View Full Version : Podrace and beyond

Dec 30th, 2002, 11:47:46 PM
The crowds were cheering the tensity was upon the other racers. But I just lay back and realax, thinking of another way to weasel my way to the finish first, and get that poodoo human out of the way. As I sit there thinking, Watto come flying on his pathetic little flappers and sits next to me.

"Waha, here ya go Sebulba, you sure to win now eh?" Watto says placing a strange tool in my hand.

I nod and chuckle evily as he leaves.

"Only 15 more minutes" I say to myself, realaxing again. :smokin

The Deliverator
Jan 1st, 2003, 09:56:21 PM
"Well...ain't this a barrel of laughs?"

The Deliverator's speeder bike sticks out like a sore thumb amongst the podracers lined up. He's getting booed by the crowd, stuff is thrown at him, half of it unidentifiable. What's this idiot doing in a podrace with a speeder bike? He's earning the last of his fare home, that's what he's doing. Besides, he always wanted to test the thing against pods. It's the fastest speeder bike to date, and has been the key to his fast delivery times.

"We'll see who's laughing when all's said and done!"

Jan 1st, 2003, 11:33:05 PM
I look at the speeder bike and laugh. No way i thought could this stand a chance against podracers. I then look at Skywalker who is making a few adjustments on his pod. I walk over to him and sneer, then when he's not looking, I take the mysterious tool and toss it in his venders.

"5 more minutes, podracers. 5 more minutes!" the intercom yells over the crowd.

The Deliverator
Jan 2nd, 2003, 06:03:41 AM
Five minutes? Jeez, more like...five years. Why not just start the blasted thing already? Not like there's any preparations left to make. He snaps his goggles down and starts his engine. Looking around, he sees a few of the racers from the holo...one in particular, Sebulba. Unless the Deliverator missed something, he's the reigning champion and the favorite for today's race.

"Pah. That just makes him a better opponent."

Jan 3rd, 2003, 10:45:10 PM
"Racers, start your pods, the race begins!"

I walk to my pod and get in, smirking at that speederbike, wondering if he really is going to do it. I can hear Watto mocking him and cheering me, no to mention the whole crowd.

Jabba the hut hits the bell, and the race begins!
I race to first place fast. Anakin, stuck at the starting.

The Deliverator
Jan 3rd, 2003, 10:55:24 PM
The Deliverator revs and kicks the brake on his bike. He's off like a blastershot, weaving between a big blue pod and and a fat green one, their pilots swear at him in their respective languages. He doesn't care. Ahead he can see the orange speck of Sebulba, growing steadily. Between him and the leader are three pods. Wait, he lied. Make that two.

Jan 4th, 2003, 07:22:42 PM
I curve steadily laong the road, avoiding rocks, and traps.

"Poodoo!" I yell as my big engine scraps across a rock as I turn sideways to get through a narrow gap.

I wonder where Anakin is, if he ever got out of the starting. I swerve to avoid a rock right in the middle of the road and out in a clearing, where some Tuskan Raiders are shooting at my pod.

The Deliverator
Jan 5th, 2003, 07:50:47 AM
The natural stone arches are a cakewalk. Like dodging skyscrapers and speeders on the streets. The rocks are trickier, the shape of them makes his repulsorgrips a bit twitchy. By the time he's in the canyon clearing, two more people have a lead on him, one being a little human kid.

"Well if he can do it, so can I!"

The Deliverator screams down the center of the canyon, jets of sand bursting up from around his bike. Ahead a pod explodes. So...that's what those are. Someone's shooting at them.

Jan 7th, 2003, 10:39:22 AM
I finally get out of the clearing and start to steer easily in another tunnel, more like a deep gap. I see another pod come up from behind, Dud Bolt. I laugh and throw something behind me, my oldest and more clever tricks. Dud Bolt, instead of getting it in his engine, and whizzes past and goes into another guys engine. It explodes and sends pieces of metal. I curse as Bolt gets closer.

The Deliverator
Jan 7th, 2003, 12:48:21 PM
The Deliverator pushes himself low and to the right, hugging the wall and dodging the debris. Trickster! He throws one arm up to ward off shrapnel and accelerates. Now its just him, the kid, somethin' ugly and Sebulba. He draws up behind the kid as the gap narrows, but an idea strikes him. To the side is an abandoned service ramp. He shifts right and hauls back on his steering, shooting up and over the other racers. He gets a light boost and draws parallel with Sebulba, but begins to fall and lose distance. He crashes down on Dud Bolt's engines, and the bike's repulsors kick him forward for second place. He can't afford to do that again, it was more trouble than it was worth.

Jan 8th, 2003, 06:00:18 PM
I swerve again and head out to another clearing, this time, it's the last clearing b4 the 2nd lap comes up. I boost my engines, and go full throttle till I reach the cheering crowd, as I take a quick glance behind me, I see something whizzing closer and closer. I turn my attention back to the road as I near the stands, then enter the turn which turns into the 2nd lap.

The Deliverator
Jan 8th, 2003, 06:08:02 PM
The Deliverator has a bare lead on Dud Bolt as they shoot through the starting gate, beginning the second lap of the race. He corners tightly, sticking as close to the inside of the turn as he can, taking the shortest route possible. Sebulba's in the lead, and is showing his racing prowess beautifully. The Deliverator would match him move for move, but that will earn him a new piece of equipment in his vehicle, like the poor guy whose explosion he dodged earlier.

"2 more...I just hafta rank in order to make Naboo...first, second, or third..."

Jan 9th, 2003, 09:56:54 PM
I go off in a different course this time. Around a bend and up a narrow path, with no obsticles in front. After a few minutes in the twisted road I go and fall down a short cliff onto the road below, with perfect ease. Then I turn a sharp corner and is out of sight. Then I sing aloud to myself a victory song in my language.

The Deliverator
Jan 9th, 2003, 10:23:47 PM
The Dug has somethin' up his sleeve. The Deliverator won't let him get away with it. He hammers the gas and follows as close as he can, but the twisted path is hard for him to navigate well. the sharp turn at the end is killer; he heels himself over almost on his side to clear it. The kid from earlier passes him up. Dud Bolt eats the wall.