View Full Version : Severe: No Love, Only Business [Dead Sound]

Dec 28th, 2002, 04:07:31 PM
With no one at the base, Sway figured she was alone. She sat on the border the roof, her feet dangling in the air. She held a half done cigarette in her mouth and amused herself by twirling it around her finger without getting burned. Well, not everyone's perfect, so she got burned. <smallfont color=#FF0000>-Censored-</smallfont>. She cursed some more under her breath before throwing it down the base. It was getting lonely, and most boring.

"Mneh." She mumbled.

She held herself, her hands holding onto the sleeves of her jean jacket. The shipping was done, the counting money was done twice and the getting burned, triple. She sighed, her hand reaching in her back pocket of her pants to get out another cigarette.

Dead Sound
Dec 30th, 2002, 02:24:28 PM
"You know, you shouldn't smoke. Cigarettes can kill you."

Hypocrite. A cigeratte hung out of his mouth as he crossed his arms, looking down at Sway.

He, too, thought that the base was abandoned and went up to the roof to look down at the view. Not too far off, one could see the many lights of the city as they flickered with different colors, almost like a light show.

"It's kinda late, I'm surprised you aren't catching up with your beauty sleep."

Dec 30th, 2002, 04:13:14 PM
"You know I don't sleep, most of the time, not even after sex." Sway scoffed.

She knew that Jake knew about what she used to feel for him, about her desire for his body. Inside, it suddendly made her sick. She hated the fact that she used to lust for him, maybe even beyond lust. She put the cigarette up to her lips, without lighting it yet.

"I thought you'd be hitting the sex clubs right about now."

Dead Sound
Dec 30th, 2002, 05:40:23 PM
Now it was his turn to scoff.

"What sort of person do you think I am?" Not like that needed an answer.

Sighing, he placed the cigeratte between two fingers and inhaled before taking it out. He blew out the smoke and dropped the cigeratte to the ground, snuffing it out with his boot.

"Pretty soon all the girls look the same. You know exactly what they're going to say or do, even when they inhale and exhale."

He used to be with Sway, treating her with only the best, but nothing lasts forever. Sometimes, he would lie in bed at night wistfully wishing it was her at his side, but whenever he turned around it would be some anonymous girl - or nobody at all.

Eve Siren
Dec 30th, 2002, 05:49:53 PM
[... I <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>in' hate it when it jumps from one account to another. >_<]

Dec 30th, 2002, 05:51:39 PM
"It's been too easy for you lately, huh ?" She asked, but already knew the answer.

Jake liked challenges ... And getting girls into his bed became too easy now for the player. She searched her jacket's pockets for a lighter with her hand, patting a bit everywhere before finding it. She took out the silver lightly, flicked it and lighted her cigarette before putting it back into her pocket. She left it hanging on her lips, before inhaling some.

"Where's Soraya ?" She asked another question, trying to make conversation.

Dead Sound
Dec 31st, 2002, 05:58:11 PM
He shrugged.

"Out sleeping or partying, who knows? Maybe if I was one of those damned Force users I could pry into her mind like a nutshell and find out."

He didn't exactly hate Force users, but he openly admitted that they creeped him out. It sometimes reminded him of that old movie, "Carrie", where the girl had telekinetic powers and then slaughtered everyone - pretty much like the Force users who called themselves Sith.

"Well, this is nice," he stated a little after.

"I mean, you're not trying to gut me or anything. Makes me wonder if you aren't as bloodthirsty as you seem."

Jan 1st, 2003, 04:26:26 PM
"Don't get used to this. I just wanted some company, but if you're used to my gutting, then maybe I should ..." She scoffed under her breath.

Sway slowly got up, dusting off her pants with her palms before sighing. Soraya and Jake were used to her pissed off, bloodthirsty, savage side ... It was rather sad to admit, she thought to herself. True, she was angery, almost all the time. But, when she was away from others, she was one pathetic little girl. She ran her hands through her slightly wavy hair.

"What's on your mind, Jake ?"

Dead Sound
Jan 1st, 2003, 10:18:23 PM
"Just wondering what kind of shampoo you used," he lied, trying to make it as convincing as possible.

In truth, he found himself wondering what the weather would be like tomorrow. If it was nice, he planned on "taking a day" to visit Tom, an old man he had known for about a year now.

".. And you?"

Jan 2nd, 2003, 09:48:43 AM
"Trying to find someone to call my lover." Sway shrugged.

Though she was always either in revenge mode or pissed off mode, Jake and Soraya knew that Sway envied people that were in love. No, actually, it went beyond envy. She longed for someone to hold her and love her, but it never happened. Maybe it was just a childish dream that she was never able to let go, or maybe there was something wrong with her.

Sway sighed heavily. "Sway's quest to find her prince charming continues."