View Full Version : Missed Turns (Ket)

Duncan B. Moore
Dec 26th, 2002, 08:32:05 PM

Bradley Moore drummed his fingers on the side of his seat. He was in a place that he'd never expected to find himself in, not while a minor at least. Nevertheless, he was in a Sith's ship. And he was departing from a Jedi bar. It had been an interesting evening, an interesting day in fact. As he stared out the viewport silently, Brad identified his street up ahead and nodded at it.

"Yeah, just take a right here..."

His head turned to look back at the street as they passed it. Grinning nervously, Brad nodded and faced forward again.

"Or we can take the next one. Here, take a right.... Here.... Uh, right here, here.... And we missed that one too."

He looked at Ket, still grinning uncertainly.

"Y'know, if uh, I'm out past two the landlord doesn't let me in. So I have to get home. And you just passed the way there. Twice."

He raised his eyebrows, waiting for a response. When none came Brad waved.

"Yeah, hi! We're nowhere near my street and that's intentional isn't it?"

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 27th, 2002, 04:06:12 AM
Ket chuckled lightly as the ship began to rocket upward throught he ionosphere of the planet and into the void of space. Ket hit the auto pilot and tapped in the code for voice command only. His chair turned slowly, and he looked to Brad...always a-grinnin'.

"Let me ask you something, my young friend...What is it you want to do with your life?"

Duncan B. Moore
Dec 28th, 2002, 01:56:21 AM
Brad paused, a bit taken aback. He'd only told Sheldonand in fact, Sheldon had been the only one to ask before now.

"Well uh..."

Brad sat back in his seat. His eys sparkled and he scratched the side of his head, unable to find anything else for his hands to do.

"I was thinking of entering the felony business. Wanted to be a criminal. Thought it might be worthwhile."

For a moment he wondered why he was telling Ket this and was about to voice his thoughs when instead the young man jerked out of his seat with a yelp of surprise. Smiling sheepishly he pulled a comm unit from his pocket.

"Heh, it's on vibrate."

He checked the number and groaned before answering it.

"Duncan? Duncan?"

Brad said nothing.

DUNCAN! Oh for... Bradley!"

"Oh, hey... Ma."

"Shutup and listen. I need you to go to my closet an' bring me my red costume."

Brad swore under his breath.

"I can't Ma. I'm out with... someone."

"You out with Joey?"


"'Cause if you out with Joey an' I gotta come getchu, come bail you out agin..."

"Ma! It's not Joey!"

There was silence on the other end and then,

"Lemme talk to whoevah you out with."




"Bradley you bettah give the damn comm to whoevah you out with or I gonna burn all your records!"

Brad took a deep breath and hel it, mumbling angrily to himself. Clenching his fist around the unit until his knuckles were white he held it out to Ket.

"Don't say anything about bars, Jedi or the fact that we're nowhere near my neighborhood unless you want me dead."

Which really would not have been difficult to understand.

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 28th, 2002, 02:24:43 AM
Ket grinned as he heard those words come out of young Bradley's mouth.

"Well my boy...perhaps I can be of some assitance to you in your quest for malicious felony..."

And then he heard the light buzzing of vibrations. Ket listened to the conversation and stifled a laugh. After all, it wouldn't be prudent at this juncture for him to laugh. And then Bradley shoved the Com to him. Ket took it and grinned lightly. Ket then changed his voice to sound respectable and actualy faked BEING respectable.

"Um, hello, ma'am. My name is Mike. I'm a friend of Brad's from an aracade a few towns over...uh huh...oh, ok...no problem, I'll have him home in about a half hour. Yeah...i use my mother's speeder...right...yes, I have a job, but not enough saved for my own yet. Yes, she'll be home shortly....no problem, ma'am..."

Ket then winked and handed bradley the com back.

Duncan B. Moore
Dec 28th, 2002, 02:33:48 AM
Brad took the comm back and in an annoyed voice tried to end the coversation.

"There, see, it wasn't Joey! I gotta go Ma."

"Hold up Bradley I got a few things ta say. First off, I don't like this sneakin' out you be doin' all the time. My laudrey's pilin' up, what you think I got time to do all that stuff? I gotta bring home money so's you can eat! An' I don't wana hear you been in any bar neither--"

"Oh for Christ sake... You work in a bar! You take your clothes off in a bar! I've been in bars before Ma! Jesus... I gotta go Ma."

He switched the unit off, shaking his head before realizing what Ket had said earlier.

"Wait, what? You can help? How?"

Ket Van Derveld
Dec 28th, 2002, 10:29:18 AM
Ket laughed his <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> off after bradely shut the com off and sighed lightly. Oh, this was too funny...the boy's mother was a stripper! Oh force, that was funny. But enough fun and games. perhaps Ket ought get back to business. Using the singal of the com, he traced it back, then pulled up the owner information. got the address and programmed it into the navigational controls with a time frame of one half hour to arive after entry of coordinates. there, that takes care of that. Ket looked to Bradely and chuckled lightly.

"Well, the way I see it, you have 3 options...you take your chances and train yourself to be a thief, 2: I introduce you to a mercanary friend of mine who would train you in the ways of villany and thievery...or thirdly...You take the route less traveled...learn what it means to be a Sith. I sense much of the dark side in you, young Bradley. You have evils inside you which you cannot even begin to comprehend. The potential is, for lack of a better term...amazing."

Ket sat there and grinned as the ship began to redirect their course heading.