View Full Version : Anakins Power

Heero Luna
Dec 22nd, 2002, 05:13:52 PM
The duelling disappointment.

I’ll get to the point. The more I watch of the duel at the end of AOTC, the more disappointed I become.

For starters, Obi Wan looks like a pussycat. We’re all lead up to thinking he’s a bad boy after watching him in full swing in TFM, then Dooku takes the piss outta him.

Then Anakin takes over. What a moment! He uses to sabers! now we’re gonna see why the boy is so special, And to start with it looks great. But then its over, No sweat for the great Dooku.

I’m not gonna moan about the Yoda bit, cause it rocked, but my point is, The whole duel should have lasted a good 5 minutes longer, if not more. Obi should have put up a better fight. Still been beaten, but without looking so outclassed. Then Anakin should have really pushed Dooku. We should have seen more of his ability, and we should have seen Dooku struggling for a bit, then eventually getting the better of Anakin due to his experience, maybe a force push or something faltering the Padawans guard, then the arm could go.

What do ya think?

Dec 25th, 2002, 11:17:04 PM
Continued here: Anakins Power (showthread.php?s=&threadid=26061)