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Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 30th, 2002, 02:15:47 AM
It wasn't always he came and visitted the Balmorran Civil Guard Academy. He'd never served in the military, nor did he ever want to. His father had always told him the military was a tool to be used to his advantage...a reason why he was currently doing the manipulations happening.

But a part of the military was ensuring loyalty.

And a visit from the Emperor always ensured loyalty. Most of the time.

Especially with who he was going to see.

Emperor Tyrel Kiterix entered the classroom, his guards stood near the door, their black armor covering their entire body.

He nodded at the instructor, a man named Klackitt, and spoke,

"I hope you don't mind me coming in. I wanted to watch the class perform."

Kiterix gave a smile to the one who was Klackitt's star pupil. Fenra s'Ilancy.

Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 30th, 2002, 02:42:09 AM
Today was her last day of the week Emperor Kiterix had given her, and she'd excelled tremendously in her classes. In her mind it was all fun, nothing like work at all, and she always wondered why the other students complained about the amount of work that was given to them. Her reasoning was that their instructors were giving them the tools needed to survive in the military; why not take it, assimilate it, and use it? And so she'd done that; all week. Even in her minimal free time she'd studied old archives that chronicled previous battles and skirmishes, taking all she saw and using it in the simulations her instructors gave to her.

And so she'd passed by her classmates, and had even been given a few of the upper class study books.

And so when Emperor Kiterix arrived in the classroom, she couldn't help the mile-wide smile that sprang up on her face as he looked to her, smiling as well.

"s'Ilancy!" Klackitt rumbled, and she snapped her head back to her instructor as he stood on the matte in the center of the room, surrounded by his students.

She stood quickly. "Sir?"


A young man from a small farming community on the outskirts of Bin Prime looked to Klackitt as well, standing. "Sir?"

"Why is it hand to hand melee combat is absolutely vital as a basis to your training?"

Fenra stepped forward swiftly. "Sir, because in the event firearms are not available, having every advantage over your enemy starts from the ground up, Sir."

Klackitt nodded, then stepped back to allow the two students to demonstrate his lessons from the past week.

Both teenagers stared at eachother, De'Leon with a smirk on his face... no one had fought Fenra yet, and he knew he had the distinct honor of pounding the Emperor's little pet (everyone knew it) into the floor. With a snort he charged her.

- - - and the next thing the boy knew he was on the ground, a bloody nose staining the tan and maroon matte beneath him. Hands went to his nose, covering it as a small moan began from his mouth... the pain was just catching up with the beating, and opening his eyes, he looked up at the diminutive 16 year old as she towered over his prone form. Fists lowered to her sides, she gave him a single look before snapping to loose attention before Klackitt.


Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 30th, 2002, 02:50:11 AM
Klackitt smirked.

"That was...the most disgraceful, uneventful, dishonorable, revolting performance I've ever seen, DE'LEON! Now get your <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> outside before I cut it up and serve it to the Emperor's dogs for lunch.

"s'Ilancy! Congratulations! Class dismissed!"

Kiterix was smiling as he walked over to Fenra.

"An excellent job, Fenra. I wonder if CorSec could have taught you that any better.

"Which reminds me...I have a message from your father here. I haven't looked at it so you may read it personally."

He handed her a datapad with a typed message on it.

Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 30th, 2002, 02:58:17 AM
She grinned up at the Emperor, taking the datapad he handed her with eager hands. With a swipe of her thumb she accessed the letter, reading over it quicly before turning the pad off, her face expressionless. She would think over what he'd said later... now, she was going to celebrate; this had been the last class for the day... the last day of her week.

Looking up once more to Kiterix, she sighed. "He says he's glad I came here; and that it might do me good to stay... I'm not sure yet though, I still want to think about it a little more."

Taking a deep breath, Fenra smiled, the one question that'd been nagging at the back of her mind all day finally coming out.

"Were you able to get the clearence to get my sister's stuff?"

Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 30th, 2002, 03:00:53 AM
Kiterix smiled. The message was forged actually...the Balmorran Emperor hadn't heard from the elder s'Ilancy in over 3 weeks. And that message had been just as cryptic.

But he nodded and smiled, "Yes...yes I did. Would you like to go see them now?"

Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 30th, 2002, 08:22:41 AM
Eyes lighting up, it was all Fenra could do just to nod; to be able to see things that belonged to her sister! Finally! Even if she hadn't been able to see Millard, Emperor Kiterix had been doing everything in his power to help her, even going as far as to obtain things that'd once belonged to her sister so that she could go through them; to see what Lok s'Ilancy was like.

She was able to keep contrl of herself though, and after gathering her books from the far end of the open classroom, Fenra beamed at Kiterix.

"I'm ready."

Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 30th, 2002, 12:59:41 PM
"Good, let's go."

The two walked through the halls of the Balmorran Civil Guard to Kiterix's waiting speeder.

This is all too easy, the Balmorran Emperor thought as he opened the door for Fenra.

The girl is scared and lost. She's looking for someone. Pity that someone had to be me. But since neither Loklorien or Millard were here...when the cats leave, the mice shall play.

He took a seat next to her in the speeder, and motioned the driver to head towards his office.

"So, are you liking it here?"

Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 31st, 2002, 12:45:26 AM
With a deep breathe, she sat back, enjoying the luxurient seat cushions of the speeder. Her books sat in her lap, the datapad with the letter from her father resting neatly atop them. Her finger idly tapped along the edge of the pad, and she leaned her head back, closing her eyes.

"Yeah, it's nice; different from home, but it's ok. I haven't really been able to go out much; been studying most of the time, and I've been in the library alot."

Fenra let her chest swell as she breathed in once more, taking in the smell of the interior of the speeder; it even smelled elegant; just like Kiterix.

A week ago she would've never imagined that now, at this point in time she'd be finishing a trial week at the Balmorran Civil Guard Academy instead of CorSec; let alone be riding in the Balmorran Emperor's speeder. It was so... cool. And now, in less than an hour she'd be going through her sister's things... she could barely keep a hold of her excitement...

Her eyes flew open as she leaned forward, resting an elbow on her books and her chin in the palm of her hand, an eager look on her features as she gave Kiterix a hungry stare. "So... what kind of stuff were you able to get? Was it a lot?"

Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 31st, 2002, 01:19:01 AM
"A couple of chests," Kiterix replied, "Nothing more."

As he saw her face fall a bit he added, "It appears Grand Admiral Millard wants to keep some of it under wraps. His people wouldn't let me take off of them. Even for s'Ilancy's sister to see them."

He pulled a small box from one of the seats in the speeder.

"Here's a little bit of what we found. I hope it can sate you until we see what else s'Ilancy has."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 31st, 2002, 01:30:29 AM
Fenra took the box gingerly... whatever was in here had belonged to her oldest sister, and she stared at the box for a few seconds before slowly lifting the lid open with slender fingers.

Nestled into a small crumpled piece of lined paper was a small stone; a jewel to be exact. It was clear, but easily apparent that there was a crusted substance over it... part of the paper were stained a crimson red, long dried, and Fenra pulled in a sharp intake of air. It was blood...

Holding the jewel tenderly, she dropped it into the box with a startled look to her face...

"There's blood on it... ?"

The stone that she'd just dropped had been pried from s'Il's chest by her own hands... the pain it'd put her through after the first few days of being stung by Diego almost unbearable... and so she'd cut it from her flesh, placing it in the box... the box that Fenra now held.

Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 31st, 2002, 01:34:08 AM
Kiterix leaned forward...this was something he didn't know about.

He picked the stone up and stared at it.

"Interesting...I hadn't gone through this when we got the chests. I didn't think it was my business."

He looked at the stone, "It might be a diamond. I'm not sure where s'Ilancy would have gotten it. From a museum maybe, I'm not certain.

"What else is in there?"

Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 31st, 2002, 01:42:34 AM
On the very bottom was a small piece of folded paper, the handwriting more like chicken scratch than anything else, and as Fenra carefully opened it, she couldn't help but stare at her sister's handwriting; to think, her sister had written this with her own hand... it was a simple note, yet the words cryptic in their delivery.


I can no longer wear your gift; it hurts me, burns my flesh away. I have changed. Your touch hurts; I must cut it away, carve it from my skin, and pull it from it's bed within my own sternum... I'm sorry...

I am tier...


Fenra only stared at the short note, confusion easily apparent on her features as she turned her gaze onto the stone that rested in Kiterix's hand.

Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 31st, 2002, 01:46:45 AM
"Hmm...interesting...There's a legend out there...which says Cernunnos was death. Or the Spirit of Death," Kiterix mused as the speeder travelled.

"But I'm no priest. I cannot be certain of that...ah here we are."

The limo pulled up to where s'Il's things were being stored. Conveniently...it was only a few blocks from Kiterix's mansion.

"Come along my dear," the Balmorran Emperor helped Fenra out, keeping his arm around her as he led her up the steps.

"Let's see what your sister has for you."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 31st, 2002, 01:56:51 AM
Fenra had left her books in the speeder, instead nestling the stone and letter in her hands as Kiterix guided her up the steps, his arm around her shoulder steering her in the directions she needed to go. As they stepped into the small room, with a single table in the center with two chairs, she stopped to stare at the two military chests, Lok's name spraypainted on, their stenciled lettering a little lopsided.

Stepping away from Kiterix, Fenra moved to the closest chest, and setting the letter and stone gently on the table, she knelt down, unlatching the lid and opening it slowly.

There weren't very many things in the chest; a few knives, a toolbelt, a couple of shirts... carefully she pulled each article out, laying it on the ground gently before going to the next item. One of the knives she unsheathed, her curiosity getting the better of her, and she held the blade up. It was a CorSec infantry bayonet...

Fenra sighed.

Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 31st, 2002, 02:00:39 AM
Kiterix took the knife from Fenra and held it up to the light.

The blade was still in good condition, it could still be used. The other knives looked just as dangerous.

"Did your father mention anything about collecting swords or if s'Ilancy was a violent woman?" he asked, "You would think your father would mention that. If he didn't want you to see her.

"I've noticed," he continued, "That communication is key in any relationship. Your father, again, seems to be against that."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 31st, 2002, 02:06:25 AM
The youngest s'Ilancy slumped a little, but was soon rummaging through the chest once more. "He only tells me what he thinks I need to know; lots of times that's a good thing."

It was then her hands found the small hole on the bottom of the chest, and pulling up, she removed a false panel... her other hand reached in, grasping the small black box and pulling it out. Now this was interesting... what was it her sister could possibly want to hide... ?

Delicately opening the case, she stared down at it's contents:

Three vials, all full of a silvery white liquid lay nestled within there respective slots, and fitted safely in a small indent beside the vials was a shooter... an eye shooter to be exact...

Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 31st, 2002, 02:11:14 AM
"I've seen that before," Kiterix breathed, pleased with himself secretly. He'd found an empty eye shooter in s'Il's possession day before yesterday. It was easy for him to track down Rhisa Meier and bought some from her...swearing her to secrecy.

If she talked, and she wouldn't, Kiterix would send people against her. And they wouldn't be nice.

"It's Liquid Silver...a very harsh drug."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 31st, 2002, 02:16:43 AM
Insatiable curiosity drove Fenra to carefully pull the shooter from it's bed, and she held it in her hand, turning it over in her fingers while staring at it intently.

"Liquid Silver? I've never heard of it... what kind of drug is it?"

Lok couldn't have used it; Fenra was sure of that. Her sister might have killed people for a living at some point, but she couldn't have been a drug user... and Kiterix had just said it was a harsh drug...

Fenra pulled out one of the vial, seemingly entranced by the patterns the silver made through the white...

Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 31st, 2002, 02:20:09 AM
"A stimulant, if I remember my classes at the university correctly. It helps make certain parts of the body perform better," Kiterix pretended to not know what it was.

He'd taken it once before in his life...before a final. It had helped him, but not enough for him to try and continue to take it. But he had to fight the urge for the next month and a half.

"It's very potent too. And it gives the user white eyes."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 31st, 2002, 02:23:56 AM
Fenra shook her head. "She was probably just holding it for someone; I don't think even she would take drugs... "

Replacing the vial and shooter, she closed the case once more, staring at it as she held it.

That was most likely it...

"She had to have been just holding it."

Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 31st, 2002, 02:29:46 AM
"Perhaps," Kiterix took one of the cases up, "But this one's been used. So's this one."

He looked at Fenra from the top of his eyes, "Someone's been using it.

"Hey look at this," he pointed at something on the vial, "There's a hair here. It...could be an eyelash.

"You're the trained one, what does it look like?" he handed the dropper to Fenra.

Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 31st, 2002, 02:35:48 AM
She shook her head. "I'm not trained in things like that; and if someone's been using it... "

She looked over her shoulder, up to Kiterix as he'd taken a seat in one of the chairs and pulling it over to where he was next to her.

"... it couldn't have been Lok... "

And if it was? Fenra refused to even think it; it would have severely crushed her opinion of her older sister, and she plucked the case from the Emperor's hands to stuff it back into it's little hiding place in the chest. Maybe if she simply put it back and forgot about it...

Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 31st, 2002, 02:41:58 AM
She's in denial...good

"What else is there?" Kiterix decided not to press on in having Fenra look at her sister's drugs.

He took the other bag and opened it.

"Hello...what's this?" he pulled out another dropper and LS patch.

"This doesn't look good at all..."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 31st, 2002, 11:23:49 PM
Her eyes clouded a little in frustration, and she looked away from Kiterix, burying her gaze into the already opened chest before her, pulling a few ammunition clips out as well as a shoulder holster, and holding it up to stare at it, she ran slender fingers along the well-worn leather before setting it on the floor beside her, and reaching in once more, she pulled out a knee brace. She sighed then, and looking back to Kiterix, she purposely ignored the paraphanelia he held.

"Do you know if anything was wrong with her?" she asked, still holding the brace.

Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 31st, 2002, 11:36:02 PM
Kiterix shook his head, "No I don't believe so."

She was ignoring the drugs, purposefully hoping her father's version of his daughter, her sister was false. Kiterix could see that in her eyes.

She wanted to believe otherwise. And it was Kiterix who would tell her otherwise.

"I don't believe anything was wrong with her. Outside of her wild spirit. Apparently she broke her knee while partaking in a shockboxing matchup.

"A shockboxing matchup which is illegal in the Balmorran Empire, unfortunately. I know I don't care about the Liquid Silver addiction, but the shockboxing is something that more people have died from here on Balmorra."

He shook his head, "I'm sorry Fenra."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 31st, 2002, 11:43:59 PM
Her eyes fell then, and she set the brace gently on the floor.


The darker picture of her sister was starting to overrun the sense of independant wildness that Kyry had supposedly truthfully written of, and Fenra once more picked the black case up, fingering it softly before shifting from her perch on her knees to sit more comfortable.

"How... bad of a crime is it? Shockboxing I mean? As opposed to a drug addiction like... " she still wouldn't admit it, instead opting for a more vague wording "... like Liquid Silver?"

Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 31st, 2002, 11:49:31 PM
"It is an older law, something I'm tempted to change," was Kiterix's response.

"But the crime is punishable by five years in a Balmorran prison and a fine of all the winnings from the matches. Liquid Silver though...is a four and a half year sentance with mandatory drug rehabilitation.

"If they do either a second and third time and get caught...the punishment is 30 years in prison. For both."

He crossed his arms, "As far as I'm concerned it's her choice to do these...things. But it is the law on Balmorra, and as Emperor I'm supposed to uphold the law.

"A dear friend of mine, died of stim overdose. I will never allow another drug induced death on my watch."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 31st, 2002, 11:56:06 PM
She'd looked forward to this moment all week, and now that it'd come, she was finding out more than she bargained for. She dropped the black case dejectedly before lowering her head into her hands.

"I can't believe she would do any of these things... Kyry never said anything... "

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 1st, 2003, 12:02:12 AM
"You must consider the source, my dear," Kiterix said placing a hand on Fenra's thin shoulder.

"Your father, told you your sister was a mean, evil person. Kyry said she was someone who was carefree and fun loving.

"Perhaps she's a little bit of both. Not mean and evil, like your father says...but someone who has a bit of a darker edge.

"It's possible you know."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Jan 1st, 2003, 12:08:54 AM
Fenra hmphed, moving her head a little to look sidelong up at Kiterix.

"How can she be both? You can't be one and the other; you're either bad or you're good... a criminal or a law abiding person... "

She shook her head then, her teeth grinding. "If she did these two things, then why didn't Millard stop her?" With another look she stared at Kiterix through half closed eyelids. "Or you for that matter?"

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 1st, 2003, 12:14:18 AM
"I never tried to pry into the relationship between Millard and s'Ilancy. But if you notice," he picked up the dropper, "This hasn't been used in some time.

"I wouldn't be surprised if she stopped after her relationship with Millard started. But some of the vials have been used...which means she used it occasionally."

He set the dropper back on the ground, "Imperials are considered criminals with the New Republic. New Republic members are considered criminals by the Empire. It's a two-way street...it depends on where the person is.

"In my experience atleast."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Jan 1st, 2003, 12:28:22 AM
Shoulders slumping, her gaze went downcast once more. "But... Kyry said she wasn't on either end of the spectrum; that she was in the middle... "

Her jaw set. "She said Lok was neutral...

"I guess that's just a nice way of saying she was an opportunist who took the easy way out... "

Fenra took a deep breath, staring at Lok's possessions... before they'd seemed like a window to who her sister had been, but now... they provided a rather dark glimpe into who Lok was and what she did...

"Are you absolutely sure she did these things," she asked finally, hoping that the Emperor's answer would deny the evidence sitting before her.

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 1st, 2003, 12:39:00 AM
"I cannot be 100% certain," The Balmorran Emperor mused, stroking his chin.

"The evidence is quite mounting against her," he looked concerned, "I can't argue against it unfortunately.

"I'm sorry."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Jan 1st, 2003, 12:46:14 AM
She looked away from him. This was not what she'd expected, and running a hand through her short-cropped hair, Fenra began replacing the scattered things back in their chests.

"Don't be sorry," she mumbled, "I was the one who wouldn't listen to my dad; I just had to come out here and find out about my sister.

"Well I did. I found out she was a criminal; that she used drugs, and she fought in illegal boxing matches.

"I should've known better." Shoulders rising in a sigh, she picked up one of the knives, hefting it lightly before setting it too carefully in the chest.

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 1st, 2003, 12:51:04 AM
"But remember what your father said," Kiterix said quickly, "Your father refuses to talk about some things with you.

"He might be protecting you...but it could be that he prefers to keep you like this. Unsure of yourself. Timid...

"Your sisters are obviously strong, as I'm certain your father is, but what if your father is trying to keep you innocent...so you cannot be the person you're supposed to be?"

He looked down into her green eyes, "Have you considered that?"

Fenra s'Ilancy
Jan 1st, 2003, 12:58:54 AM
Fenra shook her head, Kiterix's words striking hard into her mind, and as she closed the lid of the chest, she stood up, dusting herself off.

"My dad always did what was best for me... he always said I had more potential than his first two; that they were both loose cannons, and that with the right guidence I could surpass them both... I only listened to him and did what I was told...

"And now, coming here and seeing what I saw, I think he's right... so what if I'm timid? And do what I'm told? At least I don't break the law... "

Fenra returned the Emperor's stare, soon becoming lost in his eyes. "... right?"

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 1st, 2003, 01:03:06 AM
"I am not trying to portray you as your two sisters," Kiterix replied silkily,"Just trying to point out not everyone is perfect.

"Has your father ever broken a law? The fact of the matter is you need to be a strong person to make it in this galaxy. Not everyone is as kind as I am.

"What will you tell your father when you go back to CorSec? Indeed he knows about the correspondense courses, but I have something here."

He pulled out an envelope encrested with the Balmorran Civil Guard logo.

"I wanted this to be a surprise for you. The Balmorran Civil Guard wants you to finish your training here."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Jan 1st, 2003, 01:19:58 AM
Fenra took the letter slowly, her hands careful as she turned it over in her hands, running her fingers over the seal. They wanted her to stay? She frowned a little, then let a small smile play across her features as she set it on the table. Maybe her father was right... how staying here may be a good thing for her.

Her hands clasped together, she held them up to her mouth, eyes closing as she thought through the entire week, how she'd put her whole being into her studies, about how well the Emperor had treated her, and continued to treat here even in the face of her sisters' criminal activities...

"Then I'll stay," she spoke finally, eyes still closed, and lowering her hands, finally lifted her gaze up to look at Kiterix.

"I want to."

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 1st, 2003, 01:25:26 AM
Kiterix smiled. He almost had her.

"I'm glad you said yes," he kept the smile on his face, "Now...you will have to swear an oath of loyalty to the Balmorran Empire, but I'm certain you can do that.

"You can do that correct?"

Fenra s'Ilancy
Jan 1st, 2003, 01:33:00 AM
Balmorra is nice... and it's not like I had anything better on Kir...

It seemed as though everything had been planned out for her to come here, and she couldn't help but marvel at her fortune. After another moment of thought Fenra nodded.

"I can.

"... I can't live on Kir forever."

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 1st, 2003, 01:36:09 AM
Kiterix nodded.

Closer and closer now...closer and closer, He thought, hiding his glee.

"Now...you will need a place to stay. The Civil Guard does provide accomodations but they are rather sparse and crowded."

He looked down at her again.

Closer and closer for the snake...

"Would you like to stay with me perhaps? At my mansion?"

Fenra s'Ilancy
Jan 1st, 2003, 01:42:34 AM
Now this shocked her, and Fenra couldn't help the surprised look that flitted across her face. Her? Stay with Emperor Kiterix? In his mansion?

With a last look at the two chests, she kicked one lightly with the toe of her boot. It's contents still meant a lot to her, but it was the person they'd shown her that'd been disappointing. Order made so much more sense than chaos, and she couldn't help the growing feeling that she had the opportunity to be a part of the instrument to instill that order.

With a grateful look at Kiterix, she beamed.


Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 1st, 2003, 01:44:28 AM
"Of course," he replied, "With Grand Admiral Millard gone and your sister still missing, where else would you stay?

"In the barracks where they are over crowded while we build more of them? I think not. Stay with me, please. I would be honored if you did."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Jan 1st, 2003, 01:49:24 AM
His use of the word 'please' was what cemented in her mind the desire to stay here, on Balmorra, and her smile only grew. That he didn't want her staying in overcrowded barracks made her feel even better about her decision to stay. This was really the right thing to do...

"That'd... be great... "

And without thinking she stood on her toes, placing a quick kiss on his cheek.

"... thank you so much... "

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 1st, 2003, 01:51:11 AM
"You're quite welcome," Kiterix took her hand and kissed it lightly.

If she could have seen his face, she would have seen the look of a predator in his eyes as his lips touched her skin.

He had her. And what made it even more delicious...it was s'Ilancy's youngest sister.

Oh what a tangled web we weave...


Fenra s'Ilancy
Jan 1st, 2003, 02:01:03 AM
The letter, still unopened, was snatched from the table with a smooth motion, and with a final look to the two chests, Fenra turned her gaze to Kiterix, her eyes reflecting immense gratitude at the kindness he'd shown to her; not only of quite recent events, but of the entire week.

"Dinner'd be good," she grinned, "I'm starving."

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 1st, 2003, 02:05:25 AM
"Very well. I know a good restaraunt that serves an excellent nerf steak. The meat will melt in your mouth it's so tender."

He began leading her out of the room.

"Shall we inform your family as well of your decision to stay on Balmorra so they can send your things? If not, we can certainly go out and buy new clothes for you.

"You only came with your duffel bag of clothes correct?"

Fenra s'Ilancy
Jan 1st, 2003, 02:19:54 AM
She nodded. "Yeah, I still have some things that I want from ho- " she stopped herself. Kir wasn't her home anymore... Balmorra was. "I mean Kir... "

At his question of her duffel, she nodded again. "Mm hmm, not too much stuff... my dad always said one of he things I had in common with Lok was that I didn't have too much extraneous things.

"Though my habits don't go over the line like Lok or Kyry's... " she sighed, letting him guide the way through the complex, and soon enough her thoughts drifted to his proposal for dinner. Nerf steak did sound good, but she wanted something different...

"... do we have to eat out? Isn't there any food at your home?"

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 1st, 2003, 02:23:07 AM
"Of course," Kiterix said, even more delighted than his face showed. It was becoming more easier now.

"I can cook it if you wish, what would you like to have for dinner?"

He asked her this as the two exitted the storehouse and into the speeder again. Even though his mansion was only a few blocks down, it was still easier to ride by car than walk.

The Balmorran Civil Guard demanded it.

Fenra s'Ilancy
Jan 1st, 2003, 02:28:46 AM
Her answer was almost instantaneous.

"Chicken and waffles."

She didn't even look at his expression, her face instead staring out the tinted windows of the speeder as they drove the short distance to his mansion... her new home.

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 1st, 2003, 02:33:35 AM
He stifled his smile.

Chicken and waffles...chicken and waffles...to get a head.

"Of course...is there anything in particular you would like on your waffles? We have a wonderful syrup from Rivendel that is exquisite.

"And how would you like your chicken cooked as well?"

Fenra s'Ilancy
Jan 1st, 2003, 02:48:27 AM
"No syrup, thanks... I hate the stuff... "

She turned to look at him then, grinning. "And I don't care how the chicken is cooked really, just as long as it's with a lot of garlic salt."

She burrowed into the seat a little more, her choice to stay taking more of a final hold on her...

... yet for the first time in her life she was beginning to question all the things her father had taught her; about knowing certain things and not knowing other things. He'd kept her in the dark much of the time, and as Kiterix began questioning her father's actions, she began to doubt what her father had told her and why.

Fenra closed her eyes, waiting for the speeder to come to a stop.

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 1st, 2003, 02:55:00 AM
"Come along my dear," Kiterix said as the speeder stopped in front of his mansion. He opened the door for her, then led her up to the golden oak doors.

The mansion itself was layed with marble on the exterior covered by stone on the interior. As Fenra and Kiterix entered, she was greeted with a red carpet and large staircase, the carpet quite thick and soft.

A picture of Gham Kiterix, the Balmorran Emperor's long dead relative, was on the wall his face towards the door. The piercing eyes seemed to follow Fenra and Kiterix as they entered the kitchen.

The Balmorran Emperor greeted one of his kitchen aides, then issued the order for baked chicken with lemon and garlic salt.

"And waffels too."

The aide raised his eyebrows then nodded.

"Now about your room," Kiterix directed the youngest s'Ilancy from the kitchen up towards the staircase.

Fenra s'Ilancy
Jan 1st, 2003, 03:10:52 AM
Eyes wandering the lavish interior, Fenra could only stare about her, turning in a slow circle to take in her surroundings... her new home...

"Wow... "

And then Kiterix led her towards the stairs. She let him lead her wherever he wanted, the whole inside of the place making her feel just a little plain. She pushed the thought away though as she placed her first foot on the bottom stair.

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 1st, 2003, 03:15:56 AM
"Come along, Fenra," Kiterix said, leading her up the stairs, "You have much more to see."

The room was carpetted again, with hardwood floors around the carpet. The bed was a four-poster with deep purple curtains and a dark red quilt. Five pillows were on the head of the bed, and an oak desk (with a mirror) near it.

A small couch and fireplace, for the cold winter nights, faced the bed on the other side and a fire was in the place. There were windows to stare upon the lavish gardens and each had white lace curtains.

"Well...what do you think?"

Fenra s'Ilancy
Jan 1st, 2003, 03:09:25 PM
Fenra s'Ilancy had never seen such a room, its lush interior causing her to stop in her tracks and stare silently for a few moments. This was certainly like nothing she'd ever seen, and drawing in a breath, she let it out slowly.

"It's... " she blinked, "I've never been in a house like this before; it's amazing... "

Taking a step forward, she ran a gentle hand along the comforter, its soft surface like feathers on her skin. And then, lowering her slight frame onto the bed, and with a sudden smile lay back, throwing her arms out as far as they could go. It felt wonderful compared to the bunks back at the barracks, and turning her head to look at Kiterix, she flashed him a grin.

"This is so much more comfy than my bunk."

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 1st, 2003, 07:33:42 PM
"It's supposed to be," Kiterix said matter-of-factly, "What sort of Emperor would I be if there wasn't a comfortable bed in every guest room?"

He chuckled and Fenra gave a nervous laugh.

"Now, your instructor told me to give this to you as well," he set a datapad on the bed, lingering his hand just a little bit on hers as she took it.

"It's your class schedule."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Jan 1st, 2003, 07:43:27 PM
If she'd noticed the fact that his hand strayed for a few moments, staying on hers, Fenra gave no indication or acknowledgement. Sitting up, she kicked off her shoes and drew her legs up, sitting cross-legged on the bed while thumbing the pad on. She skimmed through the list; all classes that she knew she'd excel in, and with a smile, she turned the pad off, setting it down next to her.

She turned to face Kiterix more fully, her mind going back once more to her sister. "Kyry told me that Lok had a ship... did she leave it here when she left?"

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 1st, 2003, 07:47:45 PM
Kiterix nodded, "She did, but it's not here. It disappeared about the same time Millard did. I presume it went with him to find your sister. I never saw it though, only heard about it."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Jan 1st, 2003, 08:11:08 PM
This caught her curiosity, and Fenra gave him an odd look.

"You heard about it? What was so special about it? Was it top secret or something?"

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 1st, 2003, 08:18:47 PM
"No I just never got the opportunity to see it," Kiterix took a seat in a chair near the bed.

"There was a droid...a constant companion of your sister...MMU I believe it was called. A bit psychotic of a droid...it enjoyed getting under Millard's skin, I can tell you that."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Jan 5th, 2003, 11:09:13 PM
Fenra smiled.

"I suppose that would be annoying to someone like a Grand Admiral... "

Her eyes traveled around her once more, and she let her hands travel softly over the comforter she sat on. Her mind wandered, as well, and went back to the two chests belonging to her sister.

"... Is it possible if... maybe I could have Lok's things for a little bit? I didn't really get to look through all of the stuff she had in the chests... "

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 5th, 2003, 11:12:58 PM
"Of course," Kiterix replied, "She hasn't been back here for some time. I don't think she'll be needing them. You can keep them for as long as you like.

"Would you like some time alone with them?"

Fenra s'Ilancy
Jan 7th, 2003, 01:54:54 AM
Fenra thought for a few moments, her expression blank as she looked from the comforter to Kiterix.

"Well, I don't mind company... it doesn't really bother me."

She sucked in a deep breath then. "I guess I just want to make sure... about the Liquid Silver... "

Tyrel Kiterix
Jan 7th, 2003, 02:04:14 AM
"You might want to see," Kiterix said, trying to appear helpful, "If there's information on say a dealer or someone who sells the Liquid Silver."

He grinned as he opened the unopened trunk.

"You can use that Balmorran Civil Guard training you've been taught to use," Kiterix let out a soft laugh as he said it.

Fenra s'Ilancy
Feb 16th, 2003, 08:04:59 PM
Fenra only grinned sidelong at Kiterix, and as he lifted the lid to the trunk, she slid from the bed to sit on h er knees, and as she reached in, pulled out more of s'Il's things. Books; black leather-bound books filled half of the trunk, and as Fenra pulled the top one out, she opened it... and gasped lightly.

These were her sister's sketchbooks; page after page filled with pencil sketches, and a few of them even inked. She soaked everything in, the lines, the pictures, everything. It was amazing to see the soul of her sister laid bare before her in the stack of black books within the chest. The liquid Silver forgotten completely, Fenra sat back against the bed, engrossed in the sketchbook, turning the pages carefully, lest she tear the paper.

Tyrel Kiterix
Feb 17th, 2003, 04:43:58 PM
Kiterix stood over Fenra's shoulders as he gazed at the pictures in s'Il's sketchbook. He hadn't known she was an artist. She was indeed quite talented.

There were various pictures, aliens, humans. One...was of Millard, his arms crossed and his blue eyes staring straight out. Like they were looking...and not comepletely approving of everything.

"That's Grand Admiral Millard, Fenra. Loklorien's fiance."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Feb 17th, 2003, 04:57:08 PM
Slim fingers stretched out, passing over the page as Fenra stared at the artistry her sister had created. Sighing, she closed the book and pulled another from the chest, opening it almost hungrily.

On the first page, she canted her head at the series of sketches that spanned both pages. The subject was that of a mechanic; one with a tail. Each small sketch showed the alien working on a ship. Scrawled down in the corner was her sister's handwriting;

Tevit and the Baiken

The ship seemed to be in a different state of disrepair in each frame, and the mechanic; Tevit, Fenra supposed, seemed to always have an expression of anxiousness of his hastily sketched features.

Thumbing further through the book, Fenra sighed. "I wish I'd known her."

Tyrel Kiterix
Feb 17th, 2003, 05:03:05 PM
"Taylor thought highly of her, Fenra," Kiterix replied as he looked at the youngest s'Ilancy.

"He said she was quite the woman."

He picked up another sketch book and flipped through it.

"Hello...what have we here?"

It was a picture of a woman...her eyes silver and bleeding. In her hands was a long sword and she looked like she'd just fought a war.

The drawing of a dropper was next to the picture and written was.

'The Metal-Eyed Butcher'

It was s'Ilancy's face but you could barely tell it.

"Hmm..." he placed it next to Fenra, "That's interesting."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Feb 17th, 2003, 05:09:58 PM
One look at the drawing and Fenra snatched the book from Kiterix, snapping it shut in the vain hope that it'd make the image of her sister; hunched over and in the throws of her drug disappear.

She placed the sketchbook back into the chest, then looked pointedly at the Emperor.

"We're not looking at that one. We're looking at this one."

Tyrel Kiterix
Feb 17th, 2003, 05:17:29 PM
Kiterix nodded.

The drug part, he would have to be slow on. Very slow on.

"What else is there?" he slowly flipped another page in the sketchbook.

There was a man, with a bald head, save for two long strands (horns almost) standing there with blood on his hands. A red dragon was in the background and the picture said only one thing.


Kiterix moved to turn the page quickly...

Fenra s'Ilancy
Feb 17th, 2003, 05:27:28 PM
Fenra kept turning the pages, and while sometimes the man with the bald head would reoccur, her sister's drawings, for the most part, were of different wildlife from all sorts of planets. But it was the quick studies of people that Fenra was most drawn to. It seemed that her sister was constantly trying to catch the motion and life of her subject; a lot of which were of various people from some unknown world.

Turning the page, a single portrait caught her eyes suddenly, and she traced the lines gently, staring at the drawing of what appeared to be a man... a man she knew. The expression on his face was that of disapproval; even anger, and Fenra frowned. Granted he was younger looking than the last time she'd seen him, but it was unmistakably the same man.

"That's my... our dad... "

Tyrel Kiterix
Feb 17th, 2003, 05:38:03 PM
"It is..." Kiterix was intrigued, "Interesting.

"I believe your father may have come here once," he said still looking at the picture, "When Millard was still here.

"I don't think either like each other. Your father questioned Millard's reasonings for being with a woman so young."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Feb 17th, 2003, 05:58:30 PM
Fenra said nothing for a few moments, simply staring at the drawing of Dharkharon s'Ilancy. Being with a woman so young? She figured s'Il was 30-31 by now; how much of an age difference was there between her and the Grand Admiral?

"... how old is he... ?"

Tyrel Kiterix
Feb 17th, 2003, 06:05:32 PM
Kiterix paused. He'd never bothered to ask Millard's age, but he had a good idea.

"He's almost sixty I believe."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Feb 17th, 2003, 06:13:19 PM
"Sixty... ?!"

It was a little bit of a shock; that a man of almost sixty would even consider looking at a woman half his age... Fenra closed the sketchbook in near anger.

"That's crazy... he's almost- at least twice her age!"

Tyrel Kiterix
Feb 17th, 2003, 06:27:49 PM
"I know," Kiterix replied, a look of concern on his face, "I never found out if it was because he liked her or..."

He was treading on dangerous ground here, Kiterix knew this, but the only way to ensure this would work would be to take risks. He could insinuate something...but never outrightly say it.

"If she was with him because of Millard's status as an Imperial leader.

"I could be wrong," he said afterwards and a bit quickly, "I hope I'm wrong."

Kiterix put on a look of concern and his hand touched Fenra's shoulder.

Fenra s'Ilancy
Feb 17th, 2003, 06:35:24 PM
Fenra only shook her head; it seemed that following closely behind the amazing things she found out about her sister, ugliness quickly followed. First the paraphenalia after the blade collection, then the drawing of the 'Metal Eyed Butcher' in a sketchbook full of the things her sister chose to immortalize; and also the drawing of the bald man; that one, while not as insinuating, was still disturbing in nature. And now, the fact that Millard was closing in on sixty...

"I hope she did really like him; though... " Fenra paused, her mind going over the next obvious answer. "... I suppose it makes sense that she would try to get on the good side of a man who is one of the highest ranking individuals in a government that my father said she blatantly antagonized constantly... "

Tyrel Kiterix
Feb 17th, 2003, 06:42:20 PM
And with that, Kiterix almost had her.


He put his other hand on her back and lightly started rubbing it.

"I'm sorry you have to learn all this in one day. I'm truly sorry.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

Fenra s'Ilancy
Feb 17th, 2003, 06:54:13 PM
She hung her head.

"No, it's ok. I should've known better than to try and find anything about her... my father said it'd only serve to disappoint me."

The truth hadn't disappointed her; what she now began to suspect as the way her sister lived was nearly crushing her, and Fenra couldn't help but feel a little betrayed by it.

"I should have just left her alone. Not come looking for her."

Tyrel Kiterix
Feb 17th, 2003, 06:58:55 PM
"No I disagree," Kiterix said, continuing to rub her shoulders. He was always told he had good hands.

"You found out something about your sister you didn't like. It doesn't make you a horrible person, or ever your sister for that matter. But you can learn from this situation.

"You can decide to not do what your sisters have done. Or what your father has not done...which is not tell you the whole story."

He continued, "I'm certain s'Ilancy is a wonderful person...Millard thought very highly of her...but you've got to consider your sources. Your father. Your sister. Everything...Before you make your decision."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Feb 17th, 2003, 07:07:07 PM
Considering his words, the youngest s'Ilancy let out a sigh. "I suppose you're right... "

Lifting her foot then, she let it rest on the lip of the chest. Relaxing as Kiterix further massaged her shoulders, Fenra closed her eyes, content to sit and let his hands go over her muscles.

Tyrel Kiterix
Feb 17th, 2003, 07:14:59 PM
"Now that you are here," Kiterix leaned down so his mouth was by her ear.

"Do you regret coming here? And learning about your sister?" he pulled back and continued massaging.

He had a good idea about the answer, but he wanted to make sure. If she said yes and wanted to leave then he'd let her go, and that would be it. He'd leave his number and tell Fenra she could come back if she wanted to.

But if Fenra said no...then the fun would begin.

Fenra s'Ilancy
Feb 17th, 2003, 07:22:40 PM
His voice so close to her ear startled her, but Fenra let it wash over her. She had to think on his question... was she regretful? In some ways, yes, she was... she missed her family, but...

"...not really; I've always wanted to see what other planets were like. And I guess Blamorra is as good a start as any."

Tyrel Kiterix
Feb 17th, 2003, 07:24:40 PM
"Good," Kiterix said, true joy in his voice. But his face was that of a predator. And Fenra couldn't see his face.

"We can go see all of Balmorra tomorrow if you'd like. How is your class load? Light?"

Fenra s'Ilancy
Feb 17th, 2003, 07:34:04 PM
Fenra smiled then; she could hear the joy in his voice, and it made her happy to know she'd pleased an Emperor. At the thought of her classes though, she let out a small groan.

"No, not really. I've got a few papers to study for, and a midterm due in a week."

Her shoulders fell. "I wish I could see Balmorra tomorrow, but I'm going to be pretty busy over the weekend."

Tyrel Kiterix
Feb 17th, 2003, 11:27:13 PM
"You will atleast have dinner with me tomorrow," Kiterix asked, smiling at her.

It was much easier to seduce over drinks.

"I am free tomorrow night so if you'd like we could have chicken and waffles again."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Feb 18th, 2003, 12:09:04 AM
Fenra smiled, twisting her body around to afford a better view of Kiterix.He'd been so nice to her since she'd arrived; she could hardly express her gratitude.

She laughed a little. "We don't have to have chicken and waffles again; you pick dinner for tomorrow."

Resting an elbow on his knee, she canted her head. "Thank you though, for inviting me to tour the planet, even though I can't go."

Tyrel Kiterix
Feb 18th, 2003, 12:13:01 AM
"You're welcome," Kiterix was still smiling, "I hope you enjoy staying here. Balmorra is quite the nice place.

"We don't have as bad of a reputation as some people would want to make us appear."

His comlink beeped and he spoke in it in muted tones.

"I see...good. Keep at it. Is dinner ready? Good. Keep me informed Xa-" the rest was undeterminable to Fenra's ears.

"Well," the turned back to her, "Dinner is ready. Shall we go?"

Fenra s'Ilancy
Feb 18th, 2003, 12:58:30 AM
Fenra smiled, rising to her feet. Dinner would be nice, and she was looking forward to the meal.

"Yeah, I'm ready."

Tyrel Kiterix
Feb 18th, 2003, 01:03:51 AM
"All right then," Kiterix replied, holding his arm out in a crook.

"Let's go."

The two walked down the stairs of Kiterix's chateau, into the large hallway, and then into the large dining room.

The dining room was decorated with various artwork, oil paintings, and statues.

The table itself was mahogany oak and full of flowers. Two china plates were set out, with silver silverware, and large goblets.

And on the china plates were two things...

Waffles and Chicken.

"So...do you like it?"

Fenra s'Ilancy
Feb 18th, 2003, 01:37:07 AM
Beaming up at Kiterix, Fenra sighed.

"It's great; thank you so much."

Just the sight of such a table setting was enough to amaze her, and Fenra couldn't help the wide eyed look she cast over the table.

"... But, youdidn't really have to go to all the trouble for chicken and waffles."

Tyrel Kiterix
Feb 18th, 2003, 01:41:42 AM
"Oh it's quite all right, Fenra," Kiterix said, beaming.

"It was my pleasure to do it, my dear. I'm always happy to help out those who need help."

He pulled back a chair for her to sit in, "I hope it's good. I admit the cooks weren't sure what kind of chicken you liked. I believe it's baked with a bit of lemon.

"I hope you like it."

Fenra s'Ilancy
Feb 19th, 2003, 01:38:06 AM
With a grin she sat, eyeing the food hungrily.

"I think I will... "

As she waited for Kiterix to sit as well, Fenra cast her eyes over the table settings. This was certainly more fancy than anything she could have ever imagined.

Tyrel Kiterix
Feb 19th, 2003, 09:30:04 PM
Kiterix took his place at the head of the table, Fenra was off to his right.

He took a bite of the chicken, avoiding the waffles for now. It wasn't that Kiterix didn't like waffles, he much preferred them for breakfast not dinner.

"The setting is rather grand isn't it?" the Balmorran Emperor said witha smile.

"I rather like it...how is your chicken?"

Fenra s'Ilancy
May 7th, 2003, 09:49:42 PM
Swallowing, Fenra grinned at Kiterix. "It's great," she replied, giving him yet another wide grin. This was better than she could have ever imagined, and she was content for once. Not that she would particularly like to be here forever, but for now; Fenra was happy.

Sipping at her water, she sat back, admiring her surroundings. It was certainly much more upscale than she was used to, but her naivety was happy to simply stare in awe. After a few moments, she turned back to Kiterix.

"Do you always eat alone?" sha asked quietly, wondering if the Emperor ever had dinner guests often, or if he was content to simply eat his meals in solitude.

Tyrel Kiterix
May 7th, 2003, 09:54:08 PM
"Grand Admiral Millard has come to visit me a few times. As has Inquisitor Morewind," he took a sip of his own drink, then a bite of his chicken.

It was delicious, baked with lemon and full of flavor. Lightly covered with a bit of seasoned salt the mixture of flavor only enhanced the taste in Fenra and Kiterix's mouths.

"He never brought s'Ilancy to dinner though. I don't think she enjoyed these kinds of gatherings. Saw them below her, I think."

Fenra s'Ilancy
May 7th, 2003, 09:59:59 PM
"Or above," she couldn't help but say. It wasn't out of rudeness, merely curiosity.

From what she'd found out about her sister, s'Il wasn't much for really dressing up or putting on any sort of show. She seemed to be like the more simpler forms of entertainment; the gaudiness of 'royalty' too much of a bother. The oldest s'Ilancy seemed not so much a recluse, as more of a down-to-earth type of person. The drawings in her sketchbooks seemed to reflect this. She remembered one particular drawing, of a man toting a shell caster and a 5 o'clock shadow. He'd been drawn with a duster, and the simple name beneath the picture read 'Prent.'

She thought for a moment.

"I saw a picture in one of her sketchbooks of a man; I think she'd written his name; Prent.

"Is that a real person?"

Tyrel Kiterix
May 7th, 2003, 10:14:38 PM
"Prent," Kiterix's face grew introspective, "I've heard the name before. I believe he has his own industries or did.

"He spends more time with Balmorra's Enemies than with her friends. I have yet to meet him fact to face."

Kiterix took another bite and drink, avoiding the waffles for now. He would have those after his succulent chicken was finished. After all...syrup tended to mess with chicken's flavors.

"But if I were to meet him, he'd be welcome here. All are welcome."

Fenra s'Ilancy
May 7th, 2003, 10:57:40 PM
"Oh," was all she said, once more taking another bite of her waffles.

"I guess my sister knew a lot of people; still; it's kind of strange finding out about her like this."

Fenra went silent for a little bit, thinking over the past week; why she'd come here originally.

"When will the Grand Admiral be back... ?" she ventured after a small pause. She still wanted to see him; talk to the man at least. Anything she could find out about her sister she would take in.

Tyrel Kiterix
May 7th, 2003, 11:08:41 PM
"I wish I knew," Kiterix replied, and it was true. With Millard away he'd been able to move various members of the military, loyal to him into posistions of power.

But he knew Millard would return at some point. And at some point soon. If only Kiterix knew when. That damnable ship, The Rascal King was trickier to track than the Milleneum Falcon. Especially with that MMU character on board.

"I've been trying to reach Millard for a while now. He's quite hard to get a hold of."

A smile, "I think he likes it that way."

Fenra s'Ilancy
May 18th, 2003, 11:19:23 PM

Staring at her plate then, Fenra sat back to think on his answer. No matter though. She considered herself patient, and if that's what the situation called for, then that's what she would have to practice. Until then, she'd continue her studies.

"I hope you don't mind me staying here," she started once more, changing the subject.

Tyrel Kiterix
May 18th, 2003, 11:26:17 PM
Kiterix gave another smile. He did tend to smile a lot but in politics...you had to smile a lot.

"Of course not, Fenra," he leaned over and touched her arm lightly.

"I don't mind at all. As long as you don't mind me being around you."

It was an act all to make her feel more comfortable around him. And when the time came...he would act.

Fenra s'Ilancy
May 18th, 2003, 11:33:04 PM
She grinned at him then. Regardless of the fact that he was an emperor, he seemed easy to get along with, and Fenra was easily becoming more relaxed around him. He had a charm that she figured was bred out of necessity; of having to be able to be liked by everyone. Or at least almost everyone; even the nicest people had enemies. She knew that.

"No, I don't mind you being around; I figure you'll be so busy with your schedule anyway, that you'd have plenty to deal with as it was.

"Even if you get to visit every now and then, it'll be nice... "

She gave his hand a slight pat with her own then, before reaching once more for her drink.

Tyrel Kiterix
May 18th, 2003, 11:38:31 PM
"I have enough time," Kiterix said, one of his hands picking up his own glass. He took a sip, enjoying the wine as he drank it. Although, he had to admit it was a bit strange drinking wine with waffles.

He raised his hand, calling one of his servants over.

"Can you get me some orange juice please? It just occured to me that drinking wine with waffles is a bit off."

Kiterix gave a sheepish smile to Fenra.

"I guess not all Emperors are perfect," then he gave a laugh, subtle and soft. His smile though...was perfect.

Fenra s'Ilancy
May 18th, 2003, 11:53:20 PM
"That's ok," Fenra sighed, taken in by his smile. It's flawless... "I've always believed no man is perfect."

The servent asked if she wanted some orange juice as well, but she shook her head. "Just some milk, please."

The man nodded, then hustled off to retrieve their orders.

Turning back to Kiterix, her face became curious. "What do you do in your free time?"

Tyrel Kiterix
May 19th, 2003, 12:00:27 AM
I plot grand schemes to kill Millard and shape the galaxy in my own image. What do you do?

But Kiterix was smart enough not to say that, keeping his thoughts guarded. You never knew who was lurking around the halls of Balmorra.

"I enjoy painting and reading actually," he breathed deeply inhaling the scent of the oranges as he drank from the glass.

"I also like riding. There are a few creatures you can ride here on Balmorra. Nothing like a speeder though...but still fun.

"Care to do it sometime?"

Fenra s'Ilancy
May 19th, 2003, 12:08:37 AM
She thought on this, then nodded. "Sounds fun; it'd have to be after finals though. Most of my time up until then is going to be spent studying and getting ready for them."

If Fenra was anything, it was dedicated and studious. Sometimes to her own detriment. She would spend days preparing for a test or exam, never leaving her room except to eat or get a drink. It was a good trait, though sometimes vexing at times for her parents in the sense that she'd become just a little anti-social.

Tyrel Kiterix
May 19th, 2003, 12:18:28 AM
"Well your finals are almost finished correct?" Kiterix rose, finished with his waffles.

"Come on...I'll take you riding right now. Before our time is up."

Fenra started to protest, talking about her finals, but the Balmorran Emperor was insistant.

"You need to have a bit of fun, my dear," he led her back down the marble halls filled with tapestries and the floor covered in red carpet which was soft to the touch. Even through Fenra's boots she could feel the softness.

The two walked out the back onto a narrow walkway of stone. Green grass was on either side and in front...about 100 yards away was a stable. In the distance, off to the right...the construction droids on Castle Millard could be seen, repairing the destroyed building.

It was a sight worth seeing.

"Come one," Kiterix laughed, "It won't take too long. You're not scared are you?"

Fenra s'Ilancy
May 19th, 2003, 12:33:51 AM
Fenra rolled her eyes, giving a slight laugh. "No, I'm not not afraid... " she was about to argue that she had to study, but if it didn't work the first time, she figured it'd certainly not work now.

So she let Kiterix lead the way; until they reached the end of the stone walkway.

As soon as they stepped into the field, she took off at a run; gods it'd been a long time since she'd actually run; and her morning running didn't count. This was something she was doing for fun. And she loved it.

Leaving Kiterix behind, she sprinted for the stables, feeling the cool air rush past her.

Tyrel Kiterix
May 19th, 2003, 12:49:14 AM
Kiterix didn't run, preferring to walk at his own pace.

So far so good, his mind thought as he walked across the cool grass. If he wanted to, he could take the girl now...make her want him...a quick, deft move and it would all be over.

But Kiterix wanted to have fun...and there was no sense shagging after just starting to seduce a girl. Best to break her subtely, seperating herself from her family....including her sister. Then she'd be with him for the rest of her days...a trophy of sorts...but one who wanted him, served him, and slept with him.

"Always start young," his father had told him.

And an 18 year old...he'd had records check...no sense sleeping with someone who was 'underage'...was about as young as you could get.

"So..." he finally caught up to her, removing his jacket and setting it on a peg by the barn wall.

Kiterix moved behind Fenra, removing her jacket, then placing it on another peg.

"I've got a riding jacket in the barn. Two actually, you can borrow one of mine."

He opened the door then walked in the barn, the smell of the animals coming to his nostrils.

"Having fun yet?"

Fenra s'Ilancy
May 19th, 2003, 10:57:14 PM
"I don't need a jacket," she grinned, "I like the freedom offered without it."

At his question of whether she was having fun, Fenra only shook her head. "Can't answer that... " she stuffed her hands into her jean pockets, "... we haven't done anything yet; just had dinner."

And it'd been a good dinner; she hadn't really eaten what she'd wanted to in a long time, and now that her stomach was full, she found herself strangely content; not only in her situation, but around Kiterix.

Tyrel Kiterix
May 19th, 2003, 11:01:24 PM
Kiterix nodded, it was a fair assessment. They'd have more fun later.

He hid his dark smile as he grabbed a bridle and saddle from their storage areas in the barn. Walking over to one of the horses, the Balmorran Emperor lightly rubbed its face, talking softly to it.

Then he placed the bridle and bit over the animal's mouth, happy it didn't move. A few minutes later and the saddle was on its back.

"Come on...have a ride on this one," he offered his hand to Fenra, holding the horse in the other, "Her name is Pallos."

Fenra s'Ilancy
May 19th, 2003, 11:19:21 PM
Fenra stepped closer to the animal, taking hold of the reigns at the leather near the bit, and bringin a hand up, let her fingers trace down the center of the mare's head. She was a beautiful creature, and as Fenra stepped between the horse and Kiterix; slightly brushing against him as she lifted her foot to the stirrup.

A quick heave and swing brought her atop the animal, and looking down at the Balmorran Emperor, she gave another wide grin. She'd ridden before; used to ride regularly back on Kir, and to once more be in a saddle was a nice thing. But Kiterix didn't have to know she used to ride... she figured she'd surprise him.

She gave the horse a soft pat on the neck and Kiterix another smile.

"She's got good conformation; seems a solid ride to me."

Tyrel Kiterix
May 19th, 2003, 11:24:12 PM
"I'm glad you like her," Kiterix replied, moving towards a large black steed that was waiting for him. He was all ready bridled and saddled- one of Kiterix's servants was forward thinking enough to ensure the horse was waiting.

"Come Theseus," he said to the horse as he mounted him, "Let's go have fun."

The horses started walking towards the entrance of the barn, walking slowly and assuredly. After they exitted the barn, Kiterix breathed deeply again. It was a glorious day.

"After you, my dear," he said to Fenra, waiting for her to start her horse forward.

Fenra s'Ilancy
May 19th, 2003, 11:29:30 PM
She sat easily in the saddle, comfortable on the horse as the animal stepped forward out into the field. Giving the mare a slight squeeze with her knees, Fenra leaned casually on one arm to look back to Kiterix. She stopped the horse then, turning her to face the Emperor.

"How often do you ride," she asked, making sure that what she wanted to do would be appropiate.

Tyrel Kiterix
May 19th, 2003, 11:32:36 PM
He urged Theseus forward, catching up with Fenra quickly. He'd noticed how she'd brushed up against him earlier.

Good...it was working.

"I ride enough to recognize when someone rides better than they say they do," he smiled at Fenra.

"About once or twice a week. Depending on how busy I am. How about you? How often did you ride on Kir?"

Fenra s'Ilancy
May 25th, 2003, 05:20:12 PM
She blushed a little when he mentioned the fact that she rode better than she let on. "Well, I didn't ride all that often; my mom used to a lot, and she sort of got me started on it. Though she did more of the formal riding. I was more into the rodeo circuit."

It sounded funny saying that, but it was true. Fenra had never liked dressage or any of the other riding that her mother did. She preferred the more fast-paced competitions where timing was everything. In some respects she was just like s'Il without even knowing it, always looking for ways to tweak a speederbike or urge an animal to higher speeds.

Because that's what she enjoyed.


Tyrel Kiterix
May 29th, 2003, 12:49:53 PM
Kiterix smiled.

He had her.

The power he felt he was slowly gaining over her was much like the power he held over Balmorra.

Slow and fleeting at first, then stronger through time. Eventually, like with Balmorra, he would rule over her...be the only man in her life...and the only person she wanted in her life. And to do this to Millard...to make him suffer, through s'Ilancy's suffering, would be even grander.

As he slowly would expand his power out, throughout the galaxy. Balmorra was simply the start. He'd all ready made contact with the New Republic. Were they to allow Balmorra's entry into the New Republic, he was almost certain he could get 'Chief of State' within five years.

Afterall...he was rather charming now wasn't he? Xazor Elessar and Fenra s'Ilancy certainly thought so. Both of them trusted him for different reasons. Xazor...thinking Kiterix was a political rebel fighting against a tyrannical Millard. Fenra...thinking Kiterix was a charming emperor, showing her new things about the world...and herself.

The circle would be complete soon...and Millard would be dead.

His horse caught up with hers quickly as he pressed Theseus forward. The two went over a rolling hill, full of lush grass, and headed towards a grove of trees. The two slowed to a stop and Kiterix took her hand in his.

"Earlier..." he said feeling the smallness of her hand in his, "You said you couldn't live on Kir forever.

"I would be honored..." a sheepish grin, "If you'd live on Balmorra...with me."

Kiterix smiled inwardly as he stroked Fenra's hand, then silently...leaned over and kissed her.