View Full Version : Breaking His Foundations: Letters Of My Own (Taylor and Open)

Xazor Elessar
Dec 28th, 2002, 02:29:37 PM
Taylor Millard,

I have read and re-read the letter that you have sent to both myself and my companion and dear friend, Marcus Q'Dunn. What you stated was utter rot and I suggest that you get the facts before speaking so freely...for indeed, I am not the one seeking out a monsterous whore who clearly wants nothing to do with you!

Really, Taylor....than you go ahead and banish me from Balmorra! Was I ever welcome there in the first place? Your precious little castle means nothing to me...though I will not lie, I did have a lot to do with the bombing of it. I will tell you something else, you have many more enemies than you would like to admit, Mr. Millard.

Sithscum! That's all you are to me! I'll have you know that there are things going on right now as we speak behind your back that would make you have a heart attack...if you had a heart at all! I am beyond words to describe the infuriation in my soul at the rubbish you put down on paper and sent to me. You think that I am having a relationship behind my own Mother's back with a man that I view as a Father to myself?! I swear it, Millard....if you touch any of my family, I'll personally come and rip your head off, then shove it up your <smallfont color=#000000>-Censored-</smallfont>! Good day to you....

Xazor Dawnstrider
The Lost Jedi

The Jedi Knight folded the paper and shoved it into an envelope, then sealed it and sent it off through the messaging system. Sighing for the fear that perhaps she said too much, and for the fact that she did not say enough, the woman reclined in her chair and closed her eyes. She was tired of this man's game and with the help of Tyrel and others, soon she knew he would be vanquished. Smiling for once that day, she fell deeply into the Force and meditated on the present. Soon, perhaps she would receive a letter back from Taylor. It mattered now, she said her side of things and that was it.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 29th, 2002, 12:08:22 AM
The name on the door had a familiar name on it. Taylor Millard. The office had been vacant for awhile now, though judging by the letter on the desk, the Grand Admiral was still receiving mail here. A good sign that he would return soon, Silus hoped. For now though, a few changes were to be made. Before he walked in, Silus removed the name from the door. In its place, read the name "Silus Xilarian". Kiterix had decided that the General needed his own office, and this was the one that he'd given Silus.

Silus shut the door behind him and made his way to Millard's desk. He eyed the letter for a moment before his curiousity got the best of him. Quickly searching Millard's desk, he removed an envelope. He copied down the words on the envelope, matching the handwriting the best he could. After finishing, he held the two envelopes side by side and concluded that the differences were negligable. With his bases covered, he opened the letter.

The words were a bit of a shock. Even more of a shock when he read the name at the bottom.

Silus quickly stuffed the letter into the new envelope and sealed it, then placed it back on the desk just as it had been. His mind went into overdrive. Xazor bombed Castle Millard? It made sense when he thought about it, as he had heard that Xazor had been banned from Balmorra. Jedi Master Q'Dunn must have also been involved in the bombing. That is where things began to make less sense. Xazor and Marcus both were respected among the ranks of the Jedi, the bombing of a man's home seemed to be a bit violent for their beliefs, even if they were involved in the NRSF. Even then, more civilians were killed in the bombing than Military. That in itself suggested what Silus had believed all along, that the bombing was meant to harm Taylor, not the Empire. But that lead to more questions? Why Taylor? Though the Empire had a bad rep in many parts of the galaxy, Taylor himself had built an honorable reputation, so much to an extent, that two Jedi had actually come to Millard's aid after the bombing. Even before then, Millard had allowed Jedi Master and NR agent Liam Jinn to stay on Balmorra for a night, with no attempts on the Jedi Master's life or well being....

Silus kicked back in the chair, things were getting complicated. Not only with the bombing, but the Balmorran Empire in general. He would have to watch his step, and plan carefully. He would get to the bottom of all this, it would just take time. For now though, his next meeting with Xazor would prove to be interesting....

Dec 29th, 2002, 12:16:53 AM
"You know," I said from the doorway, a slight smirk on my face. Reading Millard's mail...not a good thing at all.

"Now that you've read the mail you might as well copy it down and send it to Taylor with your comments on it," I'd seen Silus enter Taylor's office then change the name plates. As the 'General' closed the door, I grasped the handle lightly, and kept it from closing completely.

A quick peek in told me what Xilarian was doing. Was he in deeper with Kiterix than I originally thought? Certainly his promotion was more surprising...almost as much as my demotion to 'Logistics'.

"So," I kept my arms crossed, "What does it say?"

Silus Xilarian
Dec 29th, 2002, 12:55:16 AM
Silus' eyes narrowed at Tomar, who not only seemed geniunely upset with Silus, but seemed awfully curious as to the contents of the letter....

"Nothing that concerns either of us. But if you must know, The handwriting looked similar to s'Ilancy's, as for the contents....You have been receiving Taylor's mail, so im sure you'll find out soon enough....."

Silus' tone led on a bit of accusation, though nothing outwrite. He slid the letter to the front of the desk....

"Is there anything else, Sir"

Dec 29th, 2002, 01:09:07 AM
"Mister Xilarian you may be able to lie to some people," my eyes glittered, "But you can't lie to me."

I walked forward and looked at the handwriting. A woman had written it indeed, but it had more grace than s'Ilancy's did. And having looked at the letter s'Ilancy had written Taylor when she left, it wasn't hers.

"This is as much s'Ilancy's writing as it is mine. Now...if it doesn't concern either of us, why is it you read it?"

Silus Xilarian
Dec 29th, 2002, 01:19:51 AM
"Watch your tone Tomar...You might outrank me, but that doesnt mean you can disrespect me......That door right there is closed."

Silus stood up from the desk, keeping eye contact with Tomar...

"Granted, there is a slight difference, but it was still similar, now if there isnt anything else, I would ask that you leave, and make sure that letter makes it to the Grand Admiral, please..."

Dec 29th, 2002, 01:33:33 AM
That's what I did before you played your political card and got promoted you little punk my Corellian temper flared again as I took the letter.

Taylor would get it, but, as usual, it would have my commentary. As I reached my own office (now smaller than usual and shuffled off into the corner), I had the letter open and was reading it.

"Hmm," I snorted to no one in particular, "It appears Millard's suspicions are correct."

"Correct about what Commodore Tomar?" my secretary said.

"Hmm...oh nothing. I just have some mail for the Grand Admiral. I'm going to send it out now."

As I entered the office, my eyes barely caught the secretary picking up a comlink and talking in it.

I sat down on my desk, the letter still in my hand, then transcribed it onto a datapad and added a few additional comments.

It appears you were right in thinking there are people plotting against you. Xazor's "warning" suggests it. s'Il isn't going to like the 'monsterous whore' comment made about her...that is if you show her this message when you see her again.

I hope that search is well.


I encoded the datapad and sent it on a secure direct channel to the Rascal King. Millard would get this soon enough.

Taylor Millard
Dec 29th, 2002, 01:47:41 AM
The search is progressing...but I'm no closer than I was a few month ago. Excluding Thyferra, the man thought as he took a sip from his cognac glass and turned the music down.

SO..WHO'S IT FROM? the voice screamed from the darkened room.

"It is from...an old acquaintance...not Lok."

If Millard could have seen MMU's face he would have seen it fall almost. Instead the *pitter patter* of MMU's feet signalled his exit from the room.

Millard dipped his pen into the inkwell and pressed it against the linen paper.

Dear Xazor,

So delighted to hear from you...tell me...do your Garou instincts burn within you? Does your hatred for everything Dark cause you to move closer and closer to the edge. Have you dealt with the darkness inside of you? Or do you throw yourself at every possible 'light side' man in the vain hopes they can rescue you from yourself?

Is that why you've been married, divorce, and now possibly remarried? How is your child out of curiousity? Has it been born yet? Does..Dasquin know yet?

Oh yes, I know all about that...after all, even we have mutual acquaintances. Who tell me things as well. Not everything, but enough information to keep me satisfied.

As for the 'monstorous whore' comment. I, atleast, have a good feeling what s'Ilancy is doing, and when I do find her....I would be careful. Calling Loklorien a 'whore' is not the best form.

Especially for a Jedi.

Taylor Millard

Dec 29th, 2002, 06:22:48 PM
It had been nearly a week since I heard that Lady Xazor mailed a letter to a certain someone she did not particularly care for. She had told me to watch the mail for a letter addressed to her, and sure enough, one came. I held the sealed envelope in one of my hands and looked it over suspiciously before going through the back door of the diner. Climbing up the trap stairs in the false room, I barely fit through the trap door in the ceiling. Finally I was upon my feet and staring at the young woman who was asleep on the couch.

"Uh, Lady Xazor...Xazor?"

I nudged her pretty face with my hand and slowly her eyes opened. Sitting up, the woman got her wits about her and then eyed me for a moment with a blank stare.

"Sorry Dex......you need something?"

She questioned softly and then I handed her the letter. Xazor took it in her hands and read over the name of the sender and then sighed to herself. She was under so much pressure, honestly I didn't think she needed this too.

"That's all, miss....take it easy now, Marcus wouldn't want you overworkin' yourself."

With that I waddled back downstairs, narrowly fitting through the trapdoor on my way. She remained and read the letter.

Xazor Elessar
Dec 29th, 2002, 06:34:42 PM
The letter nearly drove Xazor mad, but she inhaled deeply a few times and let the Force take over her body. Sighing, she sat down and composed yet another letter to the atrocious man.

Dear Taylor,

Indeed, my Garou instincts burn within me...it is something I cannot escape, though I attempt to not let it get the best of me. And throw myself at every man? Where do you get that? You obviously know nothing of me or you'd know why I have been married, divorced and now promised to marry again. Get the facts straight or many more will think you uneducated...many already do!

My child is fine and yes, Dasquian knows and has known for quite some time. Still that is none of your business and neither should you concern yourself in matters not your own. I too know much more of you than perhaps you would like....people claiming to be your friends and comrades secretly go behind your back and talk freely of affairs you are involved in.

And let s'Ilancy do her own things....or are you one of those men who keep their women under lock and key? Perhaps there is even things about that I know and you would not like me to. What do you think of that, Mr. Millard? And whether it is good form or not for a Jedi....you need not worry about that either, I am not a Jedi anymore....I belong to The Lost...and so I am.

You walk a fine line, Taylor....good day.

Best wishes,

Taylor Millard
Dec 29th, 2002, 07:05:52 PM
Lock and key? Millard raised an eyebrow...bah!

What he did find wierd was there was no commentary from Tomar on this one. Interesting...either Tomar wanted the letter to speak for itself...or had he been replaced?

Taylor pondered this, as he wrote.

My dear Xazor,

I fear I do not know what you mean. Uneducated? Is it because I spent most of my time in the Unknown Regions? Or do you have a problem with those who were brought up by...higher standards and do not resort to mercenary activities of destruction. I remind you...civilians were killed at my castle.

I recall a memory, some advice an old captain of mine gave me long ago. 'Not everyone,' he said, 'On this Star Destroyer is what they seem'.

I remind that to you as well.

And fine lines...is that not the pot calling the kettle black?

Taylor Millard

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 29th, 2002, 09:43:45 PM
<font color=green>Databank query _

Request :

Jedi Master Marcus Q'Dunn

Searching _

The text blinked a few more times, the hooded man and the slicer waiting for the reply

<font color=green>
Seach null. No such person on databank


"Good" said the hooded man quietly in an oddly accented vocie. "Keep it that way. Your stipend will be in the usual account in five minutes"

"Good ta do business with ya" murmured the slicer, making a few more adjustments to the program now running wild in the databanks, removing any reference to the Jedi in question.

"You have served me well over the years Ballmer. Just make sure that name never appears anywhere and business will continue to be good"

"I hear ya. Dont worry, Q'Dunn is gone. He never existed"

A slow, quiet smile came over the hooded man's face. "I'll be at the usual place. Send a message to Xazor I'll be there tomorrow"

Like she needed that. Hello my dear, and what are you up to? Stirring our good Admiral again?

Xazor Elessar
Dec 29th, 2002, 10:09:39 PM
Xazor took the newest letter in her hand and read it over and over again. Growling, she nearly crumpled it up but instead, clenched her free fist.

Dear Taylor,

My oh my, how much of me you don't know. I was raised in royalty, dear Admiral. Indeed......I consider you uneducated. Perhaps I am not the most diplomatic, but I have my ways, trust me. Civillians were killed at the bombing...I am aware of that but it still hurt you, didn't it. Your precious little home was destroyed. That's all I wanted...

Take your own advice, Millard.....use it, maybe you'll learn something. As for the pot calling the kettle black...last time I checked, I was neither. Perhaps you would like to call me...a pan.

Best Wishes,

Xazor sent the letter off and just as she did, Marcus spoke within her mind. She smiled to herself and let a little laugh out as she glanced at the letter on the desk across from her.

Oh yes, I have the feeling he doesn't think so highly of me at the moment. What have you been up to? Just erasing your name from some more databanks again?

She laughed to herself as she recalled in her mind what he had been doing. She saw it all, just as he did, through their Life Bond. It was handy most of the time....

Taylor Millard
Dec 30th, 2002, 08:40:09 PM
Millard laughed out loud as he read this.

Interesting...she's closer than I originally suspected. Hmm...

Dearest Xazor,

If Marcus heard you say, 'As long as you were hurt'? What would he say? Would he praise you for hurting a Dark Jedi? Or chastise you for hurting innocents?

Perhaps neither...after all...your dear daddy, isn't as innocent as you think. Jedi Warlord...a bit...aggressive don't you think?

I wonder...will this war-like nature cause you to fall? Will using your aggression prompt you to the dark side, dear one? Will you become Mister...oh what name is he using now...Marcus' biggest failure? Will he be forced to kill the student...his daughter...to save the Jedi? Or will he join you?

Tell me, dear Xazor, if Marcus were to fall...would you stand by him. Or kill him to save us all?

Your old pal,
Taylor Millard

But I thought you only called Lok dear? MMU asked over Taylor's shoulder.

"I do MMU," Millard said, sealing the letter with wax, "This is a situation where sometimes to hurt someone, it's easier to call them by affectionate tones."

Kinda like when Lok mentions her father?

Millard smiled and tousled MMU's antenae. The little droid squealed and gave a large smile.

"Exactly, MMU...Exactly..."

Xazor Elessar
Dec 30th, 2002, 09:04:45 PM
It again had been several days since Xazor had sent her letter to Taylor, and again like before, she was graced with another. Her eyes scanned over the letters this time and she stopped immediatly. Dark Jedi? What Dark Jedi did I hurt? Tyrel said he was....a Sith. Oh well, he's messing with me! she thought to herself and growled as her hand went to writing another letter to the Admiral.

Dear Taylor,

It is apparent to me that you really don't know a lot, Millard! You're dumber than I originally guessed! I'm a Warrior too! I follow in Marcus's footsteps and I'm more like him than you'll ever know! I am untouched by the Darkness...see, that's where I disagree with the Jedi and their ways....one can become angry, it's what you do with that anger that matters, dear friend.

Marcus knows about the bombing...indeed, he does and he holds nothing against me for it. I shall never fall, Taylor....we are untouched by the Darkness....we bring justice to those who use it! Marcus would never kill me, so yet again you are being presumptious and putting your foot in your mouth. Marcus would rather die than become someone like you, so if he ever did fall......I would go with him.

And do tell me, how is my dear Brother, Sasha doing? I have not heard from him in some time. Did he tell you about that little whore he's seeing? She's just as bad as s'Ilancy. Guess I have two more added to my list to hunt down and do away with. Oh wait, make that three....I just wrote your name upon my list. Good day, Millard.....see you in HELL!

Your best friend,
The Lost Jedi

She sealed the letter and sent it off once again before collapsing upon the couch. All of these letters were surely going to her blood pressure. In fact, she thought she might explode under the pressure. Sighing, her eyes closed slowly and she fell into a deep meditation, allowing the Force to envelope her entire body. This, she needed.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 30th, 2002, 09:12:53 PM
"You look like <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>" He remarked, coming into the room, hood up to protect his eyes from light. "Maybe the next letter should be some fun. Feel like having some mind game type fun?"

Xazor Elessar
Dec 30th, 2002, 09:19:08 PM
The Garou's eyes opened and she eyed Marcus for a moment, allowing her sight to refocus itself. Sitting up she re-spoke in her mind what she said and then laughed to herself.

"Thanks Marcus.....you don't look half bad yourself."

His words made her smile when he suggested that they have a bit of....fun, something forbidden by the Jedi Code. She was not really living by that Code now and it sounded great to her.

"Really? I'd love to....what did you have in mind?"

She laughed once again and tried to imagine what they would do to Millard in the next letter. One could only guess if Marcus was involved.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 30th, 2002, 09:25:34 PM
It was hard not to wad the letter up and fling it across the room as he read it. S'Il was innocent. Yet Xazor insisted on dragging her name through the mud, on top of that, now she wanted to kill her. Silus' fisted clenched as he read the letter. To believe, he'd actually called this woman a friend. To believe he actually saved this woman's life. To believe he spared her fiance's life when he could have taken it very easily.

With a shaky hand, copied the letter into an encrypted datapad and sent it to the Rascal King via secure channel. Now it was off to his ship to put the letter away for safe keeping, in case he needed to prove its authenticity to Millard.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 30th, 2002, 09:31:41 PM
"Let's just say Millard's going to want to bomb Coruscant flat in a vain effort to get us. Remember what I told you once about the written word? Well, I'll show you. You will need to write it for me, however, unless we turn all the lights off in here. Then, we will arrange a special delivery"

His unseen face broke into a grin.

"Actually, scratch that. I need yur help with an illusion. Feel liek coming for a trip with me?"

Xazor Elessar
Dec 30th, 2002, 09:35:33 PM
Xazor thought this was getting more interesting by the moment. She smiled and nodded, though he could not see her features.

"I remember what you told me....I hold it dear to my heart."

She said softly and then when he mentioned illusions and taking a trip, she jumped to her feet and broke into a grin.

"I'll go wherever you want! Illusions are my specialty! I can pull of anything that doesn't involve light illusions."

The Garou Knight stated with pure confidence.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 30th, 2002, 09:38:06 PM
The thought of what Marcus wanted flicked into Xazor's head.

"Got it? Can you do it?"

Xazor Elessar
Dec 30th, 2002, 09:54:03 PM
Xazor smiled as the thoughts entered her mind. Oh yeah, she could do exactly what he wanted her to do. Smiling and nodded, she let a laugh escape.

"It's a plan, dear friend! I can have some fun with this one, oh yes! Millard will be very shocked indeed....."

She laughed, exposing her elongated canines. It would be an interesting trip indeed.

Taylor Millard
Dec 30th, 2002, 10:00:52 PM
My dear friend Xazor,

I have yet to see Sasha since you and I first got to know each other. If you believe, the Sith are as bad as they seem; perhaps you should have thought better when you exchanged blood with him. And also had your little...fling with Vega. I hear Dasquin had a similar falling. A pity...after all, from what I hear, you two made a nice couple.

As for Loklorien, there is a simple reason why I am not angered by your comments. I trust her. And...I do know about more than you do.

I fear you are losing respect in my eyes, respect that is not given out too often. I do suggest you keep young Sasha out of this, after all, he's family.

And if you do not fall, I congratulate you. From warrior to warrior...I congratulate you. Now...young warrior. Fly away...go fight your battles elsewhere...as I have more important things to do.

Fly fly fly....fly fly fly.

Taylor Millard

P.S. Marcus is quite the complex person. It's a pity he can't mourn for those who died at Balmorra. After all...I did. Dark Siders...aren't all anger, you know.

Ta Ta


Again, Taylor sealed it with wax and sent it away. The remailing service he was using was quite thorough. Each letter was sent to a large warehouse on Balmorra where the original package (a brown manilla envelope) was removed and thrown away.

The linen envelope was removed, given a Balmorran postmark, and mailed off to its current destination. The courier noted the activity to a certain diner on Coruscant...made a note with this supervisor, and mailed the letter on.

Jan 5th, 2003, 12:48:10 AM
The guard walked odwn the lonely street, near where Castle Millard stood. Lone from allies... but not alone for there was soemthign else there. A menace, a huge being in steel, a evil being that had the Darkside so palitable, the guard could even feel it - he turned to see the hideous being, all 8 and a half feet tower over him, coming out of the shadows, the shape of a giant mace in it's guantletted hand. The guard gasped, trying for his blaster, but the huge being was too fast - one swipe of the mace broke the unfortunate guard's arm just as the gun came clear of it's holster. Before he could scream, the other steel clad arm reached out, seizign the terrified human by the throat, lifting him up in a display of hideous strength.

"If you scream little worm, I break your neck" hissed a voice of pure evil. "If you want to live, you take a message to Millard"

"What... message?" gasped the guard, trying futily to release the grip on his throat.

"Just this - You are a fool Millard. Look upon the memory of me. You have ben proven unworthy. Chase your shadows and those whom you think slighted you. Go ahead and chase the love you think you have. Mourn for those you think are lost. You have betrayed the Dark Side. It now comes for you. Tell him that!"

And with that, the huge being threw the pathetic guard liek a rag doll across the street and disappeared into the darkness once again.

Yes, a fool he is..... and Venom comes to teach him how much he has to learn

Jan 5th, 2003, 01:10:34 AM
"And he said exactly that?" I asked as I heard the report from the stormtrooper.

He nodded as he was taken from my office back to the med bay.

Betrayed the Dark Side? Unworthy? Bah! Millard was about as unworthy as Grand Admiral Thrawn. As for Venom's comment about the Dark Side, Millard had better things to do then pander to the wishes of some dark lord.

As much as I hated to do this...

"Get General Xilarian for me please."

Silus Xilarian
Jan 5th, 2003, 01:21:05 AM
Silus grabbed his coat as he made his way out of his new office. In front of him, two stormtroopers were leading him to logistics. Most likely, Tomar had found a reason to berate Silus over a something petty, and planned to do so before he went to bed. It would most likely help him sleep better.

As they neared logistics, Silus saw a guard being escorted in the direction of the medbay. The guards arm was in a makeshift sling, and he was badly bruised on his neck and lower jaw.

Silus followed the two stormtroopers around the corner to Tomar's office, where they stopped and stood at either side of the door. Silus quickly made his way in and shut the door, walking straight up to Tomar's desk and speaking with a bit of urgency..

"What happened....?"

Jan 5th, 2003, 01:33:46 AM
"A very interesting situation," I replied. I hated having to use Xilarian for this, but sometimes you needed to.

For Xilarian was Wargrave's apprentice...and with Wargrave off planet, he was probably the most powerful Force User on here.

"Apparently, a being called 'Venom' has appeared on the planet. Millard encountered him some time ago," I had to let him in on some classified information.

"But something doesn't appear right in this," I sighed, "I'm not sure what...but it doesn't make sense."

I thought for a bit, then signalled my secretary.

"Get the video feed from the attack please. I have an idea."

Silus Xilarian
Jan 5th, 2003, 01:42:16 AM
"Yeah, it would help if we knew what this "Venom" looked like..."

Silus quickly grabbed a chair from behind him and took a seat...

"By the way, you said Taylor 'encountered' him? What exactly do you mean?.."

Once they had an idea of what this guy looked like, Silus would be able to assemble a team and search for him. Until then, they had to play the waiting game....

Jan 5th, 2003, 01:45:01 AM
A dark figure shrouded in black robes stood off to the side, watching and waiting for Venom to finish with the pathetic guard.

"I see that he got the hint and delivered our message....."

A sadistic laugh escaped from the cloaked woman. She was not just an ordinary woman.....but she was a Lady of Darkness, and one to be feared at that. Her name was Amarth and in a tongue of the High Country it meant "Doom". Her powers were incredible and indeed, she could have wiped out the entire square surrounding Castle Millard just now, though...she chose not to for secret reasons. Nothing of her body could be seen save for a pair of gleaming red eyes beneath the hood of the black robes.

"Maybe now Millard will come to an understanding with us. If not....we'll have to work our own magic."

Again she laughed as her eyes focused on the castle once again, wondering what was going on inside of it at that moment now that the Admiral had gotten their message. It would be interesting, nonetheless, to see the ramifications.

Jan 5th, 2003, 01:57:50 AM
"He was on an expedition," I replied, lying but who cared in this situation.

"Encountered him and escaped. Those details are still sketchy, I'm afraid,"

"Commodore Tomar! Commodore Tomar!" a voice came from my door as a trooper ran into the office.


"Sir...we have what you asked for. We took it from Millard's chateau," the trooper had two nutrient cases in his hands, as well as, a datapad and a data crystal.

I took all of the objects and put them on the table. I saw Silus such in his breath and I knew it was true.

"You may leave now, trooper."

After the trooper exitted and closed the door, I looked at Silus, "I apologize for the use of the ysalamiri, General, but this Venom is a Force User, if I'm not mistaken. They will help whoever we send to face him.

"Now," I pressed data crystal into the viewing port, "Let's see what this Venom character looks like."

When I saw the armored figure my eyes narrowed.

"General, you're going to love this...here's what I want you to do. Lock down the planet and assemble a team.

"Be on stand-by in case anything happens. I will handle these two...alone."

Silus Xilarian
Jan 5th, 2003, 11:26:33 PM
Silus knew the ysalamiri were being brought his way a few moments before they got there. The sudden loss of the force left him feeling somewhat drained. His breathing became heavier at first, til his body could adjust to the change, and Tomar had seen this, promptly causing Silus to try and play it off...

"No need to apologize to me. Those things only affect force users.."

Silus breathed heavily one more time, disguising it as a sigh of boredom...

"Yeah, I'll get a team ready, but tell me, what do you have planned..."

Jan 5th, 2003, 11:40:29 PM
"I'm afraid that's classified General," I replied, which it was. Millard hadn't let Xilarian in on his secret and I wasn't prepared to either.

"But I shall take a couple of the ysalamiri with me," I slung the two nutirent cases over my back, around my shoulders, "And meet with these two."

As I rose, I turned off the audio feed from the security cameras.

"General you are dismissed."

Silus Xilarian
Jan 6th, 2003, 12:29:16 AM
With a nod of his head, Silus came out of his chair and made his way to the door, nearly edging past Tomar as he did. With a hurried pace, he made his way down the hall, going in the opposite direction of Tomar. Soon enough, he felt the force return to him, instantly rejuvenating him. Now that he was out of the ysalamiri's bubble, he grabbed his comlink...

"This is General Xilarian contacting Tor Station, do you read me..."

"Loud and clear, General"

"I need an immediate lock down of the planet. Any incoming and outgoing vessels are to dock with you immediately, if they fail to comply, then they are to be shot down with any available firepower, understood?"

"Yes sir, commencing lock down..."

At that moment, each military vessel orbiting Balmorra was given the command. Gunners began reporting to their posts. TIE pilots were put on alert. Imperial Star Destroyers were positioned in orbit so that their sensor ranges were overlapping, ensuring that no ship could pass without being detected.

With his first objective out of the way, it was time to handle things on the surface...

"This is General Xilarian contacting the Balmorran Civil Guard, do you read me"

"Yes sir."

"I need 4 Balmorran Wardroids on standby, immediately."

"Im on it, Sir"

With that, Silus made his way back to his office to get himself armed and ready, and await Tomar's command...