View Full Version : A New Story (closed)

Jesse Nate
Dec 28th, 2002, 12:59:41 AM
'Finaly!' The young woman thought to herself as she walked out of the dinner. She had finaly quite her job as a waitress there. She had hated it the entire time. The hours were bad and the pay was worse. The offer she had gotten a day or so ago sounded a lot more promising. The only thing she was worried about was how strange it might be. How the offer was delivered alone was weird. It has just appeared on her dinning room table two nights ago.

Jesse walked back to her small apartment to pick up some things. The offer had told her to arive at a nearby park just after dark. An odd time and place for a meeting but she didn't pay much attention to it. She quickly gathered her things: a blaster rifle, some credits and her jacket, then headed off into the Coruscant night.

She made her way down the crouded streets of coruscant just as the sun set. She glanced up at it then down at her watch. She was just barely going to make it on time if she hurried. She picked up her pace and pulled her coat on. She pulled her long black hair back away from her face.

A few moments pass and she arives at the park entrance and looks around. A few trees scattered here and there cast odd shadows on the grassy hills. She walked down the path towards the middle of it just as the message had told her to.

"Hello?" She called out into the darkness when she arives at the place she was told to go. "Is any one there?" Her voice almost echos through the still night air. Even the sound of the air ways couldn't be heard from where she was. She looked around for anything.

She suddenly saw a movement off to her right and quickly turned to look at it. By then, it had disappeared. "Is someone there? I was called her for a job offering." She tries to find what had moved but she saw nothing.

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 29th, 2002, 01:32:51 AM
Red eye's flashed briefly in the darkness. Dalamar emerged from the night "Do not be afraid my dear. I have come to offer you a job it pays well. I heard you might be interested in such a venture?" The Dark Lord stood aloof walking up to the young lady. His black cloak wrapped tightly around his body. Not suprising on such a chilly night. But something made Nate nervous, like how he seemed to be smiling at her though his face was unreadable like chiseled marble. When he was close enough to her he handed her a small envelope.

"Take this it has my sigil and a datapad. If you are willing, you will need new attire to fit in. Take the money and buy what you need. Then meet me here for the Congressional Senate meeting of the Republic. Do not be late. Do this and you will be rewarded handsomely. Do you accept?"

Jesse Nate
Dec 29th, 2002, 01:49:06 AM
Jesse watched the man carefully as he spoke to her. When he was done, she slowly but calmly reached out and took the envelope. She removed the contense and read them to herself.

"I accept." She said to him, looking back up at him and looking into his eyes. She placed the invitation and money back into the envelope and into her bag. She walks off and heads towards one of the shops.

An hour passes and the Senate meeting was about to begin. Jesse stood beside the door into it and waited for the man that had hired her to do this. She wore a long red dress that wraped around her and tied with a white sash.

Her keen eyes darted around and landed on every face that passed her but no sign of him yet. She waited there for him. The meeting would begin in ten minutes.

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 29th, 2002, 02:00:53 AM
Suddenly out of the crowd her benefactor appeared. Dressed in a black suit of somewhat eastern origins. There was Gold embroidery going up the collar and sleeve's in the shape of dragons. "You look stunning my dear, you will do perfectly. Now just enjoy yourself for the evening. I will not need your service's until after the opera. There will be a 10'oclock meeting with the heads of the Senate on the 9th floor afterwards. You will accompany me there. I will give you your further instructions at that time do you understand?" She nodded. Dalamar handed her a little pendant. If you need anything press on the heart shape and I will be there to help you. Now lets enjoy the show I hear its a good one."

Xazor Elessar
Dec 29th, 2002, 09:48:09 AM
Xazor's senses were on overdrive as she walked around the perimeter of the park.

"A...Vampyre is near...."

She growled low to herself and then hid behind a bush to view the transaction between a young woman and this wretched man. Just as they were about to walk away, the Jedi Knight lept forward and came to rest behind the pair. She looked slightly out of place dressed in long flowing white robes. Her waist length blond hair was done up in Garou Warrior Braids with silver coins woven into them. She placed a hand upon the sheethed sword upon her left hip and eyed Dalamar intensly as he, the young girl, and another man left. Guess I'll follow..., she thought to herself. Indeed, she did follow, all the way to a convention building. Now this was odd indeed, but she followed still. It was one of those senate buildings like the ones Helenias attended meetings in. Where are they going? she thought to herself still and followed them closly, masking her Force signature with a little technique she had learned as a Padawan long ago. Deciding it best to lay low, the Knight casually followed them and released the grip upon her sword's hilt....attempting to go unnoticed, though she was already receiving a mass of stares.

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 30th, 2002, 10:25:23 PM
Finding there seats the two settled in to watch the opera. It was 'Le Bowe'ma' an old and respected love story. The curtain went up, the music chimed in. It was a beautiful play. All of the most influential people where in attendance. The keen night vision of the vampyre scanned the crowd looking for the one he had come for. The Senator he had been waiting on had just arrived on the balcony level. The Vampyre smiled inwardly to himself glad that for once everything was going according to plan.

"Wait here My dear I will be back shortly." Dalamar left Jesse briefly entering the main entrance hall. Priding himself on always being prepared the Vampyre scanned the surrounding area, looking for any potential problems. Finding none he ordered some 'red' wine from the bar. Paying the tab he made ready to go......

Jesse Nate
Jan 11th, 2003, 05:44:43 PM
Jesse sat back calmly in her seat. She waited for her employer to return. Something suddenly came over her as if she knew that something bad was going to happen with him soon. She looked around, not knowing exactly what it was. She couldn't seem to find the man anywhere. Then a thought came over her, she never really had found out his name.

"Where could he have gone to?"

She stood, still acting calm, and looked around. Her keen eyes searched around the large croud but still no sign of him anywhere.