View Full Version : Adversary of Sith (Need Sith/Jedi)

Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 27th, 2002, 07:12:29 PM
The dangerous & poor settlements below on the planet of Coruscant could be heard in the hush of the sunset as the high leveled settlers observed. It was only a hooded figure who wasn't seen in transfix of the object, and if it was a possibility that he was even in a spectulating state would be hidden by the mask of a shadow materlized by the covering over his head. The meduim height sized being strolled out of the carriager speeder, walking along the platform to the shop. Motioning through, the hardened posterior ships of different colors and sizes were unactived around him along with the many faces which were impressed by them. Reaching the door-way, the hand's of the figure ran along the hood, throwing it down to reveal his face of youth. The man's ruggid light-brown hair drenched over his forehead, and nearing his brown eyes, which at times seemed blue for unknown reasons. He was a youth, he couldn't be any older then 15 or 14, but his composure was a certain that he was a Jedi. The members of the Jedi Order could be seen a mile away if one was observant.

"So you must a Jedi." The Bothan murmured under his breath, attempting not to ruin the buisness that was to commence between them by exposing the idenity of the youth. The brown ruggid haired boy only smiled and shook his head in a show of response, and the man continued on. "We'll come in, lets chat on the object that you have found interest in shall we?"

The two ventured in beside each other, chit-chatting about the object of which the young Jedi had found interest in. Motioning his hand in a pointing gesture to a dirty white, mixtured with a nearly gray silver. It was a battle ship, and it was the perfect item of which one on such a mission, or in a situation as the boy would want.

"We'll need those credits if you choose to get that ol' beuty." The Bothan said with a weird twinkle in his eye, and an obvious fake smile that he would show and perserve for every superior physically and mentally, such as a Jedi. The boy payed the fee without peck of words, and turned his weight around, throwing his hood on. Taking the ID card needed to activate the Wing, he entered it. Placing his hands on one of the buttons he registrated himself as the new ship owner, and he named it because of its weird, frisky colors the Tattonie Wing.

Working through some of the other items, he was slowly rising off the foundation, and heading toward the sky. Entering the space orbit, and onto one of the hyperspace pads he was prepared to enter the void of hyperspace. Heading to what he had felt was the Darkness core, he leaned back in his seat.


Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 27th, 2002, 08:59:44 PM
The dark shaded ship came down upon the planet of Corellian, where the youth saught out the palace of the Sith. He could see it far ahead, his eyes twitching as he felt the darkness run its vial stinch through his clothes. He felt an itch come upon him at the sudden arrival, but he refrained from that action and opened the cockpit window. Pushing himself up from his strainful seating in the new ship, he looked around the area, staring about until he saw a small speck. Grabbing his eletric goggles, he placed them on his eyes, searching toward the weird archetured shelter. It was high in height, but extremely sleak. It was yet beauitiful, but the aoura it built was that of fear, and anger.

Jumping out of the cockpit, he locked it with his code that he had placed in during his hyperspace drive and headed toward the sheltering of the Sith. He was sure to reach in his robe on any contact with an adversary, or one who would come to some harm.

Searching about as he was only a meter from that of the palace, he rushed ahead rolling along the ground as he heard the sound of footsteps near. Placing his back to the closest object, and hiding himself perfectly he awaited the up-coming adversary, or ally. It was hard to tell on Corellian, it was the orgin for the best of heros, and now the shelter for the worst of villians.

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 28th, 2002, 12:29:40 AM
Ket paced back and forth, out near the front steps to the massive castle. Ahh yes, home of The Sith Order. A home to the "scum" of the universe, some would say. But most knew not what truely lay beyond those large metal doors. Contrary to the Jedi lies, the Sith were not always such evil beings. Oh, but don;t get me wrong, they were, in fact....evil. Ket looked out toward the wooded areas...and grinned.

"Jedi..." he murmered lowly.

Ket sensed the young jedi and almost laughed. He sensed nervousness, and some fear. Well of course he did! a lone, young Jedi at the front gates to a Jedi's version of Hell! Ket stopped, and pulled the hood of his black robes down, his brown (an optical illusion programmed in to conceal identity) hair sticking out of the open topped helmet...the sapphire blue visor twinkling the the setting sun's light. Ket called forth for the Jedi, and did so with a voice laced with evil and mal-intent.

"Oh come out, young Jedi...We know your out there! No sense in hiding from fate...unless of course, you've come to renounce your ways..."

Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 28th, 2002, 12:45:08 AM
The youth felt the tensile aroma vividly run through his senses in the Force of light, he was nearly angered by it, as he knew casualities would come to be by the coordination of hte man's words. Swinging his lightsaber outward in a visiable state to the Sith, he slided from the corner and was only a meter before the Sith. The young boy's eyes filled with grim, as his lightsaber was braced tightly before his face, and he slid into a stance with his lightsaber poitning horizitionally toward his adversary. Grinding his teeth, he snarled in preparation.

The boy said nothing at all, only the gesture of his hand motioning could be heard in the hush of the wind. A sudden rush of the force shifted, and the telekinitic sense of the Force released itself and threw that of the Sith back against the ground, and the Jedi frowned in displeasurment, still awaiting the response to his action.

Live Wire
Dec 28th, 2002, 12:51:13 AM
Live Wire had just reccently returned to her long time home at The Sith Order and was happy to be back among the haven of her friends. Life was slowly returning back to that old feeling of normalcy which she had secretly craved for the past year.
The perimiter around the palace was heavilly guarded not only by people but the energy shield they had constructed the last time they had been attacked. She was just outside the energy shield on her speeder bike when she noticed a blip on her screen. "Looks like we got company. She changed direction and headed towards the south to investigate.

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 28th, 2002, 02:43:14 AM
Ket chuckled lightly. Did this boy think that mere determination and some petty use of the force would stop him? Ket might be a Knight by rank, but ONLY by rank. In knowledge and skill he was as deadly as some of the galaxy's greatest Sith Masters. And this boy would be yet another spoil of war.

"Wrong move..."

Ket hopped to his feet in a flash, and grinned lightly. With a small gesture of his own hand, The boy's lightsaber was pulled from his grasp and shut off. It floated toward Ket who took said lightsaber and with one motion, bent it in half. The crystal shattered within it and fell to the ground. Ket tossed the defunct saber to the side and then took off his robes slowly, tossing them aside as well. he outstreached his arm, and closed his hand into a fist. When this was done, the boy's throat felt as if it were being squeezed. Indeed, Ket was using the dark side of the living Force to basicly strangle this young upstart.

"How dare you tread on sacred Sith ground, young Jedi."

Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 28th, 2002, 03:47:16 AM
The brown ruggid haired bow raised lightly off the surface as he grasped in pain at his neck, as he thought hectically, and quickly. Then he found the answer to his questioning, and when a sudden close of the boy's eyes he motioned his hand foward in a stern gesture of a new presence. It was that of the Force, the young boy indeed ahd chanelled the Force in the incarceration of the vigorious hold. Summoning a wind that threw the concentration from the man, along with the balance, he stared at the man. Smirking with pleasurment coming to his face, the young Jedi dashed forward at the falling Sith Warrior.

Reaching back he sticked his tightly clutched fist forward at the face of the Sith Warrior, and with the falling of the Sith Warrior, and his unbalancing state he was clearly unable to block such an attack. Flipping over toward the ground, in mid-air the Sith could feel something dispatching from his very being, but it wasn't a limp, nothing that could wound him internally at the moment. The Sith had lost his lightsaber during his flip to the surface in pain, the ruggid-brown haired Jedi had taken in.

There the Jedi Canidate stood his lightsaber grazing the surface, as a smirk came to his face. It was something in those eyes which arrised that of confortable optisim, which didn't slice at the intelligents of the boy, or weary his response because of his optisim. It was clamy controlled, and was completely intuned with that of the Force. Concentrating rattled the brain of the young Force-User, and he gestured his hand quickly around in a circular motion and the ship the young boy arrived on began shooting at a speeder that the Jedi had sensed with the concentration. During this action, the young Jedi Canidate, blessed with a molocharon that could be nearly equal with that of Anakin Skywalker, drew the dark red lightsaber that he stole. Holding tight upon in prepartion of another steal of it, he would be surley pulled with it if it was to happen this time. Staring deeply into the eyes of his enemy, he grinned with pleasure, as his thoughts began to rattle once more like the end of a snake's tail.

I think I may be able to pull the fragements of the weapon toward me and built it with some keen Force usage, but I'd have to get this man down before anything could happen, and scurry away before he could counter attack

Corcking his lips into frown of seriousness, the boy rushed forward toward the man, drawing the red lightsaber at his side with a stern grip. Throwing it forward at the head of the predictable Sith Warrior, who ducked and caught a strong kick, which wasn't that much of strenght because of the power of the youth, but because of its suprisment it was a clear off-balancing attack.

Turning the weight of the his body, the ruggid brown haired Jedi Canidate drew the fragments and remains of the destroyed lightsaber. Rushing to the closest hiding place he looked down into his palm. Gradually he summoned the power of the Force that binded all things within the galaxy together, just as the stars binded all the young eyes in the nights do it. An Orb was created, and the item levitated before him. The youth's mind began straining, as he reached deeper into his own ability, and quickly placed the pieces of the exterior at the hilt of the lightsaber. Puzzling back hte fragments of the Ossus native crystal, he threw it back into the lightsaber's handle. Grinning with pleasurment, he could feel the presence of darkness creep upon him. Turning about he felt a strong fist bang against his face, as he slid along the musy foundation, and fall down before bushes where he laid nearly unconscious, blood trickling down his lip. Grasping tightly upon the weapon of the Jedi, he placed his finger on the button kindling the strenght of the blue blade of unexpirence, but naive power. Pulling himself slowly to a huncing stand, the youth's eyes glistered with a brown haze, then materlized into that of blue which darted at the heart of the man like an arrow.

"You Sith are murders, why do you insisit in pursuing that of darkness? Why!" He inquired passionately with the emotions that drew roars from the animals in all the kingdoms in the galaxy. Drawing the blood upon his palm with a rub of his lip, he gritted his teeth under the concealment of his mouth. He wanted to do something, but he was outnumbered in strenght, and soon probably physical beings.

Backflipping away he jumped high into the air with the power of the Force acting as a propeller, sending him along the top of a large boulder. He was prepared for another round, but he was certain exactly how he was to defend this time, but it was evident that the grip upon his lightsaber would be that of great strenght. Holding it tightly, nearly creating indintation within the metal like exterior of the object. Smirking, he attempted to gain a battling composure, as he awaited an attack from his enemy.

"Use your lightsaber, either way darkness will perish within you, so you no longer loose the bit of heart that you may have."

Live Wire
Dec 28th, 2002, 04:08:02 AM
OOC: btw the planet is Corellia not corellian. Corellian would be the people and the brandy. :-)

As Live Wire dodged in among the trees she could hear the sound of battle. Not wanting to fly in recklessly as she had been forced to many times before she slowed the speeder down and jumped off at a run casting off her long cloak in the process. She could see the battle which appeared to be Ket fighting with some young jedi. "The jedi just never learn." Using the force she pulled the jedi's legs out from under him causing him to tumble off of the top of the rock he had perched himself under.

She didn't take kindly to jedi who invaded her home and the punishment for the arrogant ones who did was death. A punishment she was more then happy to deal out. Igniting her yellow saber she stepped out from the tree line her dark eyes flashing with hatred and the reflected light from the blade. "We don't take kindly to strangers around here. Allow me to welcome you properly." She sent a barrage of force lightning at the jedi fool who lacked the experience and training to successfully dodge all of he blasts.

She twirled her lightsaber in her hand showing off for the benefit of the univited "guest". This guest would see the dark side of sith hospitality. (no pun intended.....well maybe just a little) She ran at him and their sabers met but before he could inflict harm upon her she forced pushed him into the trunk of a nearby tree. "Is that all you got little one?" She taunted him.

Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 28th, 2002, 12:50:06 PM
The Jedi Canidate's hair ruffled as the wind blasted past, and he stummbled to a hunched crouch, glaring at the two. Jamel's eye twitched with anxiety being the source of the situation, he no longer felt comfortable in his possition and could feel the wind screaming death in his ear. Throwing his back against the tree, he held himself up, attempting gain back his composure.

Abruptly the bow rushed at the two, leaping high into the air, landing behind the femine Sith, and swirled around with the momentum from the circular turn coming out in his blade that came down vigoriously at the blade of the Sith. Blue & Yellow sparks flied on collision, but because of the comeplling blade, she was taken off guard and thrown back. Swinging his blade around when she caught her balance, he watched as the two blades collided, with his unique style combating with her vigorious emotional style. It was only knowledge in his, that of a Jedi would had.

Grinding his teeth as he forcefully pushed down the blade to throw her's down, he saw that she was pushing back throwing his around as well in a defensive fashion. The two stood there motionlessly for a matter of seconds until the boy was pushed back and thrown into a mighty blow by the one known as Ken. Falling down with his lightsaber unignited, the boy grasped for his life, digging his hand within the surface, carving indintation. Gazing up, he watched as a blade striked downward with a incredible force of power, but in time he rolled away, throwing himself quickly into the heavens and landing back down with the help of the Force that was summon so skillfully within the bouncing flight. Raising his blade before him, his style was evident that it originated from that of Young Obi-Wan, which he had studied in his early years. It was the duelistic style of a Padawan, which was wide in range of swings, strong in strikes and less pursuit then attack.

The boy awaited as he stared into the two gems in the female Sith, then toward that of the other. The boy frowned in displeasure, and drew his finger upon his igniting command button, and the blue blade drew it gradually, but it was filled with the destructive energy that could slice through the skin of the toughest beings. Suddenly a yellow hissing blade ran through the air, along with a red one that had been ignited by Ken. They both swinged at him, but he swirled around, and sliced aside them into each other, and kicked at the female Sith's face, knocking her into her partner in this paticular fight.

Dashing backward, he leaped up quickly landing upon a stern rock, staring at them as they stood together and snarled at him in angered.

"The Darkness wont win..."

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 29th, 2002, 03:25:33 AM
(OOC: Dude, his name is Ket, not Ken, and he has a single bladed lightsaber, the blade color being Lime.)

"Because I'm not a day person!"

Ket grinned coyly underneath that sleek gun metal grey helmet after making that crack. This young Jedi was quite good for a beginer. Perhaps they should bring him to the point of death and then offer him salvation in the loving arms of the dark side. Yes, indeed, it would be a grand adventure for him. Ket twirled the light saber around and with one might push of his over developed legs, he flew into the air, coming down at the Jedi. Idris blocked, swinging his saber upward to parry the blow. Ket ame around from the left side at an upward left angle, trying, albeit in vain, to slice into the boy's shoulders. Then, Ket concentrated on all his anguish and manipulated the dark side of the living force, and cast a spell of the Sith Magic. Indeed, delving into his knowledge of Spectromancy, he blinded Idris' mind's eye, causing Ket to seem to dissappear. There was no way, not with any force power the boy could use, to get around this one.

Ket grinned as he kept quiet and watched to boy look around in a futile atempt to locate him. He reared back, and stabbed the boy through his right shoulder with the glowing lime blade of his saber, basicly severing nerves,cauterizing the wound imiediate like and turning pink muscle to charred remains. Indeed, this could all be healed, patched up and sysnthetics implanted to give him arm use again, but Ket made sure not to turn the boy's bone into ashes. after, if Ket were to turn him, he wanted him in decent shape later on. But none the less, the damage was done.

Pulling his saber from the smoking hole created in Idris' shoulder, Ket dropped to the ground level and swung his right leg around, taking Idris out from underneath himself. Ket then used his lightsaber to slice across the tops of the boy's theighs, causing him a great deal of pain.

Ket the flipped backward and motioned for LW to take control next round. After all, who was he to have all the fun?

Live Wire
Dec 29th, 2002, 03:51:58 AM
Live Wire came at the jedi taking quick swings and moving back much as a cat would play with a mouse. She was toying with him but just as the cat eventually eats the mouse it was time for her to put him out of his misery.

The huge boulder began to roll towards the jedi and as he was forced to jump out of the way she hit him square in the chest with another barrage of force lightning. His clothes were smouldering and every muscle in his body would be suffering from involuntary spasms.

She laughed easilly. Watching her prey suffer was always the best part...it was disappointing but the end always came to quickly for her pleasure. Using sheer strength their sabers met again and she forced him down to his knees. "Any last words jedi dog?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 29th, 2002, 10:54:54 PM
His last words came to a beginning as blood slowly trickled down his mouth, coming to a kneel on the surface in pain.

"Darkness is not the way of the force..." The young boy came down to lay upon the surface, possibily dead, and it was very feasible that he was alive. It was a 50/ 50 job, and it was unknown to if he was still carrying life in his young soul, or the wind that brushed so neatly pass, drifted it away.

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 30th, 2002, 05:40:30 AM
Ket tapped his left forearm, and the helmet began to dismantle itself, storing flatly on the back of his neck. He then walked to the Jedi, his lightsaber pointing at his forehead and only an inch and a half away at that. He spoke to him, almost with some remorse for the poor boy.

"Young Jedi...You do not have to die. We will spare your life, but on one condition. Take a walk on the Dark side. Renounce your Jedi ways and learn the truth of what it means to be a Sith. After all,w hat better way to vanquish an enemy than to make him an ally!"

Ket then spoke low, in that lupine growl he was known for...

"Or, I push this lightsaber into your forehead and you die. So, make your choice, young one. You only have to say the word. Sith or Die. Take your pick."

Risevli Ark'ak
Dec 31st, 2002, 04:37:30 PM
A sudden sweep of the wind came as his rockets boosted. The man watched the whole situation pass by his eyes, he noticed the two were Sith, and a confrontation with them with a capture would mean big-cash, as he was a sympathizer for the Republic. Swinging forward off a rock, an unexpected drop of a net came over the male Sith Warrior. It had distracted him in time for the Bounty Hunter to swing down with agility only measured by animilistic traits and grab him and his severed arm. Floating in the air with his rocket booster on, he swirled around, heading back to the Jedi Canidate's ship. Placing him within it, he set the coordinates for Coruscant, with a hologramic alerting message on toward the hospital.

Turning around he was prepared for the rest of the battle...

Risevli Ark'ak
Dec 31st, 2002, 04:38:14 PM
((Follow me to Home One to unfold the story and situation[/i]

Ket Van Derveld
Jan 1st, 2003, 01:59:18 AM

Ahmad, dude, I refuse to go along with this. At SWFans.net, we do NOT do things like this. You have to give us a chance to reply with retaliation.

Ahmad, im telling you this right now. Im not pissed, but I am upset and ticked. You have God-moded, and i am letting SWFans know about it. If you want this thread to continue, you have to learn how to do things our way, just in the same how i learned to do things your way at the holonet.

We need time to reply and to react. things here are more in the Live Action type of RP than story telling. if you want story telling, we have a forum dedicated to just that listed under the roleplaying forum.

Risevli Ark'ak
Jan 1st, 2003, 04:14:36 AM
I changed it okay,....