View Full Version : Tag! (Malice/Wraith/Jeran the Hunter/open)
Dec 30th, 2002, 10:54:27 PM
ooc- this is after the event between Malice, Fiend, and Alera, Alera being the only one not invited to this thread
ic- :: I sat back in the convertible on the back seats. I didn't have to look behind me to know Wraith was leaning against the trunk, I could feel the frostbiten air around him. He seemed to conjure the exact oppisite of my affinitis but yet we thought almost exactly alike. Enslave the universe and then rape it for all it has. I'd already done that to a choice few, I might as well continue in my quest to have the whole thing set asunder and offically named Hell in my wake.
I looked to the front seat, my stare slowly drifting to the casual figure of the demon lord sitting there, a simple looking human that gave an aura that just reeked of a rustic death and two barrels of dead fish. I looked up at the sky and laughed. This was the night that we would finish off Wraith's rival, we had no intention on intervening, Wraith had enough steam on his own. Steam... how ironic. I laughed again as I reached down and pulled a large wine bottle from the floorboard. I gulped down the thick liquid as if I had needed it to survive and then tossed the bottle to the front seat with Malice. It contained blood and entrails from some of our most recent victims and I found it quite appealing for my manufactured organs.
I lifted my hand up and observed the metal gauntlet that ran along both arms and connected in the back. A very nice metal, custom made and forged with heat from the darkside. Not to mention the armor of the old emperor hung from my waist. I didn't bother with anything on my chest. I stood bare in the cold night and howled as the drink coursed through my veins.::
So when is this dip going to get here? Didn't we make some threat or something? Like kill a person every second he's late or something? I mean we should've shouldn't we?
:: I laughed again and jumped out of the car. A wrecked police vehicle lay across the street. I'd taken the liberty to implode the officer's head and watched it head straight for us and then Malice had been nice to toss it aside like a toy. I had laughed and I did again just at the memory. My red eyes flared underneath my shades and I rolled my neck, loud cracking noises coming from the artificially grown body as I twisted myself and then returned it to its normal state. I stared up at the building and then looked at my feet, kicking a piece of paper off my boot.::
I have an idea Wraith that we need to talk about after this. I know a doctor who I think can solve your weaknesses to the other elements. A... how should I put it... bodyguard. But later... Malice... we need money...
Wraith Frostmourne
Dec 31st, 2002, 06:10:57 PM
"No we didn't make that plan but it sounds like an interesting one."
Wraith stepped out of the car with Malice and Fiend. Fiend's shrill laugh echoed throughout the night sky. The incident with the police car slightly amused him. His soul purpose this night is to confront Jeran for the last time. Nothing would please Wraith more than to see Jeran suffer. So he set that aside and focused on finding Jerans force signature.
"We will discuss that plan later Lord Fiend. Concentrate on the matter at hand. I dont sense him anywhere in this vicinity. For once, maybe hes finally realized who the superior rival is."
Jeran Conrad
Jan 2nd, 2003, 01:05:45 PM
He wasted no time, his feet holding steady as he slipped silently between buildings and within the shadows. He was nearing the meeting place, and he had kept his identity somewhat secret as he pushed his way through the night. He wondered how many had died already? How many more would. The exact consequences, in terms of innocent life, were not his greatest concern. did concern him.
Above the street, some 10 meters, he held his position on the ledge of a building, his gaze falling down upon two men. One he recognized immediately--the other took a moment of recollection. Wraith Frostmourne...and Fiend.
A lethal pair, to be sure. Especially out here on the streets, tearing up anything and everyone who would dare cross their path. Jeran had met many darksiders in his time. Some were fairly mild, some completely insane. Others were just cruel...they liked destruction. They enjoyed the taste of blood on their hands. They bathed in this type of carnage.
These two fit right in.
"We'll see, Wraith." He had heard Wraith's comment and, descending the building, made his way to the street. "Be careful what you wish for, old buddy." He said it with a deep sarcasm as he threw his cloak to the ground. He was here for only one reason--they all knew it. This was no peace talk, no treaty-signing meeting.
They were out for blood.
Wraith Frostmourne
Jan 2nd, 2003, 05:29:02 PM
He felt the deliberate movement of Jeran as the cloak hit the ground. The blades upon the end of his caped whipped about in the night wind as he turned to face Jeran on the building rooftop. His icy eyes flickered. The temperature began to drop by Wraith's will. One thing was for sure, their would be a severe outcome this night, whether it be for good or for evil.
"And so it begins," he muttered under his breath, creating an omnious mist that peirced the night.
Jan 2nd, 2003, 07:27:17 PM
:: I jumped in the back of the car and got Malice's attention.::
Hey, looky here, J boy decides to join our street side party! Have fun you two and please try to watch the vehicle, we just stole it about an hour or two ago and I think I might be attaching to it emotionally.
Jan 3rd, 2003, 03:02:07 AM
Malice sat back against the soft leather seat. The plans He and Feind had made were starting to go as planned. With one jedi down, they had planned with Wraithto take down another. One that Wraith would fight alone....unless by some cance the jedi get's the better of him and Wraith asks for assistance.
Taking the drink Fiend had tossed him, Malice took a swig. The blood part he didn't mind, the taste was too his liking. But as for the body parts within the drink, Malice could have done without. Putting it down he had heard Feinds request about needing money. Looking over at him, the sith master grinned.
*No worries......i got that settled. After all i am member of TSO. A high ranking member i might add....which therefore allows me to spend vast quantities of our groups money on whatever i please. So, we are set in having money*
As Fiend stepped out of the car, Malice sat back and relaxed more. The jedi would come, he was sure of it. No jedi would let sensless killing go unchecked. And sure enough, the jed had shown up. When Fiend got back inside the car, Malice sat up and looked out the window. His excitment rising as the battle was soon to get underway. Glancing over his shoulder, Malice spoke to Fiend.
*If he is in trouble, you think we should help? After all what are group members for if not to help*
Jan 3rd, 2003, 11:53:26 AM
:: I rolled my eyes and tapped Malice's shoulder.::
Have some faith in our subject Wraith, he is colder than Hoth and has a knack for not going down too easily. And Jeran has a minor wound in the back of his left knee where I hamstrung him once. So lets not forget weaknesses. But in the case of the moment... if he does fall and Jeran is not killed, we'll figure it out from there. But remember, Wratih has my Fiend cells in him, something Jeran hasn't faught before. But he will soon learn the advantages that have been bestowed upon Wraith.
And about the money... TSO's unlimited supply? That sounds good all up until they figure out whats going on and try to oppose us. But I know you could handle the dealings there. So I won't worry about it. But I have a few other ideas that we should speak in dark corners of later also.
:: I laughed and turned to the fight that was boiling with anticipation. My eyes burned as I focused and then slowly closed them, moving into a trance like state, a dark aura spreading from me. I had no plan on intervening but I needed to awaken the cells. They were like little time bombs now... all Jeran had to do was cause Wraith pain and they would burst awake, turning Wraith into... I haven't come up with a better name than Fiend Wraith for the moment. Fiend Wraith, highly superior to the former and much more deadly, sharing my force powers and an increased body performance, Jeran wouldn't know what had happened until Wraith's scythe had cut him in half.::
Jeran Conrad
Jan 4th, 2003, 11:52:19 AM
"The smoke and mirrors are nice," he spoke as the temperature dropped and a cold mist formed around Wraith. He knew this man very well--too well, perhaps. "But do you want to get down to business here?" He glanced over towards Wraith's other 'comrades.'
He found it odd that Wraith was traveling with baggage now. He had barely seen the man consort with anyone--save The Black Rider. The two had paired up on occassion, due mostly in part to the fact that they had a very common enemy--he and a woman named Alera Starreyes. Now, though, he was lowering himself to operate with seemingly two others. It was odd, to say the least.
"I see you are traveling with company now." He pulled his saber hilt from his belt, holding it at his side. He squeezed his fists together a few times, popping his hands. "What happened to the independent Wraith I once knew?" It was obviously a taunt, but it wasn't overly mocking. These two men had a certain respect--even if they were bitter, bitter enemies.
Wraith Frostmourne
Jan 4th, 2003, 04:23:19 PM
"For now I suggest you ignore them, for they will be the least of your worries tonight. You are in way over your head."
He stepped back into the mist, leaving only a mere shadow that was barely visible to the naked eye. The fog in many ways was an advantage to the Sith. For one, it increased his vision, so he would be well prepared if Jeran decided to try anything too sudden.
"Why dont you come down here so we can settle this if your are so eager for a fight?"
Jeran Conrad
Jan 5th, 2003, 09:07:25 PM
"Am I so eager, Wraith?" Jeran spoke, his voice questioning the other. "My presence has shaken you up quite a bit. Perhaps you are the one who fears combat. If that is so, then you are in the right to fear it." His face was lit only by the light of the moon now, as no other lights could be seen through the mist that began to encompas the street and surrounding buildings. Like usual, Wraith had taken to the shadows and the misty haze to hide himself from a direct attack.
"You seem to forget our differences. I do not thirst for the blood that you do. If you want it..." Jeran placed a hand on his saber for protection. "Come and get it." He jumped down to the edge of the street, just at the outskirts of the mist.
Wraith Frostmourne
Jan 6th, 2003, 03:11:55 PM
"You also forget, Jeran, your ambitions that always lead to your downfall. Dont you get it? It's your pride for your so called "hunt," that brings pain and misery upon you and the ones you love. You bring it on yourself, I only make sure it's dealt in the most severe of fashions."
The mist slowly shifted in Jeran's direction. It was so dark now that it almost completely hid the glow of his scythe. One lookng into it would not be able to tell if it were on or off.
"Have it your way."
He sped out from the left side of the dark haze and came in with a powerful downstrike. The very air itself seemed to part as he came through.
Jeran Conrad
Jan 8th, 2003, 01:09:36 PM
Jeran's saber came to life, illuminating the billows of mist that Wraith had created and casting shadows that danced on them playfully. It swung up, blocking his opponents poweful slash. Leaning into the saber lock, Jeran leaned his head closer to Wraith's.
"You know nothing of my ambitions!" He threw his shoulder into his hold and pushed forth the blade, unlocking their tangle and pushing Wraith backwards. He then concentrated all his energy to his hand, letting loose a powerful Force push with his hands, sending Wraith into the air.
Wraith Frostmourne
Jan 8th, 2003, 03:18:27 PM
Wraith used the momentum from the push to backflip back into the mist, a good distance away from Jeran. Upon landing, his fist struck the ground hard, sending a pulse of energy through the earth towards his enemy. The ground collapsed beneath the warrior as the energy stream reached Jeran and began to quickly materialize itself below him. It condensed and solidified as a giant ice spire erupted.
Jan 8th, 2003, 03:37:39 PM
:: I clapped my hands as Jeran got angry and spoke against Wraith, following with a force ush that sent Wraith flying. Wraith mauvuered about it and from the mist I saw and felt Wraith's frostbitten powers come alive and sear ito the ground.::
Jeran Conrad
Jan 8th, 2003, 05:06:11 PM
It was a rather acrobatic manuever--he was used to seeing the best from Wraith. One of his fiercest and most deadly opponents, Wraith always seemed bent on Jeran's demise. Perhaps the cycle would never stop--he didn't know.
As soon as Jeran heard the energy shake the ground below him, he could tell it was indeed streaming toward him. He knew what this meant--he had battled the icy Sith many, many times. His response would have to be quick.
Without a second's delay, he threw his body right, diving to the frozen concrete below, sliding across it nimbly. The spire errupted from the ground, a show of power and elemental control. Luckily, he had avoided it's initial attack. But he knew Wraith could use it as a weapon.
Rising to his feet he had come to the conclusion that all this mist would no longer do. He called forth the Force within him, letting the air around him excite at his command. Then, the air picked up, the wind buzzing and breezing enough to shake the foggy mist away, revealing Wraith, crouched in the middle of it.
"Now I will be able to see your blood when I spill it," Jeran spoke tenaciously, his eyes furious. They had connected in battle far too many times now. He let his quickness and speed take over, rushing Wraith and slashing his saber towards him, aimed at his neck--aimed to kill.
Wraith Frostmourne
Jan 8th, 2003, 07:51:51 PM
Wraith fell back, falling to the frozen ground as Jeran swung and hit nothing but air. As he slid on the floor into Jeran, he brought his scythe up to meet the oncoming saber. Wraith could tell Jeran was off balance due to the miscalculated attack, so he took advantage of the situation. When the two blades met he propelled his boot into Jeran's stomach and sent an added force push that sent him flying backwards towards the spire. Wraith then shattered the spire with the force, sending a thousand razor-sharp ice shards in Jeran's direction.
The two masses of matter would collide with an ugly ending.
Jan 8th, 2003, 09:16:46 PM
Malice's blood began to race as he saw the fight take off. Opening the sunroof, the sith master stood up and looked out from there. With the jedi removing the mist, he could now see them much more clearly.
*Go get'em wraith*
This jedi seemed like a formidable foe. Hell the demon sith had thoughts of fighting this one in the near future.
Jeran Conrad
Jan 8th, 2003, 09:29:23 PM
Wraith was at home on the iced concrete, and he had been a fool to charge the icy warrior. Instead of hitting with an attack, he had been hoisted into the oncoming shards of ice. He had no way to block these and took them storm painfully, making himself as sleek and skinny as possible in the air to avoid getting hit by many of them. Still, the icy needles ripped through his skin, tearing it apart.
He landed with a sickening thud as he felt his ribcage jar. Rolling onto his stomach, he could feel that his back took most of the attack, it aching badly. He let the Force flow through him to start the healing process. That was his strong point--healing--and he would recover quickly. But until he did...he needed a plan.
"Wraith...your tactics are all the same, still..." He spoke to buy time. That was what he needed. If he could get Wraith talking and not attacking, he could spare enough time to recover. But there was no way he could stand to fight in this moment. "Tell me...what brings these dishonorable killers to play with a warrior like you?"
Wraith Frostmourne
Jan 9th, 2003, 05:03:40 PM
"I know what your trying to do, and this time I wont let it happen. I've learned some things too ya know."
He brought his scythe up towards Jeran's head and moved closer.
"Oh yeah. Those guys over there are here just in case I fail in doing my job."
Keeping a good distance, he released a frigid needle at the helpless warrior.
Jeran Conrad
Jan 13th, 2003, 08:16:02 PM
Jeran's saber came up to block the ice needle. Wraith was toying with him--making small attacks, buying time until he got close enough to deliver a harsher attack. Jeran would have to buy his own time wisely.
"You must be losing faith in yourself, Wraith. You never needed a safety net before." He had made his way to a crouching position, still a bit wobbly, but back on his feet. "Maybe you're getting sloppy." He held his ground, trying to heal himself entirely. He was very close.
Wraith Frostmourne
Jan 14th, 2003, 02:41:05 PM
"Well, those are awfully foolish words. You are in no postition to speak. I hope you realize, all talk and no play makes Jeran a dull boy."
He charged in once more and force pushed the unstable warrior back onto the ground. His scythe flew through the air, spinning in a diagonal clockwise direction down upon his foe. The blade singed the air as solid tengrels rose to bind Jeran's hands to the ground.
Jan 17th, 2003, 03:28:48 PM
:: I stood up and jumped out of the car. I shrugged and spread my hands apart in an innocent manner.::
Well Jeran, as you've seen, we've done nothing yet to provoke your bad manner, would you have us start now?
:: I spoke amidst the fighting, far enough away so neither could really come near but so they could both hear us.::
Jeran Conrad
Jan 19th, 2003, 03:53:12 PM
The tendrels held him fastened to the ground, his aching body struggling to break through the cage of ice. Pushing against them, he had little choice as he saw the figure of Wraith leap through the air, his scythe trained on his imprisoned body.
Time slowed as Jeran used the Force to concentrate. He saw the scythe coming his way. With his foot, he kicked through one of the tendrels, just in time to catch the stomach of Wraith in a quick kick.
Wraith plummeted to the ground, Jeran struggling to get out of the rest of his constraints. He hoped it would buy him enough time to break out of the tendrels.
Jan 19th, 2003, 04:05:36 PM
Still standing out fromthe sunroof, Malice too called out to the jedi.
*Well, are you going to answer his question.........or should we make the answer for you?*
The sith master loved watching fights, but more so he loved being in them. And to just sit there and watch this made him bored out of his mind. If Wraith didn't end this soon, Malice might just go crazy and attack them both just for the hell of it.
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