View Full Version : My Little Irks

Salemn Lysce
Dec 27th, 2002, 07:47:58 PM
I think I've been pretty tolerant for all the time I've spent here at the boards, but as of late I'm finding that alot of people are beginning to just really, really irritate me. I'm not mentioning any names here, but some of the reasons.

I can NOT stand it if I'm in a thread with a person and the RP gets "situated" pretty well with just the two of us, and then someone else just barges in out of the blue and demands to fight, tries to set an attack on us, or starts writing only to one person and leaves the other out.

I also get upset if I start a thread and then people enter, and then start a conversation amongst themselves and leave me out. If they wanted to interact with only each other, then why the hell did they have to post in my thread and not make their own ?

Another thing that also ticks me off is when they try and steer the RP away from its original intentions.

I know that at one point in my life I'm guilty of at least one of these, but recently I've been trying to become more aware of my actions, how it'll affect others, etc. I would just appreciate it if other RPers would start doing the same.

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 27th, 2002, 09:12:58 PM
well in a nutsell, you are pointing out the bads of open RP's ... if you want more control you need to do closed ones in the ST forum and do invite only threads.

but I totally understand where you are coming from... we all have had those problems :x

Xenodoros Stormrider
Dec 27th, 2002, 09:26:55 PM
I understand what she means. I made this thread that was meant to be Cold and Destiny only. It ended up being Cold, Destiny and two others...

I had clearly said it was private. But I'm not complaining :) I understand how annoying it is though. The thread I made ended up looking messy.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 27th, 2002, 09:29:42 PM
General rule of thumb, even with open RPs: Ask those involved whats going on, and if they wouldn't mind.

If you want in, I'm assuming its for a good reason. If you don't have a good reason to jump in, then don't.

Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 27th, 2002, 09:30:13 PM
I hope your not referring to me, because I just came here :)

Andraq Novkar
Dec 27th, 2002, 09:51:39 PM
All completely understandable, Salemn. I also have had the same problems, but then again, alot of people here have.

As Dale and LD said, make a ST thread or make OOC posts to make sure people know what's going on. Or just stick to ST.

Live Wire
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:34:33 PM
As anyone who's been rping for a long while I've had that happen. I've had thread crashers and god knows what else. If its a closed RP and someone invades talk to the person and ask a mod to delete the unwanted posts. And in open RPs the rule I always follow is I make an OOC note that if you want to join you have to talk to me first and if someone breaks that I will ask a mod to delete your unwanted post. Most of the time if you do that you avoid most problems ahead of time.

Admiral Lebron
Dec 28th, 2002, 10:04:12 AM
I just don't RP...

Emily Rochette
Dec 28th, 2002, 02:21:01 PM
I think more than half the boards can relate to you. And the other half are oblivious to the problem because they're causing it. :\

I like doing Open RPs some times, because things can be intresting. But when you have people ignoring the fact that some thing has already been started in the RP's plot, you get massive problems starting.

><;; Just recently, I was enjoying an open RP, when a few people invaded it to the point where I was forced to restart it in ST.

So.. yeah. I feel your pain. :(

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 28th, 2002, 03:58:00 PM
Yes, earlier during my newbie days I was guilty of it, however as my RPing skills have progressed along with time, I find that if I do enter a thread in its middle, I have good reason. Alot of the time from what I've seen, its alot of your newer people who don't know the ropes because they haven't been around long enough to get to know them. Many times you might want to PM them in a friendly manner and state your reasons to why you don't want them in your thread, but alot of the times I find just rolling with it to be best.

Crystal StarRider
Dec 28th, 2002, 04:55:42 PM
I admit my character, a Jedi Knight, 'jumped' in an open rp thread, but I always try to be respectable to the ones whom have already participated in the majority of the thread, and try not to disturb the present rp, only attempt to enhance it, if I can..Let's face it..There are far more Darksiders than Jedi..The trick is courtesy, and some may lack this polite gesture.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 28th, 2002, 05:06:58 PM
Ummm... no, the Jedi are more numerous. You need to look around to find them.

I'm in the minority somehow. I've never had a problem with a gatecrasher in an open thread I've done (be that not that many anymore) and no ones had a problem if I've gatecrashed. In open threads, just tack up a notice to wit that the RP has a plot and they need to see you to go with it.

Otherwise, open threads are at mercy.

Closed however, your totally free to kick a gatecrasher out.

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 28th, 2002, 08:00:37 PM
Its not a sin to communicate. PM somebody if you're having a problem with a thread. Its more constructive than letting it simmer.

Emily Rochette
Dec 29th, 2002, 07:49:05 AM
Rule to RP by:

If you want to enter an open RP, look for ones with "Open" in the title. It usually means the plot of the thread is more adjustable. Also, if the thread has over 4-5 posts (Meaning it isn't just starting out) then read through each post and see if your character would really fit in there.

^^; At least those are things I go by when thinking about entering an Open RP.

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 29th, 2002, 01:38:17 PM
Also...if you have a closed RP, put it in Storytelling. Putting someone's name in it does NOT make it closed. It only flags it for that particular person's attention, but anybody else can join in. If its in a group board...you need to flag it as closed if you want it as such. As the Bad News Bears say...don't assume.

Crystal StarRider
Dec 29th, 2002, 03:02:44 PM
Ah..loved that movie..:D
Yeah the rp section is open for all to join..Storyline is for invitation only..Just make sure your character fits in the theme..

Dec 29th, 2002, 04:51:27 PM
I agree, tis not a sin to pm somebody about rping or any of that and those who jump in rps with respectable intentions other than those listed above by Salemn, amen! I mean like it has been said, if its open, usually you can't do much about the person who comes in, but I have fun with it a lot of the ties cuz the person who jumps in is sorta oblivious to everything that has happened before them (ic of course) so you just use it against them, now in a closed thread, that would be almost too much fun, anyone know why Ansatsu has robotic arms maybe?

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Dec 30th, 2002, 03:06:11 AM
honestly doesn't bug me too much...unless the person goes all weird in the thread or keeps posting as watching but not interacting......

Crystal StarRider
Dec 30th, 2002, 07:55:59 AM
**sighs as she had neglected to notice the 'herd of zombies' in the concert thread that Fiend had hoped would have snuffed her and her sister out.** :p

Darius Van-Derveld
Dec 30th, 2002, 03:57:57 PM
yeah. peopel just showing up mid-thread is ok in my book, if they're related to the current participants in some way, but people none of the participants know, just showing up out of the blue well into a thread? thats just wrong.

especially if they change the entire set up of the thread.

Crystal StarRider
Dec 30th, 2002, 04:57:51 PM
Well I used to rp here last year as Jedi Knight Aura...Sometimes the best way to get to know someone is after you have posted in their thread, then PM the participants..Can't just go up and PM someone out of the blue..Kinda lame if ya havent participated in a thread of theirs or made some kind of contact in an OOC colomn. As for AIM, ppl are on different times, as in my case, so it makes it next to impossible to introduce myself except through PMs or OOC posts..I never alter the originality of the thread, or at least try not to hamper its unique air..