View Full Version : Guilty Conscience [Complete]

Xenodoros Stormrider
Dec 29th, 2002, 09:45:50 PM
"Son, son. Why are you doing this? I-I'm sure we can talk about this... Calm down!"


The long haired young man sat on the ground in a secluded wet cavern. Xenodoros Stormrider was not as well known as his brother Lance Stormrider, but that was not why Xenodoros sat in an eerie cave, alone. His brother Lance lived in the beautiful Living Quarters of the Greater Jedi Order while Xenodoros barely slept at night. And when Xeno did sleep, he either found refuge on the ground itself, or abandoned quarters.

He sat in the cave, remembering his past, remembering what had brought him to this poverty. The darkness that lived inside of him had lured him here. Once being part of The Sith Empire, Xenodoros lived a better life, but the disappearance of the Empire changed Xeno's life. No refuge to run to, no affiliation to protect him. Fortunately, he had found out that there were survivors like his Master Darth Snack.

Darth Snack had agreed to train him in the Arts of the Sith, and knew that with the guidance of this respected Sith, Xeno would live a life that he would greatly enjoy. But what did he really want? Scattering memories through his mind, he came across his goals.

The first was to become a respectable Sith. With the power, and respect that he deserved, he would arrive to deserve as much respect as his Jedi brother. The second was to eliminate those who were after him; including his brother. But to get rid of his brother would not be so easy because of what had occured in the past.

"Why don't you deserve to die?" he whispered, "What have you ever given me? You would rather save your better son, wouldn't you?"


"He deserved to die." Xenodoros raised his head to spit on the ground. He let his silver-blue hair descend to his cheeks and lit a match. Holding the match with his left hand, he took a piece of wood and lit it to create light.

Xenodoros Stormrider
Dec 30th, 2002, 04:37:38 PM
Fortunately, the stick of wood did not take long catch fire. The dark cave needed light, or else Xenodoros would be clouded with the shadows of the cave.

But there was more than just memories that past through his mind. There was an event that changed Xeno. It was an event that haunted him every day.


The lightsaber struck the Jedi Knight across the neck, as the blood came gushing out and the expression of the decapitated Jedi was still in tact. The murderer fled the scene, heading to the farthest ends of the galaxy.


Xenodoros smiled though. One would think he'd kill himself but instead, he smiles. He sighed. He'd not told anyone in his family what had happened. Everything else remained a mystery. For example, what had lured Xeno to the darkside? Why was he such a rival to Lance?


"Who are you?"
"Lance Stormrider, I live here." he told the officer
"Are you the son of Jecht Stormrider?" the officer asked.
"Yes. Why? Is there anything wrong?"
"...I... I'm afraid your father's been murdered..." the officer said in a rushed tone, having difficulty saying it.
"NO!! That's impossible, maybe it's someone else" Tears ran down Lance's cheeks not being able to take the news.
"I'm sorry, son" the officer said.
"How!? Who?!" Lance panicked.
"Calm down, calm down. We're investigating on what occurred. We believe a bounty hunter could have killed him. According to what we've heard, the black market is offering a lot of money for your father's head."


Receiving heat from the fire, Xenodoros looked at the flame carefully. He had told his family that his father died, but never told him who and why. Living without telling them what happened would eat him up.

"...Should I?" Xenodoros asked himself.

Xenodoros Stormrider
Jan 1st, 2003, 04:48:20 PM
Suddenly, Xenodoros threw the flaming stick on the walls of the cave with anger. The cave was silent and the flame disappeared. The smoke could be smelled as it slowly rised.

He looked at the exit of the cave. He made his way to the light and blinded himself with the sun in the sky. He covered his eyes as he slowly began to uncover them.

The view of the outdoors was beautiful. Green, alive, and fresh were the first words that came to mind when seeing the beauty of the outdoors. Xenodoros had a message that he had to tell his mother and sister. A message that would bring him more misery than he already had. Xenodoros wanted them to know. After that, he would try to avoid them completely and continue with the goals he'd set.

"I should" Xenodoros said.

Instantly, a headache struck Xeno. An aching pain that he could not stand. He held his head and threw himself on the floor.


NO. DON'T TELL THEM A loud, annoying voice rang in his mind.

"Why?" he yelled.


The tone of the voice in his mind faded away as Xenodoros kept telling it that the truth would be known. He could not live with this guilty conscience any longer. He pushed himself, up, still with a bit of pain.

"I must." Xenodoros stated.

Xenodoros Stormrider
Jan 2nd, 2003, 01:02:15 PM
"Here's the head" the young one said, unwrapping it from its container.
"Excellent young one." A man's low voice replied
"Where's my money?" the murderer asked.
"Here, excellent job. I've been trying to kill Jecht Stormrider for years... What is your name?" The man handed him the money
"You said I could remain anonymous" the young one took the money and turned around.
"Pleasure doing business with you!" the older man said.


"I don't regret killing him," Xenodoros said, "Heck, if I could kill 'im again, I would." Xenodoros' icy blue eyes looked out into the horizon. It was morning and the sun was rising.

"But I must tell them." Xenodoros said in a firm voice. If he were to tell his mother and sister that he killed Jecht, Lance would find out. Xenodoros didn't care if he found out. As long as he got it out of his chest. But whatever was building inside him would eat him up if he didn't tell them.

He would have to find out where his mother and sister were. The only person to ask was Lance. But he did not want to visit him. Of course, even if Lance knew, he probably wouldn't tell him. But how? It was the only thing he could do.

Maybe Straffe would know? He'd doubt he'd get anything from him either. The only one that knew was Destiny, his sister. But what were the odds that he would find her. The last time he found her was because he was following Lance.

Xenodoros sat on the ground, holding his knees. What would he do? Would this bring great chaos to the Stormrider family?

Xenodoros Stormrider
Jan 5th, 2003, 12:05:40 AM
The wind blew gently as it kissed the leaves of the nearby trees and slid through Xenodoros' clothes to give him cold chills through his back. Xenodoros looked at his hands. These hands were still young, but they seemed to have gone through a lot. They aged fast, too fast. Xenodoros' icy-blue eyes rolled upward to look at the indigo blue sky. As he looked up, the reflection of the sun was seen on Xenodoros' beautiful eyes making them shine and rejuvenate. He was young. Too many things had occurred in Xenodoros' life and he was only twenty-three years of age. Xenodoros had an enchanting visage, but the grasp of the dark side had transformed him and gave him a monstrous, vicious look. But if one looked deep in the two orbs that we call eyes, you see the youth that exists, the youth that is trapped deep inside the body of a sinner.

Xenodoros' did not consider himself lugubrious. It was rather the guilt that tormented him inside. Nostalgia filled Xeno's mind as he brooded. He barely remembered this feeling: happiness. Xenodoros took his hands and set them on the grassy ground he was sitting on. His legs extended themselves as he pushed himself up. He shook his head as his silky silver-blue hair travelled across his face back and forth.

It was rather odd how Xenodoros did not associate with the environment he was in. He was the darkness in a bright, beautiful paradise. Xenodoros knew what he had to do. He was to confess the sin he had committed to his mother. It didn't matter what the consequences would be. Xeno knew that whatever happened, he would try to stay away from his family that held him back from attaining his goals. But his goals were rather vague. He'd grown a passion for killing. He was sick. He hungered for power. The young Sith wanted it all too fast.

Xenodoros didn't know where Juclesia was. He would ask the only person who might know where she would be. His own brother, Jedi Knight Lance Stormrider. Xenodoros didn't think he would be able to get anything out of Lance even if he did know.

"It's time I pay my brother a visit" Xenodoros smiled maliciously.

He knew that the truth had to be told to let out whatever he kept inside. The young Sith Disciple headed toward the Greater Jedi Order (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=26392) in to know the whereabouts of his mother Juclesia Stormrider.