View Full Version : Full Metal Jacket... wait... blasters? oh, nevermind... (open challenge)

Ryft Uzzi
Dec 26th, 2002, 08:07:42 AM
The noise of his boots are slowly heard as he runs along the catwalk. He gets to a rail and jumps over it, luckily enough the 30 foot drop is stopped short when he catches hold of another cat rail only ten feet away. Ryft pulls himself up and takes a quick look around. It wasn't too dark, he could see into most of the corners of the hangar on Kessel. He could see the ship he was being payed to protect and he could see the door.
He had been told that the lamda class shuttle held some "spices" and a payload of weapons that class didn't apply to his knowledge. He had shrugged and said "ok, sounds like a job" and had been hired. He liked those kind of jobs and employers liked his ignorant attitude, they worked well together.
But back to Ryft, he stood on the catwalk, observing the ship. The theatrics before had been some stunt he'd dared himself to do about five minutes ago and he had gotten the momentary thrill out of it. But back to the job, he drew his pistol in a flash and spun it around his finger. He watched the barrel swing around before he quickly placed it back in the holster in one fluid motion. He smiled and then turned his gaze to the door slowly. Something seemed to move, had the door opened?


Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 26th, 2002, 12:42:06 PM
Yellow eyes had watched from the dark as the stranger performed his little stunt; yellow eyes that seemed to burn through the very dark that blanketed the body they belonged to. Muscles shifting, the body moved forward a little, causing a ripple of silver fur to roll over her frame.

Tail whipping left and right, the beast crouched low in the dark, observing as the stranger turned away to look at the door on the far end of the catwalk. Lips curling back in a grotesque smile, the animal bunched her muscles, waiting for that perfect moment...

The man spoke to thee door, and in that second the creature's energy was released, and she leapt forward in a surge of power. Paws hitting the metal grating with soft thuds, her yellow gaze remained locked on the stranger; her monochrome vision seeming to blur at the very peripherals, making it as though she was running through a tunnel. Mouth opening in a toothy maw, she lunged ahead, thundering down the catwalk at her intended victim.

With ears laid flat against her head, the beast; a silverbacked vornskr to be precise, lengthened her stride. AAnd then she leapt, massive paws raised to knock the man to the ground, their claws extended as she flew in a graceful arc at him.

Ryft Uzzi
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:18:00 AM
Ryft hadn't the slightest what had just knocked him down but he had heard some snarling and then saw this thing hit him and then he was hanging from the catwalk by one hand. His light armor he'd taken out of a thrift store was now in tatters and he hissed as he saw little dribbles of blood falling from a large scratch on his shoulder. His brows furrowed as his other hand took his pistol and lifted it above him, he fired off several green lances of light before pulling himself upwards.
He was face to face with a huge grey dog. He reached to his side and pulled out a high voltage stun baton that the security gaurd had given him when I'd taken on the job. This was the hard part, he guessed, when you faced the weird things you'd never seen before. He flipped the switch and the baton activated shedding a blue light across the room as the electromagnetic field was activated.
Okay, so the dog wasn't grey anymore, but a silver that reflected the shimmer of the baton. It didn't matter, He thought he had enough juice in this sucker to knock a rancor out and then take on a few wookies so this dog could take another chance on that how snarling thing, old Ryft had a chew toy that bit harder than its electric fence back at home.

"Here kitty kitty."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 27th, 2002, 09:54:44 PM
Kitty kitty? What's with this guy?

The vornskr stood stock still, staring at the stranger, head tilted as she studied him. His stun baton hummed through the silence of the hangar as she watched him carefully, golden eyes picking him apart with an intelligence never before seen in any sort of wild animal. And yet, the hair on her shoulders bristled as she watched him, his movements causing her to back off a little. In the bottom of her throat a growl rose.

Muscles bunching, she leapt suddenly, her toothy maw closing around the wrist of the hand that held the baton, shaking her neck violently.

Ryft Uzzi
Dec 29th, 2002, 04:34:01 PM
ooc- good catch!

Uzzi took the liberty to yell as the huge dog thing got him by the wrist and jerked it around. Ryft thought it was broken, the pain strong enough the he tried to back away and get his hand free. He only accomplished dropping the baton from his hand. But as he tried so hard to be the best he could, the gun was suddenly in its holster and his hand caught the baton. With no mercy for the thing, Ryft juiced it up to max voltage and beat the crap outta the thing's side. He didn't care what it was, not even a star destroyer coulda come outta that without a few scorch marks the size of his arm. And he guessed that was saying something.
Because he had been knocked against the wall after the electrical current had scorched his armor that he had been wearing. The teeth hadn't sunk through so the current hadn't been totally shared but that had been enough that he took the useless plate off the cloth and tossed it over the catwalk, the charred remains made a small clang noise as they hit the floor. Ryft observed his arm quickly, noting indents from the pressure and the fact that yes, his wrist had been pulled and his hair was missing on his forearm but that was the plus of wearing armor when playing with high voltage toys.

" What now? Flying monkeys? Look... whatever you are! I hope you're sentient cuz that shoulda taught you something about me. I don't care what planet you come from or for anyother reason you might pull on me, I blast you to Hell and back if you bite me again! That hurt!"

The baton was holstered and his blaster was in his hand now, intensity up so he'd blow a hole through it and the wall if it tried something else. He'd take the fact that his wrist was pulled, but not useless, it wasn't his gun hand so it was nothing to really worry about until he needed to switch hands again...

Sanis Prent
Dec 29th, 2002, 05:36:52 PM
OOC: Hitting her with the prod while she's biting down on you will cause the current to run into you as well.



(I stepped into the light at the center of the hangar, with shell gun in hand. One character in the scuffle, I didn't know. One...I did.)

What the hell's going on?

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 31st, 2002, 12:03:55 AM
The shock of the baton was enough to make her howl as he relentlessly pounded away at her sides, the merciless beating almost like nothing she'd experienced. Almost. Breaking away from the stranger, the vornskr rocked back, her paws scrambling beneath her bulk as she struggled with herself to stay upright. Silver pelt smoldering in the places he'd hit her, she fell to the metal grated floor, chest heaving as she did her best to overcome the pain lancing through her nerves. She smelled smoke; the power of his baton obviously up high enough to singe parts of her fur.

And then a voice; one she knew well. Sanis...

Heaving upwards once more, her movements ponderous and slow, she cast a yellow stare at Prent.

It was about time he showed up.

Ryft Uzzi
Dec 31st, 2002, 08:36:51 AM
Ryft turned to the newcomer and his gun leveled on the man as he backed away from the big burning dog. His wrist was stinging but he knew it wasn't just from a shock. He was just trying to do his job and these people were showing up, but did the guy own the dog? Guess not, he asked what was going on didn't he? The dog had looked at him when he had arrived. Hopefully they weren't together. Uzzi wasn't here to fight, just guard things.

"This thing attacked me, that's what's going on! You wanna help me lug this thing off to the pound or what? It's not everyday you get hired and a huge dog attacks you outta nowhere! And then I went and scrapped a piece of my quality armor. Dang it."

Ryft went back to the situation at hand and his gun flicked back up to the newcomer.

"What do you want?"

Sanis Prent
Dec 31st, 2002, 02:40:13 PM
(I leveled my shell gun at the "guard")

You...put your gun down. Exactly who the hell hired you?

(I glanced to S'Ilancy)



Ryft Uzzi
Jan 1st, 2003, 03:10:23 PM
Ryft withdrew his liscense and permit saying he was here on the owner's behalf and was was being paid to watch over the wellbeing and the cargo of the ship. He wasn't about to take orders from some guy who shows up and starts giving a large dog commands either, that made you a little suspicious if the guy had anything to do with it.

"Right back at you buddy! I got credentials, where's yours? My gun ain't goin down till you do alright? I mean, what do you expect me to do? I was hired by the owner of this ship to protect the cargo. Unless you got id and a few other things to show me, I suggest you leave. And take the dog with you man. This ain't no joy ride and I have no reason to listen to you.

Ryft's hand went down to his belt and he quickly palmed a round object off his belt and into his hand. Slug throwers and shell weapons weren't the most preffered weapons in the galaxy but they left no ionization trail and explosives were always a nice thing to fire off into something that wouldn't want to be put back together. Ryft had learned a while ago to carry a mag projector, the guy could try with his gun but he'd be disappointed when the bullet didn't even leave his barrel and then cracked in his face.
But Uzzi didn't want to jump the gun here, the man deserved a chance ot explain himself before anything happened.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 1st, 2003, 03:14:12 PM
She inwardly sighed. The things I do...

And with a whurffle, the vornskr obediantly sat, her tail gently swinging back and forth as she let her gaze shift between both Prent and the stranger. Yellow eyes blinked, and her chest expanded as she sucked in a breath, only to let it out in a grumbled growl-like moan.

Sanis Prent
Jan 2nd, 2003, 11:26:33 AM
You've got to be kidding me. Were you born yesterday? This is my hangar. Furthermore...my planet. Whoever hired you has about as much sense as you, because I'm pretty sure I have other people to take care of security.

(I slid the sleeve back of my right arm, and spoke into a wristcomm)

This is Prent. Alpha team to Hangar seven.

Ryft Uzzi
Jan 3rd, 2003, 03:52:29 PM
ooc- hand scratching the back of his head, "sorry Prent, break has got me shot on the memory fritz and I wasn't aware you had ownership of kessel, but this'll be funny... I guess

This guy was crazy. Thatw as the only thing Ryft could think up. He was on Kessel right now and that was where he had been for the last two weeks. He'd taken several different jobs since then and this was his latest. As for this being the guy's hangar... That couldn't have been true either. The guy who had given Ryft the job and taken him onboard the ship and shown him the box holding the cargo. What was this guy talking about?!
Ryft leveled his gun and kept it aimed at the man.

" Shove alpha team or any of that crap. I have no idea what you're talking about! And the penalty of trespassing here is to be reported to the local authorites but if you wanna keep that gun at me, I got rights to blow your head off. Now shove along and take your dog with you, seriously. I don't have crap to play games Prent or whatever your name is!"

Sanis Prent
Jan 3rd, 2003, 06:06:36 PM
OOC: Your opening post says Kessel...which is owned by Prent Enterprises, Inc. I'll post here later, I gotta go somewhere now though.


I am the local authorities.

(I tapped a small device at my belt, keeping my weapon on the man)

Sanis Prent, Baron Administrator of Kessel. And since all security matters have to be cleared with either myself, my staff, or my security force, then the only tresspassers here are you two. I really don't care who you're working for. They've screwed you over, kid.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 4th, 2003, 10:32:09 PM
The vornskr snorted, and rising to her paws, she stalked towards Uzzi, her movements smooth as she strode lazily past him. Her head canted up and to the side as she passed, giving him a cold, yellow stare as if to say 'you're lucky Prent showed up.'

And then her pace picked up as she jogged easily to where Prent stood.

Ryft Uzzi
Jan 5th, 2003, 05:37:51 PM
Ryft gives the dog its own glare back. He had almost felt stared down there for a second. Even though he was the taller of the pair, he'd only known women to stare him down and he was used to it by now. The stare was too real for his liking... weird dog things was the only thing Ryft could mutter under his breath as he looked up to Prent for a minute. He dropped his gun and sighed.
A good con would've been more elaborate if thats what it would've been but Ryft had to give in. If it was the truth he would be screwed with planetary officails for quite some time and he had no want of or need of that. He ook his pistol and flipped it about out of habit and letting it slide easily into the holster. He put a hand behind his head and scratched his neck for a second.

"well... uhhhh... I guess I've been screwed. Heh, I'll be on my way then it would seem. My ships in a hangar not but a few blocks over and I got a meeting with a spice- I mean contract bussiness in a bar a little ways out and then I'm through. uhhhh..."

He'd almost let that smuggling deal slip there but he was gonna se if the guy was just gonna let him walk away from the flonder or if the government "baron" deal was gonna screw him too. He'd wasted time on this and he wouldn't end up with the thousand credits the creep owed him now...

Sanis Prent
Jan 10th, 2003, 12:22:23 AM
Hang on a second...I'd like to talk about this employer of yours.

(Something wasn't adding up. Why somebody would post a private guard in one of the company hangars didn't make any sense.)

Got a name? I have a lot of clients, but I haven't heard a word about something like this going on.