View Full Version : Breaking the father's foundations (complete)
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:11:02 PM
Her father had come to Balmorra in search ( of her oldest sister, and even though he'd found nothing, she still thought it best to book passage to the planet. It wasn't out of the need to discredit anyone that she'd decided to look for the oldest s'Ilancy daughter; instead it was for her own need to know what her sister was like. Her father had always told her one thing, while her sister Kyry's letters said otherwise. And now, determined to find out on her own whether Lok s'Ilancy was indeed the criminal Dharkharon s'Ilancy made her out to be or instead just a woman doing what she wanted as Kyry insisted, Fenra s'Ilancy, the youngest of the three sisters stepped from the boarding ramp of the transport she'd taken.
Her feet met solid ground, and after a lengthy visit through customs, got a taxi to take her to Bin Prime's capitol building. It was, afterall, where this Grand Admiral Millard would most likely be taking care of his military duties. Or at least in her mind, that was what made sense.
And so, after stepping out in front of the building's steps, she payed the driver, mindful to tip him accordingly. Hefting her small duffel, Fenra turned away from the departing speeder to look up at the building before her. t was daunting, and she felt herself hesitate for a brief moment... did she really want to see this man? This Grand Admiral? From the stories she'd heard, he sounded intimidating, and the more she thought of it, the more she knew he'd turn her away; some little 16 year old girl looking for a sister that was most likely off doing her own thing and could care less about her family.
But, her resolve returned, and placing one foot forward, Fenra began the climb upwards. Her boots scuffed along the seemingly spotless stones, and she turned once more, reaching the top step, to stare at what lay behind her. And then, with blonde/brunette hair slightly tussled, and soft green eyes resolute, she pushed her way through the great doors leading into the capitol building.
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:20:01 PM
The guards stopped her almost immediately.
"Identification," they demanded, not kindly. After was the Balmorran Civil Guard's job to be unkind to everyone.
One of the black-armored troops took the ID roughly from the youngest s'Ilancy and ran it through a compute. The name s'Ilancy registered with the Imperial database as someone Grand Admiral Millard was looking for.
The name also registered with Balmorran Intelligence, who brought it to the attention of Emperor Tyrel Kiterix.
"Fenra s'Ilancy," the Emperor mused, tapping his jaw lightly as he looked at the security cam.
"Interesting...have her taken immediately to my office. I will meet her there."
The teenager was escorted, roughly, from the Capitol Building up eight flights of stairs, around three turns, and into a large office overlooking the city of Bin Prime.
Very slowly, a chair on the other side of the room turned, revealing an older man (not as old as Millard...mid-thirties) staring with a pleasent smile on his face.
"Hello," he greeted her, "How may I help you?"
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:33:49 PM
To say that she was nervous would have been a gross understatement. Fenra was completely daunted by the guards that led her through the building... all she'd wanted to do was see Grand Admiral Millard...
Ushered into an office, her duffel was taken roughly away; no doubt to be searched. She watched then, as the chair behind the desk turned slowly to face her, and her heart only pumped faster as he smiled.
"Uhh... " for a moment she was speachless, but soon enough regained her voice. "Um, I'm... I'm looking for Grand Admiral Millard... "
Now would come the laughter, she knew it. No doubt the man before her would scoff at her for even thinking of looking for the Grand Admiral, then send her away. But, Fenra waited, hands fidgeting at her sides in apprehension of his answer.
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:36:14 PM
Kiterix took off his reading glasses and looked at her.
"I'm afraid Grand Admiral Millard has disappeared. We don't know where he is unfortunately.
"I am Emperor Tyrel Kiterix," he summoned enough dignity to make the girl nervous and excited at the same time. After all...he was the Emperor.
"Why are you looking for Admiral Millard?"
Best be nice with this one...then go from there.
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:46:43 PM
She eyed him nervously, feet shifting beneath her as he introduced himself. Emperor? Fenra blinked.
"I.. I wanted to find out about my sister... that's all... "
I also wanted to meet her, she thought dejectedly. A part of her had wished that after her father had left Balmorra, Lok had come back. That was one of the reasons she'd come here first... maybe, just maybe she would have been able to see her oldest sister.
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:50:06 PM
Although Kiterix had an idea who this young woman's sister was, he still asked.
"Who is your sister? And, if I may ask..." he gave a warm smile, "Who are you?"
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:54:18 PM
Taking a deep breath, Fenra looked past Kiterix's shoulder before returning her muted green gaze to his eyes. Nervous as she was, her father had still instilled within her the need to always make eye contact; he'd said it showed how trustworthy a person was, and that was exactly what she wanted the Emperor to see her as. An honest person looking for her sister.
"Her name is Lok. Loklorien s'Ilancy... mine's Fenra; I'm her youngest sister."
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:57:45 PM
Kiterix pretended to look like he was trying to figure out who she was.
"Lok...lok...s'Ilancy...oh yes," he said, "I believe Grand Admiral Millard is still out looking for her. She disappeared a little over a year ago, after all.
"It crushed Taylor...he's out looking for her right now as we speak. Although, I haven't heard from him in months now. Not since his castle went up in flames."
Good riddance too. Millard is a menace and a threat to my plans.
"I'm quite certain he will find her though. At some point at least."
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 27th, 2002, 11:05:28 PM
A year?
"She's been gone for a year?"
Fenra's jaw snapped shut at her slight outburst, unsure if the Emperor would have her escorted out for such an action. She blinked again. "A year," she said once more, this time in a softer tone.
His other words were ignored as she digested what he'd said of her sister. She was crushed... if it'd been a year, then there was no way Lok would be coming back, and that meant there was no way Fenra would ever be able to talk to her, get to know her.
"You... think he will... ?"
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 27th, 2002, 11:07:44 PM
Personally, Kiterix hoped Millard died while finding her. That whatever it was that took s'Ilancy would end up killing him.
But with this one, it was best he didn't shatter her hopes right now.
"My dear young Fenra," he smiled elegantly, "I've known Taylor for a while...if he is determined to get something done...he will.
"Do you have a place to stay while you're here?"
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 27th, 2002, 11:16:19 PM
Her head bowed, and with a mumbled no, she shifted her weight to one leg. Strangely enough, with that one action, she'd taken on, to her, an unkown air and mannerism of Lok.
"I... was just going to get a motel room... I thought that if I could just talk to the Grand Admiral for a little bit, I could find out anything about my sister...
"But he's not here, so I don't really have a reason to stay any longer. I guess I'll just get the next transport out."
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 27th, 2002, 11:17:54 PM
"I'm not certain when the next transport leaves," Kiterix said, "If you'd like, I can offer you a place to stay at my mansion. Warm bed, good food, and perhaps you can tell me more about yourself. And I can tell you more about me."
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 27th, 2002, 11:45:21 PM
Fenra stared at Kiterix, letting his words sink in. Her eyes reflected puzzlement and confusion, but she still nodded in consent.
"Ok," was her slow answer, the thought of a warm bed and real food (not the processed goop served on the transport) winning her over, "That sounds nice... "
And as a afterthought... "Could you tell me about my sister, too?"
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 27th, 2002, 11:46:15 PM
"Of course," Kiterix smiled, "You may have whatever your heat desires.
"And I fear I did not know your sister personally. But I do know she is someone Grand Admiral Millard cares for a great deal. Or else he wouldn't have gone looking for her."
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 27th, 2002, 11:48:48 PM
"But what was she like," Fenra blurted out without thinking, "... what did she do for fun, what was her job, why... " The youngest sister stopped then, staring down at her boots. "Why did she leave here... ?"
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 27th, 2002, 11:50:34 PM
Kiterix sighed, he didn't want to tell her this. Or so he tried to appear that way.
"I believe," he paused slightly, "That answer might want to wait until dinner."
He saw the look on her face, "It is easier if you get some rest before I start answering your questions. Does you family know you're here? Do you wish to speak to them?"
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 27th, 2002, 11:58:19 PM
She continued to stare at her boots, and at his question of her family, she sighed.
"My mother knows I'm gone... my father...
"He thinks I've gone to CSA Academy for my first week... "
She looked up then, near desperation in her eyes. "Please don't send me back home... if my dad finds out I left like the other two," she stopped then, unable to finish her sentence. That Dharkharon didn't know yet of her absence was only a reprieve; she knew that eventually her mother would tell him, and he'd come here... after all... that's where he would know she'd go first.
Soft green eyes locked with Kiterix's own. "Please... "
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 12:01:00 AM
"Fenra," Kiterix said softly, a kind smile on his face, "I was a child once. And I ran away from home once. I won't tell your parents. I promise."
He stood up from his desk, " may go into the room to my left. There is a small bed-like couch there. You can sleep there if you wish. I fear I am a bit busy today.
"We can talk more over dinner if you wish."
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 12:11:16 AM
Another nod, and at his direction through the side door on his left, Fenra lowered herself gently onto the couch. It felt so good to the touch; soft and inviting... running a delicate hand over the cushions, she looked up briefly to Kiterix.
"Thank you," she said simply, giving him a grateful smile. That he'd agreed to tell her all he knew of Lok was a relief, and even though she wasn't able to see the Grand Admiral, it seemed that Emperor Kiterix was going out of his way to help her.
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 12:14:33 AM
"You're welcome," Kiterix continued to smile. As the door closed, the smile went dark and cold.
So...this was Loklorien s'Ilancy's sister. If Millard ever returned from his mission at finding s'Ilancy (which Kiterix wasn't so sure he would), what better way to torture the family than to have the youngest under his control.
It was plain and simple. If Millard chose to fight Kiterix in the coming months, then all he had to do was remind the Grand Admiral, there was a certain 'Fenra' living with him. That's if Kiterix even chose to tell Millard about the youngest s'Ilancy.
But it was happen all in good time. All in good time.
Kiterix poured himself a glass of brandy, then waited for his next appointment.
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 12:42:27 AM
It'd been a solid four hours; a solid four hours that she'd slept soundly on what had to be the most comfortable couch she'd ever been on. Her rest was quiet, devoid of dreams; it almost always was. Fenra had never been told that she could dream... that she could aspire to something that she herself would have wanted... she'd always been told what to do, where to go, and now, after effectively running away, she'd committed her first act of rebellion against the conformity of her father.
To her though, it wasn't truly rebellion, it was simply trying to find out the truth behind his accusations about her sisters.
As her eyes opened groggily, Fenra sat up slowly, methodically stretching her muscles as she rose. It was a habit she'd always had; to thoroughly stretch before rising...
Still just a little disoriented, she cast a gaze about the room she was in, her hands idly running over the softness of the couch.
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 11:03:00 AM
Kiterix was finishing his appointments for the day: another 3,000 credits sent to the commander of the Fortitude for support against Millard. The 3,000 should be enough, but just incase, the Balmroran Emperor was prepared to send another 2 if necessary.
It was then he heard the rustling in the room next door. His first instinct was to grab for the blaster he kept underneath his desk, but then he remembered.
It was Fenra s'Ilancy. And he had plans for her.
The doors opened quietly and Tyrel smiled.
" did you sleep?"
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 12:14:21 PM
Fenra smiled up at Kiterix. "I slept fine, thank you."
Standing, she took a deep breath, inhaling the recycled air... though it certainly didn't taste recycled. Her thoughts wandered back to his proposal of dinner, and that he would tell her what he knew of Lok while they ate, and her eyes, normally a dulled green, brightened.
"Are we still having dinner?"
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 12:23:39 PM
"I wouldn't have invited you if I didn't intend on taking you," Kiterix took a deep breath of the air, then looked over at the plant in the corner. One of the only things from Omar Prime he liked, the Ghatarin Rose bush, sat a few meters from him.
Rising, he lightly cut one of the flowers from the plant, then handed it to Fenra.
"I'd be delighted to have you for dinner. What would you like to eat, Fenra?"
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 12:42:15 PM
The thought of food came in a close second, and she paused to think. It'd been a while since she'd had much of anything aside from what her mother usually cooked, and while to her it was always a good meal, she was sure that Kiterix was used to much more refined tastes.
Taking the flower he handed her, she lifted it to her nose, letting the gentle aroma fill her senses. It was beautiful.
"I don't really know," she started slowly, " ... I usually just eat what my mother makes... " her voice trailed off.
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 12:48:27 PM
"Well then," Kiterix smiled more than he was used to, "I know an excellent place where we can get some food."
He paused and tapped his chin.
"How does, Calamari Lobster sound? I know an excellent place where we can have that. Succulant lobster, as large as your forearm. Soaked in butter, it is a sight to see and to eat.
"Does that sound good to you?"
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 12:59:20 PM
Reaching a hand up, she brushed back a lock of hair that'd fallen into her eyes.
"That sounds good; I've never had lobster before... "
She looked down at herself then, taking in her black shirt, grey infantry trousers (standard cadet issue from the Academy), and Lok's old Academy flight boots. With another look up to Kiterix, her face took on a rather perplexed look. "I don't think I'm wearing the right clothes... and the guards took my duffel... "
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 01:06:38 PM
"I'm certain we can find something appropriate for you to wear," Kiterix crossed his arms.
"I have an account at a clothing store which can supply you with all you need. I'll pay for it myself if you wish."
He cocked his head, "Either that or I can issue an order at the restaraunt allowing you in.
"I am emperor after all," he chuckled. New clothes for her would be nice. But he wasn't sure what would happen if he simply offered that. The option to go in what she was wearing was a comfort barrier. If she opted for the new clothes, then Tyrel Kiterix would be much closer to his goal. Especially if Millard found s'Ilancy.
"Well? What do you say, my dear?"
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 01:19:30 PM
Her eyes grew large. He was offering to buy her new clothes? To her it was confusing, and taking another look at herself, she scuffed the toe of her boot a little, thinking over what he'd said. Normally she would have just asked to wear what she had on, but if the place he was taking her was upscale, she certainly didn't want to tarnish his image when they walked in... what would his people think? Emperor Kiterix, having dinner with some 16 year old kid off the street?
Her hands folded in front of her, and she nodded politely. "If it's ok with you, new clothes would be nice."
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 01:26:52 PM
Kiterix felt his mind smirk. It was all too easy. But he had to be careful. This was not some Imperial Pilot or some ambitious Admiral. This was the sister of the woman Millard left to search for. What better way to thank Millard's woman than by helping her sister.
Or what better way to hold something against the woman than by holding her sister.
"Very well, it's all settled then," Kiterix began walking towards the door, "We will go at once to Harmon's for your clothes. I believe you will like them."
The two exitted the office and travelled to the clothing store...
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 02:04:17 PM
She'd never seen anything like the store Kiterix took her to, it's pure elegance somehow seemed to fit his tastes. She wasn't really surprised, just wide-eyed. Most of the clothes were much too decadent for her own personal tastes though, and after a few minutes of searching, she pulled a simple black dress from one of the racks, and with a shy smile to the Emperor, made her way to the dressing rooms.
The feel of the smooth fabric on her skin was something she wasn't quite used to, and the dress itself fit her body well, accenting her curves as it fell midway to her knees... a short dress yes, but it'd been a secret indulgence on her part; her father had never let her wear such things, and now given the chance, she couldn't help but admire herself in the mirror.
She stepped out then, still wearing the dress, hoping to gain the Emperor's approval of her choice.
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 02:09:29 PM
Somehow Kiterix kept his mind from hitting the gutter.
"You look wonderful, Fenra," he smiled approvingly. The Balmorran Emperor gave a look at the sales person.
"Put this on my account please. dear Fenra...I have some shoes I believe would go with that dress."
The shoes were simple black ones, covering her feet from the colder air outside. A black jacket, coming down to Fenra's feet completed the outfit.
"So...what do you think?" he asked her, seeking her approval of the outfit she was wearing.
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 02:34:42 PM
The long jacket was comfortable, shielding her from the cold of outside, and she looked to Kiterix, smiling lightly.
"I like it... thank you... again."
Clutching her previous clothes, Fenra was careful to keep a strong hold on her boots; they were the only thing she had left from Lok, and still around her neck was the small necklace Kyry had given her for her last birthday; a simple silver cross. Those two things she'd never give up; they were her ties to her sisters, and the only things her father hadn't confiscated that'd once belonged to either Lok or Kyry.
"It's nice... I don't usually get a chance to wear these kinds of clothes; my dad doesn't really approve."
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 02:45:39 PM
"Your father does have the right to disapprove," Kiterix said, "But you have every right to disagree with him. And go against his wishes.
"Always be willing to stand up for yourself, Fenra. Even if it's against someone you love."
The two walked towards cab which took them to their restaraunt.
Upon entry, Kiterix was greeted by Warir Viticook- the owner.
"A pleasurrre to seee you, Emperorr," the human exaggerated his tone a bit.
"I see you have a guest with you. Your usual table, sirra?"
Kiterix nodded and smiled, "Yes please. And bring some of the house wine too."
To Fenra he said, "Their house wine is excellent, made on Omar Prime...known for its wine making. But I have some water coming for you if you wish."
The two were seated at an elegant table,with red velvet curtains surrounding most of it. The booth itself was almost as comfortable as the couch Fenra had slept on.
Kiterix handed Fenra her menu, then looked at his. The lobster was excellent and his choice for the evening's dinner.
"Do you wish to have the lobster as well?"
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 03:08:08 PM
As she sat, she nodded at Kiterix's offer for water; she'd never been a big alcohol drinker. Not because of her fathers stories of how her sisters abused it, but more because she simply didn't like the taste. It wasn't something she found herself liking. "Water will be fine, thanks."
Everything on the menu sounded wonderful, but it was the Emperor's description of the lobster that'd caught her attention, and curiosity, and that was what she was going to order.
"Yes, I think I'll try it... " setting the menu on the table carefully, she slid her coat from her shoulders, exposing her skin to the warmth of the restaraunt, and the whole reason why she'd come to Balmorra in the first place came once more to the forefront of her thoughts.
"What was my sister like?" she asked quietly, wondering if Lok enjoyed dining on food such as this, or instead, like her father so often grumbled, spent all her time in the bars, drinking herself under the table on a regular basis. Between Kyry's letters and her fathers rantings, she didn't know who to believe; she prayed that Emperor Kiterix would be able to tell her as much as he could.
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 03:20:21 PM
"She liked to drink," was the first thing Kiterix said, "But she wasn't a raging drunk. More like...someone who enjoyed drinking, but never went too far.
"But the one thing that Taylor liked the most about her was her honesty. She didn't actively deceive you...if she liked something she'd tell you. If she didn't...she'd tell you. Millard liked people like that.
"What have you been told about your sister?"
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 03:28:48 PM
Her eyes fell to the table. "My dad always says she abandoned the family to become a criminal... that she threw away a promising career to be a thief. The only good thing he ever said about her was that she had pretty eyes; they'd come from his own father. Other than that, all he ever had to say about her was that she didn't know right from wrong, and that her sense of the galaxy was skewed."
Carefully lifting her water to her lips, Fenra took a sip before continuing.
"He said she was a quitter, and that she either can't or won't finish the things she starts... unless it's a bottle of Bothan Tequila... "
Her hands folded in her lap then, and she looked to Kiterix.
"Why did she leave Balmorra?"
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 03:36:58 PM
"There was an incident. A terrible tragedy which took place," Kiterix shook his head, "s'Il left to protect herself from Taylor wants her back. He's told me he won't stop until he finds her. Hopefully that will be soon."
Minor lie but this girl is very impressionable. I wonder...can I turn her against both father and sister? Wouldn't that be interesting...
"s'Il isn't that bad of a woman mind you...she's very intriguing. She's no quitter, but she does run from her fears. Which is something she shouldn't do."
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 03:42:38 PM
... a terrible tragedy...
Her father had told her how she'd worked for a time on Nar Shaddaa, of how she'd become the Metal Eyed Butcher, killing people for a living. It was something that'd shocked the youngest s'Ilancy, and in her heart she'd hoped it was a lie her father had come up with to discredit Lok in any way he could.
"She didn't... " her voice fell to a whisper as she went on, "... did she... kill someone... ?"
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 03:46:50 PM
" your sister is not a murderer."
Not in the traditional sense at least. An assasin is different from a murderer. But this isn't the time to tell her that yet.
"Instead I'm not quite certain everything which happened around her disappearence. Some people were injured though, but none seriously. I believe, Lok blamed herself for it, which is why she left.
"Your father is wrong when he says she is a murderer. Very wrong."
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 03:52:39 PM
"But, he said she used to do that for a living, killing people for money... "
Fenra closed her eyes, remembering the tone in her father's voice as he told her all the horrible stories of how people died at the hands of her own sister.
"I don't want to believe him, but there's only so much I can ignore... "
She shook her head. resting a hand around her glass.
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 03:59:04 PM
I suppose now would be a best time to tell her.
"s'Il was an assasin...but that's not a dishonorable field to go into. It's an honest living, removing mainly scum from the galaxy. Crime Lords, corrupt politicians...evil people."
He took a sip from his glass of wine, "s'Il was not a terrible person. She was doing her job. There are plenty of good people who have jobs such as this."
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 04:06:26 PM
"Oh... " well, that made sense more than how her father had described it, and if she was killing those who'd already killed for their own bloodlust... "That's not so bad," she ventured finally.
After another sip from her water, she continued, her questions coming out in arush. "What else did she do? Did you ever really meet her? What did she do for fun?
"Kyry said she and Lok used to race all the time, building up their fighters to see who's was faster... but then they stopped after Lok met the Grand Admiral... "
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 04:11:51 PM
"One at a time, at a time," Kiterix said, smiling at her enthusiasm.
"We never officially met, but Millard has said a lot about her. So I feel as though I know her very well. As for what she did for fun...I believe painting was something she dabbled in. And a game we have here on Balmorra called 'rugby'. She's started more than a few pick up games in her time here on Balmorra."
He took another drink, then smiled as some food, steaming potatoes and a salad, was put on their table. Kiterix spooned some onto Fenra's china plate with gold leaf.
"I don't know anything about racing, I apologize."
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 04:24:35 PM
The food smelled like nothing she'd ever smelled before, and she stared at Kiterix as he served her. Even if he didn't know as much about Lok as she'd wished, he still knew enough to discredit what her father had told her about Nar Shaddaa, and for that, Fenra was thankful. That her sister liked to paint was something new; Dharkharon had never mention that fact; either he purposefully withheld it or he simply didn't know. Either way it was nice to hear something good abuot her sister for a change.
"That's ok," she said in answer to his apology, "I don't either, but it's something that Kyry said they loved to do... I don't know what I like to do, really. I've only really done what I'm told."
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 04:28:55 PM
"Well now that's interesting isn't it?" Kiterix took a spoonful of potato and placed it in his mouth. It had parsley mixed in with it...something he wasn't totally fond of...but could deal with if need be.
"Doing what you're told all the time is very tough. I'm surprised how most soliders are able to do it for as long as they do.
"When I was your age," the Balmorran Emperor took another drink from his wine glass, "I ran away from home once. My father was a highly respected member of the council here on Bin Prime. I ran away because I was tired of being ignored. When my parents brought me back...they didn't ignore me anymore.
"Does your father ignore you ever, Fenra?"
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 04:34:17 PM
"No," she answered, swallowing a small forkful of salad, "Not really... well... " she had to think, the Emperor's question causing her to second guess herself a little, "... maybe a little...
"But it doesn't happen very often, just every now and then." she sat quietly for a few more minutes, her eyes clouded in thought as she took another bite.
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 04:36:26 PM
"That's a pity, really," Kiterix said, "Family shouldn't ignore others. When communication breaks does the family. Perhaps that's why Kyry and Lok left home.
"Perhaps that's why you're here now. Instead of at Corsec."
He took a few more bites of his potatos, "Do you think your father will come here to look for you?"
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 04:46:15 PM
"No, I'm here cause I want to find out about Lok... I do plan on going back to the Academy. I want to make my dad proud... he says I'm the only one left who can keep the tradition going."
Swallowing once more, she raised her glass to her lips, taking another sip.
"I'm not here for very long, really. I only wanted to see if maybe I could clear the air."
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 04:52:15 PM
Kiterix nodded, "I see...well I was going to offer you something if you wanted to stay until your sister returns. The Balmorran Civil Guard has kind of a joint program with Corsec. Since you are missing your first week, you can take it here and then transfer back to Corsec when you wish.
"I can inform them and everything, if you'd like."
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 05:01:09 PM
For the second time that night her eyes lit up in surprise. "You would?"
It was easy to see the tension leave her shoulders; it seemed as though a part of the weight her father had put on her to succeed.was lifted, and she turned a grateful smile to the Emperor. "Oh thank you, that would be great...
"It would crush him if he found out I left to find Lok... is there anyway... " she almost didn't want to say it, but the desire to not hurt her father won out, "... to make it look like I was sent here... ?"
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 05:03:46 PM
Kiterix smiled. He had number four now...he knew it.
"I can certainly try. I believe the head of Corsec owes me a favor or two. I could see about him saying the class you were assigned was filled so they sent some students to here.
"How good were your entrance exams?"
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 05:12:57 PM
At this Fenra smiled proudly. "Valedictorian, top scores with honors," she grinned, "And as far as my exams, I came in second."
With renewed energy, she finished off the salad, careful to retain at least a veneer of decorum; truth be told she was starving... not having eaten for two days often did that.
"My top scores were in simulations... they said I'd be a good pilot."
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 05:59:40 PM
"Then I think I can..." Kiterix paused as the massive plates of lobsters were set in front of them.
"Say they sent the best to Balmorra. We do need some good pilots after all. Would be interested in staying perhaps if the chance came up?"
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 06:09:50 PM
Her gaze flickered from the lobster to Kiterix, both eliciting a small smile.
"I don't know; I've always lived on Kir... " It was nice of him to offer, but a part of her wanted to stay in CorSec space. "I don't know if I'd adjust well; I'm not really like my sisters in that way."
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 06:13:11 PM
"I understand," Kiterix said, "I myself have been on Balmorra for a very long time. My family's time on this planet stretch back centuries in the past. The Kiterix's are well known here."
He smiled, "How is it you don't know your oldest sister? And how did you find out about her? Did your father mention her?"
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 06:23:34 PM
"I've never even met her; she was already in the Academy when I was born, and when she ran off, I was only about 5. My dad says she doesn't know about me, and that it's better if she didn't... 'she'd just try to drag yu into her filthy world', is what he'd always say whenever I expressed the desire to find her. And then he'd tell me some horrible story of something she'd done; most often it was about someone she'd killed... "
Fenra paused to crack open one of the lobster's claws; an odd task in her mind to do, but she was watching how the Emperor ate the creature, and doing her best to mirror his actions.
"The only reason I found out about her was because I saw herone night; I was almost 7, and outside playing before bed. When I looked a few houses over, I saw a woman walking through the street on the way to our house, and the next thing I knew my father bulled past me, on his way to meet her.
"My mom dragged me inside so I wouldn't see what happened, but I still heard it... When my dad came back and I asked him who the woman was, he only said she was someone who wasn't worth my time."
She took a bite of the lobster, the taste exploding in her mouth as her story forgotten for a moment. "Wow... "
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 06:39:24 PM
"As I mentioned they are some of the best lobsters out there," Kiterix replied, taking in everything Fenra said. He didn't blame the father for acting how he did, but why tell Fenra that? If he was to succeed he would have to go against some things he believed it. Specifically where a woman's place was.
This Fenra s'Ilancy wanted adventure, he could almost tell that. But she also wanted to meet her sister. could he turn this towards his advantage. He had an edge all ready, she did trust him...and did find it tempting to atleast visit the Civil Guard Headquarters. Wouldn't that be interesting...the youngest...defying her entire family. Interesting indeed.
"Fathers can be overbearing. But you cannot completely blame your father. I do not agree with this actions," Kiterix said, "But if your sister left without notice...she should have informed her father of her intentions.
"Even if he didn't agree with it. In this case...both your father and sister are wrong. I'm sorry to say it...but they are both wrong."
He looked into her green eyes, "But I would agree with Loklorien more than your father. Overbearing fathers can be the ruin of children. My father was overbearing...and I didn't have a wonderful childhood."
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 06:53:40 PM
Fenra smiled sweetly, taken in by his gaze, but still managing to maintain a hold of herself. "I don't have enough information for myself to make any decisions on whether I think one is right or the other... I only want to meet my sister; get to know her. Then I'll make my choice."
She ate quietly for a few minutes then, mulling over his words. '... I didn't have a wonderful childhood...'
She looked back to him. "... what was it like... ?"
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 07:00:49 PM
"My father, was a drunk," Kiterix began his tale- part lie part truth-, "He would rather be with a bottle of Corellian Brandy than with my mother or I. When he was sober he was a nice guy. But that was only when he came home for the occasional lunch with my mother.
"Because the Kiterix name is so well known on Balmorra, we were able to cover most of that up. Especially when my mother killed herself," he looked down at his plate.
"We made it look like an accident. The speeder exploded as she tried to leave...we said it was terrorists who did it. No one was caught or killed for that."
To a degree that part was true. His mother did kill herself, but for reasons the Balmorran Emperor never found out. His father had been obsessed with increasing the Kiterix's name (something he passed on to this son). Kiterix never blamed his father. And he never would.
"I still wonder sometimes...what my childhood would've been like if my father were sober."
Then he took another bite of his wonderful lobster, and a drink of his wine glass.
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 07:18:38 PM
Fenra listened in stoic silence, taking in what he said like a sponge; indeed, his life had been vastly different than hers, but he still rose above it, he was still ale to become Emperor. She smiled to herself, returning to the lobster on her plate as her thughts once more rested on her sister, wondering what the eldest s'Ilancy was doing at the moment.
Swallowing, she took another drink of her water, washing down the taste with the clear liquid before addressing him once more.
"Well, maybe it was a good thing; it made you stronger, right?"
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 07:21:57 PM
"I believe it's said," he spoke inbetween bites, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. father was all ready in politics. Who says I would not have become what I am now, if he'd been kind.
"All I'm saying is this...a father does not have to be cruel...for someone to be a success. Look at Grand Admiral Millard. His father was quite nice to him...and he's done quite well for himself."
More than he should have...his grandfather being a doctor really helped him at times.
"You do need to think for yourself though. Following orders isn't best, in my opinion."
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 07:29:23 PM
This puzzled her, and she let it show in her tone of voice. "But why shouldn't I? If someone knows better than I do, and they're willing to tell me how to do something, why shouldn't I do what they say and avoid the pain of finding out the hard way?"
What he was telling her was something foreign to her; her father had instilled in her the desire to do right and to listen to her elders. Only now, with her brief sojourn to find out about her oldest sister did she really rebel against him. And even then she was still planning on going through the academy... it's not like she was dropping out... like Lok did...
Her face fell at this thought... it was the one bad thing she had to remember her sister by; that Lok s'Ilancy had dropped from the Academy to run off. Fenra hoped that when she met her sister, Lok would answer all of her questions. But until then, all she had was Emperor Kiterix's word to go from.
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 07:32:50 PM
"Because if what they're doing is wrong," Kiterix replied, "Then demanding others do it is wrong also."
He took a bite of potato, finishing it, "Who's to say...if you do it different from you father you won't accomplish your goal quicker. I know several people who have gone against what others say to do, only to rise up and be more successful than those who told them to take the 'easy way'.
"If your father is wrong...and I do not believe he should force you to do something...then it is not wrong to go against him."
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 07:41:00 PM
Her brows scrunched as she thought over what he'd said. It did make sense, but she still clung to her sense of obedience; and the desire to please her father and make him proud.
"I don't know... I've always done things this way, and nothing bad has ever happened... "
She let out a sigh, scratching at an unseen itch on her neck. "It's just, I've always done as others have asked; with the exception of right now... but this is something that I have to find out about before I go any farther in my life. I have to know who my sister is... "
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 07:45:27 PM
"I'm certain I can find something here that can show you more about her," Kiterix replied, "But not right now. Perhaps tomorrow. They are some personal items of Grand Admiral Millard I shall have to clear with his staff before getting."
It can help me begin to investigate Millard for any 'NR' documents. Help me set him up for his downfall.
"That might help a bit. Let you know who she is more."
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 07:51:59 PM
Nodding gratefully, Fenra went back to her lobster. It was wonderful, as she'd never had anything like it before, and as she ate, her mind replayed over some of the things he'd said... and how much sense they made. With his offer to allow her to start her week with the Balmorran Civil Guard, she found herself growing mre excited at the prospect.
And if she was going to be spending some time on Balmorra...
"What's it like.... here... ?"
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 07:57:29 PM
It had been so long since Kiterix had been a teenager he still had to remember some things.
"The economy's good," Kiterix said, "The culture is as well. If you feel like going to a club there is a district not too far from here. Your sister, I believe, liked to go to a few bars down from here.
"The people are friendly most of the time. The theater is not what it is on Omar Prime...but if you ever want to go there we can. There's sports here if you ever want to go to a game...and plenty of opportunity.
"Although the winds of change are brewing," he lowered his voice, "Hopefully for the better. I cannot say what it is...but it will make this economy seem like that on a backwater planet."
He smiled.
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 08:11:55 PM
Fenra smiled back, becoming more comfortable in his presence. "I... don't really like going to clubs... there's too many people in too enclosed of a space. I might not know exactly what it is I like to do yet, but I do know what I don't like."
When his tone changed at his last words, Fenra cast a strange look to him, but went back to her food nonetheless. What was his business was his business. She'd been taught to never pry into anyone's affairs.
"I suppose I'll have to try some of those things to see what I like," she mused.
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 08:14:26 PM
"I suppose you will won't you?" Kiterix asked the rhetorical question as he finished his lobster. As usual it was wonderful.
When the waiter came to see how they were doing, Kiterix turned to Fenra.
"Do you want dessert? They have a wonderful Grand Marnier Souffle here."
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 08:19:58 PM
Fenra shook her head while pushing her plate away; 3/4's of the lobster gone. "I'm too full," she grinned shyly, "But it was really good; I wish I could finish it."
Leaning back into the cushioned seat, she sighed happily, looking over to Kiterix with a content smile on her features. "Thank you... again...
"... when the guards first took me to your office, I thought you'd throw me out after hearing why I came. Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions."
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 08:24:51 PM
"Think nothing of it, Fenra," Kiterix smiled, "You needed help and I was able to give it. When we search for loved ones, it can lead us on wild and magnificant journeys.
"Now," he set his own fork down, his lobster completely finished, "Shall I bring you back to my home? I have your room all set up, including your duffel bag as well. You can continue to ask questions on the journey home."
I wonder if I'll have a better affect on her father than Millard did. I heard about their little 'meeting' Kiterix chuckled to himself as the two exitted the restaraunt, both thanking Viticook for the dinner.
Fenra s'Ilancy
Dec 28th, 2002, 08:35:57 PM
To her, his kindness knew no bounds, and it was all she could do to nod in acceptance as he led her outside into the night air. The coat wrapped around her body, Fenra took in a chilled breath before looking up to Kiterix.
"You don't mind if I stayed at your home, do you? I really don't want to take any more of your time... you've already taken me to dinner and answered most of my questions as it is... "
Tyrel Kiterix
Dec 28th, 2002, 08:40:50 PM
"My home is large and unoccupied for the most part," Kiterix smiled down through the fog of his own breath.
"Having someone there to talk to would be nice. Although I do have a bit of work to do later on. Unfortunately, an Emperor's work is never done."
Especially if I'm discreditting Millard completely.
"As long as you don't mind sleeping in a feather bed. I would be delighted to have you as my guest."
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