View Full Version : Sharpshooter's Contest? Sign me up! (open challenge))

Ryft Uzzi
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:27:27 AM
Ryft stood there, a bead of sweat ran down his face. He was okay he guessed but this guy in front of him was said to be force attuned or something, and he'd watched him too, he'd dodged lasers and then popped a guy in the face. But all that thinking, he was glad he didn't have to worry about the force, he'd lose focus after every girl that passed by. The heat was baring down on him as he saw the guy smile. Couldn't force users read thoughts? Wasn't that cheating or something?
If he could, that ticked Ryft off, he hated cheating. Took the fun outta the game, but this was a life or death thing too. Ryft had faith in his gun though and that was all he needed, and the small measure that made up to him too he guessed. The smiled then winked and that was all Ryft needed. A laser flew past Ryft's head and he almost laughed at how luck he was but then a shot nailed him in the boot and Ryft fell to the ground.
Ryft landed on his hand and pushed off rolling to one side and then firing off a volley of lasers for the man to deal with. Ryft continued to roll and then got to one knee quickly and looked up.
Wow... he'd gotten the guy in the hand where he had the gun and then gotten the guy in the throat. Ryft stood up and smiled and nodded. The crowd's face was shocked but it suddenly turned to applause as Ryft lifted his hands in the air.

"And Contestant Uzzi moves onto the semifinals of todays Sharpshooter Contest."

Ryft laughed, as he told a member of the crowd that it was all in the wrist but he loked up quickly to note the unhappy faces out there. They seemed to be frowning and cursing under their breath. Ryft smirked and thought that was what you got for betting on the force and not his gun!

Dec 29th, 2002, 06:11:16 PM
Striking the match against the same wall that he was unobtrusively leaning against, the swarthy pirate cupped his hands and lit his cigarette, drawing in a deep satisfying drag.

Squinting a little as the thin blue smoke curled up into his eyes, Remkah still managed to keep his object of interest within sight through the crowd.

Contestant Uzzi, now with arms raised in a victory cheer, had enjoyed some succes with his talented maneuvers and had moved onto the semifinal rounds.

As disgruntled "betters" brushed by the dark pirate, tossing paper chits down in disgust as their favorites were eliminated, Remkah pushed himself off the wall, not paying them any mind. Keeping in the flow of the crowd, Remkah moved along to the next arena where he would watch the further progress with interest.

Ryft Uzzi
Dec 29th, 2002, 10:02:40 PM
He was in the semi finals now and he was just waiting for the next contestant to step up to face him. Ryft pulled out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead and then ran a hand through his hair. His grey eyes catching the color of the sky as he looked up for a moment and said a silent prayer.
Semifinals meant guys with guns better than him probably or they were just better in general. His luck had caried him far but he liked his gun and he planned on keping a warmbloode ahnd on it for as long as he could. He had gotten his intials engraved on it and everything too. Not to mention the minor modifications made throughout the last couple of years. Increased range and heightened intensity made it his baby and the one thing keeping his cash flowing.

Dec 29th, 2002, 10:32:40 PM
Leisurely finishing his cigarette, Remkah dropped the butt to the ground and crushed out the glowing red tip with his boot heel.

Folding his arms, he leant against the railing that surrounded the semifinal arena. He, like the thronging crowd around him watched the man standing, slightly perspiring, as he waited for the next challenge.

Remkah took the chance to size Uzzi up. He was fit looking, and the pirate had already seen that he was agile and quick thinking under pressure. Now he would see just how good the man really was. One didnt get to the semifinal on luck alone, but sometimes that was a large contributing factor.

This next challenge would separate the skilled from those simply favoured by the gods.

Remkah turned up his collar to protect against the heat of the sun on his neck, and waited to see wether or not he had wasted his afternoon.

Sanis Prent
Dec 29th, 2002, 10:54:09 PM
I need a drink.

(Reaching for my flask, I flipped it open, upending the contents into my mouth. Unfortunately, it was less than dregs...and my flask was dry.)

Krasst...just my luck.

(There was something innately romantic, profitable, and stupid about gunfighting, all rolled into one. Of course, a bounty hunter complaining about something like this is like a stormtrooper staying out of the TIE corps because its dangerous. I had to get my licks in, here and there. Fortunately, the talent pool this year wasn't much to speak of. I'd gotten this far pretty easily. Didn't even have to kill anybody. Took a poor kid's arm off at the elbow though...poor bastard. Then again, there wasn't a guilty conciece that couldn't be coerced with whiskey. Not like I didn't have a guilty concience before all this.

It was a few hours till my next match, so I strolled off, in search of liquid relief)

Dec 29th, 2002, 11:22:51 PM
Keeping his head forward and wearing a blank expression, Remkah tried to recall to mind a name to put with the face he had glimpsed and was now watching in his peripheral vision.

The blonde man walked past behind him, and only then did Remkah turn his head, looking after him, squinting with effort to locate the name within his mind. He was sure he'd seen this face on his data screen at one time or another back at the ShadowFaene Base. His boss, Hera DrenKast, had always made a point of knowing who the opposition was.

Price? Pratt?.....Damn, memory's going..

Sanis Prent
Dec 29th, 2002, 11:32:29 PM

(I turned around...maybe an affectionate fan was offering?


Ah hell...

(I continued onward. Where the hell was the bar?)

Dec 29th, 2002, 11:45:27 PM
Remkah noted the place-tag on Prosts? left sleeve, before he turned back around.

So he was in the tournament...and according to the blue slash on his tag, had made the semi-finals.

Remkah, faced forward into the arena once more. He'd be seeing more of Mr What-ever-his-name-was, before the day was through.

Ryft Uzzi
Dec 30th, 2002, 09:57:26 AM
Ryft's opponent stepped onto the competition grounds with a look that was more smug than Ryft ever could be. But then, people were good liars everyonce in a while and Ryft couldn't blow too much time just figuring out how good this guy was. He knew it would all come down to if he was dead or not in this round.
He'd prefer the latter but nameless deities he prayed to were the only ones that already could've told him. He didn't pray much because he hadn't given even much time to the thinking of these "gods" existences other than that they were a tribunal, and a damn good one at that too! He smiled as this went through his mind while his enemy was announced. What were they again, oh right! Alchohol, Women, and all guns that were pure and holy... or maybe that was the description for the women. Either way it worked for him. But he pulled out of his rare thinking occasions when he noticed the crowd had gone quiet.
He looked around and all eyes had been turned here. He hoped that everyone hadn't bet against him this time, he really didn't like making that many enemies, mainly because he didn't want to bother with the whole mess, it was their fault he guessed.
Ryft's hand idly went to his blaster as he looked to his opponent. The guy still had that smug smile on his face and his eyes were closly trained on Ryft's hands. As if he knew something. Ryft smiled because their wasn't much to learn about Mr. Uzzi here, just that if you couldn't shoot faster, you were dead. Ryft shrugged lightly, the bell hadn't rung yet so their was no need to get so worked up.

" No hard feelings right? I mean, its only a tournament right?"

Ryft left out the part that it was mostly a to the death type of thing unless the victor was merciful enough to just handicapp you and leave you in the musky dust.

Dec 30th, 2002, 02:20:39 PM
A flash of glinting reflection caught the eagle eyes of the ShadowFaene Captain. It was there only an instant, but even that was way too long, giving Remkah time enough to see Uzzi's opponent did not intend to play fair. The man's left hand was harbouring some sort of advantage..

A knife? No. Way too small, too thin.

More like.... a mirror maybe..

Remkah twisted his head looking up...the sun was high and brilliantly blinding.

"Well, that aint nice" he thought dryly.

Ryft Uzzi
Jan 3rd, 2003, 04:00:58 PM
The contest started and in that moment Ryft didn't mean to, but he blinked, the sun must've gotten in his eyes but he blinked. It hit him and he knew that was his opponent's chance, it would've been his if that happened. Uzzi heard the lase fire, he felt the burn and then he hit the ground, holding his ear. He had dropped fast enough that the laser had only singed the tip of Ryft's ear. He opened his eyes and the sun was in it again but that didn't stop him from moving just as fast as he had fallen. He rolled and then drew his blaster, the intense lasers firing as the recoil was felt. Ryft's eyes were closed but he felt one laser go under his arm while he moved and another pass his knee. Ryft dashed, ducked and then rolled, he heard a grunt and when he opened his eyes again, he had his blaster to the guy's head.

"What's wrong? Oh... what's this?"

Ryft was sincerely surprised to see that the guy had a small mirror in his hand. Ryft's face sudenly got red as he realized why the sun had been in his eyes at midday. Ryft spit in the guy's face as his knee came around, hit the guy, throwing him back, and then his blaster firing of three bolts into the guy's face. No mercy for those who don' play fair... The crowd cheered but Ryft stormed off, whoever he played next better be good cuz Ryft was pissed.

Jan 5th, 2003, 01:17:18 AM
Not bad...

Remkah stepped away from the railing and pushed his way through the crowd.

Uzzi would have some time to kill before the next match, and Remkah would lay money that he would probably be wanting a drink after the latest fight.

Making his way to the bar, he took a seat somewhere towards the middle (he wasnt the only one who was thirsty) and ordered a shot of whiskey.

Ryft Uzzi
Jan 5th, 2003, 05:42:20 PM
Ryft entered the bar wiping swet from his forehead, it was hot outside and he needed either a coo drink or a hot chick to make him feel better. He took a look around viewed a few nice ladies and then sighed, he had decided he wanted a drink more than that at the moment. He trodded to an open seat in the middle, got a few slaps on the back for a congrats and then was left alone. He got a hard shot of some black drink from Coruscant and then took it in a swig. His eyes watered and he leaned back for a mintue, letting the blast go down the throat and then turned about, facing the crowd. He smiled, his hand resting on his pistol comfortably and caught the eyes of a few ladies before giving em a wink and then turning about and getting another shot of the black stuff.::

I hate cheaters...