she could read minds. The Inquisitors frown on doing things without authorization but if Shadow Squadron (the people she'd be working with for the forseeable future).

She tried to get into Silus' mind...But found it locked tighter than durasteel.

A concerned look came on her face, then Tamara nodded, "I'll go get my flight gear."

She turned to leave, walking towards the back of the hangar where her TIE Advanced was.

Silus Xilarian
Feb 8th, 2003, 12:00:35 AM
The smile on his face got even bigger as she went to walk off. He had sensed something strange. A sensation in his mind that he hadnt felt in awhile. Not since....

"Btw, your fighter is stocked with Warheads, isnt it. Its kinda crucial"

Silus laughed slightly before turning to get in his TIE...

Fenra s'Ilancy
Feb 16th, 2003, 07:49:34 PM
Fenra stood silently by Kiterix's side, and turning to follow his gaze out the transparisteel viewport, she clasped her hands before her. It'd been nice of the emperor to allow her to accompany him, and she let a small smile come to her lips as she stared at the stars ahead of her.

Arik Illian
Feb 17th, 2003, 07:17:59 PM
"Bout time you suited up, loverboy!" Arik spoke into his comm as Silus was getting into his TIE. The young, cocky pilot was ready to go out and look pretty--he'd been waiting for the flight all week. He was ready to show his stuff, and Hawk and Silus were gonna see how good he really was.

Silus Xilarian
Feb 18th, 2003, 10:54:09 PM
Silus left Tamara with the thought about what he meant about the warheads. He decided he'd let her ask him about them before he gave her anymore answers. Truth be told, there was no reason for warheads. Oh well, they had to initiate her somehow. Silus quickly hopped in his TIE and tested out his comlink.

"So Arik, ya think she likes me?"

Arik Illian
Feb 18th, 2003, 11:46:12 PM
"Definitely--you could see it in her. . ." He paused, searching for a term. "Eyes, maybe?" He chuckled--their interaction had been brief and could be judged as rather short. He wondered what his old friend had thought of the new 'liason.' She definitely seemed different than those usually buzzing around hangars. Women were usually fairly rough, sometimes mean-spirited, and always tom-boys.

She was definitely too pretty to be a tom-boy, Arik thought.

"Well, ya gotta hand it to her: she's got spunk, she apparently knows her stuff, and she's hot. What else do you need?" Arik wished Silus could see the sheepish grin on his face.

Tod Marr
Feb 21st, 2003, 05:37:12 PM
Tod watched momentarily as she walked away from the group of pilots.

"I hate to see you go but I love to watch you leave."

He said it out loud. Not shouting, and he doubted Tamara heard him, but he was sure Val and the others did. He turned and headed for his own fighter.

"Lets get a move on guys. These ain't Tie/D's ya know?"