View Full Version : Between The Lines (Open)

Dec 27th, 2002, 04:01:40 PM
Deciding, perhaps foolishly, to leave the confined safety of the infirmary, Giger decided that sinc ehe was going to be here for some time, he'd better find out what here was actually like. During the endless hours he'd spent lying in his blood-stained bed, he had heard numerous people, some doctors others something rhyming with "fly", talk about the "Bar and Grill". It seemed like a good place to start, mainly due to the fact that it was the only other place apart from the infirmary that he knew of here. He tried his best to keep looking at the floor, but obviously he had to occasionally look up to see where he was going. And when he did, he caught a glimpse of the faces and eyes staring at him with disapproving and confused expressions. They seemed to not want to know who he was. Just as well since he didn't really want to know them either. He just wanted to know where he was and why he was here. The only thing he was certain of was that his mother was dead.

After a good fifteen minutes of aimlessly wandering along corridors and through rooms and past offices and training rooms, Giger eventually came to a large neon sign that read "Yoghurts Bar And Grill". As two people exited the establishment, Giger caught a glimpse of armoured men on either side of the door with guns. He quickly ran and hid behind a parked speeder on the other side of the street. Hopefully they wouldn't see him due to his small size.

Emma Harvan
Dec 27th, 2002, 04:08:33 PM
The gaurds may not have seen Giger but Emma certainly did. When one was as short as she they saw things differently. Sliding from her stool and dropping to the ground, Emma walked to the door, smiling at the gaurds. She struggled to push the door open and finally suceeded in making an opening large enough for her to slip through. Quite pleased with herself, Emma looked around. She could not see the boy and she knew that she was not to cross the street on her own-- that was one of the most important rules of being outside.


Emma put her hands on her hips and pouted. She knew someone was out here and it simply wasn't very nice to hide like this!

Dec 27th, 2002, 05:08:18 PM
Is she looking for me? She doesn't look like a bad person. SO how does she know I'm out here?

Gigers confusion was already high. And this just made things worse. What was another child doing in such a strange place as this. Such things were currently beyond this little seven year old's mind. Nevertheless, he was staying put. Looks can be deceiving, and this girl seemed nice. Giger crouched a little lower behind the speeder as another unknown adult entered the Bar and Grill.

Emma Harvan
Dec 28th, 2002, 01:31:39 AM
When no one emerged, Emma stamped her foot and pouted.

"Fine! I'll go t' the bermemer all by myself!"

She turned around and stomped back to the door, again struggling with it and again just managing to make a space to squeeze through. Once back inside, Emma huffed over to her stool only to find it was taken. She stuck her tongue out at the man's back and found a new seat. She had been sure there was a little boy out there! Well boys were all stupid heads anyway.

Dec 29th, 2002, 11:19:58 AM
She's gone.

Giger peeked out a little more as the door shut behind her. He then ran forward across the road and slid along the wall towards the entrance. A bug crawled along the floor next to his bare feet and under the long trailing medical gown he still wore. He let out a silent shriek before stamping on it. He then squeezed past the guard and entered the building cautiously.

Emma Harvan
Dec 30th, 2002, 12:44:04 PM
Ah-ha! She had been right all along! Emma grinned maliciously and slipped under the table. Silently as she could manage, the little girl crept around the boy, using tables and patron's legs for cover. She was dismayed to see that the boy was taller than she but it soon enough flew from her mind as she snuck up behind him, barely concealing a giggle. When she was close enough to touch him, Emma made a face and jumped into the boy.


Dec 30th, 2002, 01:44:02 PM
A tear emerged in Gigers eye as he fell forwards away from her as she cried out at him. He crawled forward slightly and pulled himself into a table leg, found a small table mat on the floor and threw it at the girl. Due to its flimsy weight it fell miserably onto the floor before her feet. A pair of legs behind Giger wriggled slightly as the chairs occupant bent down to investigate. Giger closed his eyes and tightened his grip on the table leg.

Loki Ahmrah
Dec 30th, 2002, 02:24:34 PM
"Hey! Hey!" A voice called out. Loki's eyes fell upon the purpetrator who had stolen his table mat as he peered under the table from his chair. "Now what's going on here?"

Hopping down from his seat, he laughed upon realising that the boy and girl were merely playing together. He looked to the girl who had cried out.

"You remind me of Aunt Taataani with a roar like that. You gave me quite a fright!" She was younger than the young padawan, as was the bald-headed boy who still hung on tight to the table leg. Without a second thought, Loki climbed under the table and crouched next to Giger who looked a little scared.

"Hi there, hope you don't mind me joining you down here." He declared chattily. He smiled then extended his larger hand towards the peculiar new person, it was an interesting feeling to be the elder person in a group he now being eleven years old. "I'm Loki Ahmrah. Pleased to meet you."

Dec 30th, 2002, 03:25:07 PM
Giger leaned backwards slightly as Loki extended his hand. He didn't trust either of them at the moment. His eyes darted about frantically for something to help him get away from them. It seemed that leaving the infirmary was a bad idea after all. His hand felt something shart behind him. It could have been a smashed ashtray or some other broken glass object. He tried to wrap his tiny fingers around it but it was stuck to something and wouldn't move. But then he felt something - that calming presence from the infirmary.

Emma Harvan
Dec 30th, 2002, 05:38:54 PM
Emma stared in surprise at Giger as he threw the table mat at her. He wasn't really scared was he? Mind you, she was pretty frightening. As the occupant of the table hopped down, Emma smiled. She had no idea who Aunt Taataani was but if she had managed to scare a big boy like him she must be pretty fierce!

Curiously, Emma watched as the big boy, Loki, tried to introduce himself to Giger. She furrowed her eyebrows as the little lad drew back. Well that wasn't very polite! They were just trying to be friendly. Emma put her hands on her hips and frowned at Giger. It was too much for the four year old to let go.

"Tha's not nice! We're jes' tryin' t' play!"

Loki Ahmrah
Dec 30th, 2002, 06:30:58 PM
"Not the chatty kind, eh?" The boy grinned in reaction to Giger's response. He was definately afraid, Loki could feel it himself so he looked back to the little girl and came out from under the table. His hand still extended, he greeted the new face with a friendly smile.

"Hi there! I'm Loki Ahmrah." He held back a chuckle due to her forced frowning at the bald boy, then reassured her, "I'm sure he's just a little shy--" He glanced back to Giger and gestured for him to join them. "--You can't stay under there forever! Come and have a drink or perhaps something to eat."

"So what brings you both here?" He asked, turning back to the little girl.

Emma Harvan
Jan 3rd, 2003, 09:39:29 PM
Still frowning, Emma looked at Loki's hand curiously. After a moment of thinking she gave him five and smiled softly.

"I'm Emma and I get t' play here fer a wee bit 'till m' Mama comes back!"

She hauled herself into a seat at the table and finding herself too short to see over the top, kneeled instead. She could only just see Loki but that didn't bother her.

"D' y' live here?"

Feb 4th, 2003, 02:22:44 PM
It was too soon to accept them as friends for the time being, but Giger decided to act cautiously until he'd had some time to decide exactly what their intentions were. Nobody is nice unless they want something in return. And it usually leads to hurt and pain.

He crawled out from underneath the table and stood behind a chair, separating him from the two other children. He glared at Loki warily. Loki may be acting with false pretenses, but Giger certainly wasn't going to put on a friendly demeanor. He wanted to make his feelings perfectly clear before he gave them a chance. He was scared and alone and didn't know, or trust, anyone. It would take a lot to change that.