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Navaria Tarkin
Dec 30th, 2002, 12:08:02 PM
A Jedi not often seen in these corridors, enters one of the empty sparring rooms and removes her outer cloak to reveal robes of dark tan and black. A lone sabre hangs upon her hip, gently swaying back and forth as she walks to the center of the room and beings stretching. It was time to move ahead further with one of her Padawans. It was time for combat training.
Navaria was no Warrior at heart but the life she had had engrained the skills and techniques within her mind and body. If she wished, the Jedi could fight with two sabres, for the knowledge was inside her. But to her, using such shortcuts went against what it meant to being a Jedi. All a Jedi needed was one blade, a clear mind, and the Force.
One can accomplish anything with those tools and she was going to teach Azhure that very lesson today.
Azhure Darkstone
Dec 30th, 2002, 08:42:29 PM
::Azhure walked into the fascinity and looked around, her crystal saber at her side, given to her by xazor. Written on it was "remember who you are".
She wore combat clothes, black comfortable pants that werent tight and a comfortable top. Her katana was on her back and she looked around at the area, evaluating it silently.
There were many things to learn today including morals in the fight code, being force taught to kill and not care did not help that code. This would be a test as well as a lesson, somehow she knew that.
Turning to face her master she bowed her head in honour of the lesson to be taken, saying nothing as she awaited a response respectively. Rank had always been fairly important to her, and that habit died hard.::
Navaria Tarkin
Jan 5th, 2003, 02:59:36 PM
Navaria turned and bowed in greeting and respect to her pupil.
"Good morning, Azhure."
She could feel some trepidation from the Padawan. It was expected. Azhure had the skills of a Warrior and Assassin but needed the discipline of the Jedi. This would be the challenge and it could prove much more difficult then perhaps the Padawan could fathom.
"I know you have been trained on how to fight hand to hand and with a sabre. I will not go through that with you unless there is something you specifically need today. Instead, we learn how to fight as Jedi. Through channeling the Force with a clear mind. Through peace and calm.'
Navaria stepped back and unclipped her sabre. The hilt was silver and kept in pristine condition. The Knight thumbed the trigger, not igniting the weapon yet as she moved into a defensive stance. Her free hand was held outwards towards Azhure, the weapon hand back.
"Now come at me."
Azhure Darkstone
Jan 12th, 2003, 04:35:05 PM
::Azhure nodded and took out her lightsaber.
Then deciding she would not use any weapons she put it back on the belt, she would do her usual style to start from the beginning and work from there. Looking at Navaria, she turned her mentor into her opponant in her minds eyes, though still aware of who Navaria was. She pictured the tall man with the darkest eyes she had ever seen. Her teacher before coming to the jedi.
"Attack Angel, try and kill me. Don't fail on the speed this time..."
She ran up with practised speed and silent feet to navaria, then on the last minute turned and aimed her left elbow to dig into her opponants hip, then doing a twist in the air before landing, she aimed her right fist to hit the part of the spine that connects the back and the neck together. These attacks she did softer, and did not put too much power into it. Azhure's training had been for quick killing, which included the most appropriate parts for that practise. Though her mentor probably wouldnt have been hurt by the hip move, she wasnt going to offend too soon.::
Navaria Tarkin
Jan 15th, 2003, 11:19:55 AM
Seeing, and sensing, that Azhure wanted to start hand to hand, Navaria obliged and put away her sabre as well. It seemed that her Padawan had decided that was a good time to start her attack and elbowed her in the hip. The elbow landed solidly into the joint, causing Navaria to wince. She quickly pivoted on her heel to face Azhure and grabbed both of her pupil's arms with amazing speed. The Knight stepped to the side and while letting go of one arm ... but with the other, she flipped Azhure onto her back, locking the arm in place. Just to make sure the Padawan was uncomfortable enough, she placed a boot on Azhure's shoulder. It would cause considerable pain if she stood.
Navaria didn't want her getting up yet. She spoke down at Azhure with a severely serious tone.
"A Jedi never attacks first. Only when provoked does a Jedi act in defense of their lives or the lives of others."
Azhure Darkstone
Jan 21st, 2003, 11:11:48 PM
::Azhure understood the position she was in and made no attempt to move, save the energy for later. Each fall was a small lesson and reminded one of their own limited ability and not to understimate it. More overly she listened to Navaria's words. This slightly frustrated her because Navaria had made an order for her to attack or that was how she had interpreted the order and was now being reprimanded for it. She did not speak this however, for she saw no need. A student was nothing beside it's teacher and had far less rights. Listen and learn little one, sometimes silence earns more knowledge than speaking. The voice came at her this time, soft and soothing, a fond memory of one of the onyl kind people of her childhood. Pain is endurance. Silence is a weapon as much as a sword, not in this case but qoutes kept coming to her head until her blood flow slowed down to normal pace. She knew she would need to reach deep within herself for this, and put down one tiny part of her mask, procceding to speak with her voice. A soft innocent almost musical voice that did not belong to an ex-assasin.::
Very well. Perhaps before we start mentor Navaria, we could go through the rules required for a jedi to follow in the manner of battle?
OOC: a quick drop in from a foreign computer.
Navaria Tarkin
Jan 22nd, 2003, 11:19:57 PM
OOC~ you should have written in that foreign language then :p :lol
IC~ Azhure's feelings betrayed her but the control that she brought forward impressed Navaria greatly. The Jedi Knight let go of the arm lock and waited for the Padawan to stand before speaking.
"I sense your aggravation in what just happened. And ... rightfully so. I gave no rules on purpose. I wanted to see what your instincts told you and what you were taught.
From previous training, you of course had taken the initiative when I said to come at me ... It made sense, for that was how you were raised. But as a Jedi, one never provokes another opponent even when given the opportunity to attack first."
Azhure Darkstone
Jan 24th, 2003, 05:43:21 AM
OOC: its still an english computer so it's a valid language :-P
tho this computer is probably made in japan or something. In that case....I need to study.
:;Azhure tried to understand but something puzzled her.::
But you did agrivate me. You told me to come at you, which is a direct invitation. If you had been a sith and was about to destroy something then that would have been a valid reply?
::She had never been much good with words in these instances, and Azhure had always believed her weapons spoke louder than words, but she saw she would have to change her thinking. THis troubled her as she had never had the soft touch when it came to trouble, not when she became agrivated.::
A jedi must fight with peace so it must be a reasonable instance I suppose, this was not one as you yourself am a jedi, but when and where is the line drawn?
Navaria Tarkin
Jan 26th, 2003, 11:18:33 AM
"Of course it was an invitation. There are many beings out there, including the Sith, that would instigate a fight just to goad you into one. There is never a purpose in a fight like that for a Jedi. Now, as you said, if I was trying to harm someone or destroying carelessly ... then I would have needed to be put down quickly."
She narrowed her eyes in seriousness.
"And that does not mean automatically killing that being. Just as combat is a last option, so is killing. To take a life leaves a mark ..."
The Jedi clasped a hand on Azhure's shoulder and spoke compassionately, hoping to releace some of her Padawan's troubled mind.
"... something I know you understand and will not get into here."
Azhure Darkstone
Jan 27th, 2003, 08:07:43 PM
:;Azhure half smiled coldly, feeling the taint that would never be left behind. But it went deeper than that, and once too many taints made it's way then eventaully newer ones went unfelt. Too many voices were so loud that one more did not matter.
You were in so deep with blood that another drop was only added to the endless stream.
Perhaps this jedi code would be a very good thing for her, in many ways the sith did not understand what they were doing to themselves. And each soul tainted that went back to the earth tainted the very earth as well. She knew one day she would also taint the earth, for blood could not be wiped away.
She nodded again to indicate that she had understood to Navaria.::
I am here to learn. Tell me my orders.
Navaria Tarkin
Jan 28th, 2003, 08:53:41 PM
She frowned ...
"I give no orders here ... I give lessons and advice on how to help you become the Jedi you wish to be."
... then Navaria stepped back .
"As for the lesson ... we spar. Hand to Hand to start as a warm up ... and ...You have my leave to begin the combat."
The Knight bowed in respect and moved into a defensive stance, waiting for Azhure's move.
Azhure Darkstone
Jan 29th, 2003, 10:01:16 PM
::Azhure wasnt sure how to feel. The lesson with Sage had been different, a test to put it into context so he hadnt seemed so unfront nice about the training. Navaria confused her in this way, made her feel confused, which made her a little more unsure and vunerable.
Stop being an idiot. Concentrate on the target. Rule: No killing.
Combat style: Spar, training. Navaria: Opponant.
Getting things into perspective she nodded, sure of herself once again.
Slowly breathing, taking advantage of the time given, she felt the air around her, the breathing of her mentor, the rhythm of the wind and the direction it was blowing, even though barely felt.
Moving off the ground in the speed generated by years of ruthless practise and light feet, and taking out her saber and igniting it in the proccess she aimed it at her opponants shoulder in a direct line towards where the main arm muscle may tighten slightly, and twisted left to gain more distance as she stood there. She knew she should attack more than once, harder, faster, deadlier. But unsure of the new battle rules, she engaged in that one attack to begin with. It wasnt much but as Navaria had said, it was a warm up.::
Navaria Tarkin
Feb 7th, 2003, 12:18:05 AM
Navaria's sabre jumped to her hand and ready for defense, willed by the power of the Force. With two strong arms, the Knight deflected the blow and took notice of Azhure's confusion. Her ways made the Padawan confused and uncomfortable .. which was unfortunately to be expected. Sage was never a traditional Jedi, relying on emotions to empower his being through the Force then some would like. It did not make him any less a Jedi ... it just made him rash and quick to leap into the fray. She was not like at all. Navaria prided herself on patience and to understand the students she taught by putting them into situations to better understand themselves.
This was why Azhure felt uneasy around her.
With a successful block, Navaria decreased the distance between them by roughly stepping forward. The screeching blades of the sabres permeated the air as they slide upwards together in an intimate dance. Suddenly, she broke off the offensive and dropped down to the floor and balance her weight on one hand while sweeping the feet up and under Azhure ...
Azhure Darkstone
Feb 12th, 2003, 06:41:24 PM
::Hearing, feeling and almost tasting the universal rules of simple combat and the familiarity of a weapon in one hand and the concentration of a target on the other made her feel mroe comfortable, more in control. Her body relaxed, and as did that so did her concentration level and ability to respond rise to the usual standard.
She did know when she had taken out the weapon but it was in her hand, as had always been a natural reflex. She would have perfered steel, but a saber it was. Jumping to avoid the saber and flipping to regain some distance to view the situation her mind summed up where she was and appropriately told her mind how much concentration was needed with this opponant.
Her saber sizzled in the air when the two sabers connected, and taking advantage of this position she twisted in to connect her elbow with her opponants stomach and twisted back out in one motion, then turned with considerable speed to face her opponants back, the saber to navaria's neck.
She knew Navaria would have expected that, she knew it wouldnt have worked if her mentor hadnt allowed it but she wasnt doing it for that reason. She was testing out how deep the water went and what she could be capable of doing with this opposing force. In a sense, mapping out her opponant.
Speech was not needed, words were often wasted and when things began taking it's motion then words were almost innapropriate.::
Navaria Tarkin
Feb 15th, 2003, 08:52:55 PM
Azhure had not used all of her strength to elbow Navaria in the stomach. There was pain but pain could always be blocked and it didn't distract the Jedi from what Azhure's next move would be. The natural reaction to being hit was doubling forward, so Navaria simply let gravity continue its work and tumbled forward, keeping her arm extended so the deadly sabre blade would not harm either her or her pupil.
Quickly hopping to her feet, Navaria squared off against Azhure. The blade hummed close to her face and the light accentuated her eyes into a darker color of blue. She looked much harder and cold then anyone was accustomed to ... almost looking like her counterpart, Dalethria, momentarily.
The situation with Azhure was this. She liked to get in close and attack with quick kicks and punches to take the opponent off-guard... then go for a disabling move. The best tactics in such a circumstance was to remove the opposition away.
Keeping on hand on her sabre, Navaria reached forward and pointed at Azhure. The Padawan found that her feet had left the ground as she was flown backwards across the room. The force used against her was not as powerful as the impact against the ground that caused her to loose her breath and gasp for air.
Azhure Darkstone
Feb 21st, 2003, 01:42:55 AM
OOC: Im in the mood for a long one >=)
::Azhure felt her back ache a little in response to the impact of the slam but she ignored it, puttign a block on it, and it went away the only soreness if there was any left hidden by the technique learnt in healing class.
She could not attack physically but to her surprise something in her mind seemed to long to reach out. An attack perhaps, some sort of powerful mind signal and it scared her so much that she pushed it away so hard her head hurt for a few minutes. As she was being unlocked so too was these things, some which frieghtened her - such as the nightmares of people in pain, and the mind power that dwelled.
She had never strongly possessed physical strength in the muscle sense, but she knew when she was out of her depth and the power just shunned had been. Her physical strength was powerless against those with incredible bulk, and thought she could hold her own in balancing and holding her own weight in with one arm fighting another was a different matter.
The lessons that were given often made her feel fear, which made her feel disgusted with herself. She would not make herself believe that her nightmares had been so real or that she could start feeling peoples emotions around her. Heck, at times, most times she was unsure of her own. These thoughts she did not speak to Navaria for she was not sure herself what to say or how to deal with it. She did not want pity.
Getting up, still slightly dizzy but brushing it off she felt the assurance and the comforting presence of her weapon in her hand and flipped at a fast speed twice,f alling lightly on her feet towards Navaria. She could feel the air around her moving, sense her mentor's opponants breath.
The wind was becoming heavier, the air crisper and the heat was fading into a cooler temperature.
A cooler temp meant more concentration was capable. She twisted around Navaria, escaping an attack and decided to get a bit more serious. This was getting her nor Navaria anywhere.
A bit of mapping and attacking. This thought came in an instant and was gone as she concentrated on the opponant and task at hand.
She swiftly avoided another, just barely as she felt the wind on her skin and aimed a fist at Navaria's side, near to a muscle that if hit hard enough could cause a considerable amount of pain for half an hour.
There had been no rule of how far you went, and she had to walk that thin line with wisdom, her master did want to know what she was made of.
Moving back, she kept wary of the opponants movement and breath, her weapon in her hand and her stance in attack/defense mode that would allow a quick reaction. She did not rely on her physical strength too much.::
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 2nd, 2003, 12:16:51 PM
The Force was so diverse and plentiful that there were many unseen methods used in a fight such as this. Most were quite aware, and adept, in perceiving danger around them and anticipate an attack. What most could not do is understand the surface emotions of your opponent and use that to your advantage as well. Emotions were not as blatant as surface thoughts. It took skill and understanding to decipher such complex feelings, and to do so quickly in the heat of combat.
Azhure was quite tangled in conflicting emotions of who she really was and how she wanted to be perceived. Right now, Azhure had doubts and was afraid. Not of Navaria, but of what she was capable of. She was not shocked into inaction, which was good. The fear she was feeling was not holding her back or controlling her. What Navaria did not specifically is that Azhure was raising the stakes. Her pupil's high hopes were trying to incapacitate her, at best, try and wound her enough to have a better edge in the fight.
It was exactly what Navaria would do ... but she didn't want to be on the receiving end of such an attack. Steadying herself momentarily, the Knight spun around clockwise, using that momentum to attack. Her aim would be true and Azhure would most likely suffer a dislocated shoulder if Navaria's roundhouse connected to her shoulder ....
Azhure Darkstone
Mar 13th, 2003, 05:00:44 PM
::Azhure felt the air around her warn of an attack, her mind quickly evaluated her bodies stance and she changed weight to one foot. The attack could not be avoided but she could aim the damage somewhere were it would be less of a nuisance. Pain she had to deal with, that was one extensive lesson learnt. Her right arm took the damage, and she felt a sharp pain go through it as she suppressed a grimace, creating a pain block that blocked out a significant amount. She was only learning and could not waste time on doing it fully, even if she was experienced enough to.
The pain unblocked a part of her that she used as an assassin, a cool iciness traveled into her and she felt no pain, nothing. Later of course she would receive the pain thrice to what it was, that had always happened. Somewhere deep in her mind she was reminded that this person was not to be killed and she noted this with a cold silence. Her activated heart tried to fight off the slip but even her mind knew in this situation this was the logical way to go. Rule to this fight: No killing. She felt the fear inside but it did not surface, the long fear of herself and her skills, but ti did not matter. Stubbornness told her the only important thing right now was to fight, and to fight until she could fight no more. Unknowingly she had found the secret to how the assassin guild brainwashed their children, by using pain as a trigger, even the smallest amount.
Saber, opponent (do not kill), air, breath, body, surrounding. She did not see her own eyes grow colder as she concentrated on the one thing. Opponent (do not kill).
She moved with an incredible speed that only came with the unlocking of her skills she was too afraid to use. Determination was the only thing that drove her, and the need to prove herself, as it always had been that need. Stay on top. Kill….
That broke the daze. Everything crumbled and she felt her heart gain control again. Azhure felt he need to sit down, her face composed even though her body was not. What had happened? She felt the deep pain in her arm as the pain was activated and she had to grimace to hold of the moan that was going to come. Holding onto the arm her heart reconnected with the real world. A deep fear dwelled within and she shivered, not because of the heat and closed her eyes, for once in her ;life not embarrassed for Navaria to see her weaker, Navaria had seen her break down in the dream, but she would show no one else this weakness, not now. She had lost control, gone cold. Instinct had taken over and she hadn’t liked the feeling, or her heart hadn’t. She felt the need to apologise, that had not been a jedi thing to do. That was unacceptable.::
I am sorry.
::She was not angry at Navaria, many opponents had nearly killed her, but she had been quicker. This was a Jedi master and pain inflicted in training sessions was normal. She was angry at herself for losing control. Getting up, the pain incredible but her determination more stubborn. She WOULD fight even if she was injured, had to. Never give in, never give up. She created the block to the pain again, taking time to do so, and the pan lessened to a dull ache that now and then had sharp seconds of the old pain. Her saber was in her left hand.::
I am ready.
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 14th, 2003, 10:55:22 PM
Azhure showed great cunning in taking the blow. Instead of an attack that would crippled the Padawan, she moved her body to receive a painful blow that would not impede her in battle. Navaria was readying herself for Azhure counter but something seemingly switch inside her pupil's mind. She could feel Azhure trying to fight off what was happening inside her. The pain triggering memories that had remained hidden until recently. There was also fear, but Azhure was able to stave that off easily ... unlike other times in the past.
What concerned Navaria the most was the ever changing eyes that were sure and focused, becoming clouded and consumed. There was an inner struggle happening. Emotions were trying to regress the Padawan.
She delve into the Force for strength, readying herself to defend herself if Azhure lost control. Navaria tensed up at the sharpness of thought that emanated towards her. The need to kill was prevalent ....
... and then gone. It happened so fast that Navaria wondered if she sensed that right... but no ... Azhure was shaking on the ground and fully aware of what almost happened.
The Knight relaxed and smiled, a hint of pride etched into her lips.
"You do not need to apologize, Azhure. Be proud that you fought against it and won. Focus on that ... And focus ..."
In a flurry of movemvent, Navaria spun around ... sabre blade arcing around her body in attack at Azhure.
" ... ON ME!"
She knew Azhure wanted no pity, just a chance to redeem herself and return to the spar at hand.
Azhure Darkstone
Mar 23rd, 2003, 02:52:59 AM
::Azhure saw something flittering in her mentors eyes. What was it? The moment of not fear..but recognition of what Azhure could have done. Navaria had almost been ready to kill her if Azhure had tried to do the same, and suddenly she understood a little better. She was not dissapointed.
Navaria did not berate her for the slip, no, she challenged her. Somehow this woman understood the way Azhure worked. This unsettled her as it also made her feel a little more comfortable.
She understood attack. Noding silently, her saber went into her left hand, set on stun. The saber Xazor had once given her, inscribed on it was 'remember who you are'. Sometimes it was hard to do that when you had spent your whole life being someone else. No matter, this was battle. Not the time to think.
She run, turned swiftly to her mentors side and did a swift full three turns around the woman.
Azhure felt the air around her before her left elbow slammed into Navaria's stomach and the saber in her hand flickered to her opponants neck, which went close to Navaria's skin but did not touch it, purposely. It took a great deal of restraint not to make her attack full force, for she knew Navaria would have attacked with just a smuch vengeance.
She was flunge to the floor by a force attack, an attack that she wasnt sure if it came from her or Navaria, an attack she couldnt avoid but she looked at Navaria's foot near her and imagined an old move she had always favoured. Push the foot off the ground, move quickly and aim the knee right where the spine is.
Azhure stood up, shaking the thought away, and with little time to think, her saber connected with Navaria's saber and she was looking into her mentors eyes, a determination lingering as well as the thought that had just been in her mind.
OOC:Changed the attack a bit, is it more clear?
Navaria Tarkin
Mar 25th, 2003, 09:02:58 PM
The Knight grunted hard. It was a direct hit to her stomach. A preciseness due to her training from before. With the moment it took to recover, she sensed that the Padawan was narrowing in to attack. She had her sabre ready to block the incoming attack to her neck, a blow that would obviously kill her though ... once again, Azhure stopped herself from completing the attack. There were too many of those near misses of self-control during this sparring session.
She pushed Azhure away with a thought to give some distance between the two and prepared herself for the retaliation. Once again, that thought was there, cemented in her student's mind. Another debilitating attack crossed her mind but what it was, Navaria couldn't fathom. It was just the strong emotions coming from Azhure that alerted the Knight that she was still conflicted.
As they were locked together, sabre to sabre, the Jedi narrowed her eyes.
"How do you feel right now, Azhure."
This was the moment to ask; right in the heat of the moment as Azhure was fully aware of the emotions racing through her mind.
Azhure Darkstone
Apr 14th, 2003, 05:36:07 PM
::Azhure's emotions ran with the swords movement, the winds song, the cry of battle that silently sang. She felt everything and nothing at the same time and suddenly felt terribly confused at Navaria's question. But worse than that she almost felt like crumbling - as if Navaria had caught her at her weakest emotional moment and there was nothing she could do about the slamming wall crumbling. Nothing. The only steady hold she could grasp was to look into Navaria's eyes and think of nothing but the one task, the one question that somehow made her feel a deep wound. She didnt like it. And her words were soft even in her mind, with a cold and emotionless tone to it that hid a deeper response. Using emotion hurt to much right now.::
Vulnerable. Angry. Hurt. Like I keep hitting a brick wall.
::Concentrate! This is a practise battle, close. Concentrate on the task at hand, the other task is finished. She closed her eyes for a moment before picking up a tiny peice of her oblivious calm beforehand and had trouble holding onto it as she refused to look into her mentors eyes again. Weakness.::
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 16th, 2003, 10:22:37 PM
"You must let go of that anger! It will consume you and doom you to failure."
She pushed back, removing her locked sabre from Azhure's.
"As you must let go any emotions holding you back. You try to hide them ..."
Navaria whirled the blade again in her hand and came head on at her pupil.
"... but I sense that they are there! Clutching onto your surface thoughts! You must release them!"
Azhure Darkstone
May 1st, 2003, 06:17:30 PM
:;The emotions rushed and whirled in spiral patterns, unconditioned and untamed. She felt physical pain as they kept hitting the brick wall, as if her own body kept hitting the brick wall. Again and again and again....the wall of red brick, of anger kept building, the emotions kept whirling. The pain continued, and three nearby weeds in the ground burst into fire The heat rose in her mind, voices, screams, people pointing.
Azhure locked her eyes on Navaria, her eyes hiding nothing, hiding raw power that could be used with years of training, yet what an apprentice or a knight could not hope to control. She felt giddy: emotion, power and pain colliding together until the anger wall burst into flames in her mind and the three weeds now blackened produced tiny thin lines of smoke.
God she felt tired, the body worn out and emotionally she felt a drain, for the first time since beginning assasin training turning her back on Navaria and sitting down, forgetting anybody else was there. There was only utter silence now, utter calm and peace, and tears that would not come out of her eyes because it had gone further than that. She had for the first time felt the full extent of what she was, touched something she hadnt known existed, the raw power and the raw emotion.
But how to handle it? That couldnt be controlled. She was so small against that person that could have been her, so small and yet thought she was strong.
Remembering that her mentor stood above her she didnt bother apologizing, kill me now if you have to but I don't have the heart to apologise. This was her personal battle which she suddenly understood the immensity of, the difficulty of the task, and as she felt the cold peace come back she shook her head.
There hadnt been evil in those emotions, there hadnt been a robot at all, there hadnt been a killing machine or an assasin.
And she wasnt sure if she liked who she was because there was no clear cut edges and no clear answers. One thing she hated was riddles.
Azhure could not help herself, not alone, and she looked at Navaria again, her eyes holding little to tell Navaria how she felt.::
I can smell smoke.
Navaria Tarkin
May 11th, 2003, 10:14:02 AM
She shook her head in sadness. Azhure's emotions were so potent that every fiber of Navaria's being was shaken by the visions her Padawan saw.
"You still do not know me well enough that I would never strike you down."
Then the scent of smoke filled her nostrils. It tickled her nose hairs, threatening to force the Knight to sneeze. Instead she coughed, rather violently, as her body as trying to expel the harmful fumes. The amount of smoke she inhaled wouldn't have bothered a normal person, but with her abnormally heightened sense, little things were exponentially larger to Navaria's body.
Her eyes quickly darted to the source of the smoke. Somehow, Azhure had caught Navaria's cloak on fire that was hanging on the wall. Reaching out with the Force, the cloak was thrown violently to the floor and wrapped around tightly to smother the flames. The fire was small and with the lack of oxygen, easily extinguished. Navaria's mind also keyed in a code on the panel to turn off the beginnings of alarms so the sprinkler system wouldn't set off. Hopefully, since it was so quick, no one would call or come here to investigate but Navaria doubted that.
"Azhure ..."
She said softly.
"... are you all right?"
There was a sense about the Padawan. Azhure knew she was the source of that incident but her emotions now were chaotic, making it hard for Navaria to get a clear reading from her.
Azhure Darkstone
May 20th, 2003, 07:19:34 PM
::Azhure nodded, forcing her face to show no emotion and took time with her words. She neither denied or agreed with her state of mind. Fire? Where had the fire come from? Not only could she touch peoples minds, perhaps heal. But fire? She would have to sift through what happened when she was alone and understand it piece by piece to make some sense of it.::
I will be.
::She didnt bother standing up, for her body would be out fo balance until she began to breath properly, and forcing herself to breath properly stood up with perfect balance, though one slight step awack which wouldnt be noticed by any eye accept the most observative. She looked at the cloak and her lips pressed together in annoyance before she could think about her action. It was obvious a lot of work needed to be done in order to be a proper jedi. This would not do. Looking at Navaria, there was no sign of what had just happened and she bowed her head. Things were getting bad to worse and she felt bone tired for some reason, even though it had not yet been an hour.::
I must be. You will make it so.
Navaria Tarkin
May 27th, 2003, 06:56:30 PM
She had to stop herself from taking Azhure's arm. Navaria's compasionate nature wanted to comfort her pupil in her time of distress, but she knew it would be taken as a sign of weakness.
"I will do all that I can to make it right, Azhure."
The Padawan was hight agitated by the events that had happened. She required much rest and that would give time for Navaria to meditate with the Force to find a solution to the problem and as she looked at brown cloak stained black with soot, she was going to need a lot of time with the Force.
"You should go now. I feel how tired you are."
Her eyes drifted back to Azhure.
"Your body is quite drained from today's ... lesson. We will pick this up when you are able."
Azhure Darkstone
Jun 3rd, 2003, 03:13:52 AM
::Azhure nodded and stood up as silently as she could manage by habit, moving to the door after bowing her head to her mentor. She did not have anything to say nor could manage it without the brick wall breaking apart. She had many things to think about alone.::
Matthias darkstone
Jun 3rd, 2003, 07:27:08 PM
::Matthias could feel his sister's hurt from where he was. Again, he seemed dead, but he knew, deep down, that soon his little sister would come find him. She'd just have to figure out how first.
He wriggled in the chains that held him to the wall like a lifeless skeleton. Tried to feel the force aura that wasn't there.
{Must be a dampening field of some kind.}
He closed his eyes, and concentrated hard. He wanted to get the image of his sister in his mind, before it was too late. Before there was nothing that she could do for him. And that would be the worst thing of all.
Her face was floating in his mind, now a full bodied image. She was solitary, looking out awindow, mouthing something. Then a word...Matthias ....his name, a sound so beautiful coming from her mouth...Dante, where are you??
He tried to reply, but him mouth was dry, and full of dust. he could only croak out her anme, before he fell into unconsciousness.::
OFF: Hehe, I'm back. Now whattya goin' to do, 'kiddo!':crack
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