View Full Version : All Around Us (Need a darksider apprentice)

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 28th, 2002, 01:06:31 PM
Tattooine, a planet composed of coarse sand, arid land, and some of the galaxy's worst scum. Bands of thugs, thieves, and fugitives had a tendency to venture to one place to go about business; Mois Eisely. Though the town served mainly as a spaceport, cheap and run-down bars were scattered throughout the city. Within these bars the majority of the customers were petty troublemakers looking for some work or just to get drunk. Brawls breaking out weren't an uncommon thing, and many people ended up loosing their lives. Bounty Hunters would hang around often, waiting for someone who would request their services; gangsters would threaten those who were in debt to them. It was truly a filthy place to be, and why a Jedi would be on their way there was puzzling.

Jedi Knight Kindo, at his side his Padawan Rognan Dar, walked down the dirt trails that served has roads within Mois Eisely. They were heading for one of the numerous local taverns, and only Kindo knew why. Spotting a bar up ahead, they headed that way. He brushed his hand over his saber hilt, checking to see if it was there. He wasn't sure if he'd need it, but nothing was certain when in a town like this.

Feliciana Devano
Dec 28th, 2002, 02:46:08 PM
Inside the tavern sat a beautiful young woman in velvety black robes. Her straight black hair hung down behind her to the middle of her back and rested atop her head in a simple parted fasion. Her bright cyan eyes affixed themselves upon the door of the tavern...she felt someone of the Light.

"Stupid Jedi...my Master was right, they're worthless."

She laughed to herself and looked across the bar and the people. A few men got into a fight near her table and bumped into her, only to be confronted with a shiny silver dagger pointed right at them.

"I suggest you leave this lady alone....."

They nodded and just before they scampered off, Feliciana sliced deeply across the instigator's throat.

"What a shame....perhaps next time you won't want to do that. Oops, you can't....you're dead."

A sadistic giggle escaped her lips as she shoved the dagger back onto her weapons belt and went back to sipping upon the cool Ale in the flask before her. This would be a long visit, she was sure.

Rognan Dar
Dec 28th, 2002, 02:47:40 PM
This was Rognans first time to travil to tattooine, and hopefully the last. Rognan was despised by the places and activitys that went on just walking by them, and didn't understand why his master would want to go to such a place. But he didn't question his master decisions, just obeyed. Though he did often ask about what they were going, and in this situation he couldn't help himself.

"Master...what are we doing here, if you dont mind me asking?"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 28th, 2002, 03:37:06 PM
He kept his sight forward has he spoke with Rognan.

" You'll find out soon enough, my young Padawan. "

They were now standing before the entrance of the bar, and already they could hear the clamor from inside. Pulling open the door, the Jedi pair stepped inside. The loud chatter of the crowds, who nearly filled up the entire place, drowned out the restaurant’s music.

They had to gently push people aside and squeeze through just to get to some open space. Many turned and glanced at them, giving them both angry glares to let them know they weren't welcome. Faint whispers passed from one to another, and a certain word was heard more than others were as they did.

... Jedi...

Rognan Dar
Dec 28th, 2002, 05:32:16 PM
Rognan followed his master in, but didn't like the place any better then outside. But as they walked in, he could see that they were not wanted here. Rognan being Lorrdian, could read the body language of the people in the tavern, almost wanted to run out of then place at what he saw. But he stade with his master, still wondering what they were doing.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 29th, 2002, 06:18:13 PM
It was apparent that Rognan was startled by the custmomers' reactions to their presence by the expression across his face. To an extent it didn't bother Kindo, rather, it irratated him. He could feel others around gazing at him, by none of them would dare attempt to provoke someone of his caliber, or any type of officer for that matter.

Most of the time they were simply trying to evade the law, scared fugitives seeking refuge on a planet not tied with the Republic. Besides, he wouldn't normally be there anyways. He always had Yog's Bar & Grill to relax, talk with friends, and enjoy a drink or two at. He was here only for a reason, and that one reason would soon be revealed.

He turned towards Rognan, who was still bothered by the crowds' growing whispers.

" Tell me my young Padawan, what do you feel here? "

Xazor Elessar
Dec 29th, 2002, 07:29:19 PM
ooc: please delete

Feliciana Devano
Dec 29th, 2002, 07:30:21 PM
"Pain, if you don't leave.....now."

A voice came from behind Ki Adi, the....Jedi. She snickered to herself before stepping around the two men and setting her eyes upon them. Somehow, through the darkness within them, they could see she was almost....acting. There was something inside of her crying out for help, but she was trying to surpress it. Rolling her eyes in mockery, the young woman laughed at them.

"Stupid Jedi...what the hell are you doin' in a place like this?"

She questioned curiously, intent on finding out their purpose in being there. Crossing her arms over her chest, she continued staring holes through the two men.

Rognan Dar
Dec 29th, 2002, 08:23:18 PM
Rognan was about to answer his master, when a woman interupted him. Frankly, he didn't like her anymore then everyone else in the room. But there was something diffrent about her. She was talking to then, not just wispering to each other. Still, he didn't say anything, not with her around. So he just let his Master take care of it and stood quitly.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jan 4th, 2003, 08:06:59 PM
He was surprised to find that it wasn't Rognan who answered his question, but someone amongst the crowd, and it was quite obvious that they weren't pleased with the presence of both Jedi there. He turned around to find that it was a young woman who had spoke to them.

To others around Feliciana appeared to be one of those not to be bothered, someone you just didn't mess with, but Kindo simply returned her glare with one of his own. She didn't bother or frighten him, but only helped to prove his point, which was the only reason he and Rognan were there.

Ki looked back at her and smiled as he held his hands behind his back in a calm state.

" I brought my Padawan here to teach him something. Why is it of your concern? "

Feliciana Devano
Jan 9th, 2003, 08:41:37 PM
Feliciana laughed in the Jedi's face, getting closer and closer until they were nose to nose.

"It's a problem because I...DON'T....LIKE JEDI!"

She said in a deep yell, now her warm breath was felt upon Ki Adi's face. Backing away ever so slightly so that she could take in his features, she shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest in a disapproving manner.

"Obviously you don't know the rules around here. No Jedi allowed....not unless you want to be killed."

A sadistic laugh escaped the Dark Jedi's lips as she eyed the two Lightsiders. They made her sick, absolutely sick. She turned to the younger of the two men and smiled as she moved closer to him before grasping his chin between her thumb and forefinger. It was a rough hold....very strong her hands were for a woman.

"So you do whatever your Master tells you? Would you jump off a cliff for him and your precious little Order?! Lies! That is all your Council feeds you! How would you like true power? Power that would allow you to jump off those cliffs and come out unscathed? I can offer that to you, young one! It's the truth...much more real than the lies that comes from the mouths of theives like this one who dares to call himself a man!"

She roughly let go of Rognan before folding her arms across her chest once again and glaring at Ki Adi. Pitiful, just pitiful they were. So many excuses used to justify their life. But she knew that they were all just lies.

Rognan Dar
Jan 9th, 2003, 10:21:43 PM
Rognan could resist himself, he had to say what he thought of the matter.

"Yes...I would love to have power...but with great power, come great responsibility...do you have that, or do you just do what ever you want, killing whoever you want, going where ever you want?" He said rasing his brow. Clearly this woman was just what his master had told him.

"Though I might not jump off a cliff for them...But I do know that they are not lies or do you take me for a fool? How would you give me power...through me hate, my anger? What about love and kindness...or is that considered weak to you?" The Lorrdian couldn't contain himself, he spoke out, not thinking much about what he said, just saying what he knew was right.

Feliciana Devano
Jan 10th, 2003, 05:58:33 PM
"Love and Kindness?"

Feliciana laughed as if it was a joke. Indeed, to her it was. A sadistic smile crossed her lips as she eyed the Jedi and shook her head.

"Look at what love has done for us now! Look at the world around you, how corrupted it is! Yes! Instead of ruining the place in which you live, why not use your anger for something better, like power?"

The Dark Jedi indeed had ways different from the Sith and she wondered if either Jedi had even a clue of that. Though, she doubted that they did.

"I hold greater responsibility than you, so mind yourself, young one. I do not galavant about, killing those I choose. I only kill those that deserve it and are standing in the way of balance."

She moved a bit closer, growling through the last words that she spoke.

Rognan Dar
Jan 14th, 2003, 02:43:58 PM
Rognan stood his ground, not moving except to breathe. He wasn't going to say anymore, he was done with her whether she was or not. Waiting for his master to say something he tried to stay calm.