View Full Version : What is a Vamp anyway? (ic/OOC)

Ro McCloud
Dec 31st, 2002, 11:14:46 AM
He walked, bare-footed, through the dark gates known to very few as 'The Gates of Destiny', his pale form standing out starkly against the darkness that lay over the area. Through his belt an odd instrument, of little to no importance to anyone except him, an a small knife, not big enough to cause any harm to a humanoid. He walked until he stood at a somewhat center-point of the area, and spoke in a determined voice.

"I have heard very little of the ones who call themselves 'Vampires', I would like to know more."

OOC- Um, I would like to join the Shrine, and I dun care who turns me, and I know there has toi be a vote, so um.....Uh...Whoever posts first, uh, thanks?

Alana Stormcloud
Dec 31st, 2002, 11:46:04 AM
Alana's lithe form moved silently through the Shrine of the damned. The shadow stalkers following her closely, there pale hands always reaching out to her, clinging to the hem of her dress like an errant child. Her long legs flashed in and out of the slit in her dress as she made her way down the cavernous halls.

Soft whispers filled the area, they told of a visitor, one who wanted to know more of her kind. A small smile tugged the corner of her lips up. So many had come, and asked that very question. Some had survived it, and some had not. The Sith Lordess entered the room where the visitor stood. Her cold, empty eyes moving slowly over him. Distant screams could be heard but the sound was hollow, and one could not tell if they were but an echo of the past.

"You would dare the Shrine of the Damned to ask what we are?" Alana cocked her head to the side. "Or is there something more you want young one?" Her silken voice questioned softly. Alana's beauty was almost painful to look on, and it set people at ease. They often lulled themselves into thinking that something that alluring could not house a heart so evil. They were mistaken. Though the Sith Lordess held on to the fragile thread of kindness at times, she was by no means humane.

ooc : Can I get a little info on ya? Like who else do you RP? RP here for a bit and as soon as the council votes I will let you know... :) enjoy and have fun :) Also so we do not clutter your cool thread up , go ahead and make a new ooc one with the info thankie :)

Ro McCloud
Jan 2nd, 2003, 04:06:02 PM
The woman who spoke to Ro was, of course, painfully beautiful, but not his type, too old, and he felt that he could not trust her, no matter how friendly she seemed.

"I wish to learn, and that is all.....And possibly aid you and your kin."

He smirked as his amber-colored eyes seemed to light up.

"I have heard that 'Vampires' have insaitible hunger, is that true Mi'Lady?"

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 10th, 2003, 09:11:20 PM
"Well of course it is." Dalamar put his hand upon Alana shoulder. His crimson eye's flashed at the newcomer. "What else would you like to know?" The Dark Lord rested his hand on the hilt of his sword. His confidence and his power glowed through the Darkside.

Ro McCloud
Jan 11th, 2003, 12:10:20 PM
His smirked left his face, and he bore a visage of all seriousness.

"Like I said, I wish to learn, and if...Becoming, one of you will aid me, then so be it."

He had crossed his arms over his chest, and stepped foreward slightly.

"For there is the world of the mundane - and the world of the unseen...I'd like to better know the unseen world....."

Vampyre Dalamar
Jan 12th, 2003, 02:04:14 AM
Dalamar's face change's as a dark shadow overcome's him. "Do you really know what you are asking? To never see the sun agian. To give up your live and your way's for the night? Once this path is taken forever will it dominate your destiny."

Ro McCloud
Jan 20th, 2003, 09:36:58 AM
"I care very little about the world of light, I was born into darkness, and I shall die in it as well."

He took another step foreward, and his smirk returned to his face.

"And I will honor the darkness I was born into by any means possible."

Javier Enfer
Jan 20th, 2003, 04:38:57 PM
' You are a boy...' remarked a 3rd voice in the darkness of the room. ' What can a boy such as yourself ever bring to the shrine?...i think i can speak for all of my brothers and sisters when i say that we dont just allow anyone to join our kin, our family...what makes you so special? Javier questioned as he stood by his master Dalamar.

Javier hated newcommers, outlanders and the like. Ro was not even a vampire to begin with he wanted one of us to turn him? Ro was asking for a bond to the Shrine, whoever he fed from he must share his loyalty with that one person, why should any of them share there life force with a....living entity.

'Why should we make you one of us?...' He finished.

Ro McCloud
Jan 21st, 2003, 09:04:21 AM
"If you doubt my, abilities I am quite willing to prove them in battle if you wish to waste time, good Sir."

A slight sneer crossed his face as he looked at Javier, which quickly dissapeared.

"You have no reason to trust me, Sir, or want me to be here. But it's not your choice, now is it?"

Alana Stormcloud
Jan 24th, 2003, 12:16:14 PM
Alana liked the spunk this one seemed to have in abundance. He faced death standing at the gates of the Shrine, and did not back down in fear. A small, cold smile lit the Vampyre's lips. She had no doubt this Mortal would fight to the death to prove himself worthy.

"So you have some to taste death, and eternal life? To walk the paths of darkness, and become one with it? Many try young one, some fail but some become what you see before you now. We are true evil, not something to merely dabble at, not something to try, and then leave. Once you become a child of the damned, you will forever be beholden to the Queen mother and the Shrine. Do you think, mortal, that you have what it takes to turn your eyes from the sun, and embrace the night as your own?" Alana's words were clipped and cold. Her narrowed eyes delved into the soul of the Boy before her. He would either walk away or accept the offer. It was of no consequence to her.

Ro McCloud
Jan 28th, 2003, 02:52:36 PM
His eyes met those of the first one, the woman, who was speaking of giving up light, becoming one of them.

"I am, already half-way there, Mi'Lady, I have already forsaken the light and all it stands for. I have embraced darkness, and I have face death many times, but never in this form, never with the chance of coming back from it, and I have never backed down from Death.........."

His amber eyes seemed to shift in color for one second.

"If this is an offer of acceptance, of welcome, of joining and becoming one of you.Then I accept, and take all responsbility that comes with my acceptance."

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 5th, 2003, 09:58:45 PM
If you accept follow me. The Warlord turned from this young new applicant and strode down the Shrine hall. He did not look to see if Ro followed. The Warlord came to a red door with a skull carved door handle." Enter then and say goodbye to your former life."

Ro McCloud
Feb 8th, 2003, 12:32:47 PM
He followed Dalamar to the door and looked at it, it has a meancing look to it. He then reached for the door handle, and smiled.

"Okay then, goodbye." he said, quietly to himself as he opened the door.