View Full Version : Towards the Darkness (Ken)

Nayala Palain
Dec 31st, 2002, 12:29:59 AM
The Sith Master had been informed of her newest of Apprentice's and that she could find him here. Walking sliently into the training grounds she sent a message to her apprentice.

training grounds 0400 hours. Do not be late.

She un wrapped all of her weapons and training gear and started to meditate until her apprentice showed.

Ken Finley
Jan 4th, 2003, 01:05:38 AM
Ken hurryed to the grounds at full run. When he got there he kneeled and bowed all the time keeping his eyes on his master.

"I am here m'lady my master"

Ken stayed put untill told to do otherwise

Nayala Palain
Jan 14th, 2003, 02:34:43 PM
She heard the sounds of his breath and the light thumps of him walking along the ground. Her hearing in total allingment with the force.

" Welcome Ken, Tell me something or tell me everything of what all the Darkside is to your. Meanings, feelings, everything there is to it. "

The Sith Master stood there and waited.... Her weapons each and everyone of them, laying there on the velvet wrap that they had always stayed in.