View Full Version : To those who have seen Band of Brothers...

Sanis Prent
Dec 26th, 2002, 02:20:15 PM
...who are your five favorite characters, and why?

I got into this discussion with my mom yesterday, since we've been watching it over the holidays. Its very interesting to see who each person finds more endearing, and why. For the most part, every person in that company has some excellent qualities about them, that seem to define aspects of certain people, and make them very easy to understand, and get to know. Makes the story a million times more personal and touching than almost any other movie I've seen.

Here are mine:

1. Lt. Buck Compton - He's a complete extrovert, and goes out of his way to make friends with the men he commands. Its much more than just a smile and a joke. He's got such a big heart, that he invests that in those he serves with. It makes it absolutely heartbreaking to see him in Foy, when Garnier and Toye get their legs blown off. There isn't much a medic can do for a broken heart. That part tears me up badly. If I ever have to serve in war, I'm afraid that I'll be all too like Buck, and that worries me more than the possibility of getting shot.

2. Cpt. Ronald Speirs - Complete opposite. To function as a soldier in war, he lives every day like its his last, and never contemplates the fact that he will live to see the end of the war. He's quiet, gets the job done, and is cold to the point of being outright disturbing. Of course, you can't help but take notice of a guy who's rumored to have passed out 20 smokes to 20 German POWs before mowing them down with a tommy gun.

3. Cpt. Lewis Nixon - I see alot of myself in this character. The way he likes the finer things in life, and always looks at things in that kind of light. He seems like he has it all so well together, but its just a thread's pull away from unravelling the whole thing.When he went on that jump with the 17th into Ramagen, that really got to me. That, and he's got good taste in whiskey, which is a plus.

4. Maj. Richard Winters - How can you not appreciate this guy? He's not a Quaker, but he makes it through the greatest war in the history of mankind, and does it vice free. Nary a drink or a smoke, in the constant face of death and annihilation. He's very quiet, introspective, and such a natural leader that it boggles the mind at times. His inner reflections after Normandy really stand in stark contrast to the war he is now in.

5. Pvt. George Luz - He absolutely made me crack up in times where I thought there was no way that I could laugh. That is often underestimated. Sometimes the best weapon you have is a sense of humor. Impersonating Major Horton during training exercises in England had me in hysterics.

Severen Morkonis
Dec 26th, 2002, 02:30:19 PM
Richard Winters
and Buck Compton

But overall everyone really because they all play there chars out so well...

Sanis Prent
Dec 26th, 2002, 02:34:05 PM
The only ones I don't like are Captain Sobel, Private Cobb, Lieutenant Dyke, and Lieutenant Shamus. I was indifferent to Lieutenant Jones.

Hrolthar Benatoer
Dec 26th, 2002, 02:41:10 PM
Pvt. Eugene "Doc" Roe is also a fav of mine..if not THE most fav because his story is pretty sad and in depth....