View Full Version : Peace Through War

Telan Desaria
Dec 30th, 2002, 06:55:17 PM
This thread takes place one week after the conclusion of the Temporary Asylum Thread, and as the Fleet is being extracted from Eriadu and being put on a defensive stance.

" All hands-brace for impact!!!"

" Range to target, one thousand meters and closing fast!"

" Can we move off?"

The only officer in the crewpit whose uniform was in tact gave the Captain an apologetic look.

" Send off the logs. Abandon ship. All hands, abandon ship."

The Captain brought his head up high, despite falling sparks and frequent explosions. He adjusted his blood soaked tunic with his operational right hand, the other near shredded by debris. He began to stride forward and take his final command, when his executive officer grabbed his shoulder.

" Captain! We have to go now, sir!"

The captain shot the commander a resigned look. He shook his head, and strode fore. The Commander saluted, debris and cinder flying towards him, before he broke and ran aft to follow the other officers.

The bridge escape pod rocketed away from the coning tower, and every man and woman aboard could see the shrinking shape of the Imperial III-class Star Destroyer Illumination as she gracefully was pulled from orbit above a watery grave. The cylindrical shape of a dying Invicnible-class Cruiser lanced towards her, every fighter and support craft placing as much distance as it could between the two collision set behemoths.

The explosion was fierce, the armored hull of the Destroyer eating away at the ancient warship. Soon, both warships were wrapped in flames and slowly diving to their deaths. Cruisers, frigates, and pickets ran the gauntlet of debris to eliminate the deployed fighters, assault shuttles, and blastboats that were all that remained of the two Imperial warships sent to scout the Ferr-inar Region of the Sunex Sector.

For the luck of the men and women that survived the destruction of their home, a carrack Cruiser happened by, took on survivors, and departed.

Grand Admiral Desaria had a rather large report awaiting him.

Aegis Du' Caat
Jan 2nd, 2003, 10:50:24 AM
Thyferra, Capital of the Imperial Sovereignty, home of some of some of its most illustrious officers, everything about the world said Imperial, but it also had some secluded areas where the hard working officers and soldiers of the Sovereignty could go for some well deserved R&R.

"Your Scotch and Soda, Captain Du' Caat," A well dressed waiter said reverently to the large Imperial officer who he was serving.

"Thank you Brian," The Captain replied, there was a hint of contenment in his voice. He took a drink of his alcoholic concoction and shrugged his shoulders. About that moment Brian brought an Ameretto Sour to an attractive young woman who had been sitting at the bar making eye contact with the 6' 7" platnium haired Imperial officer.

The powerfully built Captain raised his glass as the attractive young woman smiled with a blush covering her face. After she finished her drink, Brian would issue an invitation for her to join the Captain at his table. Du' Caat was about to attempt a conquest of another kind, he'd been in space for too long, he needed a conquest of the non-military kind.

Telan Desaria
Jan 2nd, 2003, 11:44:27 PM
" In accordance with the Imperial Victory in Operation Zitadelle. we of the Government of Thyferra and the Government of the Imperial Sovereignty do christin this Statue to the Fallen."

A revered silence fell over the crowd which clogged streets for kilometers around the city center of Thyferra most bustling metropolis-Xucphra City. Eight broad avenues stretched out from the Imperial Courtyard, an area that was nothing more than a massive park surrounded by black commercial towers and grey governmental buildings. Through the tops of the trees ran tunnels and steel channels where vendors had shops and stores: one could eat in the midst of the trees with leaves on two sides, the ground below and the sky above. Through the ground wound Corsucant-like walkways and promenades, filled with people and entrapreneurs.

Stretching up through the center of the Courtyard on a massive trapezoidal base of black stone was an Imperial Army officer, his goggles set on his blast helmet, and his rifle slung over one shoulder. His eyes burned into the distance, one hand holding a Paddmap, the other a pistol. One leg was in good form, the other had a bandage tied around the knee. All this had been etched in a block of bronze one hundred meters tall. The statue was nearly as tall as the statue of the Emperor toppled the day the second Death Star was destroyed.

Around the statue and above the crowd on foot sat hundreds if not thousands of people in hoveryachts, motionless cars, and viewing trams. In a repulsor platform near the base where the presenting Thyferran and Sovereign ministers of state were speaking sat Grand Admiral Desaria and several other senior officers, among them Field Marshal von Laang and Marshal Prem, Chief of the Imperial Army General Staff.

The poliicians spoke below while the soldiers above spoke their own words.

" A great gesture, is it not? asked the Falleen fighter commander.

" It is, in its meaning. Unfortunately, it was erected by politicians who seek to curry favor among returning veterans."

" It will work, I do not doubt," chirped the robust yet...wide...Marshal Prem.

" I detest politics. Let them play their game, though. Who controls what is not important to me. I command the military. They call me Regent, bah! I've made what? Five state decisions? I let my Minister of the Interior do that work."

" Him?" von Laang asked, his face twisting into one of bemusement and revulsion.

Prem leapt on the opportunity after von Laang. " That sniveling prat? He would kill his mother for another dozen votes."

Desaria laughed. " He is a ruthless curr, I admit, but he is efficient. He has brought everything to my attention and followed my orders to the letter. Obviosuly because he thinks it is the fast track to the top: little does he know he is at the top!"

The three shared a laugh and watched below a Company of the Imperial Fleet Surface Troops off the Interrogator march past in full review formation. Each one of them from supply officers to commander had shed blood on Varonat, the unit's parent battatlion transferred to Admiral Laran's command before the Battle of Eriadu, itself coming to a slow close.

Trumpets and low brass below belted out the Imperial March, officers rising and saluting as the Imperial Standard passed, civilians placing their right fists rigidly over their hearts.

The anthem almost covered the sound of the emergency comm link inside the platform.


" Desaria."

" Sir," came the voice of an Imperial High Command communications chief, deep inside the Isle of Orrl. " Admiral Laadrit sends his compliments and requests your presence at Command. He has authorized me to inform you the request is of the utmost urgency."

" Define urgency."

" The Destroyer Illumination has been reported attacked. And lost."

Desaria's face went blank, and his fellow senior commanders noticed straight away.

" We're on our way."

The platform zoomed off over the crowd and sped over the landscape to the departure platform for the Isle of Orrl.

The Grand Admiral was no longer jovial.

Leon Dagrelle
Jan 3rd, 2003, 02:35:04 AM
'ATTENTION!' Shouted Captain Bishop to the parade of all two-hundred and thirty Inquisitoriate Soldiers currently assigned to the planet of Eriadu all dressed smartly and to a exceptionably high standard. There were more Inquisitoriate Officers of course but the two-hundred and thirty curretly on Eriadu were here to do a simple task: sort of the rebels from the loyal and dispose of those that could cause trouble. Grand Inquisitor Leon Dagrelle was the man for the job and he would through blood and braking of bones get it done.

The Inquisitoriate were fearcly loyal to the Grand Admiral and the Imperial Empire itself and were hand picked to serve under Grand Admiral Telan Desaria and Commodore Leon Dagrelle. Only THE most loyal would make it through the hard and often impossible training to be part of the Inquisitoriate because to be part of the Sturmflotte was to be the best, to prove you were loyal to the Grand Admiral and that you follwed him to the ends of the universe. They were in essence the Grand Admirals most supportive section in the whole of the Empire and would do what it takes to honor him.

Captain Bishop quickly checked the front few soldiers for there uniforms to be in prestine condition (just the way Dagrelle liked it) before the ever recognizable clicking sound of the Commondores shoes came slowly out from around the court yard and around onto the parade grounds, he wore his uniform proudly, buffing his chest out to show off his many medals and decorations upon his chest and shoulders, Dagrelles uniform was without a single mark or mistake, his had sat perfectly upon his head and his trousers were pressed so neatly that it made the perfect trousers of the soldiers look messy. With a loud and husky voice the Grand Inquisitor walked up and down the lines of soldiers address them and inspecting each one.

Once that was done the Commondore returned to the front of the parade nodded to the captain and smiled, and when Dagrelle smiled that meant the soldiers uniforms and personal hygine were satisfactory and that there morning briefing was to commence.

' At ease gentlemen...' Leon said as the Inquisitoriate returned to a easy stance.' Congratulations Inquisitoriate i see that i trained my captians well, you presentation for today was satisfactory...however.. As he said this many soldiers hearts in the crowed missed a beat...

' Today will be very different, i want each and everyone of you within the hour to be fully battle ready and in Sturmflotte battle uniforms, including you Captain Bishop...today we shall be traveling to bermantale, a town a few miles from our camp, there i am told from intelligence we have a few rebels that apparently are using gorilla warfare against our light Armour units...of course as you know now this is our planet, it is Sturmflotts concern to eliminate these pests from our sight so we may continue in peace...i will NOT tolerate this and I'm sure neither will the Grand Admiral...nor will i tolerate failure The soldiers murmured slightly.

'You will be briefed in more detail by myself in the town sqaure within the hour....dismissed...' As he said this Inquisitoriate fell out of parade and started to return to there barracks to get battle ready...Dagrelle however was off to his office to have his breakfast.

OOC: sorry its a bit rubbishy..im very tired.

Telan Desaria
Jan 4th, 2003, 10:36:05 PM
The Isle of Orrl, home of the Sovereign High Command since the Fragmentation and surface headquarters of the Thyferra Sector Fleet since the Second Rise of the Empire, was alive with troops and officers. The buildings erected from the earthen and sady interior were gobbling up and spitting out officers who ran about from one area to another. Word of the attack had spread far and wide in the Imperial Staff hierarchy, every soldier worth his rank enacting contingency plans or briefing subordinates and compiling preliminary reports.

An entire battalion of Army troops had taken up defense positions on the island. Shore batteries of twenty centimeters that could hurl a projectile thirty kilometers were elvated and armed. Falk batteries and concussion missile launchers were loaded and pointed towards the sky should hostile fighters wish to brawl. Foxholes were manned and repeating blasters set up along the short coast line. There was little chance that any apmhibious assault would survive, from the withering fire of the shore defenders and the four squadrons of TIE Defenders now aloft.

" What the frell happened?" asked Commodore Lerion, duty officer of the Isle who had been recalled from leave.

Captain Enchon stopped and saluted, blurting out," They hit a patrol. Casualty reports are still comin in. We aren't sure who."

The conversation continued, Grand Admiral Desaria, his two commanders and two guards moving down the stone pathway from the hoverdock to the subterannean entrance.

Inside a lift dropped them two hundred meters below the surface of the sea and twenty meters of layered steel reinforced duracrete. All three made a quick step for the Central Command Center, TriC as its keepers referred to it.

There were no formalities, no call to attention. A precedent set down by the Grand Admiral many years before when he still wore a Rear Admiral's bars was that formality could give way to urgency, but never discipline.

Desaria stepped down from the entrance and the upper row of technicians down to a plot table, extra duty stations, and took a look at a giant holoprojector on the far wall. On it was a sector map with the word 'Sunex' in red. The last known location of the Illumination was marked by a blue flashing Imperial Crest at the edge of the border syetem between the sector and Sovereign territory. The patrol into the unclaimed region ahd not gone according to plan.

" Report," the Grand Admiral asked the open tuniced figure of Admiral Laadrit, his arms bracing himself on the edge of the plot table.

Laadrit looked up, his face white. His wife had been the executive gonnery commander on the bridge of the fallen warship.

" Best reports show a force of three ships hit our patrol on the edge of the Sunex Sector. One was an old Invincible-class Cruiser, and the other two were just as old, probably Dreadnaughts. The Illumination readied herself for battle while hailing them, to no effect. The Invic fired first and we held her back. Then they brought in another Dreadnaught from behind which took out her engines. The Destroyer rolled and broke the Invic in two: half fell into the atmosphere, the other half took what power it could and rammed her. A Carrack was sent to reinforce, saw them, picked up survivors, fired a few shots, and left. The Tiger in support was the first to be taken out."

Desaria nodded. " Survivors?"

" A few hundred at best," replied an Intelligence officer from a nearby terminal.

" Damn!!!" Desaria slammed his hand on the plot table. The Illumination had been a training vessel, only recently added to the Fleet after a refit. The Duchess S'Ilancy had appropriated the vessel from a rival. Most of her crew had barely seen their age of service birthdays. At a few hundred survivors, or even a thousand, she was a mark III vessel. That meant at least forty four thousand people had perished, not to mention the five hundred men on the monitor.

" Bring the Fleet to full alert. Activate the First and Second Squadrons." The Grand Admiral turned to another Intelligence officer wearing Colonel's insignia.

" Who did it?"

The officer did not even have to look at his material. " Data collected from the jettisoned logs indicated it was Warlord Parrick. He has a few systems inside the Sector, but was not known to have advanced towards us. Warlords Dadrell and Hammin were between him and the border. Our last reports put the nearest combat vessels at five hours distance."

Desaria noted a little skepticism in the Colonel's voice. " Are you sure?"

" Hoenstly, sir?"

He nodded.

" No. There are several thousand planets in that sector, claimed by at least a hundred different Imperial officers. The IFF codes from the Invic said she was from the 5th Coruscant Defense division, which was mothballed in that sector. Any number of people could have claimed the ship. It had enough scars to show her latest owner ws not the first."

Desaria snarled and looked up at the Sunex map.

" Gentlemen, our civil war has just reached its fevor pitch." The Supreme Commander turned to exit the room. " Bring me all command officers on planet! And summon my Inquisitor!!!"

Aegis Du' Caat
Jan 6th, 2003, 01:02:09 PM
The young woman Du' Caat had invited to his table had obliged his invitation and was now half intoxicated, partially by the wonderfully mixed Ameretto Sours that the bar-tender was supplying and partially by the quick wit and dubious charm of the Imperial captain she was visiting with.

"A mail girl for Tri-Corp? Surely you jest, from what I can tell from our brief conversations, I expected you to be a personal assitant for an Imperial Officer here at the HQ... especially with your other qualities."

Du' Caat flashed a million credit smile at the young brunette and ran a long thick finger down the side of her blushing face.

"Stop it your embarrassing me..." the girl giggled.

Du' Caat was preparing to unleash another of his dime novel compliments, geared specifically to seduce, young foolish girls, when an young man, probably not much older than 22 standard years, wearing an Imperial Uniform, snapped a salute and spoke.

"Caotain Du' Caat sir?"

"Yes, Ensign what is it." Du' Caat's eyes fell immediatly on the rank bars of the young officer who addressed him.

"I have a communique for you and have been instructed not to leave until you have read it."

"Very well hand it over."

The young ensign passed Du' Caat a small holopad, Du' Caat entered a 5 digit PIN and his thumbprint before the message would decode.

As of 1100 IST all Imperial command officers that are planetside are to report immediately to Imperial HQ on the Island of Orrl. This an executive order issued directly from Grand Admiral Desaria himself, non-compliance will result in immediate court marshal and execution.

Du' Caat took a long sip of his Scotch and water and looked at the Ensign.

"Secure me a speeder and a driver have them outside the bar in 2 minutes."

"Yes sir!" The Ensign snapped a salute, turned sharply on his heels and marched out of the bar.

Du' Caat flagged Brian over and handed him a cred card.

"Take care of my bill and whatever the lady would like, charge it to my account and give yourself a nice tip."

"Yes Captain Du' Caat and thank you sir."

Du' Caat then turned his head towards the young woman who seemed to be dazzled by all that was going on around her.

"We shall continue this another time."

With that Du' Caat finished what was left of his drink and made his way to the door.

Leon Dagrelle
Jan 6th, 2003, 05:43:49 PM
' My Lord there is a comm link from high command...its a priority message from the Grand Admiral sir..he requests your presence at his side immidiatly.... Said Captain Bisop (The Commodores right hand man).

' See to it that the Grand Admiral knows i am on my way as we speak and i will be there within a few hours...and make sure he knows that we have dealt with the few rebels we have here..or at least Bishop under your command while im away i hope we will....' Dagrelle said with a stern look.

' Yes my Lord i shall see it done....'

After a brief time getting ready the Grand Inquisitor was aboard "The Pillar Of Autumn" his personal Aurora-class Star Destroyer which sat idle above the planet of Eriadu waiting for the commrdores next command. Dagrelle made his way to the captains seat and scanned the bridge for a few moments before calling to the helm.

'Helm..set course for Thyferra at maximum speed we have little time to waist , the Grand Admiral needs us urgently...something happened....'

'Sir!' The Helmsmen said tapping a few keps and after a moment or two the ship turned and shot away towards Thyferra.

Telan Desaria
Jan 9th, 2003, 02:58:35 PM
The situation inside Imperial High Command ahd reached a fevered picth, probe droids falling silent and more TIE recon patrols failing to report in. All events pointed to one eventuality:

Remnants of four Sector Fleets under various Admirals and self proclaimed officers had holed themselves into the Sunex Sector.

Such a probability was one the Imperial Fleet had considered and composed contingencies for, but as with most staff decisions, they proved impractical in operational implementation. The Admirals, Commodores, Generals, and marshals that haunted the halls of the Isle of Orrl would lead the coming war fromm the cuff, creating plans and operations from their vast array of experience.

The Imperial Great General Staff had not anticipated any reaction by the warlords to Sovereign reconnaissance.

" Convene the briefing, Marshal von Laang. I will be there presently."

The Falleen officer nodded ahead of the Grand Admiral's desk. When he was gone, the Centaurian's head fell into his hands,

Aegis Du' Caat
Jan 10th, 2003, 03:01:54 PM
"We should arrive at the hangar in 5 minutes sir," A nervous driver spoke up as they moved rapidly through busy streets.

"Very good," Du' Caat was still reading his data pad, there were orders to sign in at the briefing registrar, an unusual order as it was standard military protocol to do so at a meeting as such.

"Have you heard about the attack on the Illumination, sir?" The driver asked after a few moments of hesistation.

"The attack on the Illunination?" Du' Caat responded aloofly. "I don't believe that information is de-classified yet and I would suggest not bringing up that topic of conversation ever again."

"umm... Yes sir." The driver replied, then suddenly piped up; "We're here sir."

"Thank you."

A young female Lieutenant saluted the Captain as he approached a Lambda class shuttle.

"We are prepped and ready to go sir. Your field uniform is onboard as you requested. You're the last one to get off the main land. "

"Well I was more than likely the hardest officer to find, Lieutenant." Du' Caat replied with a sly smile.

The young officer blushed and escorted the captain on board.

"Sovereignty HQ this is Amazon II, requesting permission to land. We have Captain Du' Caat on board."

"Permission granted you have clearance to land at pad 5." The robotic voice of an android air traffic controller replied.

As the shuttle landed Du' Caat placed his navy blue cape and collar on over his massive shoulders and stepped out of the small transport vessel. Immediately he was greeted by four Stormtroopers who checked his credentials and gave him a retina scan.

Something big is going down.

The Captain thought to himself.

As he approached the registrar's desk he signed in, as he turned to leave the young man at the desk stopped him.

"Captain Du' Caat, just a moment please."

Du' Caat turned and saw a Lt. Commander enter the office from another entrance, he had the ensigna of the logisitics department.

"Captain Du' Caat, I have a message for you." said the young officer as he handed Du' Caat yet another data-pad.

Captain Du' Caat, because of your fine record as an officer and your brilliance in the Eriadu campaign , you are here-by promoted to the rank of Commodore and will be commissoned with your new command after the general debriefing. Congradulations Commodore Du' Caat.

Du' Caat simply shrugged his shoulders, the Lt. Commander saluted the Commodore and handed him his new rank ensignia. Saluted again and exitted. Du' Caat placed the rank medallions on his collar and then adjusted it for a perfect fit. He then hastened towards the main hall where the Line officers and fleet officers of the Sovereignty were to be briefed on the situation at hand. As he entered, the Commodore looked about the great hall, there was more brass in this room than he had ever seen assembled together. The general emotional climate of the room was curiousity and confusion, some officers had known all the details of the destruction of the Illumination while others, like Du' Caat were out in the cold. A murmur was rising throughout the group until two doors swung open and in marched a group of officers who were attached to Grand Admiral Desaria's staff.

As they filed in the crowd quited, then suddenly all officers snapped at attention as Field Marshal von Laang entered the hall and took the podium.

"Things just got interesting," Commodore Du' Caat murmmured to himself.

Telan Desaria
Jan 10th, 2003, 04:25:37 PM
There was a quite a clamor in the Briefing room, officers of senior and junior grade milling about ina quest for answers which was really no more than a factual spreading of rumors. Uniforms ranged from Inquisitoriate red to Fleet green to Army tan.

The murmur stopped when the Falleen commander of the Imperial Fighter Corps entered, known to be the right hand man of the Grand Admiral.

" Be seated, gentlemen," Field Marshal von Laang said, his tone somber and matter-of-fact.

The crowd stopped its musings and took seats, Flag officers in the front and junior as the rows of seats ascended.

The holoprojector on the wall turned into a three dimensional map of the first quadrant ofn the galaxy, for which, more or less, composed Sovereign Space. A red area glowed at the extreme Rim border of the Empire.

" This," von Laang said, pointing," is the Sunex Sector."

The view warped in to show the entireity of the Sunex Sector. A smaller area glowed red, this one encompassing a small star system.

" This is the last known location of the recently commissioned Imperial IV-class Star Destroyer Illumination. She was last seen four days ago in the Feri-ndar region. At that time, she was reported destroyed in action. Four hundred of her crew was rescued, the rest are officially missing in action and presumed dead.

" After action debriefings of the crew and recent probe droid sorties have revealed to us the nature of the attacks. On the Core-ward edge of the Sunex Sector, four former Imperial officers have banded together to form the Pact of Steel. Their first unified strike was at our patrol.

" Their assets are mostly ground based. As a Fleet, we routed what they could field at the battle. We estimate they have left no more twenty capital ships, none over half a kilometer. Territorially, they occupy eight different star systems, one separated from the rest by the territory of another officer, Admiral Krennick. "

" The report goes furhter than that, however."

The voice came from the side of the room where Field marshal von Laang had entered. Grand Admiral Desaria walked towards the dais, his second quickly vacating it. His voice was somber and his head slightly tilted.

" The Sector comprises three hundred separate star systems, all charted and mapped. Most have a great mineral wealth and are populated. Industrial bases on them are high. Most of them have set off independently after the fall of the Ruling Houses. They are ruggedly independent but need leadership.

" Remnants of four different Sector Fleets have been detcted scattered about the sector: Thyferra, Coruscant, Guild, and Delteon. There is not a man among us who has not served in some capacity with at least one of these formations.

" Inside the sector there are at least a hundred different Imperials with at least a hundred claims to territory. The sector itself is a fortress, with constant battle inside. Their planets are geared for war and have not produced a civil good since the Fragmentation.

" This information was not in our possession previously. Had it have been, things may be different. But now that it is, we shall change it.

" These former officers had not maintained the honor of the Empire and are a threat to it. They have forgotten their oaths and have made war on their comrades. For this we shall act. The sector's conbined might outnumbers anything any of the current leaders can field. But they are all separated and factionalized.

" We shall attack."

Aegis Du' Caat
Jan 12th, 2003, 12:02:55 PM
Aegis listened with awe, he'd never met the Grand Admiral nor heard him speak in person. There was an inate sense of respect and power about the man, but he seemed distracted as if his mind were other places or he was unsure about what was going on about him, something was bothering the Regent.

After Desaria finished speaking, the crowd erruptted in a mix of applause and a confused murmur. Questions could be heard, as Line Officers spoke to one another;

"How was it that intel didn't inform us of this threat earlier?"

"Their fleet is twice our size, how can we compete?"

From the murmur, one man arose, he bore the medals of an Admiral.

"Grand Admiral Desaria with all due respect sir, will our incursion into their space, not solidify their pact and give them a common enemy to fight against? Just as we were able to combine forces with the Rebels, when the Vong attacked, won't these systems combine forces when we strike?"

Du' Caat was caught off guard by the question, an Admiral was questioning whether they had the military superiority to fight this war. Bewildered he turned and awaited the Grand Admiral's response.

Telan Desaria
Jan 12th, 2003, 12:11:21 PM
Desaria hd had his eyes downcast and his hands clasped at the small of his back as the Admiral queried. Out of respect and deference, Desaria allowed the question to finish. When the Grand Admiral returned his eyes to forward, the murmur ceasd again, albeit many men remainded standing.

" You misunderstand their pact. Four warlords have combined their might. The rest, despite station, territory, or available resources, squabble and fight as if they were Peruuvian sand slugs. They will throw peasants into armor and call them a legion before they lay down and surrender, or unite. Their total numbers by far surpass what we can field: indeed, if the entireity of the Thyferra sector Fleet were here, it would be outnumbered by their total.

" However, they are not total. At every planet and defending every system will be a few crusiers, gunships, or modified freightors. Their ships are in various states of disrepair, and have one thing missing that had the Sovereignty victorious throughout this quardrant: a unified command.

" Our fleet has warships in excellent condition, and we can field more Destroyers than any power today. Our troops are well trained and fed, and morale is high. Our victory will come because it must come. We have the righeousness of the Empire on our side. These men have broken their oaths, they have renounced their loyalties. And we shall make them may."

Aegis Du' Caat
Jan 12th, 2003, 12:23:09 PM
The Admiral nodded his head at the answer that Grand Admiral Desaria had responded with, Aegis noted however that there was not a look of satisfaction on his face. Aegis however had no doubts that Desaria was correct, he had commanded his Carracks Cruiser against various bands of treachous ships, he knew the difference that was made by having vessels that were properlly outfitted and manned by troops whose morale was high.

Let us hope you are right sir.

He thought to himself. He would follow his superiors orders, even to his own death and the death of his crew. But he was not a big fan of suicide missions.

As he continued there were small datapads being passed, with troop deployments and fleet numbers throughout the targetted sector. Aegis saw that the forces were indeed to far spread and that if the Sovereignty was able to fight on a single front until the first few systems fell, they would be able to rout this uprising, but suprise and a quick strike would be of the essence, hence the immediate conference of Line Officers.

Telan Desaria
Jan 12th, 2003, 12:44:40 PM
Desaria looked up again as the room continued with its buzz of conversation, fantastical and real. A glaze shrouded the Admiral's eyes as he thought to himself I have violated my own oath. I am going to raise a hand to a fellow Imperial. I damn the Diktat and I damn the Vong!

At the thought of so many men and women having come to their deaths in the only report to have been intercepted from the dispatched armada, the Sovereign Supreme Command shot to life.

" Gentlemen, none of you has heard anything from the Fleet that left this galaxy to hunt the Vong to their own lair. I have. Myself and Grand Admiral Millard both received copies a commique to High Command on Coruscant, its fall never having reached the Fleet. Casualties were extreme five months ago. Twenty five million of our soldiers and officers have died, the sum total of an entire Sector Fleet's worth of warships. The damage inflicted on the enemy is far greater, but still, it hits home hard. To those gallant men aboard those cruisers and Destroyers I will not hand over an Empire stained with treachery and dishonor. With every Vong fleet distracted, we have lived in peace without fear of extragalactic invasion. And I will not allow afighting force of hardened veterans to return to a galaxy run by brigands, theives and anarchists!!! I will not take them the sight that their work and sacrifice was worth nothing! They are defending something...let us show them what it is!

A fire had returned to the Grand Admiral's eyes, his chest out and his back ramrod straight.

" Over the last thirty minutes I have alid the plans for our immediate retaliatory strike. I have sent word to all commands that the Fleet reformed into composite formations. There will be a general task force remaining for home defense. The rest of the fleet will engage the enemy.

" I will take the 2nd Destroyer Squadron, ten ships. I will hit the outlying system of Dranon. Admiral Lawrence will take the 1st and attack a flanking system, Lerrrol. Acting Commodore..."

Desaria glanced at a datapad. " du'Caat will take the Third to Freughte.

" The Fourth will be placed under the command of Commodore Trevalan. His orders are sealed, but will secure our right flank. Commodore Freestar will take a light squadron and harass their rear.

" Fifth and Sixth will remain in reserve. 7th and 8th will comprise the Territorial Defense Flotilla."

" Each of you commands a squadron or a warship. You know where will be going. You know what you must do. The Fleet as we speak is being shuffled about under your dutiful XOs.

" The timeline for the commencement of the assault will be twenty seven hundred."

An officer with Captains bars stood.

" With all due respect, sir, that is two hours from now. My ship is at Carida. I would just get onboard as we jump!"

" A price I am willing to pay is our inconvenience. A strike such as this will secure a foothold in that sector. From there we will make our weight felt. To your ships, gentlemen. Any questions, it is a long walk up the surface. I will be taking the emergency stairs."

Aegis Du' Caat
Jan 12th, 2003, 11:42:05 PM
Du' Caat had only briefly looked over the data-pad he'd been handed upon his promotion. As he went over it again, he then saw his command, it was fairly large, especially since he'd gone from commanding a Carracks Cruiser and a TIE Squadrons, to now having a Victeroy Star Destroyer battle group at his command.

As he read the debriefing he saw that his old ship, the Talon, would be apart of his support entourage under the command of Commander Vikov. Du' Caat was pleased, he'd hoped Vikov would be promoted as well. His flag ship would be the VSD Pugilis. She would be flanked on either side by the VSD Imperium and the VSD Brutus. Their orders were simple, take the Planet of Freughte and crush any resistance. It would not be as simple however as the orders read out. Freughte had an orbital military installation and repair yard, she would be well defended.

As he finished skimming over his data-pad, he heard Grand Admiral Desaria dismiss the assembly, Aegis waited though as did the other commanders of the counter-assault forces, awaiting any special instructions from the Grand Admiral.

Telan Desaria
Jan 13th, 2003, 07:57:56 AM
The murmur rose yet again, added with the clamor of heartened officers and departing commanders. Assault group commanders stayed behind and formed a small mass of olive uniformed humanoids ahead of the Grand Admiral's podium.

Desaria leaned over the lecturn. " You have no special orders, gentlemen," he said, grinning.

" You will, however, mette out justice at your own personal discretion. IF a prisoner can be saved and returned to the Empire a valued officer and soldier, send him to the rear to be debriefed. If he cannot, field executions have been authorized. These men wear the same uniforms as you: treat them as you would a mutineer. Any questions, refer them to the Grand Inquisitor. It will be a hard battle, but one worth fighting."

Desaria started out of the room, Field Marshal von Laang and Marek the Admiral's guard following.

Leon Dagrelle
Jan 13th, 2003, 09:51:53 AM
It was at this time that the Grand Inquisitor strode through the countless corridors within the subterranean base, more commonly known as Tactical Headquarters. Each man or officer he passed a imperial salute shot up to present the Commordore with respect. Dagrelle marched towards the briefing ahll, he started to take his clean white gloves off tugging at a finger at a time to remove the thin gloves from his hands before entering the briefing all revealing a mass of officers sitting and talking under a huge murmur...clearly the briefing had just ended.

'Attention, Grand Inquisitor Leon Dagrelle...' A door gaured yelled, it seemed like a god had swept his hands over the room because silence hit the room like a gust of wind. ' Sir, the Grand Admiral has left sealed orders with Commander Jack Strider my Lord, he is the one-'

' Stop babberling man i know what a commanders insignia is!..' Dagrelle said with a raised voice. ' Dont make me out to e a fool Captain or i shall see it that you spend this war well behind the walls of a brig!' He continued, his voice getting louder.

' Forgive me my lord...' The captain pleeded before Dagrelle moved away, discusted with the Captain.

The Commodore snatched the sealed envolope from the Commander and slid it inside his brest pocket to read in his office.

' Continue gentleman....' Dagrelle staited, but the silence stuck in the air until the Grand Inquisitor left the room...

Telan Desaria
Jan 15th, 2003, 03:02:00 PM
Imperial Flagship Inquisitor, Super-class Star Destroyer. Refit completed.

" Captain Voltaire," Desaria barked, stepping onto the bridge proper of the newest addition to the Thyferran Fleet, a Super II-class Star Destroyer. She had cost the Soveriengty twenty thousand men to procure and five capital ships, but she had been worth everyone. Her grace and elegance astounded, her size and bite intimidated. Throughout her corridors and quarters served a quarter of a million men and women and various accepted humanoids. Droids by the thousands squiremed through access panels and ran things about for their biological masters.

On top of it all sat Grand Admiral Desaria, perched comfortably in the conning tower.

" Continue with the battle preparations. Send for the Field Marshal."

" Here already, Admiral," replied the unnervingly stealthy Falleen.

Desaria slowly and deliberately rotated his command chair aft to show his displeasure at being suprised.

" I hate that."

Von Laang grinned a sharp toothed grin.

" Fighter status, my friend."

" Two full wings are aboard, space made for emergency field deployment of two more. We're replaced the landing capacity with fuel dumps and munitions stroage: we've got two full assault squadrons abaord."

" Excellent. And the rest of the Squadron?"

" The two VSD VIs have been each allotted their three, and the Aurora it's six. We have our attendants, who muster another ix between them. Defeners, Scimitars, and recon Interceptors fill the lot."

" Excellent. Take a seat, Marshal. We will be jumping in thirty minutes."

The Fighter Corps Commander nodded and smiled.

Desaria turned about and watched the men fulfil their duties and tasks about the expansive three tiered bridge of the new flagship. Desaria;s faithful Interrogator had been made the flagship of Rear Admiral Trevalan who he knew would put her to good use.

Five minutes ahead of schedule, the dagger-shaped titan and her escorts departed Sovereing territory faster than light, several other formations doing likewise at otehr locales.

Aegis Du' Caat
Jan 17th, 2003, 03:29:21 PM
:VSD Pugilis

Time: 2651hrs TST

"Commodore on the Deck!" A Fleet Trooper barked. All personell in the command pit and on the bridge stopped what they were doing and immediately turned to salute their commanding officer.

"As you were, we do not have time for civilities. Helm, is the course laid out and the jump calculated?"

"Yes sir"

"Initiate the jump at 2700 exactly, Comm, contact the commanding officers of the Imperium and Brutus, tell them to meet me on a secure military channel 15 minutes after the jump, also contact Cmmdr Vikov on board the Talon, tell him to join us as well?"

"Aye-aye, sir"

"Berkley, sound general quarters for the jump to hyper-space," Du' Caat turned to his new XO.

"Yes Commodore Du' Caat." The slender, middle aged Captain replied.

Du' Caat then surveyed his new crew, and looked at Captain Berkley; "I want the head of the CO of the Fleet troopers, the Flight Officer, the 2nd and 3rd mates and yourself to meet me in my quarters at 2900 TST, I need to know my officers. "

"Yes Commodore"

As he finished speaking the large, intimidating Imperial officer turned sharply on his heels and mde his way to his quarters, his long navy blue cape billowling behind him.

Telan Desaria
Jan 19th, 2003, 10:33:06 AM
Is it the absance of peace which creates war?
- Grand Admiral Il-Raz, Last words before Suicide

* * *

" What the frell are you doing?" screamed a black tuniced officer as he nearly broke an old riding crop over the back of a hapless bridge officer.

The striken crewman looked up at his commander, a short squat man with a barely shaven face and rough jaw. On his chest sat the plaque of a Line Captain.

" You think we just have enough power for you to run test shots every day?"

" Sir, without the proper calibration -"

The lanky technician never finished his rebuttal, his face becoming redder and redder with every passing second, the crop having crossed his upon his cheek and mouth.

" I don't give a spawn what you think the guns need. This is my cruiser and you don't do a bloody thing until I say so! Understood!"

The technician dared not reply, instead tried to wipe away some of the blood leaking from his lip.

The gloating commander moved away from his newest gunnery chief an to his chair of command. From the small metal station he lorded over the Corellian Gunship Master. While there were four other ships about, the Master took the field. Together, they held tight reigns over the planet below: Dranon.

Once a peaceful world happy to pay its tithes to the altar of the Emperor, brutal occupation by a belligerant Commodore had transformed the metorpolis into a teeming wasteland in just over a year.

At the rear of the bridge, a tiny beeping could be heard from the location of the sensor officer. The captain stood to berate the crewman, the noise always the target of his wrath and the man responsible for a damaged sensor array the execution of his anger.

Line Captain Vill never got the chance to strike his officer, as the floor beneath him heaved and vaporized, armor plates and transparisteel shards shredding every organism on the bridge. The back of the small gunship broke and she drifted apart in two flaming sections, each spewing debris, both metallic and human.

Another pair of neon energy bolts turned both halves into a field of fragments.

Twenty kilometers away sat an Imperial Super-class Star Destroyer with a dozen ships around it.

The Empire had come to reclaim what was its own.

And it would have no mercy on those that had wronged her.

Aegis Du' Caat
Jan 19th, 2003, 01:37:58 PM
Commodore Du' Caat sat relaxed in his ready room, it was elagantly ornate and furnishe and much more spacious than the cramped office he held on the Talon. He leaned back in his highbacked leather chair and thumbed through his orders.

... Enter the Freughte sector and proclaim you are here in the name and authority of the Galatic Empire, order all vessels loyal to the Imperial Banner, to power down their weapon systmes and shields. Any force that powers up, fires or does no comply within 45 seconds are to be destroyed.

Du' Caat shook his head, he'd only been a young boy when the Remanants reformed the Galactic Empire, he had served loyaly as a gunnery officer onboard an ISD against the rebels, he had fought many battles against pirates, rebels and rogue planets, but he'd never fired a volley at anyone who had worn the Imperial Crest before. It pained him to see it come to this. It pained him to see the Empire fractioned into rival entities, Balmorra, the Federacy, the Remanant, and the Sovereignty. So many officers who had been friends, now seperated because a few Admirals and Moffs couldn't get along with out Diktat Vicsera amd Grand Admiral Thrawn.

"Sir, the commanders of the Brutus and the Imperium, are on Channel Omega-blue 3.

"Very good, patch it through."

Two holo images appeared before the Commodore, one was short and stocky, his hair cropped tightly to his head, his face was young in apperance, though you could see the years of battle in his eyes. His name was Line Captain Garren Tobea, he commanded the Brutus. The other image was of Line Captain Alexandar Drago, he was a tall slender man. His face showed its age and he wore his service cap, some said as a method of hiding his receding hairline, though it mattered not to the Commodore.

Both images snapped a salute to the ranking officer, he waved it off, between ship commanders saluting was a simple formality in his mind.

"Gentleman, its good to see you, if under strange circumstances, but good none-the-less."

Du' Caat paused for a second. Shaking his head as he read the orders again.

"I suppose you understand the orders?"

"Yes commodore" Both men replied, in flawed unison.

"I suppose neither of you will have trouble firing on traitors?"

"No Commodore" It seemed they had practiced this time.

"Good, because that is what these men are to be treated as if they so much as power a weapon up against us. We will come out of hyperspace about 15 klicks out of Freughte space, Jammng communications the whole way. I expect that your comm officers can still read messages sent via light flashes. Because that will be our mode of communication until we enter the sector. We should be greeted by a picket, which at best will have a Carracks Cruiser, I want all vessels in the squadron to lock onto the capital ship of the picket force, have fighters on stand by should a small vessel try to escape. I will contact her and give her 45 seconds to power down and declare allegiance to the Sovereignty of the Galactic Empire, if she powers up, flees fires or waits til 46 seconds all vessels are to commence firing on her and the rest of her ships. "

Du' Caat paused; "I want the Brutus on the starboard of the Pugilis' flank and the Imperium on the port, we will hold this formation. Ship will take the point. Once the picket is dealt with we will hyperspace to 2000 Kilometers off of Freughtes atmosphere, this is where the main battle will commence. Each VSD is to target one mid class capital ship and destroy her. Then I will give the other vessels 20 seconds to comply to our demands. Again if anyone so much as powers up, destroy them all. We do not have the forces to distinguish friend from foe amongst possible traitors. Am I understood?"

"Yes Commodore" It seemed as one voice this time.

"Very well inform your attached support vessels of their oders and prepare, we should be reaching our destination in 45 minutes."

Du' Caat deactivated the holo comm, just as he did Berkley and the others he asked for entered.

"At ease gentleman, please have a seat."

These men recieved a similar debriefing as the others and were sent to prepare the men. All hell was about to break loose.

Leon Dagrelle
Jan 19th, 2003, 09:37:18 PM
'Gentlemen of the Grand Inquisitors council, we shall be arriving at our first of 4 destinations within the hour, Neverene. The planet according to Imperial Intelligence has quite an inferior army, a population which is in the early stages of industrial development which of course is good news for us as it means we have highly superior weapons. Dagrelle said in a calculated yet commanding tone.

' The land masses work out to be 60% water and only 40% land, half of which is soft graze lands, forest and swamps so no difficulty there. What will be hard to take is the Planets capital "Morag Maar" which is a fortress Citadel comprised of the commanding Warlords best trained warriors,clerics, force skilled soldiers of which im told he has many and of course his private gaud unit. Morag Maar is a walled city which is said to be "inpenatrable", with our lazer cannons i doubt that will be any sort of a problem, its once we get inside that the real problems will begin.' Leon said looking towards his trusted right hand man Captain Bishop.

' Riots....' He turned his head to each of his commanding officers with eatch word he spoke. 'Rebel citizens...Citadel Guard...mahem will break loose and to be honest when we have taken planets in the past its nothing like you have not experienced before so i hope you expertise will glow when we raze Morag Maar...now....i don't want to completely bring down the city, i want it standing so that perhaps i may have the royal palace for myself, im sure the Grand Admiral will let me once i bring it to its knees. From each of you i want updates sent every 15 minutes so that i may command from this vessel till it is safe to transport down...'

'Yes m'lord, i shall see that we have make shift bases constructed a few miles from the Citadel so that we may garrison and ready up troops as a staging post for the main assault. Once we have taken up to 80% of the city i shall send word for the main garrison of your loyal Inquisitoriate to sort out the rebels for the loyal and start exicuting them on the spot, and also i feel the Inquisitoriate are the ones to infiltrate and take the Royal palace which sits upon a hill in the center of the city...' Bishop said proudly.

' Yes Bishop i shall transport down with my Inquisitoriate so that i may command with my brothers. After we take the Citadel and overrun the royal palace and exicute the monarch then i doubt the rest of the smaller sities and towns will cause little trouble but roits and rebellion...i have little doubt my Inquisitoriate shall have to much trouble with the rabble...' he said with a twisted smile upon his face.

' If we are all ready then i want you all to get yourselves into battle gear and prepare for transport to planet surface...dismissed gentleman...... Each of them bowed there heads and said "M'Lord" as they began to leave but the Grand Inquisitor raised his hand.

' If you fail me gentlemen....i shall little choise but to exicute you along with the peasants of the Citadel...see this does not happen, and destroy them wont you?...' Each of them bowed again and left the room...his kindness during the briefing was to good to be true thought Bishop.

Telan Desaria
Jan 19th, 2003, 11:13:32 PM
Four Corellian vessels lay broken before the massive Imperial flagship, its size eighty times that of the small patrol craft. Barely a fragment of power was used to dispatch them, their hulls adrift and debris being gobbld up the vengeful shield generators aboard the Inquisitor.

Desaria sat, perched atop his chair of command, looking the planet of Drannon VI from above. Barely the northern horizon was visible through the viewport, but the swirling green and white mass betrayed its only partially industrialized nature.

" Admiral."

The Grand Admiral turned to Captain Voltaire.

" A link has been created with the Grand Inquisitor. He wishes to speak with you."

The Baron stepped off the dias without a word and moved to the aft holonet pad, just before the opening to the aft control corridor.

Before him shimmered from unmoving air the visage of the Grand Inquisitor, Leon Degrelle. A man of mystery and commanding presence. His mind was not one military brilliance: instead, he found his home after the armies had met and one banner raised. When the prisoners were marched into their captivity and the armies of occupation had assumed their garrisons, his reserved personna gave way to ruthless fanaticism.

Leon Degrelle had been in line to become the Grand Inquisitor before the Fragmentation, an elevation belayed due to the Vong assault. During that time, he had distinguished himself. Raltiir, stronghold of Imperial lyalty, had falen prey to an enemy bombardment and suffered a massive loss of life. They revoked their allegiance and preyed for a miracle. Instead Degrelle arrived, adding to the carnage and one month later, Raltiir's loyalty was unquestioning.

Degrelle had sent an amigusous report to High Command, only a few short sentences: Problem Recitified. Casualties acceptable, mission: accomplished.

Grand Admiral Desaria had the honor of accepting the Inquisitor's loyalty after a division under his command rescued an Inquisitoriate stronghold on Nespis from a Vong siege. Still, under the stern and iron exterior of the Grand Admiral, even he feared Degrelle. None knew for any certainty what he was capable of, nor what ends he would go to for the Empire. It was rumored he had given the order to annihilate Caamas, but none was for sure.

A mysterious man, indeed.

" Yes?"

Leon Dagrelle
Jan 19th, 2003, 11:52:29 PM
' Grand Admiral...' Dagrelle acknowledged with a short nod before placing the papers he was reading down upon the table. Dagrelle was the Admirals right hand man and so the only man he ever would or had sworn loyalty to was the Telan Desaria himself and none other. The only one he would answer to was the Grand Admiral and everyone else would get shot for giving Dagrelle orders or go to hell, plain and simple.

'I must firstly apologise for my absense at the Briefing, i recived your invitation slighty to late, i would ask you to update my infomation on what already have at my disposal, i have only followerd you orders and set into motion the beginning of our take over, may i ask what i missed Telan?...' He asked in a commanding mannor, not put off by rank what-so-ever, rank means nothing, its the actions you perform under that rank thats makes the diffrence, and in any case they were friends.

' I have heard rumors from my intel officers those little bastards took one of our birds out of the sky, this cant be true can it?...surely...How could this happen?'

Telan Desaria
Jan 20th, 2003, 09:56:39 AM
" Unfortunately, it is, Leon. The Illumination was ambushed on patrol, with nearly all hands lost. "

Desaria paused, thinking best how to put into words his orders. His best effort had been given in his small missive to ambiguously relay his command, but it mau have been too so.

" Inquisitor, the system you are heading towards needs to be pacified. It populous is staunchly in line with the local warlord. You are to reeducate them and bring them in line. Whomever you deem disloyal, terminate. With extreme prejudice.

" To yours your own, Leon. This is your speciality. Make it happen."

Aegis Du' Caat
Jan 20th, 2003, 11:27:26 AM
:Freughte Sector:
3500 TST

"Commander, our comm systems just failed," A young man wearing the ensignia of an Imperial Lieutenant.

"What? Can't be check again," A older grandfatherly looking gentleman replied.

"Negative sir, its as if we were being jammed."

"What did you say?"

"Jammed sir, but there are no vessels in... wait scanners are picking up 3 large silohettes 120 kilometers out, they are VSD's sir, I don't know how they go so close!"

"Shields up, red alert, sound general quarters!"

On board the aging Carracks Cruiser, the men were moving rapidly preparing for an attack. Communications had been jammed so their fighter squadrons could not be contacted.

Quickly three dagger-shaped forms came into view, Du' Caat had arrived in the Freughte sector.

:VSD Pugilis:

"Launch fighters, seek and destroy the enemy squadron, order all available weapons to fore and lock onto the Carracks, if she so much as moves make her no more."

"Aye Commodore."

Du' Caat eyed the ship warily, he had sent a jamming probe into the sector ahead of him, to jam communications before his vessels could be detected.

As the approached the maximum range for communications under the jamming signal, Du' Caat ordered a general frequency opened.

"I am Commodore Aegis Du' Caat, of the Imperial Naval Fleet, I have come under the banner and authority of the Imperial Sovereignty to order all Imperial personell and vessels back in the service of one banner. You have 45 seconds to power down your shields and weapons and prepare to be boarded by fleet troops for inspection. Any attempt to flee, make communication with the outside, or failure to comply in your given time will result in the destruction of your vessel and the forfeiture of your lives. Your 45 seconds begins...now."

Du' Caat turned to his comm officer and ordered him to keep the channel open but mute Du' Caat's speech until further notice.

"Gunnery Chief Cortes, fire at 37 seconds, I don't want them getting a shot off."

"Yes Commodore," The lithe gunnery chief replied.

No sound was made from the Carracks cruiser, by this time the 3 squadrons of defenders Du' Caat had sent should have found and eliminated any fighter reinforcement. Du' Caat turned to Berkley; "We are going to have to destroy them."

At 15 seconds the Commander of the Carracks replied, his shields still up and weapons powered up.

"Sir, I loyally serve the Empire, but you can not ask a commander to leave his vessel defenseless against ships that have their weapons trained and ready to fire on us. Please power down your weapons and we will comply."

"Commander, I am an Imperial I would never fire on another Imperial unles he was guilty of treason, by refusing to follow the orders of a superior officer, I here-by declare you a traitor to the Empire, your choice has been made and fates sealed, Commander. Force-Speed."

Du' Caat turned to his gunnery chief and nodded. A full salvo of green turbo-laser fire screamed from the emplacements onboard the VSD Pugilis, upon seeing their flagship fire, the Brutus and the Imperium, fired their own barrage as well. The Carrack's shields failed upon the first attack of the Pugilis, the Brutus' and Imperium's fire tore her to shreds, there were no survivors, the muntineers had taken their position and died for it, how many others would do so.

"Helm, calculate the jump to Freughte, bring us out 2 kilometers outside the maximum firing range of the orbital platform there, I don't want our VSD's to be sitting ducks."

"Yes, Commodore"

"Comm when he calculates the jump, inform the other CO's of their orders and tell them to commence immediately."

"Aye Sir."

Du' Caat's eyes watered up for a moment as he bowed his head in respect to his fallen comrades.

Lord Leon Dagrelle
Jan 21st, 2003, 08:57:26 PM
' The plans to take out first planet, Naverene, is already planned underway sir. Our fleet will be arriving in less than half an hour. Neverene is a very grassy planet with very little to defend or attack other than the great Citedal and a few other towns, it shold not take long, ive decided to take easier first and then harder the planet as we progress. ' He explained with a smile.

' Sir!...' A captain quicky interfered with there commlink in a desprite struggle to get the Commodores attention. Leon Dagrelle turned to view the alarm in his face and then turned back to the admiral ' Telan if you will excuse me, i must see to my my Captain if i ma contact you back when i have taken Naverene... Leon said before shutting the comm-link between the two.

'What is it captain?...'

' Ships m'lord...3 of them, they repusent the Neverene Kingdom and there Emerpror and have asked to discuss why we are in there territory!....'

' Okay tell them im on my way....'

Rigel Bismarck
Jan 25th, 2003, 02:44:37 PM
Captain Silvan Regius stared out at the large purple gasses surrounding the Imperial Star Destroyer Scythe. It was a Mark III vessel, which meant everything about it was designed for protection, including the radiation shielding that was currently keeping the lethal energy at bay. They would not be here at all, but the Commander had needed a place to hide that was close to the Sunex sector.

A few quiet steps took him to the middle of the bridge crew pit's upper walkway. This ship, like many others, was prepared for battle.

But in Regius' opinion, they were not enough.

The Scythe was a magnificent ship of war, truly. But it sat alone among the Black Star Fleet's motley collection as the only fully functional one. Why, even last week, Bismarck had made the decision to cannibalize the Carrack Cruiser Kishudo for parts to bring some of the bigger ships up to full strength.

"Commander on the bridge," someone behind him announced.

Regius turned around immediately and saluted. "Commander Bismarck," he stated formally as he handed over a datapad. "I am pleased to report that your ship is at full battle readiness."

Bismarck's eyes locked onto his own and a slight smile played about his lips. "But not enough other ships are, Captain?"

Regius felt himself stiffen slightly. "You are already aware of my feelings on that matter, sir."

"Of course, old boy," Bismarck said, levering himself into his command chair. "And you would be right, if we needed them all. But right now, we do not."

Bismarck interrupted himself long enough to insert a datacard into his chair's reading device, then leaned back and steepled his fingers. "Tau Battle Group is at full strength. They are all we need for the foreseeable future. And moreover, our new ships will be coming to us soon."

Regius sighed. "This plan-"

"This plan teaches an object lesson to those fool Imperials who would destroy themselves through infighting," Bismarck interrupted him. "Now, we need a more accurate picture of the current problems Admiral Gearnt and his new allies are causing. Captain, instruct Navigation and Engineering to plot us a course to Eriadu and inform me when we are ready to leave the Fleet."

Regius saluted. "Yes, Commander. We will leave within the half hour."

"I'm counting on it, old boy," Bismarck said as he turned his attention to something else. "I'm counting on it."

Aegis Du' Caat
Jan 26th, 2003, 12:56:11 PM
The blur of stars eased Du' Caat's troubled mind as the Pugilis moved towards Freughte.

Accursed Warlords, all they see is power and oppurtunity, they were never loyal to begin with. The Empire was to bring order to the Galaxy, end the lawlessness of the failed Republic, but these fools make it no better, perhaps worse than in the days before Palaptine's New Order...

On the normally stoic Commodore's face there was a hint of anger. Because of the blind ambition of a few, so many would have to suffer. No longer, the Sovereignty would protect the ideas of the Empire, it would purge those who were impure in her doctorine and it would unite the galaxy once more.

"Sir, we have just exitted hyperspace. Shall I maintain comm silence."

"No, order the Imperium and the Brutus to line abreast of the Pugilis and have her Captains contact me, I need to speak with them."

"Yes sir."

Du' Caat sat in silence in his quarters.

:Freughte Orbital Defense Platform: Vigilance:
0100 TST

"Captain! 3 VSD's just exitted hyperspace 2 klicks outside our maximum firing range!"

"What?!?" Captian Longhaven replied. He had been an Imperial officer before the fraction, a tactical wunderkind, his commanding officer though for his sector had not been as fond of him however as Imperial High Command and had commissioned him as the Commander of the ODP: Vigilance over Freughte. A respectable post, but a waste of the Captain's obvious talents in commanding fleet vessels.

"The VSD: Pugilis, Imperium, and Brutus have come out of hyperspace just out of the range of our turbo-laser batteries."

"What banner do they fly under?" Longhaven ordered.

"They fly the traditional banner of the Imperial Fleet, which also is the banner of the Imperial Sovereignty, led by Grand Admiral Telan Desaria."

"What are they doing here? Thyferra is a good 8-to-10 hours away from here at maximum hyperspace."

"I don't know sir... wait they are hailing us. Shall I patch it through?"

"Yes immediately, also alert all personel, sound general quarters and have all fighters on immediate stand-by."

"Yes Captain."

A siren rang out throught the platform, officers and grunts moved quickly.

"Comm, contact Commander Grau and the 3rd Cruiser Squadron, we are going to need some back up."

"Aye Captain."

Telan Desaria
Jan 26th, 2003, 05:57:59 PM
The prow of the mighty Inquisitor pointed like a dagger at the surface of Dranon, her hyperspace course bringing her into reversion parallel to the world's equator.

Interposed between the Sovereign Imperial flagship was the drifting debris of a fallen patrol, their remains tagged renegade wreckage and forgotten. Their only claim to life the point zero six reduction in port particle shield strength as the Super-class Star Destroyer passed where they had once been.

" Admiral, we have one orbital contact, sir. Size: two thousand meters. Course: orbital."

" Clarify," came the command from Grand Admiral Desaria, his voice low and perfectly personifying the anger and rage the various warship crews at their neccessary yet dirty assignment.

" A battle repair and refit yard, sir. Rendilli design."

" Occupants?"

The sensor lieutenant's face mutated into one of confusion at his superior's question, and only a murmured clue from a comrade gave him any semblence of realization.

" One Torri'el-class Cruiser, sir."

Captain Voltaire looked down at the officer from his perch next to Desaria. " Torri'el-class?"

" Yessir. They were a prototype design fighter carrier right before Bilbringi. There were a dozen in the Fleet. She's eight hundred meters and fully stocked would have two wings of TIEs."

Desaria continued to look on ahead. The time of decision had come. And passed. The course of the Empire had been sealed by the bastard Vong. It was up to her loyal sons to rescue her from demise. " Are they loaded?"

" Impossible to tell, sir. There are four Defenders moving off from the station, and judging by their condition, I would say no."

" Very well."

The Grand Admiral hefted his two meter frame from the command chair and stood upon the catwalk. Foreward he strode, hands slowly clasping behind his back, each limb-part seeming ramrod straight. A true Imperial.

" Launch the 1st Guards. Deploy in picket and patrol formation; send two squadrons forward. Any activity, I want it reported immediately. Bring all forward ion cannon on line and commence firing when a solution is locked in."

" Aye, sir!"

Around the Inquisitor flew a pair of Aurora-class Star Destroyers and nearly a half dozen small er support vessels, among them the famous Lancer II Frigate, a vessel with its improved weaponry and hull design could slaughter an enemy fighter attack and any ship its size. The battlegroup was indeed impressive.

Each of the Auroras had deployed two squadrons from their fighter commands for Fleet picket duty, the TIE Defenders appearing to be a swarm buzzing about the dagger-shaped hive at its centre.

The cloud of metallic insects parted from the front of the small armada. In their wake came a wave of azure energy surging from the Imperial flagship towards the planetary repair yard. Over the criss crossed structure of beams, support pylons, and relay tubes the ion pulses washed, systems shorting out and linked defensive batteries shorting out. Power and fuel being fed to the oval-esque vessel inside froze in its conduits. Were it not for the vacuum of space, the cruiser would have crashed through the ventral supports and plummeted downwards. Instead, there they sat, quarter lights and power flickering on and off.

Finally, the power held for a moment as if they barrage had been overcome, until it winked out of existence. The power was gone, and the crew would follow for lack of life support.

" Order up a salvage team. I want that ship."

" Aye sir."

" Captain, find a broadcast channel for that world. I shall adress the populace."

Aegis Du' Caat
Jan 27th, 2003, 10:05:16 AM
:ODP: Vigilance:

"Captain, the message from the Sovereignty Flag Ship."

Fellow Imperials, I am Imperial Commodore Aegis Du' Caat, under the Command of Grand Admiral Telan Desaria. Under the authority of the Imperial Crest I order that the Imperial Defense Platform: Vigilance power down it's shields and weapons batteries and turn control over to myself. You have 45 seconds to comply or you will be considered guilty of insubordination of a ranking officer. Do I make myself clear, Captain? You have 45 seconds.

"We have 30 seconds, men." Captain Longhaven replied. He looked at his XO, a man loyal to the Freughte Sector Commander and a card carrying member of the Pact of Steel. He then looked at his comm officer, his gunnery chief, and his man-at-arms. All loyal Imperial officers, all loyal to their CO, the crew of the Vigilance was indeed a fine specimen of Imperial training. He did not want to see his men die as traitors, he did not want to die as a traitor.

"Captain Longhaven, order the 3rd squadron to attack, perhaps we can drawn in the VSD's into range, the Cruisers will be able to defend us from their bombers." Commander Finder barked.

"20 seconds sir..."

The cruisers, all commanded by loyal members of the Pact of Steel, ambitious, cruel officers. They had no respect for the glory and power of the former Empire, they disgusted Captain Longhaven, but they were his only chance.

"Order the 3rd to attack, keep weapon systems down until the Carracks are inbetween us and the VSD's. Comm open a link to the Pugilis, tell Commodore Du' Caat I have reached a decision."

"Aye Captain."

:VSD: Pugilis:

Du' Caat paced the catwalk over the command pit on the bridge of his vessel. The bridge crew was in seemingly perpetual motion.

"Comm order the Brutus and the Imperium to prepare to launch bombers."

"Aye Commodore, Sir! We have a message from the Vigilance."

"Put it through."

Commodore Du' Caat, it pains me to see that Imperials must rattle their sabers to maintain the chain of command. I am well aware of the actions of my superior officers and why you are here. I have reached my decision to your orders...

"Commodore, a cruiser squadron has just exited hyperspace on the opposite side of the Vigilance, they bare the ensignia of the Pact of Steel. They are moving to intercept."

"Sound general quarters order bombers and defenders away."

"Aye Commodore, wait sir the Vigilance she is powering up her weapon systems!"

"We are too far out for her to hit us..." Du' Caat's eyes lit up as he realized what Captain Longhaven had done.

We are loyal to the Empire sir and we shall follow the orders of her Grand Admiral. Long Live the Empire!

Longhaven's blue figure saluted as he finished his sentence, his XO made a move to stop him. Blaster fire rang out on the bridge of the Vigilance and Commander Finder fell to the ground, dead by the hand of Captain Longhaven.

Suddenly the batteries of the Vigilance opened up on the Cruiser squadron that had moved to attack the VSD battle group. Du' Caat grinned widely.

"Helm move us into firing range. Order all ships and fighters to attack those cruisers, allow no survivors!"

"Aye Commodore"

As the Pugilis, Brutus and Imperium lurched forward their main turbolaser batteries began to open fire on the 6 Carracks Cruisers which had moved to intercept. 2 of the vessels were immediately destroyed in the hail of green energy. Another 2 attempted turn and fire on the Vigilance, while the last two rushed headlong into battle against the VSD's and their support vessels.

The Pugilis slowed her velocity as the battle group approached the oncoming cruisers, allowing the Brutus and the Imperium to flank the suicidal captital ships. Two Nebulon B Missle frigates let loose a salvo that dimished the two Carracks shields greatly. Green fire lit up the darkness of space as the full firepower of three VSD's, two Carracks Cruisers, two Missle Frigates, and four Corellian Gunships poured their impressive strength at the enemy vessels.

One of the bombers who attacked launched her compliment of Proton torpedoes directly into the exposed hull of one of the Carracks, sending her to the next world in a brillian flash of cobalt. The other vessels limped as holes were punched into her hull as wave after wave of green turbolaser fire poured onto her.

The two vessels that decided to attack the Vigilance where not faring much better. Her turbolaser batteries were much more powerful and accurate than those on a Starship. They shredded the shields and created craters on the hulls of the foolish Pact of Steel commanders, leaving nothing but the smallest of space debris of the once proud Cruiser squadron.

"Commodore, the Vigilance is hailing us."

"On screen"

Commodore Du' Caat, you will forgive me if I do not lower my shields, I have fired upon my own sector defense forces, I am sure the batteries planetside will notice soon enough and begin attacking my platform. Our shielding is powerful enough to sustain a planetary bombardment, but if I drop my shields for a moment the Sovereignty could lose the Vigilance and I'm sure the Grand Admiral would not be pleased. Approach us from the open space side. The Vigilance is under your command Commodore, you may use my men, fighters and guns however you see fit.

"Thank you Captain Longhaven. I'll send one of my staff officers on a shuttle here shortly. To brief you on the situation at hand. In the mean time have your fighters and bombers prepared for a planetary assualt."

Du' Caat sighed and shook his head. There were still some loyal officers even amongst the traitorous Pact of Steel.

Pierce Tondry
Jan 29th, 2003, 01:22:14 AM
Bleh... even Phoenix did this to me. :-/

Rigel Bismarck
Jan 29th, 2003, 01:24:14 AM
Admiral Vetter Gearnt smiled, but on his face even a smile could not make him seem any warmer. It had instead, Moff Rollid decided, the effect of puffing his pudgy face up like a balloon. If Gearnt had not been the tactician and organizer he was, or commanded a significant number of ships, the High Imperial Union would not even be close to existing.

As it was, the two men had gathered today for the very purpose of signing an agreement between Rollid's territory and small defense fleet and Gearnt's fleet and single planetary base. The two forces combined promised to reunite the Sunex sector through small conquests.

"Here you are, Admiral," Rollid said with the barest hints of a sneer. "Our forces become one with your thumbprint."

Gearnt accepted the datapad from the Moff. "From this moment, my services are rendered unto you, Moff Firn Rollid. Your enemies are my enemies, your commands are my targets, so on, so forth, blah, blah, blah, I do what you say and do not do what you don't say, fine." Gearnt stabbed his thumb onto the datapad. "Done."

"Good," Rollid said. "Now we will fully integrate our forces and plan our first operation."

"Our first operation is already underway," Gearnt replied smugly. "As of twenty minutes ago, a small force was sent to Eriadu to harass the forces of Grand Admiral Desaria."

Rollid stopped and digested the information. "And it is too late to call them back," he said, knowing the answer already.

"Of course," Gearnt said. "Eriadu is a perfect target right now. Nothing would stop me from taking it. Surely you see the advantages in this?"

"We garner support, we deliver a humiliating blow to an accomplished tactician, we conquer a planet," Rollid ticked the items off on his fingers, then gave Gearnt a hard stare. "Yes, I am aware of the advantages. I would not have chosen such a large fish to try and swallow for our first step. I also would not have done this so close on the heels of a potential union such as ours. My associates would not be pleased."

Gearnt rumbled with laughter. "Consider it a gift I'm bring to the table with me."

"Any more gifts like these will get you time in your own ship's brig," Rollid snapped. "When the force you've sent returns, I suppose we'll see how valuable your services are."


"Commander on the bridge," someone announced.

Regius turned from the main tactical display. "Commander Bismarck," he acknowledged. "All hands are at their battle stations and we revert to realspace in twenty seconds."

"My timing is excellent, then," Bismarck said, heading immediately for the officer's command chair. "The situation at Eriadu will be quite interesting, based on our recent reports."

"Yes, sir," Regius replied. He knew about Grand Admiral Desaria's recent occupation of the planet and the stumbling blocks the planet had put forth. "Reversion in fifteen seconds. Ten. Nine. Eight."

The swirls of hyperspace abruptly cut away seven seconds early, revealing a small fleet of ten vessels headed, it seemed, by three Imperial Star Destroyers. Had the entirety of Bismarck's forces been there, or even just Tau Battle Group itself, they would have been no threat. Unfortunately, it was only the Scythe against those other forces.

Fortunately, those ships were obviously not here for them. They were facing towards the planet's defensive ring of ships and a pair of Golan battle stations.

"What the- " Regius floundered for a moment. "Get me identification on those ships immediately! Query them on their allegiance to Desaria's Sovereignty-"

"Belay that," Bismarck cut in quietly. "And do be silent a moment so I can think."

Regius gave a helpless wave of his hand to the Ensign who was attending him. "I want a full tactical readout on all vessels and emplacements this side of the planet instead."

The comm officer turned to Regius. "Sir, one of the ships in front of us is querying our identity and purpose for being here. Shall I respond?"

"No," Bismarck replied. "I think to do that would simply allow them time to act against us. This force is driving straight for those inactive Golans- this is a raiding party, nothing more. They are Imperials daring to attack other Imperials, Captain. You know what my policy is on that."

Execution. "Yes, sir," Regius said aloud. "All turbolasers fire at will upon the raiders."

"Above all else, we must stop them from their goal of damaging the Golans," Bismarck added.

Regius briefly looked up from the tactical readout the Ensign had just provided him and gave Bismarck a sidelong glance. And wondered if their arrival in the middle of this raid was truly the coincidence it seemed.

Aegis Du' Caat
Feb 1st, 2003, 01:27:02 PM
:IDP Vigilance:

A young Lieutenant attached to Commodore Du' Caat's general staff quickly exited a Lambada class shuttle.

"Sir," He snapped a salute to Captain Longhaven.

"At ease Lieutenant," The commanding officer of the Vigilance replied.

"I have orders from Commodore Du' Caat," The Lt. added as he handed Longhaven a data-pad.

Longhaven scanned the script and furrowed his brow in thought. The plan was a good one, Du' Caat did not leave anything out. Longhaven handed the pad to his newest XO and spoke; "Deliver this to Commander Greaves, tell him to debrief the fighter corps on this. I want us to be ready in 35 minutes."

"Yes, Sir."

"Tell Du' Caat that we will help him jam the planets communications, but that there is a good chance that a few of the sector patrols have been notified and are grouping for a combined counter assualt."

"Yes, si..."

Longhaven cut him off; "Chances are the 1st Lancer Frigate squadron under the command of Captain Hasan will be loyal as well, but there is still the 4th Lancer Squad and the 8th Cruiser squad to deal with as well as an ISD mk III with two Carracks and a missle frigate that is with in 2 hours by hyperspace of this location. If they are contacted, we could have quite a battle on our hands."

"Commodore Du' Caat was no aware of the ISD battle group, thank you Captain. Commodore Du' Caat will contact you before the operation begins."

Aegis Du' Caat
Feb 17th, 2003, 09:17:13 AM
:: 4th Lancer Squad ::

"Commander Vogel," A comm officer called out to the commanding officer of the Lancer Squadron.

"Yes, Lt. Treua?" The muscular man responded.

"We've just recieved word that the Sovereignty has taken the Vigilance Platform."

"Oh bloody hell! Taken it? So quickly?"

"It appears Longhaven has defected,"

"That worthless son of a bit... Get me Captain Harkon, of the 8th Carracks."

"Yes sir." Treua began typing in code and clearance id's, then turned towards the Commander; "I've got him on a secure channel."

"On holo-projector."

A fuzzy blue image was displayed infront of Commander Vogel as the comm-link to Captain Harkon was opened. Vogel saluted the superior officer who returned it in like.

"Captain Harkon, we've got a situation..."

I know we've been monitoring transmissions. Even combined our two squads aren't any match for that VSD squad and platform.

"There is the Fist of Iron she's only a few parsecs out and she is equipped with Scmitar bombers."

Yes but is she loyal to the Pact?

"Line Captain Dra'zi has served under one of the leading Admirals for the last 15 years, I'd say he's loyal."

Then contact them, tell them to meet us at these coordinates.

A series of code was transmitted to Commander Vogel's vessel and he nodded.

"I'll see you there in an hour and a half, but what are you going to do?"

We are going to contact the 1st Lancer, they are just a parsec away from us.

And with that the transmission cut out.

:: 1st Lancer Squadron ::

"Sir there is a Lambada class shuttle exitting hyperspace to our port."

"That is interesting, raise shields just in case," Captain Hasan replied.

"Shields raised, sir she is hailing us."

"Patch it through."

A blue image came up and a small round Lt. Commander appeared. He immediately snapped a salute to Captain Hasan, who returned it then ordered the man to stand at ease.

"Good to see you, Jackson."

You as well Captain Hasan, it's been what 6 months?

"Yeah I'd say that's the last time we came in for refitting. What can I do for you?" Hasan was playing his hand perfectly, the man had a million cred sabaac face.

Cut the bull-<smallfont color=#999FC5>-Censored-</smallfont> James, you know why I'm here. Why else would they send your old Academy roommate?

"That is true Jackson," He said without giving away his position.

The Sovereignty is beginning to reunify the factions, the small ones at first, and the ones causing them the most problems. The Pact attacked and destroyed one of her ISD's, and she's pissed. There is an entire VSD squadron in orbit of Freughte ready to retake the planet and they have the backing of the Vigilance.

"And you're hear to see if we will join with the Sovereignty and the rest of you," Hasan almost tipped his hand.

Will you?

Before he could respond Hasan was interrupted by his Comm officer.

"Captain, we are being hailed by the commanding vessel of the 8th Carracks."

"Patch it through seperately and mute the shuttle," Hasan replied.

"Yes sir."

Captain Hasan. I contact you under the most dire of circumstances. Freughte is under attack and the Vigilance has turned.

"I am aware of this Captain Harkon, we've two refugees from the station on board, seems Captain Longhaven is not without mercy, though he foolishly allowed them to flee in a hyperspace equipped vessel. We've been informed of the treachery and have been trying to think of a way to retake the platform."

Excellent, so you are with us. Here are the coordinates of a rendezvous point, the ISD Fist of Iron will be meeting us there in approxiamately 85 minutes.

As soon as the coordinates were patched through Harkon ended the transmisson.

"Send these coordinates to the Shuttle and tell her to deliver them directly to the commanding officer of the Sovereignty forces over Freughte. Inform them that we shall meet them there in 90 minutes."

"Aye Captain"

:: VSD Pugilis ::

"Commodore Du' Caat, the shuttle has returned."

"Excellent, infrom Lt. Commander Jackson that I wish to speak with him in my ready room immediately."

"Yes Sir."

Sovereign Officer
Feb 22nd, 2003, 03:25:42 PM
The Imperial Assault on Eriadu had met with great success, engagement after engagement being decided in favor of the Sovereign war machine. Hundreds of thousands of casualties were tallied up every day, tens of thousands mortally wounded in the pursuit of victory. Behind the front, its position ever pushed by the weight of Imperial armor and fighter-supported infantry were the charred remains of the fallen, the smoldering carcasses of metallic monsters, the still smoking remains of towns and cities. The Angels of War had visited upon the world their devastating touch, the lives of its citizens forever changed by a conflict dubbed both a liberation and a slaughter.

For six months, the Imperial Army had labored to reduce the final bastion of the native defenders, their sphere of control shrinking exponentially. A fierce defense was raised, and broke only on command. The disarray the pell-mell retreat caused was enough to allow the Eriadan Army to fall back to a carefully prepared ring of positions around the continent of Arraya. Fortifications to a depth of twenty kilometers stood like a berm between the Empire and victory on the two land bridges to the north and the single isthmus to the south. Behind them sat the last redoubt defended by an army of ten million and a civil populace of a billion, industrial heartlands and agricultural plantations.

Breaking through the steel and earthen revetments would prove to be a trying test for the Imperial Armed Forces.

* * *

In a typical summer’s day, the sun would peak the Miri Mountains at the center of Arraya and it’s eighteen hour journey from rise to fall would vest upon the entire landscape a beautiful golden radiance. The black blanket of night, pierced by a bright burning stars would be interrupted only by the occasional cloud, the season of rain many weeks away.

The summer of the war was anything but typical. In the south and north, the sun could not be seen, its rays barely cutting the pall of dark smoke that was fed by a million fires, each fueled by rage, zeal, and energy weapons. Fires burned bright into the night, the cessation of one heralding the emanation of a dozen more. Towering flat-topped pyramidal fortresses lined the front, each built at a rampant pace and studded with weapons on a dozen gun tiers, the barrels of turbolasers and projectile artillery jutting forth from the their soil and rock-strewn sides. Only a direct sustained enfilade from the proton batteries of a hovering Star Destroyer could reduce in any manner of rapid efficiency. Such was a perilous practice, as the wreck of the Agamemnon attested. Her captain had brought her low at the call of the repulsed infantry. Batteries had brought her down, her nine hundred meter keel falling a kilometer from the sky and killing as many enemy defenders as Imperial soldiers. It was among the first times an Imperial VSD had crashed.

Many a man had seen the triangular titan plummet and every one of them would remember it, among them an Academy-fresh second lieutenant named Je’toor, his platoon in the rear recuperating. On a hill by the sea the men could see the Destroyer slowly fall, the sky above clouded with black and brown, fires raging below and above, the scream of TIEs and the pall of explosions meshing into one ceaseless roar; stretching from sea to sea across the southern ’bridgehead’ stood the fortresses, nestled within the forward defenses. The wreck, scavenged by the Eriadans and shattered by countless bombardments, still stood as high as the flanking fortresses, itself a battlement the enemy mounted itself on.

“ Sir!” came the yell of the platoon comms officer, his khaki tuniced back hidden by the harness held transmitter set. Like every other man in the line, his once polished black blast helmet had been coated by dust and grime. His once young face was equally dirty, any semblance of boyhood innocence erased with one glance at the medal mounted below his two pip sergeant’s rank plaque: the Imperial Hand to Hand Combat Victory Citation. For this, in the midst of a battle, a man had to fight off others without supporting fire, using any weapons save the norm.

First Lieutenant Sirak Je’toor jumped down from the firing step dug into the side of a wide slit trench, a kilometer from the maelstrom of the battle itself, the battalion the platoon was part of placed in reserve. A diamond arrayed flight of TIE Defenders flew overhead, their passage sending a gust of wind over the position and a welcome relief to the dead air of war. “ Yes?”

“ Company Command!”

Je’toor grimaced and strode the several meters to the crouching communications officer. He grabbed the receiver and put it to his ear under the coal-scuttle blast helmet. “ Je’toor.”

“ Lieutenant, ready your platoon to move. We’re going back into the line. We head out in twenty. The regiment is making a push towards the Destroyer to even out the line; we’ll be on the extreme left of the assault.”

“ Aye sir.”

“ Good luck,” the commander of Company 4, 2nd Battalion, 42nd Light Infantry Regiment replied, himself an experienced and ambitious Balmorran.

The Lieutenant grimaced, and dispatched his orders.

* * *

Orbital Command Centre, Imperial Hammer-class Light Cruiser Vellitor

" Southern assault has commenced, General."

A regal officer turned in his chair amidst the war room and nodded. Ahead of him sat a massive holographic wall display of the continent of Arraya, the last vestige of organized resistance to the Empire.

" General, reports from the 772nd Bomber Wing. They've met heavy resistance at the western ramparts. It seems they've brought several dozen mobile flak batteries to bear."

" Send down reinforcements. Move the Congregate into defilade position."

" Aye si-"

The entire room was enveloped in a wall of flame and steel, a titannic fireball consuming the unshielded and nearly unarmed command ship only kilometers from a Golan Defense Platform. Debris drifted into space, most of which was quickly snatched down by the far reaching gravity of the industrial world below.

***will edit***

Telan Desaria
Mar 13th, 2003, 09:10:07 PM
32 Day of Senex Campaign

Sovereign Flagship SSD Inquisitor

" Admiral, the daily report."

Desaria internally grimmaced, and bade the lieutenant leave the crystalsheet on the obsidian desk. Another list of casualties and commendations, gains and losses, victories and defeats awaited the Grand Admiral's perusal. The efficient retraining of nearly all personnel had drastically increased the effectiveness of all arms, but losses were still high. A hundred worlds had been stormed across, many pledging their allegiance to TIE reconnaissance craft. Garrisons were set down on worlds deemed loyal, while entire armies were deployed where recalcitrant warlords decided to fight. Already five million Imperials had given their lives, twice that number on the enemy side. Millions more had flocked to the order the Banner of the Sovereignty provided, having no qualms in turning their arms against former allies.

The memories of Ira-drell flooded Desaria's mind where he had the displeasure of reducing a pocket of renegade stormtroopers, the entire battalion killed to a man. How loyal they had been until an orator swayed their minds. How bloody the war had been thus far. Hundreds of warships sent towards Thyferra and Carida for refits and overhauls, many of captured stock.

As well as our clandestine repair yard...

Desaria thought well of the small-scale war of expansion taking place on the Core-ward fringes of Wild Space, a secretive empire the rest of the galaxy was blissfully ignorant of.

The Admiral switched his axis of thought, the time not ripe for planning that endeavor. The Great Imperial General Staff on Thyferra, executing its proud tradition was doing an exemplary job of managing the minutiae of the multi-front campaign. They had worked equally well coordinating the smaller engagements, a tip of the hat to a Caridan education.

Grand Admiral Desaria finished his reading of the list with no proud feelings, indeed, the day's actions had been the worst to come. An entire Corps had been surrounded during a battle on Avit III, the thirty thousand men embatted from all sides. Another unit, the 54th Storm Division had been overrun on Dranon and annihilated, refusing to surrender and oaying the ultimate price for their determined refusal. The Hammer-class Light Cruiser Arbitrator had been ambushed while on maneuvers at the border of Imperial held territory, all hands lost.

Desaria scowled at the thought of the small warlord cabble that had cost him near a dozen small craft and a Destroyer. When the periphery of the liberated territories was smootened for ease of defense, the Fleet would mette out its vengeance upon the disloyal. Every one of them would be made to pay.

With a sigh, the Admiral placed the report in a drawer and stood. He adjusted his tunic and belt and turned to stare into space outside his office portal. Nearly liberated Dranon looked very peaceful below. The debris floating above runied such a thought, however.

A month already gone. A hundred worlds taken. A thousand more to go. The question is not whether we shall attain victory...it is when.

Telan Desaria
Mar 16th, 2003, 06:39:50 PM
41st Day of Senex Campaign

Imperial Flagship, SSD Inquisitor

" Bring the 17th and 21st around to port. Have them form slowly under the ventral bow; launch all reserves against the right!"

Desaria looked through the triangular viewports, each one darkened at will to shade the eyes of the crew from the bright explosions that riddled the Super-class Star Destroyer. Off the dagger shaped prow sat two of the Sovereign flagship's smaller cousins, each one less than an eigth her size. They had come not for a familial reunion, rather to commit fratricide.

En route from Dranon to the Monitor, the Imperials dedicated ten kilometer supply ship, a mass shadow had brought the warship from hyperspace. The Interdictor cruiser, its mission complete, made all haste from the scene, the course now barred by two Imperial-class Star Destroyers.

The Grand Admiral was dissapointed that the duo had chosen to fight rather than surrender. That they would even raise their hands against fellow Imperials was anethema to any member of the Twelve, yet the Empire stood splintered and disparate. Desaria knew it was his mission as it was the others to reunite the proud Empire, even with force.

" Enemy fighter screen drawn to the right, sir!"

Desaria inhaled heavily, the weight of a half trillion lives compounding his chest, exhaling nowhere near easy. Thinking every warship, every division, every fighter wing was a mere piece on a Dejark board rather than formations of living souls was perhaps the only thing that could ease the burden of command, no matter how great a man's loyalty.

In a low growl, the Admiral muttered a concise set of orders. " Bring us to port; all ion batteries fire at will on the right. Send the 17th and 21st to the left and release a full salvo at the remaining Destroyer. All squadrons are to reform and ignore the fighters. Concentrate missile barrages on the enemy Destroyers."

Two Destroyers, even Mark I; that's near seventy thousand men, a dozen squadrons of fighters, nearly eighteen thousand ground troops. What a waste. They fight us instead of the enemy! How twisted life has become! How perverse the Gods must be!

* * *

" Survivors?"

" Just over four thousand, sir. They have bee taken aboard the Trpy."

" Estimated repair time for her?"

" If she's rushed to dry dock, perhaps two months."

" The fighters?"

" Complete losses, sir. They had to be dispatched to a man."

" Very well. Dismissed."

The Senior Lieutenant clicked his heel, saluted, and spun about from the office. Desaria sank deep into his black padded chair and relived watching one of the Destroyers explode. He knew the crew of the [i]Troy would now be more than happy to defect, its Admiral executed by an Inquisitor upon rescue.

Not even the thought of a partly-operational Destroyer could assauge the guilt Desaria felt. Nothing had even been like Senex. With luck, nothing would.

Telan Desaria
Mar 16th, 2003, 09:42:01 PM
65th Day, Senex Campaign

Imperial Flagship SSD Inquisitor

The lights were low throughout the MPC, a colloquial acronym the Inquisitor's crew had given to the long transparisteel-sided accessway from the bow to the port edge of the 'dagger.' Many an officer and man had lowered the inertial dampening field and made the attempt to roll an object the seven kilometer length of the primary hull. Never had the task been completed on a Super Star Destroyer, though it had on a Plutarch, a record of three kilometers.

Grand Admiral Desaria remembered cheering on his Staff Ia who was competing against four other members of the bridge crew. The brash then-Lieutenant Commander had come in second, a bet that cost the Admiral a thousand credits, for a distance of two kilometers. Quickly sombering his mood was that very brashness that had made the Commander so eager and fun that had sealed his fate. Begging the Grand Admiral for a non staff assignment, Desaria could not restrain him. A month later, he found himself serving as a Major in the Fleet Infantry. An acquaintence in the Imperial Department of Personnel informed the Grand Admiral of the officer's whereabouts, including his death during the opening ground assault on Eriadu. His brashness had cost him his life.

A sigh was close to escaping the Admiral's lips when the sizeable form of Marshal Prem rounded a corner from a causeway into the primary corridor. Despite his girth, Marshal Prem was nothing if not robust. Much to the dismay of the Grand Admiral, given the hour of the night he had chosen for his stroll.

" Admiral!"

The Grand Admiral, his head tilted down as he saunted aft, quickly raised his eyes and slowly rotated his head. Prem was coming for him with one hand resting characteristically on his everpresent holster and the other holding a datapad.

" Fancy meeting you here," Desaria sarcastically replied.

" I should say, on a ship of a quarter million!"

Why do I bother? " What can I do for you?"

A grin extended the Marshal's cheeks up into near points, making him appear to be a man on the board of drectors to Xucphra instead of a Chief of the Imperial General Staff.

" I have good news!"

" I hope so. Victory has been rampant, but the price too high."

" Well, the counter-attacks on our extreme right have all been staged from the same base. One of the many warlord cabbles is using an abandoned mining system as a logistical supply depot. Those two Destroyers that hit us, the ambush of Convoy 8-17: all launched from it. Intelligence has been kind enough to give me a complete work up of defenses."

" You've drawn up a plan?"

Slapping the Grand Admiral on the back genially, Marshal Prem handed Desaria the datapad. " A corrdinated strike. With Dranon fallen, the 7th Light Squadron is free. Its four cruisers can hit the base and destroy it. First we'll have to feignt towards Ventaxx."

" This cabble has Ventaxx?"

" Taken three nights ago."

" And who heads this newest conglomerate?"

" Self proclaimed Emperor Ferri."

" Commander Ferri?"

" The one and only!"

Both senior officers shared a laugh, and strode towards the officers mess, where both intended to herald tomorrow with the best whiskey the Empire could afford

Aegis Du' Caat
Mar 17th, 2003, 10:27:59 AM
"One fell swoop..." Du' Caat muttered as the envoy from Hasan gave the Commodore the news. The ISD, the rogue Lancer and Carracks Squads all were being give to him by a loyal Captain of the Empire. Du' Caat was unsure though, the 1st Lancer and the VSD squadron may not be enough for the 8th Carracks, the 4th Lancer and an ISD. He would have to play his cards out perfectly.

"Helm set in a course, be prepared to jump to hyperspace at my command, we need to hit them hard and hit them fast."

"Aye Commodore," the fresh faced ensign replied.

It seems the battle of Freughte will soon be decided...

************************************************** **

:: Rendezvous Point t-10 minutes before arrival of the Pugilis Squadron ::

"Captain Dra'zi, we are relieved to see you," Harkon said gleefully upon contact with the ISD Fist of Iron

"You as well Captain Harkon, it seems that the Vigilance and the Sovereignty have underestimated the forces at the Pact's disposal here at Freughte," The Chiss Line Captain responded with a hissing laugh.

"A mistake that will cost them some of their most prized VSD's" Harkon replied with a sadistic grin.

"Sir the 1st Lancer's have arrived."

"Excellent, you see Captain Dra'zi, they will be no match for 2 Lancer Squads, a Carrack's squad and an ISD."

"Yes indeed," The Chiss replied.

************************************************** **

:: Captain Hasan's ready room t - 13 minutes::

"...and inform the gunnery chief to have all main torpedo bay's locked on that ISD, I want to hit her with a Salvo before she get's her shields up. But tell him to not use the targeting comp, we don't want suspicions."

"Aye Captain."

"Inform the commander's of the other vessels to concentrate fire on the ISD support ships, when that VSD squad comes out of Hyperspace their shield will be down for a moment, we need to draw fire for them."

"Yes sir."

"Mr. Greives do you have anything to add?"

"Yes Captain Hasan, if we create a targeting buoy to fire at the ISD in our first salvo, the VSD's could come in from hyperspace with a lock already on her."

"Make it so..."

"Jenkins contact Commodore Du' Caat of the plan and the frequency for the targeting buoy, quickly before we arrive."

"Yes sir"

"And remember keep your shields down until you see the first salvo fired, we don't want to give them any warning."

"Yes sir."


"What is it?"

"We've arrived."

The view of the 1st Lancer Squadron exitting hyperspace must have been one that instill supreme confidence in the minds of the Pact of Iron's commanders, but little did they know that her arrival had sealed their doom.

************************************************** **

:: VSD Pugilis ::

"Helm, engage..."

Telan Desaria
Mar 23rd, 2003, 06:10:50 PM
66th Day, Senex Campaign

Imperial Flagship, SSD II Inquisitor

Ahead of the dagger shaped Imperial flagship sat a barren rock, smaller in size than was the Death Star. A full broadside from the massive warship could have separated rock from rock in a matter of days, so paltry was the 'planet.'

" Ventaxx?"

" According to all data, sir, yes."

" Who would want that?" asked Commander Aerin, the Inquisitor's executive officer.

" The data we have on the system reports inside the planet is an extensive mining network. Duridium ore, sirs."

Commander Aerin departed the bridge proper, leaving Voltaire and the Grand Admiral on the catwalk together. All was normal, the operations officers issuing orders and dispatching contingency reports, communications officers relaying commands, and the commscan techs cataloguing all data for transfer to the Imperial Information Center on Bespin.

" Lieutenant, push the sensor sphere out to five hundred."

The scanner chief nodded and turned to his four-man command. Quickly they busied themselves, knowing many thousands of lives relied on their speed, efficiency, and accuracy.

" So Captain, you have your leave planned?"

" I still do not believe I should go. The campaign is far from over."

The Grand Admiral turned to his long time companion. His arms were crossed across his chest, seeming to make his two meter form even taller. " For eighteen years, you have taken no more than a week's leave. You will have fun. That's an order."

" Aye sir. Out of curiosity, when was your last furlough?"

A quizzical look came over the Admiral, but before he could respond, the sensor chief gave his report.

" Sirs, we've found some activity on the system edge. Four frigates. One of them is flying a Rebel flag."

" Oh?"

" Yes sir. We've querried her IFF and it comes back Nebulon-C Frigate Trebuchet, New Republic Task Force Aster."

Desaria closed his eyes, for he knew every other pair on the bridge was on him. Integrity was the key to life, composure to command.

" Take us to them, Captain. Flank speed. Raise shields and rechannel to bow. Deploy the monitors as well as the 17th Wing."

" Aye sir."

Leon Dagrelle
Mar 25th, 2003, 07:39:17 PM
' Peace? ' The Inquisitor chuckled ' You wish to surrender?. I thought the Naverean society were those of warriors full of spirit and passion. You ask me to trust you terms of surrender?. I do not... Leon staited proudly. The Intercom went silent for a few momens before the apprent spokesmen talked again.

' I will board you ship Sir and we will discuss a treaty face to face, i will bring no weapons and only 2 soldiers. Does this seem fair to you?' Again Leon gave a sarcastic chuckle before perading his bridge deck with confidence thinking on the matter.

' I see no reason why not, i make no promices and my terms will be harsh but i do trust we can come to some sort of arrangement between you and i and your Monerch. I however warn you that my patience is short and i have no time for whining and peasant like comments, give me what i want and you shall live in peace. Dont and what stands in my way will be dstroyed in the name of Admiral Telan Desaria.' he spoke cleanly.

' We understand Sir. We shall have a baording shuttle ready within the new few moments please arrange our visit by then...Culan Out.' The comm went dead and Leon smiled. There surrender would make life very much more easier and would leave no loss of life. Once there meeting was over he would report to Telan and then get ready to garrison a few battalions of troops down on the planet to hold order. Infact he looked foward to there sniverling.

Telan Desaria
Apr 15th, 2003, 02:59:55 PM
Ventaxx had been reduced to rubble, the orbital repair yards and lone defense station slagged into oblivion. Losses to the Sovreign task force had been minimal, and mostly counted in fighters. The war itself seemed to have grown easy.

In barely a hundred days, over fifty percent of the twin sectors had been conquered. What planets and forces had not sworn their undying allegiance to the Empire struggled under the weight of impressive garrison forces. Millions of soldiers lay dead and rotting under the heat from a thousand suns. There were simply too many for Graves Registration to keep up with. Unexploded torpedoes and missiles created rings around entire systems, they and mounds of debris the only reminder that once mighty vessels of war had occupied said space. On countless worlds, the chared and smoldering remains of repulsor tanks and transports littered many a serene landscape, brush already growing through craters and blast holes.

A thousand ships had been added to the Imperial registry, most under five hundred metres. Many of their commanders and crews had been waiting for a force to unite under, offering no resistence to the Sovereign forces hat marched through. Quickly the lone vessels formed squadrons, and the squadrons into flotillas, the flotillas into fleets.

Of the thousand, only two hundred remained. Those who would not surrender and acquiesce to the murmurs of reason had inflicted grave losses on the avengers. Casualty reports were printed hourly, and walls of honour had sprouted all over the Thyferra Sector. Support of the populace had never ebbed, but the price had been higher than many guessed, or chose to realize. The Grand Admiral had never once promised a swift or bloodless victory, only an eventual one.

Desaria himself had given innumerable decorations to the men under him, for it was with such baudles that men were lead. Given to him by the Moff of Thyferra, the Grand Cross of the Imperial Cross now dangled round his neck. The burden of command, however, was not assauged with it. He did his duty with honor and valor, but would take time to heal.

Only time would heal him. Only victory would cure him.

But the battle would continue.

Telan Desaria
Apr 17th, 2003, 03:14:56 PM
" A wonderful view indeed!"

" You are pleased then, Your Excellency?"

" Very so. Report then to the Admiral that his choice of locale was exquisite."

" As ordered, Your Excellency."

With that, a dark skinned Colonel clicked his heels in salute, bowed, and departed the room without sound, the whoosing of the doors lost in the thrum of the air circulation system. Now Moff Jerr, first legitimate holder of that rank since the fall and splintering of the Empire, stood proudly looking over his new home, the city of Brell Prime. Located deep within the Imperial-conquered regions of the Juvex Sector, control could be wielded over half of the intended expansion area. Lush forests, a thriving economy, and large population had made the world a fitting choice; her willful admittance to the Empire had sealed the deal. With luck, it would be a model to all other worlds. Rather than exercise brutal control over the locals, the Imperial government would work hand in hand with the previously established noble lords. Benevolence would solidify the Imperials' presence.

Young and dashing, Moff Jerr personnified the new Imperial ideal. Physically strong and mentally cunning with the ability to see possibility and the drive to carry it out through any means neccessary, Grand Admiral Desaria had chosen him personally.

" A wonderful place indeed."

Straightening his olive tunic, the Moff took a seat in his wooden chair of office, a gift from the Premier of Bespin. As he scanned the small pile of datadiscs and cryshacs on his desk, he took a stylus in hand.

" To business."

Aegis Du' Caat
Apr 21st, 2003, 09:38:38 PM
The blur of hyperspace, to an Imperialist there is nothing more moving nor stirring than to see the lines of stars being bent around the hull of a kilometer long warship. To know that at the end of the tunnel of light glory and honor await you. Aegis was no exception. The Commodore paced the command deck of the VSD Pugilis with anticipation. He had commanded vessels in combat before, but it had normally been against poorly trained Republic officers or with small frigates and cruisers. Today however was different, today he commanded a small fleet of capital ships to engage an even larger force. He however did have a trump card, a turncoat commander with a well trained and equipped squadron of Lancer Frigates and the element of suprise.

"Helm, time til arrivale?"

"2 minutes sir."

Aegis turned towards the comm officer; "All hands to battle stations."

A red flash illuminated the decks of the vessel as it prepared for battle, a siren and the voice of Du' Caat rang over the PA system.

"All hands, this is Commodore Du' Caat we will be arriving at the rendezvous point in 1 minute, all hands prepare for battle."

The bridge was abuzz with action as officers scrambled to ready their charges.

************************************************** **

"Jenkins time til arrival?"

"45 second Captain Hasan."

"All hands to battle stations, train your weapons on the ISD do not power them up or use targeting computers until the VSD's have arrived." Hasan sat in his chair and waited, the firepower of an entire Lancer Squadron would be unleashed in unison with the Firepower of a VSD squadron upon one target. She would never know what hit her.

"Sir detecting 3 large masses approaching from hyperspace."

"Very good, prepare for your baptism of blood lads, for your faith in the Empire is about to be tested."

************************************************** **

"Captain Dra' zi three large masses appearing on scanners from hyperspace," A startled ensign called out.

"What?!?!" The Chiss captain cried; "Indentify the--"

A brilliant flash of light appeared approxiamately 3/4s of a km off the forward bow of the ISD Fist of Iron. This was immediately followed by the launch of a targeting buoy by Captain Hasan's vessel that attached itself to the underbelly of the behemoth.

"Sir the 1st Lancer's have just fired a buoy at us?" A puzzled ensign called.

"Dear Go--" The Chiss captain never got to finish his statement. The ISD's shields were down her weapon systems down, she was as prone as a docked Naboo Royal Cruiser. The brilliant flashes of green from the VSD's turbolaser batteries ripped into her durrasteel hull, punching pot marks and ripping breaches throughout the vessel. A lone Proton torpedo found its way into the elevated bridge of the vessel, vaporizing everyone in its vicinity. It one short attack the mighty ISD Fist of Iron was no more.

************************************************** **

"Launch Fighters, attack those Frigates, all batteries target the lead Carrack." Du' Caat roared from his position high above the command pit.

The Pact of Iron's frigate squadrons and carracks cruisers were attempting to return fire as the VSD battle group and the 1st Lancers tore through their previously unshielded ranks.

"Report," Du' Caat demanded.

"Shields at 95%, the enemy seems to be in dissarray, sir."

"Very good pour it on, I want as many of those Carracks destroyed or disabled as possible in the next few minutes."

"Aye Sir."

The Pugilis, Brutus and Imperium had all but leveled the 8th Carracks as their bomber and fighter compliments tore through their unprepared defenses. The 1st Lancers were fairing nearly as well. One ship had pulled back due to a secondary failure in her shielding but she continued to fire warheads at the rogue Lancers and help the battle.

************************************************** **

:: 4th Lancers ::

"Commander Vogel, the ISD Fist of Iron is no more," A despondent Lt. said gravely.

"Damnit Hasan has betrayed us to the Damn Sovereignty!"

"Sir we have suffered over 60 percent losses, the 4th is the only remaining squandron intact."

"Can we run?"

"Most of the squadrons engines were damaged sir in the initial salvo."

"Open a frequency, order the 4th to surrender," Vogel said with a sigh.

"Aye commander."

************************************************** **

"Commodore Du' Caat, the 4th is hailing us, they are asking to surrender," the Comm officer said with a joyous shout.

A victory cheer rang out throughout the deck as news of the rout was proclaimed. Du' Caat watched on the Vid screen as the 1st encircled the surrendering 4th so they couldn't run.

"Send an armored transport to each vessel with an entire compliment of Storm Troopers and bring back to me each ships commander," Du' Caat said cooly.

"Yes sir, anything else?"

"Yes order each vessel to draw lots for ten men and send them over as well as the XO of each ship."

"Aye-aye sir."

Du' Caat clasped his hands behind his back and waited.

Telan Desaria
Apr 22nd, 2003, 03:09:49 PM
Brell Prime

" The Admiral's shuttle has entered the system, Your Excellency. ETA, ten minutes."

" Thank you, Major."

With a cityscape to his back, Moff Jerr stood and adjusted his tunic with both hands. Exercising great care, he examined every piece of his uniform from his reflection on the desk. He smoothered every wrinkle and tighened every creas; he wanted to look his best for the man who had brought him to his career's zenith.

Swallowing hard, the political commander of the soon to be conquered Senex Sector moved from behind his desk and strode towards the door. In his mind the Moff reviewed every preparation for the Grand Admiral's entrance. A phalanx of stormtroopers was at ease on the landing platform, TIEs were aloft to escort his party down, enough guards had been stationed around and throughout the command complex to retake the world itself.

" Your Excellency!" Major Tomas saluted, clicking his heels as the Moff left his office. Without missing a beat, he fell in behind the Moff as did two soldiers behind him.

During the lift ride to the primary landing platform, Jerr did his best to avoid fidgeting, much to his personal dismay. Before his appointment to the post, he had never been nervous about seeing Desaria. Before, though, I was his friend, and the weight of a hundred systems was not mine to bear.

" Attention!" chorused officers of the Corps as the lift doors parted and Jerr stepped out. Rows upon rows of stormtroopers, their armor glistening in the evening light, adjusted themselves to perfect formation, droids not so precise.

From above the complex a lone Lambda-class Shuttle cut through some lofty clouds on its descent, two squadrons of new Defender IIIs flanking it. Each gave a wiggle of its wings as they broke the phalanx, unable to land with the shuttle. TIEs stationed planetside took their place and escorted the delta-winged craft to its resting position. Banners flew and a breeze swept by as the bottom repulsor-guides turned.

Soon after, the landing ramp hissed down, and a pair of jackboots were not long in following. Down they clomped, colliding with the steel and then ferrocrete, each step palpable to all without helmets. The tunic and jackphurs, however, were not the pristine white of Grand Admiral Desaria, but rather the olive drab of the Fleet.

Grand Admiral Desaria had not come.

Moff Jerr dared not look dejected despite his now assauged anxiety, and so stepped forward with an iron salute to his guest.

" Moff Pessin Jerr, Lord of Juvnex."

The other returned the salute with parade-ground precision. " Vice Admiral Addar Ramm, Acting Commander, Senex-Juvex Sector Fleet."

His phrase had caught the Moff slightly off guard, and the Admiral was quick to explain. " The twin sectors, each with separate governing commands, are going to come under a Grand Moff, with a sector fleet protecting both. It is forming now, but I am here on inspection. As for the Grand Admiral, he was needed elsewhere."

" I see. Well then, let us retire to my office."

Aegis Du' Caat
Apr 22nd, 2003, 04:20:53 PM
:: VSD Pugilis ::

"Ahh-TEN-Shun! Commodore on the deck!" The gravely voice of a Gunnery Sgt called out to the division of Storm Troopers on board the hangar deck of the Pugilis. The entire division of doppelganger storm troopers snapped to attention.

Commodore Du' Caat moved slowly and with precision through the trooper division; inspecting the lines as he advanced. At the same time, Line Captains Drago and Tobea of the Brutus and Imperium exited their respective Lambada class shuttles and began moving towards Du' Caat. As the three line officers met, the two Captains snapped a sharp salute to the Commodore.

"At ease gentlemen," Du' Caat grunted.

"You called for us," Drago asked.

"Yes, we are going to have a court martial," Du' Caat said grimly.

As he spoke three troop transport shuttles opened and 96 prisoners were escorted by a few platoons of Elite troopers. The 96 prisoners were then separated by crews of the vessels they served on, with the CO of each vessel standing at the right of his crew followed by his XO and then his men. In all 8 lines were formed, with Commander Vogel's crew at the front of the group.

"Crews of the 4th Lancer Squadron you have been charged with high treason against the Empire. How do you plead," Du' Caat called out powerfully.

Commander Vogel stepped forward defiantly and replied; "Not guilty, sir."

Du' Caat nodded to the proud Commander and his response; then turned to his Line Captains and spoke; "Gentlemen how do you find these men on the charges of high treason?"

"Guilty sir."

"Guilty Commodore."

"Crews of the 4th Lancer squadron you have been found guilty of High Treason by a jury of Line officers, you will now be sentenced," Du' Caat said without emotion, his eyes were steeled over. Turning to the Line Captains he spoke again; "The penalty for their crimes?"



"Very well, crews of the 4th Lancers you have been tried and sentenced to death. Since this is a time of war you will be immediately field executed." Du' Caat responded. He then motioned with his hand for eight Storm Troopers to step forward with their Blaster Carbines.

"However I am pardoning 8 men from each crew, if they prove their loyalty to the banner of the Imperial Sovereignty. Starting with the XO of Vogel's crew count off every second man," Du' Caat ordered. The XO of Vogel's crew then every second man in the crew immediately stepped forward. Du' Caat then looked at the remaining 6 men standing before him; "Now every third man."

Two more members of Vogel's crew stepped forward, leaving only Vogel and three other crew members. Du' Caat nodded to the 8 storm troopers who were readied with their carbines.

"Hand each of these eight men a carbine."

Each man then received a blaster carbine from one of the eight troopers.

Du' Caat then looked at the XO of Vogel's crew; "Lt. Thompson, take your carbine and execute Commander Vogel."

"S-s-sir...?" Stammered the frightened Lt.

"Execute Cmmdr Vogel immediately or someone else will take your place and pardon Mr. Thompson." Du' Caat demanded. The XO immediately snapped to attention as his training and constitution returned to him. He raised his blaster carbine and trained it on Cmmdr Vogel; "Yes Sir!"

"Thompson N--" Vogel attempted to object.


A bolt of red energy silenced the protesting Commander and Vogel fell lifeless to the floor; a black blaster burn in the middle of his forehead.

"Well done Thompson, you are hear-by field promoted to the rank of Lt. Commander and given command of the 4th. Order the rest of your men to execute the three remaining traitors. Tell them to not hesitate to fire nor miss their mark for if they do they will be executed as well," Du' Caat instructed.

"Yes sir," Thompson replied. The remaining seven men all opened fire on the other three condemned soldiers.

"Now instruct the other crews to follow suit," Du' Caat ordered.

"Yes Commodore," Thompson said with vigor. And so each crew executed their CO and three others who were chosen by chance and the remaining eight swore loyalty to the Sovereignty, grateful at the chance to redeem themselves. When they were finished Du' Caat addressed them.

"You have redeemed yourselves of the crimes you have committed against your brethren today, you have sworn continued allegiance to the banner of the Sovereignty and the command chain that represents her. Return to your ships and take the point as we return to Freughte. Our mission here is not yet over."

The entire group of men snapped a salute and then returned to their shuttles, Each vessel would be accompanied by a platoon of elite troopers to make sure no one would back-pedal in their new oaths. Du' Caat turned to the Line Captains; "Return to your ships and prepare to return to the Vigilance, we have a planet to take."

"Yes sir."

Telan Desaria
Apr 22nd, 2003, 07:08:45 PM
Throughout the various corridors and halls the arrived guest and his entourage would take towards the Moff's high office was littered with pagentry and guards. At every bulkhead and brace stood a pair of soldiers, their black uniforms trimmed with white and the medals they had earned. At every passing, they held their carbines tight in front of their chests, stopming with their right feet as the brass passed before them.

" You have been here only a few moments," Moff Jerr asked, pointing down another corridor towards a lift. " What is your impression of Brell?"

The Admiral allowed his lip to twitch ever so slightly, the sides of his mouth curling along with the black goatee there attached. " A beautiful world, not too warm, like Thyferra, and not cold, like Raltiir."

" And its people?"

" Your Excellency, I have yet to meet any of them!"

The lift brought the pair towards the Moff's quarters and office, all in all his lair. Opulence abounded, having been prepared since its acceptance for the arrival of an Imperial central government.

Once inside the Moff's office, both took seats ahead of the desk.

" You said there is to be a higher structure?"

" Yes. A Grand Moff will be placed in overall command of the twin sectors, and a few surrounding systems. Under him, the commander of the sector fleet will oversee security of it all. Then the individual sector Moffs will answer to him, and he to central command on Thyferra."

" Do you know the size of this Fleet?"

" As of yet, it exists only on paper, and in the Grand Admiral's mind. But it will be most of the ships currently in this zone of operations. There will be an overall Fleet reorganization after that, this SF being first, followed by another for the Core-ward region, and then a roving command for other operations. Or so I understand."

" I see."

The pair continued their conversations well into the night, which itself was not too far away. When the sun had sunk below the horizon, the two did not noticed, so engrossed in their talks of the sectors and more importantly their homes.

When a communique summoned the Admiral to his flagship, a Light Cruiser in high orbit, the two bid farewell and parted company. The Moff remained in his office to continue the grueling paperwork wtih which he had rapidly become inundated. His new acquaintence thanked him for his hopsitality and returned to his shuttle with a sizeable escort.

From his office in the spired command complex, the Moff could gaze down at the entire southern half of the river-divided city. As well, the extended landing platform could be viewed as a mere spec nearly a hundred stories below.

" Enter," Moff Jerr beckoned as his door chimed high then low.

Major Tomas bowed and saluted, entering the room as a humbly as a junior military officer could. At his relatively low rank, the officer would remain prostrate before the politician, despite his subordination to the Imperial Armed Services. Those chosen to serve on the staffs of Moffs and governers as guards and aides were those with great patience and tolerence, for their respective arrogance exceeded any officer in the Forces.

" All went well, Your Excellency?"

" It did," Jerr replied, not turning from the window, one hand in a trouser pocket, the other holding a half-emptied glass of champagne.

" He is to be the new sector fleet commander?"

" From what I understand, his command is temporary."

" A friend of mine at CnC on Thyferra said he's being given a roving command. Some Admiral, Ducket maybe, will get the combined assignment."

Jerr smiled at the statement, the Major providing much insight as to reality since his posting with the sector government. It had indeed payed to have friends at low places scattered throughout the Empire, each with an ear to the hull.

Major Tomas stepped over to a well-crafted endtable, its every surface studded with ornate laser-etchings. The table, as well as the various ales upon it, had been a gift from the planet's baronial magistrate as a token of good will. He picked up one green-blue bottle and began to read its caligraphical label, and without warning it shattered, but not before the entire transparisteel viewport itself did likewise.

One hundred levels below, a bright orange fireball had replaced the landing pad, sending ferrocrete and steel-laden debris in every direction. Nearly all windows and viewports around it were broken to millions of bits by its titanic shockwave.

Above, Moff Jerr's aide had been cut to ribbons by the careening glass, while the Moff himself was rushed to the medbay where a team of droids and humanoid surgeons would try to save his fading life.

Below, the shuttle - indeed, everything around it - ceased to exist.

Aegis Du' Caat
Apr 22nd, 2003, 09:19:12 PM
Du' Caat stood on the command deck of the IDP Vigilance and looked at the world below. The planet's batteries had not fired a single shot, which was suprising to all members of the Soveriegnty's forces.

Are they surrendering or just waiting for my VSD's... Du' Caat thought to himself. Captain Longhaven approached him slowly. The tall Captain of the Orbital Platform was dwarfed by the giant of a man in Commodore Du' Caat.

"They haven't fired a shot, though their shields remain up."

"Yes it's odd," Du' Caat replied. Both men stared down at the planet.

"Does the Pact have any vessels that could provide resistance within any percievable range?"

"No sir, I believe Freughte is on her own," Longhaven replied. He had been reading the reports. Desaria's fleets had been routing the opposition throughout the Senex Sector, the traitor's planetside would have no assitance. Du' Caat nodded to Longhaven, then turned slowly, motioning for the Captain to follow him.

"Tell me of the inhabitants of Freughte, are they loyal to the Pact?" Du' Caat was anticipating the amount of resitance he would have on this planet.

"As loyal as any group of oppressed people would be," Longhaven replied. "They will be conscripted to fight against the Empire, but the civilian legions of this Pact of Iron will falter under the discplined assualt of a well trained Trooper division."

"Most civilian militaries do, I can only remember a few planets that were as tenacious as a Trooper division, but they were defending a cherished leader, the Pact is not a banner most civilians would eagerly rally around."

"No sir it is not. However there are 4 main citites that are under the umbra of planetary shielding; Brauen, Teutopolis, Daube, and Reichtenburg. Teutopolis being the capital city and home to the main Pact of Iron, Imperial trained ground forces," Longhaven was a wealth of information. Du' Caat was glad he did not have to destroy such a powerful new ally.

"Then we shall attack Teutopolis and cut the snake's head off," Du' Caat said firmly.

"Shall I convene a meeting of the officers?"

"Yes, tell them that we shall end this war quickly."

"Yes, Commodore."

Telan Desaria
Apr 23rd, 2003, 03:51:00 PM
164th Day of the Senex Campaign
Imperial Flagship Inquisitor

" Brother."

It was a single word with a most innocuous meaning. A simple word conveying familial relations of the most sincere and unbreakable sort, it was nothing if not plain. At no point could it stand for evil or infamy, nor could it bode joy or elation. It meant only one thing: another child of two from the same mother. It could in no one's mind be anything ominous.

Except, however, to Grand Admiral Baron Telan Desaria. On Centaur he was the eldest child of eight males and four females. His mother had remained robust despite her birthings and age, rumored to considering yet another son. The other Desaria children, the noble brothers and sisters of the Imperial warlord, were all on still on Centaur.

But one wanted to leave. He had thusly contacted his oldest sibling for help.

It was with a very resigned and heavy heart that the Lord Baron of Raenoria looked towards the holoviewer displaying one third youngest brother's visage.

" Kiric. How are you?" the Admiral asked, plopping down palpably in a chair behind his expansive black desk.

" Well. I was decorated for innovation the other day by my divisional commander."

" What do they have you doing now?"

" Battalion Command, Heavy Armor. I'm a Major!" the black-tuniced Desaria boasted, proud of his grand achievement, being only nineteen. Kriic Desaria was the only member of the family who's mind was Army oriented to be given a non-staff assignment. All three of the girls and one other Desaria male were in the ranks of the Centuarion Legion, but all had either General Staff assignments or higher strategic commands. Kiric was content to command at a more tactical level, always wishing his friends to remain names and faces, rather than mere numbers.

" Well done," the elder replied, somewhat distracted.

The younger could not be fooled by his brother's false enthusiasm. " Did I catch you at a bad time?"

" Actually, you did. For the last several hours I have been in a holoconference with several members of the Imperial General Staff discussing my plans for a flanking assault against a renegade officer. He has fifteen systems under his control, and I believe I have found an exploitable weakness."

" Ah. I see," Kiric said, obviously out of his element. " Well, shall I let you get back to your war?"

Grand Admiral Desaria was very tempted to say yes, seriously considering exchanging the capricious atmosphere of family for the order and perfection of battle. Something nagged at his conscience though, doubtless his Centaurian family loyalty. Try as he might, he could not just cast aside a brother he had not spoken with for many months.

" No, not at all. You were saying about your decoration."

Full of the youthful spirit which had so unfortunately decayed in the elder, Kiric continued, going on and on about every slightest nuance of his past months. Things as simple as a one minute conversation became the subject of an hour's analysis. All through it, Lord Baron Desaria kept his near-cynical older-brother's attitude, gibing where it counted and laughing as well. For that time, the carnage and slaughter which had defined the brutal campaign thus far seemed to fall away.

It was Kiric who returned it to the Admiral's mind.

" Telan, can I come fight with you?"

Without hesitation Telan snapped, " NO!!!"

The younger stood before the receptor across the galaxy castigated, brow beat and cowering before one word.

True to form, he asked the inevitable question. Why.

" I'll tell you why! I am losing hundreds of thousands of men a day, with twice as man wounded! Prisoners are not a common sight in this war. If you were wounded and not recovered by our medics you would be executed without question. If killed and we did not hold the field, your body would be incinerated without ceremony or record. Not only am I unwilling to see you fall, I am unwilling to see you disgraced after death."

" If you want to talk honour, Tel, then you'd better be able to live it."

" And just what the Sith is that supposed to mean, you little Srabbt!" Barbs grew between them, obvious by the use of Kiric's derogatroy boyhood nickname after an annoying and nearly invincible native insect.

" You should know! You chose to go Imperial on us. No one in this family has ever stood in the way of another's decision. Father could have ordered you not to go, but that would have been a disgrace to you, or have you forgotten what it was like? Are you ready to become duplicitous? Are you a Grand Admiral or a Grand Moff?"'

" You little - "

Kiric interrupted his brother, stabbing a finger at him from seven day's travel away. " You'll send anyone into battle to die for your Empire as long as they're not related to you."

More than seeing the Empire reunited, Desaria the elder wanted to rebut his out of line sibling. Out of line or not, though, he was right. No one had stopped him every time he wanted to risk his own life, nor had he to anyone else. But he had ordered others not to follow in his footsteps, with the conceived notion that he was wrong and irrevocably devoted.

Dislike, loath it as he might, Telan's brother was right.

" All right. Report to my flagship as soon as you wish. It's not hard to find, it's the only Super Star Destroyer in this quadrant of the galaxy."

Without a good bye, Lord Baron Desaria placed his hand on a comm switch, ending the link. Resigned, he slumped in his seat. Dejected, he closed his eyes. Fearful for the first time, he wept.

Aegis Du' Caat
Apr 23rd, 2003, 08:47:10 PM
:: IDP Vigilance ::

The War Room of the Vigiliance Platform was bustling with Imperial Sovereignty officers. Some from the platform, some from the Brutus, Imperium, and others from the Pugilis. Each was busy with their own orders, Commodore Du' Caat stood silently watching the drones of the Empire executing their orders and protocol. How he disdained the trouble of meetings, he'd rather give and recieve his orders from the bridge of his vessel while sending his enemies to a vacuumed grave.

"Commodore Du' Caat, everyone is here and ready whenever you are sir," A young Lieutenant in Longhaven's general staff informed the broad shouldered giant of a man.

"Very well, I will begin shortly," Du' Caat said dismissing the man.

So many Imperialists dead, dead at the hands of their brethren, dead at the hand of the very men who swore an oath to defend the same thing they did when they became soldiers. It is sickening...

Du' Caat moved slowly towards the table, everyone in the room moved to salute the flag officer, but he motioned for them to sit and be still for a moment.

"Gentlemen, words can not describe my admiration for your actions, valor and loyalty you've shown thus far. The same can be said for the guilt that lays heavily on my heart for the death of all those men who foolishly betrayed the cause. Some men were more than likely loyalists on board those vessels and were simply in no position to change the course of their own destiny. We must remember that as we continue this campaign. Show mercy where honest redemption has been shown and none where we are met with defiance." Du' Caat then sat and motioned to Captain Longhaven.

"Very true sir, very true. Gentlemen Freughte is not an impentetrable fortress nor is it a back-water planet with no defenses. There are four main cities protected with planetary shielding spread across the planet. Each contains a heavy planetary batterey of turbo-lasers and heavy Ion cannons. It would take a months worth of constant bombardment from the Vigilance and all the other vessels located here in the Freughte system before we could even begin to crack any of those shields. This is time we do not have, plus their batteries are more than enough to fend off a squadron of VSD's attempting to bombard the planet. However there are chinks in her armor."

A holo-image appeared in the middle table displaying the planet and the firing arcs of the 4 main planetary batteries. Longhaven took a laser pointer and motioned to a large cluster of islands located in the Gaussian sea to the south of Teutopolis.

"Here over the Tressian Islands is a gap in the firing arcs. Teutopolis batteries are just out of range here as are Reichenburg's. The hole is not big enough for a VSD to get through to land troops but it is quite large. A Carracks could make it through." Longhaven paused shortly for a moment. Du' Caat took the oppurtunity to interject.

"Tell me Longhaven, if we diverted the batteries over Teutopolis, could we get the VSD's through?"

"What are you suggesting sir?"

"An feint by the 4th Lancers if they are willing, just long enough to get the VSD's through."

"Greaves, how long would it take to get three VSD's through?" Longhaven shouted at Lt. Greaves a statistical genius on his staff.

"All three at the same moment or one at a time?"

Longhaven looked at Du' Caat with a questioning look.

"In tight formation with relatively safe rate of descent, simultaneously, Mr. Greaves," Du' Caat answered for Longhaven.

"3 minutes until they broke the 30 degree parameter at the apex of the firing arc sir."

"30 degree parameter?" Drago questioned.

"Yes, all planetary batteries are designed to fire in a 30 degree arc, below that they are ineffectual. A safety parameter so planetary batteries did not strike buildings and what not." Du' Caat replied. He then looked at Commander Richards, the chief engineering officer in the battle group; "Can you make it faster?"

"30 seconds tops otherwise your losing control over your descent sir."

"Then do it, now before we get too excited, are our hovertanks capable of traveling over an actual sea, General McLane?"

A stout, stocky man dressed in Imperial Army fatigues stood.

"Yes sir I believe they are," He grunted in typical leatherneck fashion.

"And can you get those AT-AT's safely over the sea without getting shot out of the sky?"

"Well sir depends on how good the Fighter Corps are at their jobs."

The room laughed uneasily at the General's joke, but took the comment to heart. The squadrons of the Imperial Sovereignty were some of the best in the galaxy, but they would have to be perfect to defend the massive transports as they moved over the Guassian Sea.

"We'll keep your asses dry General, you just take out those shield gens for the Vigilance and the VSD's and we'll take care of the rest." Colonel Du' Pris replied.

"Well Thompson are you and your men willing to prove you loyalty to the Sovereignty?" Du' Caat asked.

"Yes sir we are," Thompson replied without hesitation.

"Very well, however the elite Troopers will remain on board your vessels to make sure there is no treachery."

"Yes sir."

"Gentlemen return to your ships and prepare for the mission, we will begin the operation in 30 minutes."

With that everyone rose from the table and saluted as they were dismissed to their own vessels.

"Longhaven," Du' Caat called out.

"Yes sir?"

"Are there any secondary targets the Vigilance might bombard to perhaps draw some of the fire away from the 4th?"

"Sir there is a military outpost on the fringes of the shielding that is not entirely protected. This may enable us to garner some fire from the batteries over Teutopolis."

"Very well then, 1 minute before the assault is to begin, bombard the out-post, perhaps they will have a knee-jerk reaction of firing on the platform."

"Yes sir."

Telan Desaria
Apr 24th, 2003, 05:58:29 PM
" Admiral, Major Count Desaria would like to see you."

Lord Baron Desaria, eldest sibling to the like-named family, placed his datapad on the desk before him and shut his eyes. Deeply he inhaled, held it for a moment, then let it out is a low sustained hiss. Standing ot his full height, he replied affirmative.

A meter below the Grand Admiral and several more ahead, black-tinted doors spread apart towards the walls and in walked his brother. Foreward he strode as the doors shut behind him, looking to either side through the low light to the wall-length fish tank to the bow, and an equally long model case aft. Behind the desk stood the elder Desaria, the stars and space at his back.

Before mounting the small raised landing on which the Admiral's desk was situated, the Major bowed low without a sound.

" Kiric Assein Desaria, Count of Ravia, Major, Centaurian Army."

The younger erected himself once more and gave his brother a stern look to his eyes. Their gazes met, the ice melting between them.

" Telan."

The Grand Admiral pointed to a seat across the desk from him and sat, wordlessly. Kiric mounted the tiers until he was equal with his brother, though several centimeters shorter in stature. As instructed, he sat.

" Major, you arrived sooner than I expected. We spoke no more than sixty hours ago."

" To be honest, Tel, I was ready to go when I called. A transport was booked for me directly to Thyferra. When I arrived, I was placed on a military transport which took me the rest of the way."

Desaria frowned, then steepled his fingers lossely. " Major Desaria, we are brothers, but the moment you stepped on this ship you became an officer in the Imperial Military. Your are a junior officer, and subordinate to myself. Even in private, you must learn to address me as the supreme commander of the Imperial Military."

" Tel-"

" You will address me as Grand Admiral or sir. As a Centaurian officer, you may refer to me as Lord Baron Admiral if you so choose."

Kiric was used to the chain of command, and every member of their family respected it. He relented without any furhter objection, as the Grand Admiral expected.

" Good. I have decided on a command for you. 1st Battalion, 41st Inquisitoriate Armored Regiment recently lost its commanding officer. They are engaged on Asmeru as a reserve unit, XXV Panzer korps. You will take command, examine your men and materiale, and upon your report to divisional headquarters, you will be transferred to the front."

" Is that all, Admiral?"

The elder nodded negatively.

Kiric rose and saluted, whirled on his heel and departed. The elder sighed again, hopeful to again see his brother.

Aegis Du' Caat
Apr 25th, 2003, 11:01:40 AM
:: IDP Vigilance ::
T- 5:00 from commencement of Freughte Invasion

"Captain Longhaven, the Pugilis and the rest of her squadron are in position. "

"Excellent and the 4th Lancers?" Longhaven queried.

"In position, making last minute preparations for their attack run."

"Very good, Inform the Lancer's that we will begin bombardment shortly."

"Yes sir."

************************************************** **

4th Lancers - Lt. Commander Thompson's vessel ::
T - 3:00

"Commander, the Vigilance is reporting she is ready to commence bombardment on Teutopolis."

"Very good Ensign, helm bring us to 500 meters outside maximum planetary firing range."

"Aye Sir."

The 4th Lancers began to form into a V-shape as the approached the atmosphere of Freughte, slowly the vessels came to a halt; just out of the range of the planets guns.

"Sound general quarters," Thompson ordered.

A siren erupted on the vessel and the flash of red hazard lights illuminated the inards of the vessel. A personel reported immediately to battle stations.

"Inform the Vigilance that we are ready."

"Aye sir."

************************************************** **

:: VSD Pugilis ::
T - 1:00

"Commodore, the Vigilance and the 4th have reported in are prepared to begin."

"Very well, Jenkins time?"

"45 seconds sir."

"Comm, inform the Vigilance she may proceed at her discretion, sound general quarters, have fighters on stand by."

"Aye sir."

************************************************** **

:: IDP Vigilance ::

"Captain, Commodore Du' Caat has ordered us to commence bombardment at will."

"Very well, Ventat order all planetside batteries to commence firing," Longhave called out to his Weapons officer.

"Aye sir," The Lt. in charge of the weapons replied. "Batteries 4,6,10, 12; Fire!"

The platform shuddered as the massive turbo-lasers on her planet side batteires fired. Intense streaks of green fell from the heavens upon the planet like divine judgement.

************************************************** **

:: Security Out-Post Alpha-3, Teutopolis ::

"What could they possible be waiting for and why won't General Brask allow us to commence firing on the platform?" A young Lt. in the Pact of Iron's Ground Forces grumbled to a fellow soldier.

"I have no ide--" His companion was about to reply when the entire building they were in, erupted into a green hue, vaporizing the structure immediately. Enlisted men and officers alike scrambled for bunkers and battle stations as the Vigilance rained turbo-lazer fire upon their positions.

"General Brask, the Sovereignty forces have begun firing, shall we return?"

"No," Replied the craggy faced Senior officer of the Pact of Iron, in Teutopolis. "The Vigilance doesn't have the fire-power necessary to destroy our shields."

"But sir..."

"Do not question my judgement Captain."

"Sir we are detecting a Squadron of Lancers entering the atmosphere within the range of our guns, shall we fire?" The Sensor operator at the HQ asked.

"What is your game Du' Caat." Brasked mubled to himself.

The Lancers entered atmospheric flight and began firing on the planetary shielding. The bolts of energy were simply absorbed by the powerful defensive grid. Soon the Lancers began firing Ion cannons at the shielding. This proved more effective, as the shield began to weaken in points.

"General we can not allow them to fire on us, un-checked. The platforms guns will be able to break through if those Lancers Ion cannons continue at this rate."

"Damn!" Brask said slamming his fist into the table; "Return fire, return fire."

With that phrase the planetary batteries of Teutopolis opened up her mighting guns.

************************************************** **

:: VSD Pugilis ::

"Commodore Teutopolis has returned fire on the 4th."

"Excellent, helm take us in."

The VSD squadron shuddered as it began to enter the atmosphere. A red hue began to surrond her shielding as she moved through the oxygen rich air of Freughte at maximum atmospheric flight.

"2 minutes until 30 degree parameter sir."

"Very good keep me informed, Hase, how are the shields?"

"95% and holding sir."

"What of the 4th?" Du' Caat asked.

"Their shields are holding though a few of the ships are beginning to break off from formation to escape the planet side batteries, their shields are too weak."

"1 minute 30 seconds sir."

"Sir the 4th is retreating they can't sustain anymore damage to their shields."

"Damn, time?"

"1 minute sir."

A shudder was felt throughout the vessel as the batteries on Teutopolis began to turn their attention to the VSD's trying to sneak in the back door.

"Shields at 75% sir all systems nominal."

Another hit from the powerful guns of Teutopolis rocked the bridge of the Pugilis. Du' Caat nearly toppled from the blast.

"Shields at 50% sir. Forward warhead launchers disabled."


"30 Seconds sir."

"Sir we are picking up a fighter silohettes on our sensors, shall we deploy?"

"Yes deploy in picket formation."

"Aye sir."

Another shudder, this one not as severe as the last rocked the vessel.

"Shields at 45%"

"5 seconds, 4, 3, 2, 1, we are clear."

"All ships report, prepare for fighter attack!" Du' Caat ordered.

"Shields at 40% sir, we've lost our forward warhead and secondary deflector generators. The Brutus and the Imperium report shields around 60%."

"Change formation to inverse V, let them hold off the fighters while we lick our wounds."

"Yes sir."

"Sir sensors report 1 wing of TIE advanced supporting 4 squadrons of modified-TIE bombers."

"Order our defenders to take out those bombers immediately. Our point defenses can handle the Advanceds."

"Aye sir."

"Sir it appears the Vigilance is scrambling fighters, they're on an intercept course with the bandits."

"Let's hope they get there in time."

Telan Desaria
Apr 28th, 2003, 03:10:18 PM
- Asmeru –

“ You know what you’re goin’ into, suh?” asked the shuttle pilot, strapped to his flight couch and bulkhead. His drawl did little to reduce the Fleet notion that all Fighter Corps officers grew up in the backwater regions of every world throughout the Empire.

Seated calmly behind the cockpit was Major Viscount Desaria, ready for the war below. A pitch of the craft in turbulence forced the Major to react, grabbing his olive blast helmet on his lap before it rolled to the floor. The journey towards the planet from the Kuati Supertransport Galvanizer XVIII had been uneventful – and wordless – until the shuttle hit the atmosphere. The bouncing and juking of the Sentinel-class vessel had spurred the pilot’s jaws to life.

“ No, Chief. Do tell.”

“ Hah! This planet’s been a hot zone since we started this operation. Over five million troops dirt-side. The boys we’re fightin, they’re old Delteon Sector brawlers. About seven million worth. Fierce they are. Givin’ us as good as give them!”

Major Desaria had read the brief his new divisional commander had sent him en route, only to be informed a day later the division had ceased to exist as a cohesive force, its component regiments and other units made independent commands. The regiment his battalion was part of was one of the most decorated in the Inquisitoriate. It’s long history dated to before Endor; some of the regiment’s former members had participated in the Great Jedi Purge. After absorbing all that data, the Major was less worried about his unit pleasing him than he was pleasing it.

“ They want me to drop you just north of Karatchin. XXV Panzerkorps HQ. Good luck.”

There on out, the youngest Desaria in Imperial service ignored the pilot, instead concentrating on the planet below, drinking it details as the distance shrank. When the shuttle skimmed the surface, the Major recorded every clump of trees and town to memory. Orbital reconnaissance holos would prove invaluable, but personal observation could never be replaced.

A squadron of TIE Scimitar assault bombers passed overhead, their altitude climbing as they soared by. Many had been given special marking by their crews and techs, some paintings of family or loves, others sayings and slogans. Units attached to the Imperial Army tended by much more lax in their vehicle marking regulations than their Fighter Corps counterparts.

An hour after arriving in the system along with replacement repulsortanks, Major Desaria touched down, setting foot on the planet for the first time. His jackboots seemed to be enveloped by the swaying grass, some as tall as waist level. The gentle seasonal breeze pushed the six-pointed star decoration hanging around the Major’s neck to the side. Grabbing his Centaurian Merit Cross, the nobleman held it atop his drab armor vest as he ran to a waiting repulsor car.

Donning khaki fatigues, a clean cut Army Captain saluted before opening the door. “ Welcome to the Two-five, Major!”

“ Thank you!” Desaria replied, hoping into the offered back seat of the open topped vehicle. Black-tinted combat goggle resting above the lip of his blast helmet, Desaria wiped his cheek with a gloved hand. A wiggle of the Sentinel’s wings greeted the craft as it roared off towards the HQ; the other made a rapid ascent back through the atmosphere, no longer at the Major’s disposal.

Telan Desaria
Apr 29th, 2003, 02:50:45 PM
Forward Command Post, XXV Panzerkorps


“ You come highly recommended, Major. Top of your class, Tactical Operations branch of the Centaurian Martial Academy. Five times decorated for gallantry, three times assigned to actual combat zones. I called in a favor to Thyferra and spoke to your regimental commander, Colonel….Azimoph?”

“ Yes sir.” Shoulders squared, eyes front, face emotionless, Desaria stood before the red-tuniced Korps commander with all the discipline his family and training had instilled in him. Without a deep background knowledge, one would never guess he was not a standard Imperial officer, prim, proper, and arrogant.

“ He speaks highly of you, though he does recommend defining your orders as broadly as possible. Do you know why?”

“ No sir!” the Major replied, motionless.

“ So that I may exploit your natural initiative, his exact words. I value initiative, Major, but only reason. If the only to take a hill is to lose half your men, then you belong as part of the battalion, not in command of it. Do you catch my drift?”

“ I believe so, General.”

“ Do not let the fact that you are the Grand Admiral’s brother think I will be swayed in any decision I make. Fact is, your regiment is this Korps’ strongest armored component right now. Everything else is dismounted tank crewmen acting as infantry, along with a few pieces of artillery. We’ve been through some tough fighting, and those Delts are gearing up for more. Can you handle that, Desaria?”

“ I will sir. Or die trying.”

“ Spoke like a true Imperial. Well then.”

The Lieutenant General moved from around his small wooden desk, not more than a four-legged table erected in the middle of a tarp-covered trench, and extended his hand towards the young man. Silently they shook, somberly and comrade-like. The General had done his job by putting the Major in his place, and the young Desaria had done his by knowing it.

“ Dismissed, Major. Intelligence reports they may hit us again before tonight, so you may be going into action ready or not. Good luck.”

Desaria clicked his heels and brought his arm up in a salute, which the brown haired General crisply returned.

Aegis Du' Caat
Apr 29th, 2003, 06:47:38 PM
"Incoming!" Came the cry of the sensor operator.

A blue streak, the tale-tell sign of a Proton torpedo came streaking through the purple Freughte sky, slamming into the weaking shields of a VSD.

"Shields at 35% at failing fast sir!," The Gunnery officer reported.

"All auxillary power to shields!"

"Aye sir."

"All hands brace for impact..."

Another blue streak slammed into the VSD, this time it passed through the shields and ripped a hole in her portside hull.

"Breach on deck 5, hull integrity at 95%. Section has been sealed off."

************************************************** **

:: VSD Pugilis ::

"Sir the Brutus' shields have failed. She won't withstand another bomber run."

"Move the us to intercept," Commodore Du' Caat replied.

The mighty imperial vessel shuttered as she moved forward in the atmosphere, her shields were holding steady at 65% but a well executed torpedo run by the defenders bombers could cripple her. As she moved forward her point-defense batteries began to open fire of the bombers that were trying to bank and set up for another run on the Brutus.

"Sir, our fighter corps are at 75% and reporting enemy escort fighters have been driven off. Enemy bomber corps have only sustained 10% casualties. They are coming around for another run."

This is it...my VSD's... for the lack of adequate fighters...

"Full power to shields, divert power from main batteries to our forward deflector array."

"Yes sir."

"Put us in the line of those bombers, don't give them a shot at the Brutus."

As the Pugilis moved to intercept the bombers on their second run, new fighter silohettes appeared on the radar. Followed by a short transmission.

"Sovereignty task Force, this is the 4th Vigilance fighter wing moving to intercept, please be advised and hold fire on our ships."

Du' Caat's white knuckled grip on the railing overlooking his command pit loosened as a full wing of TIE advanced swooped in from above the Freughten bomber squads, tearing through their formations. The Pact's bombers were forced to break-off their attack run as the combined might of the VSD's Defender squadrons and the wing of TIE Advanceds decimated their ranks. The invasion had been saved.

"This is Lt. Col. Stockard the commanding officer of the 4th. We'll set up patrols around your LZ. Get those ground-pounders on some dirt and take care of that planetary shielding over Teutopolis sir."

"Well done Stockard, you'll be wearing a medal for this."

"Thank ya' sir, Stockard out."

Du' Caat turned towards General McLane.

"Ready your men and get them planet-side. I want a tact-ops set-up in 1 hour."

McLane saluted and replied; "Yes, sir."

************************************************** **

1 1/2 Hours Later...

"Sir," McLane said gruffly as he saluted the towering Du' Caat who was exitting his Lambada class shuttle.

"At ease General, how is the task force shaping up?"

"We will be ready to begin operations in 2 hours sir."

"Any intelligence on possible strength of opposition forces?"

"1-2 armoured battalions consisting mainly of medium hovertanks, one infantry division, and a possibly5 airborne calvary companies. Fighter support seems to be limited due to their losses during planet fall."


"The southern front, which is where the main assault will take place seems to have a network of heavy laser turrets, four surface-to-surface hardpoints and reinforced durracrete walls, but their main forces are located to the north-west, here. The closest border of the city to our tact ops. We are going to use a regiment of Inquisatorate and 2 regiments of stormtroopers as a feint against their stationing to the north-west, while the 3rd Infantry division along with the 203 Armoured hits the south defenses. We will reinforce the Inquisorate and the Stormtroopers with fighter cover."

"Excellent. Remember McLane as soon as soon as you breach the city take out those shield generators and you'll have the full firepower of 3 VSD's at your disposal for bombardment."

"Yes sir."

Du' Caat then turned sharply, his tunic billowing behind him and reboarded his shuttle. He had seen enough and needed to oversee the repairs of his VSD's so that the final assault on the capital city would be successful.

Aegis Du' Caat
Apr 29th, 2003, 11:01:19 PM
:: Northwestern Front: Teutopolis ::

They came in low, a group of ITT-500's; each capapble of carrying nearly 500 troops and their gear. Fifteen of these vessels cast their shadows over the Gaussian Sea as they carried their capacity of troops; one full regiment of Inquisorate Forces and two full regiments of Stormtroopers. Behind them were 5 CL-250's; the super-transports capable of transporting an entire armoured company and each was doing so. Around these lumbering airbourne hulks were 5 squadrons of TIE Defenders, fly as escort and a squadron of SJ-55's (Shadowcasters), the infamous radar jammers of the Imperial Sovereignty.

"Krzzt... Operator this is Deliverary Service, we are 15 minutes from the drop point... over...Krzzt"

The static comm of radio contact broke the silence at SGE Tact-ops. Gen. McLane took the reciever and mouthpiece in hand and replied; "Deliverary you are right on schedule, wait for conformation of backdoor before delivering the package, over."

"Krzzt... That's a positive...over...krzzt."

The as the massive transports began to descend over the coastline, the massive Freughten Oaks that ran down the craggy coasts swayed and caught fire in the wake of the vessels massive repulsor engines and propulsion thrusters. The roar of the transports straining engines must have been deafening for any so unfortunate as to be present when they flew overhead.

************************************************** **

:: Southern Front ::

As the regiments of the Inquisorate and Stormtroopers began to take formation in the Northwest, the 4th Imperial Infantry divisions and the 203 Amoured began to move rapidly from their positions in the South. Trees and farms were levels in their wake as APHC's and the feared Templar mkII hovertanks rumbled towards the city's fortified south. Everything was destroyed on their way to the planet's capital, they could not afford the cities defense forces to shift to the south if the assualt was to work. The main battle forces of Teutopolis had to engage the northern feint while the main battle group in the south ripped through the automated defenses.

"Col. Steiner we are 20 kliqs outside the main fortifications. Intel estimates we will be within range of their Havok surface-to-surface missles within 3 minutes."

A well-built 6' 2" man with close cropped hair bit down hard on his unlit cigar. It was Col. Alexi Steiner, the CO of the 203 and acting commander of the Southern spearhead. He rolled his neck and cracked the knuckles in his left hand.

"Alright then, all units prepare for incoming warheads. Inform tact-comm we will be engaging the Southern flank in approx. 2 minutes."

"Yes sir."

"Arm the Gauss rifles and ready the turbo-lasers. Get those AMS's online," Steiner barked. As he did the first incoming Havoks could be seen popping up on radar.

"Radar dectecting missle launch sir."

"Alright men this is it."

************************************************** **

:: Northwestern Front ::
Command Center of Gen. Brask
Approxiamtely the same time...

"Sir Imperial ground forces are engaging us from the North."

"Excellent then my estimate was correct, they would pick to attack us where we were weakest in fortifications, now they will have to face the strength of the best trained ground troops in all of Freughte head-on," Brask laughed. Turning to a staff officer he barked; "Order the 3rd Infantry division to engage the Imperials head-on, send the 8th at their eastern flank. Will pin them between the ocean and our fortifications to the west. Move the 303 Artillery into position and provide blanket fire on their advance."

"Yes sir, reports coming in... dear go-- General, it's a regiment of Inquisorate!"

"What!?! Why the devil would Du' Caat be carrying a regiment of Inquisorate! Move our armoured battalions into position, " Brask stammered.

As the Freughte ground forces moved to meet the advancing Sovereignty forces head on they were met with a disheartening sight, an entire regiment of red-tuniced Inquisorate forces. A few squads of recently recruited civilian conscripts immediately broke formation and fled from the combat zone. The more experienced and veteran platoons hit the dirt immediately seeking cover so that they could exchange fire with the feared elite troopers of the Empire.

As the Inquisorate regiments advanced, taking the middle of the wedged shaped assault, they were hit with a massive bombardment from the 303 Artillery. However their ranks did not break nor their pace, it seemed as if the regiment just walked through the fire of the initial bombardment unfazed.

"Keep marching! Gloria Imperium," Shouted a MSgt incharge of a squad of Inquisorate troopers. As they returned the battle cry, a shout came from throughout the entire regiment. It was deafening and demoralizing to the Freughte troops; "GLORIA IMPERIUM!"

It washed over the battlefield. A group of AT-AT's began to fire on the infantry division of Freughte as they entered range.

"Open fire," called out a Captain with the Pact. The company he was in charge of immediately began pouring fire at the Inquisorate regiment. Soon red flashes could be seen from throughout the battle lines of the Freughte defense. Still there was no return nor slowdown from the Inquisorate.

It seemed that the entire 3rd division was concentrated only on the advance of the Inquisorate, such was their reputation; they had forgotten the 2 regiments of stormtroopers and the Armoured battallion. Soon they were being hit with fire from their western flank. The stormtroopers had moved out of range of the westerned defense turrets and began cutting into the lines of the 3rd. But was was more amazing was the slow but steady march of the Inquisorate which still had not fired a shot.

As fire fights broke out between Stormtroopers and the defenders a whine came from over the battle field, followed by the unmistakable sounds of guided bombs falling. 4 squadronds of TIE Advanced ripped through the skies over the battlefield, providing overwhelming air support and decimating the Artillery that was starting to inflict noticeable casualties on the Inquisorate. As the bombardment of the 303 was silenced by the Air cover a new sound was heard; the call of hundreds of company commanders in the Inquisorate to open fire.

"Fire away!" Grunted Captain Talyor, the CO of the 103rd Inquisorate company. His men never missed a step, their blaster rifles went from shouldered to ready in a breath and in unison the company fired upon the now cowering Freughte defenders. It was horrifying to watch for the commanders of the Pact ground forces. It seemed as if every shot the Inquisorate fired was on target, felling a Pact infantryman with each bolt and for each man killed another 2 retreated.

Captain Taylor fired his own blaster rifle, cutting down enemy after enemy. Then suddenly he stopped firing and called out; "Company halt!"

As if controlled by the sound of the officers voice the entire company halted on a dime. It was amazing, not a man was out of formation by more than a half step.

"Dig In!"

The call came out from all Inquisorate officers on the front lines and the entire regiment fell into prone positions taking cover where there was some.

"Open fire!"

Again the dealy rain of blaster bolts ripped through the battlefield. So mesmerized by the discipline of their Sovereignty counter-parts, many Freughte defenders held their fire as the Inquisorate dug into position.

************************************************** **

"Gen. Brask the flanking maneuvars of the 8th have been pushed back, Sovereignty forces are tearing through our main lines, splitting the 3rd into two seperate forces almost!"

Sweat poured down the brow of the once sumpremely confident commanding officer of the Teutopolis defense. He looked at his second in command; "Any chance of reinforcements?"

"Negative sir, Daube's forces attempted to transport troops to our cause but the Sovereignty controls the skies and is cutting them down once they leave the safety of the AA batteries over their city."

Brask rolled his eyes in horror and rubbed his sweat soaked forehead. He then began to speak but was cut off suddenly.

"Sir, reports are coming in from the South, our Fortifications are being overrun. The Sovereignty has sent an armoured division and an infantry division at us from the South. Forces are falling back, turret network is failing and Havok launchers have been destroyed! Estimates report that they have cut through our automated defense systems and fortifications in 15 minutes without reinforcements."

Another staff officer then shouted out. "Sir Sovereignty fighter corps are cutting down our armoured batallions to the north before they can even get in range of their infantry! The commander of the 3rd has sounded a general retreat into the city..."

Brask began to tremble as he looked in the direction of his staff each of whom was reporting disaster after disaster on every side of his city. Slowly his hand moved towards his utility belt and the holster...

************************************************** **

"Colonel Steiner, reports indicate the 203 is at 93% with only 4 tanks destroyed. The turret grid is failing rapidly, we should be through the outer defenses shortly."

"Excellent, inform our lance we will be making for the main shield generator, break the division up into squads and give each a target to destroy. Tell the 3rd they are free to move on the HQ."

"Yes sir."

As the Lance consiting of Steiner's Templar broke off and made it's way towards the main shield generator, the Colonel grinned. His forces had seen limited action from Freughte's ground forces, engaging only their automated defenses, which they made suprisingly short work of; suprisingly only to the Pact.

The tanks rumbled through the city, Steiner's AP turret operator gunned down retreating troops as they tore down the durracrete streets towards the shield generator. Reports from the other lances were coming in as secondary generators and power relays fell, still the shields were up and their was only one way to bring them down and it had just came into view.

"Sir I have a lock on the target," came the voice of the turret operator.

"Then by all means Jackson, fire." The gravely bass voice of Steiner replied.

Two blue streaks flashed from the dual Heavy Gauss Cannon turrets onboard the Templar mkII. As the magnetically propelled slugs slammed into the armor plating of the generator, their explosive charges let loose a deafening explosing that sent smoke and debris flying into the air.

"Damn, she's still standing...impressive. Radio the other tanks, tell them to fire on the target."

"Yes sir."

A concerted rain of blue streaks poured into the generator as Steiner's lance displayed their excellent fire coordination. There was a groan then sparks, followed by a small explosion and a flash of blue, the ion reactor had gone out on the generator and she was coming apart at the seems.

"Move us out of the blast"

"Yes sir."

The lance of hovertanks pulled back as the generator went up in a flash of blue and a massive fireball.

"Inform the Commodore that Teutopolis is no longer shielded."

"Yes sir," replied the radio operator with a broad grin.

************************************************** **

"Commodore we've recieved word that Teutopolis' shields are down."

"Very good," Du' Caat replied; "Inform our friends on the Vigilance that they may open fire upon the city. Tell them to level it."

Du' Caat's eyes darkened as he gave the orders to reduce the city of 20 million people to rubble. He had endured enough insubordination on the part of the treachorous Pact and would set an example for the remaining cities.

"Recall all Imperial forces from the city, the defenders will fall back into the city to regroup and we will finish this in one stroke."

************************************************** **


Brask lifeless body fell to the floor, a gaping wound in his head evidence of his cowardly escape from the most certain torture at the hands of the Inquisorate. Immediately his second stepped foreward and spoke.

"I am now in charge of the forces here in Teutopolis, is that clear!"

The former general's staff nodded and continued on with their work. A Lt. turned towards the new commander and reported; "Sir the shield generators have been destroyed."

"Damn, ready the main batteries, we can expect fire from the VSD's soon."

During the commotion it had gone unreported that approximately 75% of the remaining defenders of Teutopolis had fallen back into the city as per the commands of Brask. Unwittingly the new commander gave an order that sealed their doom as reports of the Sovereignty's forces pulling back came it.

"Order the men to hold their positions, don't follow them, they'll be cut down by fighters."

"Yes sir."

It was about this moment that the first barrage of fire feel from the heavens and ripped through the HQ of the Pact's forces.

Telan Desaria
Apr 30th, 2003, 04:02:32 PM
First Light, Planet Asmeru
171st Day of the Senex Campaign

Asmeru had only two seasons in its rotation, one a mild summer bereft of stifling heat but full of wind and sun, the other a cool winter of snow, ice, and breeze. The primarily Thyferran makeup of the Twelfth Brigade of the Inquisitoriate insured the mild half was well received, a not unwelcome change from the humidity of their home. Winter, five months to arrive, would be considerably more averse, many Thyferran’s never having seen snow.

“ Beautiful day, isn’t it sir?” asked a voice, hidden by the glacis plate of the battalion commander’s Praetorian.

Major Desaria’s ears perked, the call re-awakening him. The steaming cup of calf he limply held in his left hand been lax to do its job. As a note upon hearing the voice, the Major promised himself to scold the command company’s cook for withholding vital amounts of sugar.

“ Not yet,” Desaria replied, giving a good-sized yawn to the newly-lightened world.

Lieutenant Sivix came around the glacis and ran a hand up the angular side of the port-situated driver’s slit. Freshly moved dirt could be seen under the side of the repulsor platform, sign of the age-old tradition of digging sleeping pits under one’s tank for added protection.

“ I would have figured you for a night person,” Desaria gibed, coming to his feet and dusting earth from his backside. One pull at the hem of his tunic brought his body armor into proper place, along with the neck-mounted medal he wore. Sivix made a gentle indication with his right forefinger to his cheek, and the Major quickly put his own hand to his own cheek. Sure enough, his dozing off had created periphery marks of his Merit Cross on his face.

“ That’s one way of wearing your decorations,” the teenager replied.

“ Isn’t there some manual in the Inquisitoriate that bars making fun of a superior’s sleeping mistakes.”

The Lieutenant cocked his head, then clicked his heels. His casual demeanor gave way to military rigidity in the blink of an eye. “ No sir! Inquisitoriate training promotes close relations between all serving soldiers, using rank only as a means of command and control! Sir!”

Major Desaria threw his now-stale caf into the grass. “ I’m sorry I asked.”

Sivix clicked again and resumed his relaxed posture. “ So, you’re the brother of the Grand Admiral. Can I ask you something?”

“ Curious little tart, aren’t you?”

Sivix glowered at his superior. “ You’re barely a year older than I. I looked up your file.”

“ I should have guessed Admiral Telan would have had it posted for all to see. Go ahead, what’s your question.”

Sivix hoped to the Major’s side as the latter turned to walk away from the large tank park the battalion had created. The two walked towards a quickly erected tent where men could go to relax, shower, or eat a decent meal in better than field conditions. “ How was it growing up with him?”

Desaria sighed. He should have guessed that would have happened sooner or later. The Inquisitoriate’s fanaticism and bravery allowed their lax attitude within the ranks, so a Lieutenant talking idly with a Major was common; it would have happened in an Army battalion as well, only the question would have come from a Captain.

“ He left home when he was fourteen to go to the Academy. I was five. I didn’t really get to grow up with him. He popped in now and then while I was growing up, but I saw more of him when he had already been made an Admiral. So I don’t know. From what Dietr tells me – that’s my middle brother between Telan and me – he was quite a bugger. Loved tripp-ball, but didn’t have the strength for Savvok. Typical Centaurian noble, that’s what he was. I mean, we’re all noble, but he took it the most serious.”

Sivix gave an acknowledging ‘ahh’ and smiled. “ I’ve never seen the Grand Admiral before. I fight for the Empire. He sounds like a nice guy.”

“ Yeah, as long as you don’t disagree with him!”

Both men laughed, each preparing to bellow some gaity when a fountain of earth erupted nearby, soil and rock raining down around. No sooner had the smoke cleared than the high-pitched whine of incoming unguided projectile shells pierced everyone’s ears. All about they began to fall, sowing death in their wake. Tracts of land appeared to stand and shake before laying back down in a million different place. The noise was horrific, but Desaria knew what was happening. The Delteons had used the night to move their artillery forward and waited for light to attack.

One of his arms flew to his belt and brought a comlink to his lips. “ Lead to Battalion: Gear up! Ready to move out. Company commanders, assemble your boys and move to the bed!”

Desaria himself looked back to see Lieutenant Sivix close behind but looking left to his own company. When the Major leapt onto the engine-housing of his command Praetorian, the Lieutenant ran past and towards his own unit.

A quick motion brought his goggle down over his eyes, and another of legs brought him standing through the turret cupola. The loud crash of a close-in shell caused to flinch, but he recovered as taught. Yelling into his helmet receiver, he ordered his tank into action, its crew already aboard and locking down the tank’s hatches.

The Bed was the reverse slop of a small hill two kilometers distant near the front lines, a river running at the bottom of the rise. Should any attack come in the sector, a mere ten meter forward thrust would give the las-cannon and anti-armor guns a clear field of fire towards the entrenched 12th Brigade grenadiers below.

Desaria tightened his chin strap as his command vehicle throttled forward, many others joining it. Behind them sat only a few burnt out hulks, caught by stray shells.

The Deltean assault had commenced, and the brother of the Sovereign supreme commander was in the thick of it.

Aegis Du' Caat
May 1st, 2003, 10:22:42 AM
Nothing.... not one building, not one floor, not one wall stood intact in the ruins of Teutopolis; it was for all intents and purposes just a gravel pit. All along the former streets of the once proud capital of the planet; laid burned out hulks of hovertanks and AT-AT's, the remains of the Pacts proud ground defense. The stench of burnt flesh and the smoke from the raging fuel fires, swept through the deserted streets and everything was overwhelmed by the unnatural silence on this once bustling metropolis.

They had never had a chance...

The Pact was not aware of Desaria's decision to move so quickly in counter of their actions. They had not properly reinforced the cities ground troups and relied too heavily upon their worthless planetary defenses. Now the fully repaired and operational VSD's flew over the remains of the city; massive metal vultures searching for any scraps that might have been left. The Sovereignty had leveled the city, civilians and all; 20.8 million people. It was unknown how many civilians had survived or how many traitors had for that matter, but what was known is that Reichtenburg was revolting against their Pact of Steel occupiers, out of fear that they too would pay for the crimes of these Imperial traitors and eager to show their loyalty to the Sovereignty.

************************************************** **

:: VSD Pugilis ::

The mood onboard the Pugilis was one of elation, officers and enlisted men went about their duties with a broad smile. When the men would see their Commodore or Gen. McLane passing down the halls there would be a shout of "Gloria Imperium" for the hero's of Freughte. The Imperial Army had reboarded the VSD's as the vessels made their way towards the city of Daube, the only city in which the civilian populace had not risen up against the military.

"Sir we are approaching their turret range shall I move us into position to drop the troops?"

Du' Caat looked at the man who had spoke to him as if he had woken him from a dream. There was a solemness about the Commodore, the guilt of extinguishing that many lives, was weighing heavily upon his heart.


"Yes, yes, of course deploy the troops."

"Yes sir..."

Du' Caat stared off out of into the skies of Freughte. Wrestling with his duty as an Imperialist and his conscience. He knew his action had saved many of the lives of his own men. He knew it had saved the lives of the civilians at Reichtenburg, Brauen and with any luck the lives of millions at Daube. But it was still nearly 30 million lives that he could not bring back.

"Sir we are recieving a message from Daube's high command, they wish to barter for peace."

Du' Caat sighed a little, perhaps some of the bloodshed would end today, if only for a little while.

"Very well tell them I will meet with them and set up a location." Du' Caat muttered with a wave of his hand.

"I am going to retire to my quarters, Jenkins, you have the bridge."

"Yes sir."

And with that the giant Imperial Commodore turned and left the bridge tower marching towards his own personal quarters.

************************************************** **

Sometime later...

Du' Caat sat alone at his desk in the dark. His head in his hands as he slept in his high-backed chair.


The sound of the door chime could be heard in the dead silence of Du' Caat's quarters. The massive man stirred from his slumber and peered out at the door.

"Enter..." His groggily voice called out. He had been in a rather deep slumber.

"Sir I have a message for you from Thyferra," Lt. Commander Short replied, his shief of staff.

"What is it then," Du' Caat said a bit more awake then at first.

"You've been given strict orders to leave the operations of mopping up Freught to Line Captian Drago and report back immediately to Sovereignty HQ. A Lancer frigate sent from Thyferra has just arrived to take you back sir."

Du' Caat nodded then looked at Short; "Inform Captain Jenkins he is now in command of the Pugilis until my return and inform Drago of his new post. Have some men move my wardrobe and books to the Lancer and that I would like to depart within the hour."

"Yes sir."

Du' Caat then rose and began making his way towards the hagar where the Lancer was docked.

Telan Desaria
May 5th, 2003, 03:24:48 PM
Deep Space, Border between Senex and Juvex Sectors
Imperial Flagship, SSD Inquisitor

“ Grand Admiral.”

Telan Desaria stood behind the bridge, a dozen meters adjacent the aft control corridor. His crossed arms rest upon his white-tuniced chest, his legs spread apart as if at-ease. Only hours before, the Imperial supreme commander had received his weekly trim, bringing his black hair into perfect line about his head, flat on top and kept close-in along the sides. His gaze was cast into space, ignoring the officers passing back and forth behind him. The direct speech of the yeoman and crisp click of his heels together snatched Desaria from his world of through to reality.

The Grand Admiral turned his head slightly to acknowledge the middle-aged – for a standard human – Petty Officer, Second class. “ Yes?”

“ Sir! Helm reports departure time five hours.”

“ Very good. Send for Commodore Aegis du’Caat, commanding officer of the 7th Heavy Assault Squadron.”

“ Sir!” the yeoman replied with a salute and click before rushing into the maw of the control corridor. The Admiral returned to staring into space, and to his realm of concentration. So many things were on his mind: the state of his brother, sent into action only a day ago; the status of the Victory-class Star Destroyer Prominent, reported missing three days prior; casualty reports from Karfeddion, the strongest fortress world in the twin sectors – any lesser man might have collapsed under so many racing thoughts.

Grand Admirals, however, were not lesser men.

“ Sir!” the yeoman snapped, coming to attention nearly at his former location.

Catching a chrono’s reflection in the viewport ahead, Desaria realized he had drifted into near-delirium for a half-hour. Discarding the mental note, he turned again, this time fully to face the shorter but more broadly-built non-commissioned officer.

“ Yes?”

“ Commodore du’Caat is unavailable sir. His force commenced an assault on Freughte-proper earlier this morning. He has taken direct command of the engagement and assault landing; his chief of staff reported this, sir.”

“ Very well. I shall not interrupt him. Have orders sent for him to join on Thyferra the moment his victory is assured.”

“ Yes sir!”

“ And see if you can’t push up our departure time. Events no longer require my presence here.”

“ Sir!” The yeoman clicked again, bowing in place of a salute, and darted off into the control corridor to relay the Grand Admiral’s orders to the appropriate officers and crewmen. Meanwhile, the Grand Admiral himself departed the bridge for his private quarters.

Aegis Du' Caat
May 5th, 2003, 10:26:46 PM
Du' Caat sat quietly in the cramped quarters of the Lancer Frigate that was to transport him back to Thyferra. He was tired, tired physically and tired emotionally. Tired of killing men who bore the crest of the Empire, no matter what faction, but he was a loyalists and these men had proven themselves traitors by their heinous acts of self-indulgement. So he did not pity them, he just mourned the loss of the men they commanded.

When shall this infighting end? The factions must stop this foolish bickering, they must reunite under the command of the Grand Admirals. Corouscant was not meant to be lorded over by a conclave of squabbling children. She was meant to be a crown jewel of an enlightened civilization and civilization were law and order reigned supreme. A new order were the weak were culled and the strong glorified. The Empire must rise again...

This single thought, solitary desire continually drifted in and out of Du' Caat's thoughts. He would do what he could, but what was a Commodore to a military full of Generals, Marshals, and Admirals. No, he would serve faithfully his Admiral, knowing that Grand Admiral Desaria would help pick up the pieces and rebuild what was once all-powerful.

************************************************** **

"Commodore, the captain wanted me to inform you that we are preparing to make the leap to hyperspace. We should be in Thyferra in 13 hours."

"Very good Ensign, inform the Captain I'd rather not be disturbed until we arrive, is that understood?"

"Yes, sir."

As the Ensign left his quarters, Du' Caat moved towards his bed. Removing only his cloak and his boots, the 6'7" behemoth collapsed into a deep slumber.

Rigel Bismarck
May 17th, 2003, 01:56:47 PM
(ooc) Apologies for this incredibly delayed ending.


The six-ship Eriadu raiding party had taken a traditional spearhead formation with four Carrack Cruisers at the front and two Imperial Star Destroyers at the rear. The logic behind it was simple- with this the Carracks would engage and draw the fire of whatever defenders approached them. The slower Star Destroyers could then make a beeline for the inactive defense stations to unleash a crippling bombardment.

The appearance of the Scythe to the rear of the formation had put a crimp in that plan. With the Carracks already out in front, the Star Destroyers had no screen for the attack on their rear.

"Destroyers Gilneth and Xellerod are manuevering to face us, sir."

Bismarck eyed the situation. Whoever was in charge of the Gilneth had to be the better commander, because the Xellerod had delayed in reacting to his presence. Gilneth had half-finished its about-face, but Xellerod was only a quarter of the way into it.

It was amazing that this battle's flashpoint had come so early.

"Adjust thirty-eight degrees to the horizontal axis," Bismarck ordered. "Set us a course to loop by the Xellerod's command tower. Gunnery- you may fire on the bridge structure when necessary. Prime the torpedo clusters."

Gilneth completed its turn and began firing, but it was too little too late. As the Scythe caught up to its' prey, it unleashed a furious bombardment on the neck of the Star Destroyer's T-shaped bridge structure. The energy shields flickered, held, and then were battered as the T-neck was struck by two volleys of proton torpedos. Explosions blew holes in the T-neck's armor plating, their concentrated fire battering through the particle shielding in the area, leaving a gaping wound.

The ship was wounded, and Bismarck intended to make the wound critical. "Prime two more volleys of torpedos," he ordered. "Turn our batteries on the damaged sections."

Sensors showed Gilneth was firing on the underside of the Scythe, but it would take more time to breach than Bismarck intended to allow. He watched as Regius ordered the next torpedo volley. The glowing trails of light blazed through green turbolaser battery fire, once again hammering into the T-neck.

The angled display that showed Xellerod's shielding flickered and went red. The bridge's energy shields were no longer receiving enough power to severely hamper turbolaser attacks.

"All turbolasers, fire on the bridge," Rigel ordered calmly.

The ensuing volley of green laserlight decimated what was left of the T-neck.

"Our presence here is no longer required, gentlebeings," Rigel said. His satisfied smile carried over to his voice. "Continue our loop and keep Xellerod in between Scythe and Gilneth as best you can. Instruct Navigation to plot us a hyperjump."

It was a simple, yet effective blunt to what otherwise might have been a damaging attack. The tactical display showed the red symbology of the Carracks now beginning to cluster around the remaining Star Destroyer, bringing the engaging Sovereignty forces with them. Their choices were reduced to fleeing or circling the Carracks around the Gilneth and making a last stand.

"We have hyperspace coordinates, Commander."

"Excellent, old boy," Bismarck said, not taking his eyes from the display. Gilneth had just begun firing on the Xellerod, trying not to leave salvage for the Sovereignty to take. The Carracks were already pulling back. "You may retreat when ready."

Just before the stars turned to starlines, Xellerod blew apart.