View Full Version : Subsiding in Await
Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 29th, 2002, 10:47:48 PM
The young boy leaned agains thte chair as his robe sleaked down to his feet, staring amoungst the room where canidantes where recruited to advance into the padawan stage. He just wished he had the chance of having one, but it only seemed like they were all ignoring him. Laughing at him with their back faced to them as they guided their appretience to their settlement until they were to advance into the Jedi Knight stage.
Frowning, he rustled in the chair, and looked down at his feet, wondering ot himself what he would do if he was sent off to the Plant as many of the young canidates stated it as, and work. It wasn't the way he wanted his life to be, or end. He didn't want to be known amoungst hte Order as the one faluire in this week when he packed his bags. He only had a week, and if he wasn't recruited he was to be shipped off.
"Why is this happening to me" He said to himself, staring down into his open palms, tears dropping down in a showcase of saddeness.
Estelle Russard
Dec 29th, 2002, 11:05:46 PM
ooc: Idris, I didnt reply to you in Aejins thread, as we werent sure what you were doing exactly. There are alot of padawans needing masters, so you have to be a little patient in this regard and we will try to get you all set up as soon as we can. :)
Estelle saw the young fellow sitting in the room looking somewhat agitated. She recognised him from the restaurant the other night when he approached her and Plo Koon's table.
"Hello......Idris, isnt it?"
Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 1st, 2003, 04:26:57 AM
Jamel head manuevered upward, staring up at Estelle his eyes slowly drying as the wind rushed pass. Shaking his head, he attempted to run off the expression that was drenched over his face, sorrowing his looks.
"I'm sorry, I think I have saw you at least once previously, but I have lossen hold of your name. Exactly who are you?" Jamel questioned, leaning back in his chair, finding comfort in his placement for the moment.
Estelle Russard
Jan 1st, 2003, 07:53:29 PM
"No need to apologise" she smiled as she approached "..It is hard to place faces with names when you are new to a place."
She sat opposite him, an air of calm and gentle grace seemed to settle with her.
"My name is Estelle Russard - I am a knight of the Jedi Order here."
She paused as the young boy composed himself.
"You seem to be far from home...?"
Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 3rd, 2003, 04:57:40 PM
Jamel rustled in his seat, attempting to grasp the meaning of "home". It had many meanings, but he had managed to find this place as home, he didn't understand the point of home. Maybe she spoke of his birthplace.
"I am from...Lok, I was born there."
Estelle Russard
Jan 3rd, 2003, 07:43:29 PM
"And how did you find your way to the Order, Idris?"
Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 3rd, 2003, 10:43:30 PM
Jamel frowned in displeasurement as he began to reveal himself. She was that of a Jedi Knight, he could refuse to enlighten her with his past.
"I was a Lok slave, they came there to diplomatically stop this slavery within their boundaries, and it change it active attack, and I was found. Since my malacholon is extremely high they supposed to join the Order first as a canidate, then I went through my trails. I now am to become a Padawan. I am seeking a Master as of now. And the names Jamel...Jamel Croko'yn."
Estelle Russard
Jan 4th, 2003, 12:53:32 AM
"Well then, Jamel" she was careful to use the name he preferred she call him by "seems you have been through a great deal."
Estelle felt she had made him uncomfortable, and that wasnt her intention. Perhaps no more questions for him for now.
"Im sure you will be apprenticed to someone very soon. In the meanttime, it is good you are getting to know a few people here at the order. One can learn from friends, as well as from a master."
Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 4th, 2003, 01:35:47 AM
He began to responde after pondering the meaning of those words. He at times liked overthinking objects so he would understand the full point of the whole dialogue.
"Well I hope we will become friends as I suppose I'll learn from you. " He said, rustling in his seat as he became a bit discomfort and impatient in his wait for the Jedi who would master him, but he was keen in timiding himself, and becoming patient in his wait for his Jedi Master.
Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 4th, 2003, 03:24:52 PM
He brushed his hand to the side in a beckon to her to leave him in his nervous time.
"I dont want ot seem rude, but could you leave me, I wish to conversate with you again. Maybe then I'll be a Padawan, it's all up to whom is recruiting me. Anyways, shouldn't you consult with your Padawan, I saw you recruit it a few moments previous." He jumped out his seat, and hurriedly and hastingly rushed her out the recruiting center with a smile on his face. Gesturing a goodbye wave to her, he watched her walk down the path.
Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 5th, 2003, 06:07:42 AM
Turning quickly about, he rushed to his seat, and sat down slowly, and gradually. Neatly fitting himself in the chair, he rustled to get a comfortable point. Awaiting whom that would master him, and guide him in the Force, he placed his hands neatly over his mouth in a gesture of thought. His eye swere narrowed, and he slowly was warped into a world of knowledge, thought, and wonder.
"Hmm.." Those were the only sounds that could come from the mouth of Jamel, as he pondered on many ways of the Force, and the idea of the Sith existence.
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