View Full Version : A Bar that I'd like to buy sometime. (open)

Ryft Uzzi
Dec 26th, 2002, 01:11:47 AM
He sits in the music filled bar and watch as Twilek women table dance and human females wait tables. This was his kind of bar and he was tired of the endless hyperspace that had been before him for hours. He idly looked around, his own musings running through his head as he watched a waitress walk by. His hand slowly went to his pistol and ran along the trigger before returning back to the table. It was a habit of his just to make sure his gun was there, even if he didn't need it. After all his merc work, he loved his gun about as much as he loved a woman.

Kaytor Surna
Dec 26th, 2002, 01:20:41 AM
A cloaked figure steps into the bar and glanced around. The figure brought a gloved hand up to its hood and pulled it back. Blondish brown hair fell down around her shoulders as her deep green eyes looked around. She slowly made her way over to a shadowed booth.

She took another glance around the room. Her eyes rested on a human male. He looked slightly tense as his hand drifted towards his pistol. She shook her head slightly at this.

"Humans. Always worried about something happening."

She muttered to herself.

Ryft Uzzi
Dec 26th, 2002, 01:26:04 AM
His eyes trailed to the person who just entered. The figure was cloaked so he couldn't pick up anything until the person drew back their hood. His eyes opened slightly to see a woman underneath it all and an attractive one at that. He watched her head over to a booth near the back and all he could see was her green eyes reflecting as they turned to him for a moment and then looked away.
He smiled as he pushed off the bar and headed to the booth. He got a few paces away before catching her attention with a gesture,

"Mind if I sit down?"

Kaytor Surna
Dec 26th, 2002, 01:30:31 AM
Despite what he thought, she had sensed him coming long before he had gestured towards her. When he got up to her and asked to take the seat she simply nodded towards the seat across from her.

"It's a free universe for the most part, human."

She leaned slightly back in her seat and looked over the bar again. Nothing truely took her intrest so she looked back to the man seated across from her.

Ryft Uzzi
Dec 26th, 2002, 01:35:34 AM
He took a seat with another smug smile. He nodded to the woman and almost laughed at her statement. Everything he'd done had a price so far. Nothing was free. He watched her eyes travel elsewhere then back to him. He shrugged and tilted his head,

"Sorry, I usually pay for that kinda thing, no freebies, even if it was an offer. And I gotta name... human. Its Ryft, Ryft Uzzi."

He points to a name branded on his pistol that says "Ryft Uzzi."

Kaytor Surna
Dec 26th, 2002, 01:42:10 AM
Her eyes opened a bit more and a small smirk came to her lips when he called her a human.

"Well then, Ryft Uzzi, why jump to conclusions and say I am a human? After all, looks are deseiving. And I too have a name. Kaytor Surna."

Her eyes barely glanced at the pistol. It was not of her concern. He seemed like nothing more than another mercenary or bounty hunter.

Ryft Uzzi
Dec 26th, 2002, 01:45:00 AM
At least he had gotten her name. Usually he didn't even catch that... He smiled again and nodded. Maybe he was wrong, he didn't know of many races that looke human but weren't,

" Pardon me if I'm mistaken then Kaytor. You're probably right, maybe I have mistaken you for an attractive human female, my fault."

Kaytor Surna
Dec 26th, 2002, 01:54:04 AM
"An easy mistake to make. Many like you have made that mistake. Soon after, they found themselfs drained of their blood, laying in an ally.

"You belive in vampyres, do you not, Ryft?"

Kaytor had no worries about him mistaking her for a normal human. She had just fed so her skin was warm and not pale at the moment.

Ryft Uzzi
Dec 26th, 2002, 01:57:17 AM
"uhhhhh... I'd have to say that I've never seen one and no one else I've talked to has but I guess they exist. I mean, their are bounties for vamps all the time, but I hear they are either goose chases or a way into trouble. As for leavin' people high and dry, it happens I guess."

He was a bit confused but he guessed he was making it out alright. If she did suck blood, she hadn't gotten him yet.

Kaytor Surna
Dec 26th, 2002, 02:09:00 AM
She shruged and leaned back.

"Well, you can take one thing off your list. You have now seen, and talked with atleast one vampyre now."

She grined, showing her slightly longer and sharper canines. She then smirked, hiding her fangs again.

"You do not need to fear on me feeding on you. I have already fed for the night. It would be waisted blood if I drank from another."

Ryft Uzzi
Dec 26th, 2002, 02:13:49 AM
He shrugged with a nervous smile on his face. His grey eyes not showing too much worry because they filled with a lot of blind luck.

"Eh, too bad that I guess. But thanks, I'll be sure to mark the beautiful vamp sighting off the scavenger hunt list, alright?"

Kaytor Surna
Dec 26th, 2002, 02:20:13 AM
Kaytor laughed slightly.

"Intresting sense of humor for a human. I've never really met anyone able to make me laugh like that."

Her eyes drifted around the room once more. So many humans that never know the troubles of the universe. She then looked back to this Ryft.

"So what brings you here? Buisness or pleasure?"

Ryft Uzzi
Dec 26th, 2002, 02:22:38 AM
"My pleasure is my business and likewise. And it is a pleasure to see someone as beautiful as you laugh. And what about you?"

Ryft was being bold and taking his chances, he knew his luck went so far before he got slapped or something worse...

Kaytor Surna
Dec 26th, 2002, 02:29:12 AM
She shruged lightly before answering him.

"I am a wanderer. I drift between planets spending a few days here, a week there. Never enough time to make myself known. There are people that are not to happy about me being... 'alive' so to speek."

She was refering to the hunters. She knew that they were out there and that they were not happy about her and her kind. Dios, a jedi hunter, was one. Another named Aeris, a flower girl and a hunter. There were many.

Ryft Uzzi
Dec 26th, 2002, 02:32:05 AM
"Wanderer huh? Sounds fun but at the same time lonely. But I don't see why anyone wouldn't want you uhhh... alive. I mean, the looks, the eyes, all to waste!"

He slightly laughed. He noticed he was going a little too overboard then he usually did, why?

Kaytor Surna
Dec 26th, 2002, 02:39:01 AM
Kaytor smiled and gave him an odd look. She knew what he was doing... poorly. She found it intertaining if not sweet.

"Well many would disagree with you."

She shruged lightly once more.

"Yes, being a drifter or a wanderer does get lonely... then again the life of a vampyre is a lonely one. Unless you join in groups with those of your kind, you find very little comfort. Even in those groups its hard to find friends."

Ryft Uzzi
Dec 26th, 2002, 07:54:24 AM
He put his hands before her and smiled.

"Hey, I'm every woman's friend. You ever need me, I'll be in some bar, its not too hard to find me. Anything I can do to help?"

He really needed to know if he was going somewhere here cuz if not he had about 30 credits in his pocket and they were burning a hole in his pocket. And he needed to probably get a job soon too. 30 credits weren't all he had but he still was running low...

Kaytor Surna
Dec 27th, 2002, 02:36:17 AM
Kaytor smiled lightly at him.

"I'll be fine. This is the way of the vampires. We live to be loners. Few understand us."

Her eyes once again drift across the bar. This time more slowly and saddly then before. She wasnt sure why she talked to this man like this. She had never even talked to Tomak this way. She shook off the feeling.

"So what of your life? I have told you the basics of mine."

Ryft Uzzi
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:09:49 AM
"MY life... uhhh, I guess, compared to your uhhh never ending life, mine's pretty small in comparison. But like I said before, my pleasure is my business and likewise, I do what I fell like doin I guess. It doesn't go much farther than that, I try to keep it simple with beautiful women such as yourself and guns, whereas both require money so I lose money to the women and gain money with my guns. Hehe. Those would be the basics."

That was his life story in a nut shell. Nothing more and nothing less, at least, as far as he knew. He could only remember back to his childhood, there wasn't much there but a mechanic's assistant on a cargo ship but that was about it before he got set loose at the age of sixteen when he ran a swoop bike into a bar. He smiled at the memory and then pulled his hand away as it had absent mindedly went to his blastech pistol. He looked back up to Kaytor and into the green globes that sweeped across the room. Just looking at her made him feel lonely.

Kaytor Surna
Dec 28th, 2002, 11:02:41 PM
Kaytor's eyes suddenly shot to the door and looked outside. Her eyes then darted to a clock on the wall. It was time for her to go. The sun would awake in an hour or so. Barely enough time to find shelter.

"I fear I must go for now, milord Ryft. My time around here is up."

She rose from her seat and nodded to him.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Ryft. Perhaps we shall meet again."

She pulled her hood over her head. With one last glance at this human, she turned and walked away from the bar.

Ryft Uzzi
Dec 29th, 2002, 04:39:01 PM
What? Milord?! Where did that come from. Ryft gave a huge grin then was about to say something when she got up and said she had to leave. What? But it was only an hour before the rooster calls? Oh right, the whole vamp thing and sleeping. Couldn't she just get on a ship and go elsewhere? Did they get tired? Ryft didn't know but he wasn't going to let this slip up. His modified freighter had more than enough room...

"Hey! Kaytor! Uhhh... you probably got a coffin or something somewhere or something like that but uhh... what about my ship? I'm moving out soon and you say you wander. Well I meander and I wouldn't mind a wanderer!"

Ryft had caught up to her by now and he was walking nexxt to her as he spoke. He was having to walk quickly because her strides didn't seem to have a pause. Well, if she said yes, at least she'd make it to the ship fast enough.