View Full Version : Corporation Deals (Malice/Wraith/Ansatsu)

Dec 30th, 2002, 11:10:22 PM
:: I stood in the park of the HQ of Blastech Corporations next to my associates, actually one partner and two underlings, they knew what they were to me and they understood it their place. As for my partner, I would like to think him as an underling but seeing my current position, the feeling was mutual. We were brothers in darkness and his gothic age had given birth to mine, we were the same yet different generations.
But I wasn't here to assume titles of what must be done. I was here because I needed cash and I knew of a better cause then what this corporation worked for. Through much work lately between Malice and myself, we had been able to convert most of the shares of Blastech to our ownership, we owned a good portion of the company as it was so far, but I wanted the whole thing. This company produced other things than money and I wanted it all.
I looked at Wraith, who had recently been induced with the Fiend cells, his eyes reflecting my own color and then ansatsu, my ninja from hell. Not even close to living but caught imbetween, as if in a purgatory, held in forever wanted pain by his own vices and my cells. And then Malice, the Sith Demon Lord, who I had been fortuante to meet at a beautiful concert I had held. Us four together planned to shatter the foundations of the this monument of monopolized power and bring it to its knees. It would bow before us or be slayed. And either way we would grab the reins and my horde would be armed, not to mention eating gold for every meal!::

Ansatsu, from the top, Wraith, take out the security, Malice and I are heading for the Executive levels in the middle of the building, Make sure no one leaves or evacutes, stay low profile until we give the signal. No one should live that sees us. We have work to be done and this should be done fast. Understood?

Jan 1st, 2003, 11:47:14 PM
I nodded and headed over to a helicopter I had waiting. I jumped in and motioned for the pilot to take off. He activated the proppellers and we sped up into the ground. He flew me up close to a building a bit taller than Blastech. I smiled, "Hover. I am out." I walkeed over to the side nd leapt out. I was falling down bakcwards and then I saw the ceiling of Blastech. I unsheathed the black sun, and flipped over, shoving its tip into the building. I let it slow me down a bit, and then leapt off. My body flew through the air as I did a few flips and side flips. My body twisting and my cloak flowing in the sky. I landed on the roof, and my cloak came to rest. I stood and began heading toward a door on the roof. He told us to stay low. What does he know. I thought he liked blood shed. Then again, if we were seen we could kill. I saw two people over in the corner smoking ciggarettes. I leapt out in front of them, and they both drew their blasters. "I was seen." I smiled and leapt forward and swung my blade. The mans head fell from his body, and I turned quickly and cut off the other. Their heads hit the ground at the same time. I picked them up and threw them off the building. The others still stood there. I chuckled and continued walking. I sent a message to Fiend using my mind, "I am sorry sire. I was seen. I killed them, just as you had commanded." I knew the heads would be hitting their feet about now. I headed for the door and slowly opened it. I sheathed my door and continued downwards. It was time to go to work.

Jan 2nd, 2003, 07:24:28 PM
:: I looked to Malice and Wraith for a moment. The message from Ansatsu slowly going through my mind as it came from the ninja, the message a bit delayed through travel, I knew Ansatsu had already moved on but I would show him what happened when he decided to waste my time.
My eyes rolled back in my head for a moment and Wraith and Malice could both feel the painful emanations from ansatsu as I taught him a lesson in guidelines. Both of them could also hear the message that was replied to Ansatsu.::

Listen carefully, follow my orders or I will make sure you are the bloodshed that makes up for tonight. Stick to the plan or die Ansatsu, it is that simple, do not fail me again.

:: I opened my eyes and turned to the other two.::

Shall we?

Wraith Frostmourne
Jan 3rd, 2003, 06:01:32 PM
Wraith took in Fiend's orders as if he were reading an instruction manual. Follow the rules and keep it simple or else it doesnt work. Feeling the tension between Ansatsu and Fiend, he went to find a way into the massive building.

He had already worked this whole thing out. It would be harder to disable the forward entrance security by openly walking through the front entrance. Walking around the side of the building he found the side door he was looking for. To avoid setting off the alarm, he froze the keypad which disabled all its signals to the main control room and silently ripped through the door. He proceeded up two flights of stairs and came out on a balcony that looked over the main entrance room. A total of six gaurds, two heavily armed. Before he made his first move, he created a mist that blocked the view of all cameras in the room. He pointed his scythe down upon the heavy gaurds and released two ice needles, each peirced the upper protions of their necks killing them instantly. By that time the other four were up with weapons drawn, still unaware of Wraith. The fog was thick enough now to blur the vision of all that it enveloped. He hopped down off the balcony and drop kicked a gaurd as he landed. From that point he swung his scythe in a large arc, disabling two more gaurds. The last gaurd stumbled for his gun as a needle caught him straight in the stomach, pinning him to the wall. The room was clean for Fiend and Malice to enter.

After sweeping the room he went up the same stair case off to the side and headed for the main control room.

Jan 3rd, 2003, 09:17:38 PM
Malice watched as Ansatsu and Wraith went about doing their orders. Listening to Feind, Malice nodded.

*Indeed i am ready. Let us go and finish this once and for all. It was getting boring takeing over this place little by little. Tonight though it ends*

Malice looked at Fiend and grinned.

*Lead the way Fiend*

Within his mind,blocked of from the others, he laughed. Laughed at how Wraith and the ninja was made as puppets under Feind. He would not end up that way. Either he would be na equal, or he would leave. It was that simple. For now however, things were going great. Fiend clearly was seen as the leader of the group, while Malice not fully part of them yet was seen as a partner. Everyone else were just members. After this job was done however, the Horde would be stronger. And would very soon pose a threat to the jedi and the rest of the galaxy as yet another black aura is created to engulf everything

Jan 5th, 2003, 04:49:12 PM
:: I rolled my shoulders and motioned for Malice to come, casual, he had the choice, and walked through the front doors. The receptionist began to says omething to me and then she stopped, smiled and motioned to the elevator as it opened.::

Right this way sir...

:: I nodded and got inside the turbolift waiting for Malice behind me. Ansatsu was working his way down and Wraith his way up, while Malice and I took our sweet time. Beautiful. If the two would just keep it a bit cleaner we would be fine...::

Jan 5th, 2003, 09:42:51 PM
Malice nodded to the receptionist as he walked past. Inside he wanted to rip her throat out. But this job wanted no dirty work. If the takeover were to go smoothly, then they would have to act secretly. Walking into the Elvator, Malice stood next to Fiend.

*So, if thins go as planned. How long do you suppose it would take till this place is fully under the Hordes control?*

Jan 6th, 2003, 03:29:38 PM
Things are as planned so far, Wraith is jus to keep heading on, wiping out the seurity below us, of course he thinks he's paving a way for us, but that's all right, and Ansatsu is taking the gaurds from above us. Taking over will actaully only involve you and I witnessing the completion of the contract I hold here.

:: I reached into my jacket that was hanging from my waist and withdrew a holopad and displayed its contents before Malice as the turbolift began to rise. The contract was very long winded and held many many legalities that seemed to say nothig but as more and more was shown, they all clicked together like a puzzle, one massive puzzle that would sign over all ownership of Blastech Corporation to the named Fiend and Malice Draclua. I left it in Malice's hands as I watched the numbers rise.::

This will not be hard as long as the major defense systems are not triggered. That would give the corporation executives enough time to evacuate... That would not be the plan... As long as Wrath and Ansatsu keep their kills low profile and keep as many of the employees in their jobs fo their moment, we will not have to worry about much after this either. And when the new company owners call for a company wide vaccine call, every employee will be under Fiend cell domination...

Jan 7th, 2003, 03:31:01 PM
I felt pain through my body, and smiled. No matter, I would take this corporation with my masters. I was always under powered. Oh well, I did not like it, but I had no choice. I would have to listen, but I just wanted to kill. Like my master. He was my role model. To kill senslessly. It would be quite fun. I just wanted what the others had always had. I needed more power. Until I got it I would have no choice but to obey my masters.

Jan 8th, 2003, 03:33:41 PM
:: I closed my eyes as Ansatsu' unfortunate thoughts dwindled into my own. I smiled as I realised how much they reflected mine own. What did I expect? Evil ate upon evil most of the time, like the great snake Ouroboros, that would eat upon itself for eternity. ut I would kill that snake, as surely as Ansatsu had payed. Ansatsu would learn loyalty one way or another. I silently laughed as I thought of it. I would first explain to the ninja of how the cells worked also. His thoughts were his, but yet mine also, with power came great responsibility and he would learn of its burden. I could read into him but he could not read into me, merely sense me and he knew when I was angry. I would think he wouldn't mind a lesson on how to be Fiend... :D But I turned back to Malice and smiled as the sith lord finished reading the contract.::

Jan 8th, 2003, 09:09:04 PM
Malice had indeed finished reading the very long contract. Handing it back to Fiend, he let out a laugh.

*Well i never was much for the suttle type. I always prefered to just dive into their minds and make them my puppets. From there i would control their every actions and words. We could have done it this way and be done alot quicker. But there would be a considerable amount of less blood shed mind you*

Malice looked on as the numbers in the elevator rose. They would soon be at the designated floor. Then, darkness would fall upon this company.

Jan 9th, 2003, 05:37:08 PM
I agree my friend, all too easy, but I want it under total cotrol, I'd rather just get rid of them and first take it all over legally, leaving no problems with anyone. This surprise will stun the world when they figure out that Blastech corporation is supportingits own army...
But other matters, Malice, I need to talk to you about your cells. Demon right? I would like to know if I might be able to borrow a few for some experiments.

:: I watched the numbers hit the floor and the doors opened.::

Some other time...

:: We approached the anteroom, gaurds on both sides of the door. I slightly sighed and cricked my neck. So it begins... my saber hissed to life.::

Wraith Frostmourne
Jan 10th, 2003, 07:24:03 PM
Sensing the brewing battle below, Wraith quickened his pace up the stairs. He reached his destination and opened another set of doors that lead into an engineering hallway. The main security room was just up ahead. It seemed strangely ungaurded, for their was nothing from stopping his entry except a another keypad and some cameras. Igniting his scythe, he stormed through the door.

In the center of the room was one man, only one personel, and he was already reaching for the alarm. Wraith moved forward and clenched his hand around the man's throat, freezing it. He fell to the floor instantly as his air was cut off.

After disarming all the cameras and door locks on all levels of the building, he proceeded to meet Fiend and Malice at their position.

Jan 13th, 2003, 07:44:22 PM
Before Malice had the chance to answer Fiend, the elevator doors opened, revealing the room they needed to go into, and two guards protecting it. Placing a hand on Fiends shoulder, Malice nodded his head.

*Allow me. I believe i can stop them without sheding any blood, or without having to listen to their pitiful screams however much fun that would be*

With that the sith master walked forward, the darkside reaching out infront of him, entering the two's minds.

G1:Hold it,you do not have authorized access to enter this room. Leave at once your you will be dealt with accordingly.

Malice only grinned. Lifting a hand up he faced it towards the two guards.

G2: Alright not another step. Your pushing us pal, turn around and leave your you will be arrested and prosecuted.

*Awww now gentlemen, do not act with such haste. Put down your weapons*

As the darkside began to fill their minds, Malice's words boom into their heads. As if like puppets, they did what the demon sith had told them. Chuckling to himself, Malice continued.

*You have worked long hours, and with little pay. You tire of your bosses tyrannical rule, and wish to be employed by a new boss. One that will give you the fair hours and pay you deserve. And ones that will also promote you to higher ranks*

Both guards looked at each other, angry expressions on their faces. They had totally forgotten about the two sith whom stood infront of them.

G1: You know what, i'm sick and tired of this job. Those higher ups are treating us like crap, why with giving us little hours to work.

G2: Not too mention very little pay. I'm having a hard enough time feeding my family. Now i gotta worry about if i will even get money on payday.

Listening to their squabbling made the sith laugh. But he did not stop here, no, there was still more he could do.

*You dont want to take it anymore. Those bosses will pay. You will force them to do what the two men infront of you want them to do. You will take us to them*

With that, both guards looked up at Fiend and Malice.

G1: Hey you two, i hear you guys got somethin to say to the boss. Well he's in here, we'll take you to him.

G2: Yeah and give'em hell for us wont ya.

Both guards began to mumble under their breaths, still complaining about their job, which in all reality was very good. They got long hours, and were payed heavily for those long hours.

Putting a hand down, Malice faced Fiend, the sith master laughing to himself.

*See it's less stressful then fighting, and much more fun. Shall we go*

With that both sith now followed the two guards. Malice turned to fiend, to answer his question that he had asked while in the elevator.

*Tell me, why would you want my cells? Further more, how did you know i was a demon. I do not recall ever showing you my true form before Fiend*

Malice wondered if Fiend had done research on him. And if he did, he found it to be quite interesting, for Malice himself didn't know Fiend all to well. Maybe he would need to do the same thing.

Jan 15th, 2003, 03:23:45 PM
:: I smirked wide as I stepped forward. My lightsaber hilt hissed as the red blade was drawn back in. I looked at the stupified gaurds for a moment and then back to Malice.
I had done extensive research through law systems and bhind more behind the scene procedures. I knew everything about Malice, Wraith, and Ansatsu thn they probably did together about themselves. But the way Malice acted, he could care less, sounded a lot like me. Malice's certain attributes had cught my interest ever after I had met him, his cells would be a nice addition, the recent rumble he had with a vampyre had been an awesome display of his demonic powers.::

You will know that with many other things later my friend. I don't want to keep you in the dark but I will have a better time to exlain myself after this is finalized.

:: I strode forward, the doors open and we both entered a room with a large circle table and seven men sitting around the table. They had been looking at charts and plans lit from the holoprojector in the middle of the table. But they weren't staring at that anymore. My head tilted to the side as I thought for a moment.
I reached into my jacket and pulled out the contract. I slid it to one of the men and my eyes flashed bright red for a moment. The man smiled and began to sign the contract. When he finished, he passed it to the next man. It continued until it was finished around the table and I smiled. My regrets of no blood shed were finished now, the urge to feel pain and diminish with the legalities were upon me. The contract floated back to my hand and I placed it back into my jacket.::

Malice, they have just signed their ownership, wills, and possesions over to the both of us. Blood shed is allowed now, we gain more than just the pleasure of death from them now...

Wraith Frostmourne
Jan 15th, 2003, 06:23:35 PM
He came down the flight of stairs and passed trough another set of double doors leading to the corridor where he expected to meet Malice and Fiend. Noticing the gaurds around the room were gone, he entered to find Malice, Fiend, and 7 men around a table.

"How did it go?"

Jan 17th, 2003, 07:15:53 PM
Malice nodded at Feind as he told the sith master that he woud be filled in later.

*Very well then Fiend. I shall allow you some of my cells, provided you fill me in when the time is right*

As they walked in, Malice watched each of the 7 men sign their fates. Humans were always such fools. Grinning, he turned to look at Wraith, whom had just arrived.

*It is done Wraith. We need not longe hold back our urge to kill. They are no longer needed alive*

With that Malice thrusted a hand outwards, aiming at the man on the far end of he table. He rose up into the air, his screams filled the room, music to the sith's ears. Lightning shot forth fromhis finger's, the bolts of electicity dancing along the executives body. The other executives sitting down and watching this became sick to their stomachs. Some of them throwing up right on the table. Malice could only laugh as they were forced to watch their fellow member electrocted alive, his boy bursting into flames due to the intense heat his body felt.

Jan 22nd, 2003, 04:27:54 PM
:: I shook my head.::

You're gonna have to tell me that trick sometime.

:: I laughed as I drew my sickle in my other hand as I approached another man around the table. His eyes turned to me and his hand went to his neck as my eyes flared. With a twirl of my black jacket and movement of shadow, the man was hanging upside down in the air, his intestines visible but he still screamin as he wailed, blood spurting from his nose and mouth with cauterized marks across his legs.::

Have fun Wraith, this office needs some new decorations.

Wraith Frostmourne
Jan 22nd, 2003, 06:03:24 PM
"Indeed it does."

Wraith gladly took part in the redesigning of the room. Afterall, he had never had an interior decorating call before.