View Full Version : A Day Off (open!!!)

Daes Pilot
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:04:19 AM
A tall man, with dark hair and eyes, walked slowly into the Jedi bar. The guards stopped him at the door, and his brow furrowed in a frown. He shrugged, raising his arms and letting the guards search under his leather jacket for any weapons.

The guard jerked his thumb towards the bar, and said something in Basic that Dae's pilot didn't understand. He just nodded and wandered thru the crowd to an empty stool.
The bar-tender came over, after serving several other patrons and smiled at him.
"What'll it be?"
The pilot grinned. "Beer, please." He said, in his best (sadly not great. He still hadn't gotten the hang of speaking this strange tongue) Basic. The tender nodded, the pilot turned and gave the bar a once over. He had never been in the jedi bar before, had seen it from the outside once or twice. Dae had, in a way, let him have the day off. He figured he'd see what the fuss was about with these Jedi...

Plo Koon
Dec 27th, 2002, 02:02:24 PM
Plo had spent many hours in this great bar and met lots of people. He noticed a new commer to the bar and it was his best interest to see who he was. He casually walked over and sat down beside him

"Hello...Im Plo Koon, who might you be?"

He spoke in a friendly tone so not to get a bad impression

Daes Pilot
Dec 27th, 2002, 09:00:37 PM
"Er..." He thought, scratching his head. He had never seen this type of alien before, so he put on his best smile and nodded.

"Hello. Um..." He paused, thinking, "I'm Fred."

He held out his hand, grinning a bit sheepishly. His name wasn't Fred, but the jedi didn't know that. Dae was the only person on Coruscant who knew, or could even pronounce his Saiya-jinn name. So today he was Fred. Maybe tomorrow he would be Sam, or Craig. Or some other human name he had heard on the street, or television.

"Nice to meet you Plo Koon."

Plo Koon
Dec 27th, 2002, 09:13:52 PM
Plo greeted the gesture with a positive attitude. He shoke "Freds" Hand but knew obviously that that wasnt his true name. He held his hand and braught him close so that only he can hear

"Why lie to a Jedi? I know that you are not Fred..."

Koon stared into the mans eyes from behind his eye goggles, woundering what his response was

Daes Pilot
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:17:29 PM
He smirked.
Because, Jedi, I doubt you could pronounce my real name... He said in Saiya-jinn, a rough harsh sounding language. He shrugged, and laughed. "I'm Fred...really..."

Plo Koon
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:26:46 PM
Straffe chuckled lightly

"Try me...I can even tell the entire origens of the Saiya-Jinns race, Plus...I know of another like yourself"

Daes Pilot
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:31:01 PM
"Oh really? And who would that be?"

The pilot raised a brow, more than a little skeptical about this Jedi. He doubted an alien Jedi would know much about his homeworld.

Plo Koon
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:32:59 PM
"I dont know if he would like it known to others"

Plo kept the man on his guard, seeing if he would finally stop lieing about his name

Daes Pilot
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:37:57 PM
"Shame on him then."

The pilot took a drink from his bottle of beer, and shook his head.
"You should never be ashamed of your heritage, especially when you are of saiya-jinn blood. He slipped back into his native tongue, he was much more confident when he spoke that way; he knew his Basic was terrible. "What's so wrong with being of the great Saiya-jinn race? Nothing."

Plo Koon
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:41:59 PM
Plo changed his voice and spoke in the Saiya-Jinn tougne

"He is very proud of his origens...He just hasnt met alot of people of his own race"

Koon talked back in his normal voice

"If you truely wish to seek him out...Search for the one called Straffe Stormrider. Tell him Plo Koon sent you"

Plo shifted in his seat as he knew these were one of those Saiya-Jinn hotheads who care for nothing but their pride. He admired them though, because they always seemed to press on

Daes Pilot
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:50:19 PM
"Maybe he should be the one seeking then. My Mistress Daetana is of the same race, and I'm sure she'd like to meet this...Straffe Stormrider.

He took another drink, wiping his mouth on his arm. "Although, I would suggest waiting a bit before you send him to seek her out, she's not in the best mood today. Partly my fault." He laughed a bit, reaching down to pick what was left of his breakfast from his pant leg.

Plo Koon
Dec 29th, 2002, 12:30:51 PM
"Well...You should know that he is part of the Royal Saiya-Jinn family. But he isnt all stuck up about it though"

Koon took a sip of his drink. He pondered about who this "Daetana" was

Daes Pilot
Dec 29th, 2002, 06:21:22 PM
"Royal family, huh? Of which clan? Miss Dae is also of noble blood, leader of the Jinn ruled clan. Hmmm, maybe she should meet this other saiya-jinn. Unless of course, he's a Jedi. I don't think she'd approve." He winked at Plo, and finished up his beer before ordering another.

Plo Koon
Dec 29th, 2002, 06:30:21 PM
Koon chuckled slightly

"I am afraid she might not like him then...He is a Jedi. I am not quite sure what clan he is part of though"