View Full Version : My own....my prrrrecioussss.....

Sanis Prent
Dec 25th, 2002, 12:48:40 PM
NVIDIA GeForce 4200 Ti 128 DDR

Hot damn, my parents are a lot smarter than I give them credit for. I was totally fooled on this one

Now, just gotta figure out how to install the sucker

Also got a DVD player, completely out of the blue! Also gotta figure out how to use it.

My sister got me probably the best present of all. Band of Brothers Soundtrack. As I speak, tears are rolling down my face as I listen to it.

Other notables:

We Were Soldiers DVD
Lilo and Stitch DVD
Alabama Jumpsuit
Zebra Boxers
Penguin Boxers
Pajama pants
Red flannel Gap shirt
Slip-on Timberlands
leopard print boxers, with towels and bathcloths to match (REOW!)
A 25 pound World War 2 anthology picture album. (Its a tome, freakin enormous)
Computer vacuum
Star Wars Calendar
Maskerade, by Terry Pratchett
Salsa bowl
Spotlight with cigarette adapter
Rice cooker
Book about FDR's covert ops
New Bible
Hot Sauce
Coca Cola Shot glass
Fruit slice candy
Giant hershey bar
Cow tail candy
Orange Tic Tacs
Push pop
Mardi Gras beads, complete with 75 bucks for my upcoming trip

Not bad at all, if I must say myself.

Riley Chambers
Dec 25th, 2002, 01:40:15 PM
I only got an art set(cheapo one), a blender, a small crock pot, and a cook book. Also some money from my sister($30), but not til Saturday. I think the only thing I was really excited about is the art set. :\

Emily Rochette
Dec 25th, 2002, 01:52:17 PM
I got fun stuff.. ^^

Cargo Zip Flares (black)
Belt with piramid spikes
Purple AfroKen Tee-shirt (^^!!)
Plaid Bondage Pants (Not what it seems)
Lucky 13 Skull-And-Cross Bone pants
Two fancy-ish black tops
Cabbie Hat
Pink velvet PJ pants with kitties on them
The Sims: Unleashed
"Floppy" velvet hat
Tinkerbell Hoodie
$25 check
$50 Hot Topic gift certificate
Furry Hoodie..thing
Nifty new bed sheets


Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 25th, 2002, 02:00:57 PM
My list = good.

Firstly, and prolly the coolest thing ever, We've got that Nor-eastern type deal going on. At least 6 inches of the white stuff on the ground and more coming. *loves snow*

DVD player
Dumb and Dumber dvd
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged ME dvd
Austin Powers: Goldmember dvd
Toy Story dvd
Black Hawk Down dvd
3 Doors Down cd - Away From the Sun (also came with a dvd of features and stuff)
a pair of windpants, maroon with a black stripe down the legs
a work shirt and some work socks
some nike shirtys and a nice pull over polo type shirt
and a tool kit, with lots of junk.


Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 25th, 2002, 02:06:12 PM
Maskerade, by Terry Pratchett


I got:

- £75.
- A Rubix cube, with useless tips book.
- A balloon animal kit.
- A KoRn ‘Issues’ Doll.
- The Simpsons ‘Royale’ comic.
- Jackie Chan’s ‘I am Jackie Chan’ book.
- A hamster in karate uniform that sings ‘Kung-Fu fighting’.
- ‘Toe socks’, gloves for your feet (with a separate slot for each toe).
- Numerous sets of underwear and bra sets, most of which don’t fit.
- Array of pyjamas in various sizes and cute designs.
- Unbelievably soft dressing gown, complete with hood.
- ‘Certificate’ entitling me to the use of my mothers’ credit car on the Hot-Topic online shop.
- A suspiciously large amount of orange flavoured chocolates, along with a whole host of other sweets that, by January, will somehow have disappeared without me eating a single one.

- Disturbed – Believe
- Tenacious D – Tenacious D
- Sum 41 – Does This Look Infected?

<u> DVDs.</u>
- Queen of the Damned
- Attack of the Clones
- Carrie

... so far :D I got loads of little bath stuffs too, of course

Sanis Prent
Dec 25th, 2002, 02:07:54 PM
A hamster in karate uniform that sings ‘Kung-Fu fighting’.

Thats seriously old hat, but funny :)

I'm also returning 2 gifts that I already had, and got duplicates of:
Carpe Jugulum, by Terry Pratchett
AotC on DVD

Riley Chambers
Dec 25th, 2002, 02:08:39 PM
Yikes, you guys are loaded. o.O

Vega Van-Derveld
Dec 25th, 2002, 02:16:02 PM
I got the hamster from my grandma, who looked like she was going to split her sides laughing at it :lol I think maybe she had been drinking too much mulled wine :)

Leeloo Mina
Dec 25th, 2002, 02:36:17 PM
I'm in FL, so that was a great Christmas prsent.. ^_^;

But other than that I got a lain doll and something I haven't opened yet.. feels like a t-shirt.

I spent like.. too much money when I was in miami, though. So even though I bought the stff, it counts as christmas presents!

- Back to the future DVD boxed set
- Smashing Pumpkins - Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness CD
- JTHM Director's Cut(Yaaaay! Something that's impossible to buy in Springfield!)

Jehova Eaven
Dec 25th, 2002, 03:22:01 PM
JTHM? Journey Through Ham Mountain?

Leeloo Mina
Dec 25th, 2002, 03:59:54 PM
Johnny The Homicidal Maniac.. Sorry, I should have typed it all out :p

Zasz Grimm
Dec 25th, 2002, 04:16:33 PM
An Electric Razor (Praise God.)
2 watches, picked em out and my mom got em.
A lot of clothes
A dartboard
a 144 CD holder.

And that's it. Oh, and a Guitar and laptop, but those were birthday / christmas so my parents say.

However, have yet to get my brothers gift, so I can't really complete the list.

Eve Siren
Dec 25th, 2002, 04:22:34 PM
Damn, all of you have long lists. ;____;

I got the Dark Angel PS2 game, an MP3 player, Paul Frank slippers and a stuffed bunny. X_x;

Dec 25th, 2002, 05:24:25 PM
I got

Star Wars Trilogy pack
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for PS2
A watch which is both a watch AND a remote control! THAT PWNZ!!
A sweater (o_O)
A mini gum ball machine! w00t

Maybe I forgot a few, but thats most of it

Dec 25th, 2002, 06:38:38 PM
I have that Hamster :)

My presents are strange, as I dont actually have them all yet. Dont know when wave two will happen :)

Vinny Red
Dec 25th, 2002, 07:50:38 PM
I made out alright...

I got me some new heads for my drums
star wars and spiderman dvd's
mp3 discman dealy thingy
some bonds :-D
some thigns for my car :) (not rims though, damnit)
a pretty sweet Homer poster

as always the clothes but i'm disappointed - no funky fun boxers. just plain. i'm so upset. where ar the snoopy ones???? or the infamous killer bunnies? i didn't even get reindeer ones this year!! terrible! who wears regular boxers/boxer briefs anymore?!?! hehe

and the best of all..... AN ELECTRIC SPIDERMAN TOOTHBRUSH!!

i'm such a kid sometimes....

and for any canucks out there....did i mention that I'm going to see the World Juniors this weekend?? Canada vs Czech...i can't wait!!

:D :crack :smokin

Severen Morkonis
Dec 25th, 2002, 08:58:25 PM
I got:

£50 worth of Virgin Tickets (of which i will ether buy some CDs or a couple of vidio games

MOH: Spearhead (2 weeks early)

and i bought myself (O_o...yeah) New pair of jeans and a new "Jarhan" Hoodie...

Not a very good X-Mas but my family are all split up and dont give two hoots about eatchother so what can ya do?..lol

Sean Piett
Dec 25th, 2002, 09:31:17 PM
Various clothing
Juggling kit
The Great Saint Louis Bank Robbery (DVD)
New headphones
Lots of my favorite food
Napalm & Silly Putty by George Carlin (Held off forever on buying this, and ended up getting it free. w00t!)
Still a package from one of my grandma's in the mail.
Probably some other stuff.

Pilot Akito
Dec 25th, 2002, 10:50:37 PM


All I got was $125.00 in Gift Cards, some clothes, and a book on Greek Wars from my Uncle.

Did I miss the boat?

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 26th, 2002, 12:43:25 AM
tickets to first general public showings of TTT in Australia

Didnt notice anything else.

Except the remote control car. WHOAH!

Sejah Haversh
Dec 26th, 2002, 01:01:06 AM
Well, I sort of dropped off the board getting nothing remotely electronic this year.

- A down comforter and pillows (needed, for my room is COLD)
- New bedding set
- Two sweaters that don't fit
- And a ratcheting wrench set of 3/8 through 3/4 SAE sizes.

Oh, I guess I did get something electronic; I got the movie Collateral Damage on DVD from a co-worked at my job's gift exhange. I ahd his name, and I got him Ronin on DVD. Oh well, so it goes for saing I like cheesy action movies. And I got that kung-fu hamster last year from my brother. I love it.

Dec 26th, 2002, 01:34:53 AM
Let's see:

FOTR extended version dvd
Goldmember dvd
beading kit? (that's what I get for mentioning the guy on ebay who was selling an Inu-yasha beaded necklace and saying I could make that, gah, the things mum chooses to remember)
um, three shirts
sweatpants and sweatshirts
Office XP
um, two ugly rings from mum

basically other than dvds, nothing fun to mess with..and for some reason, FOTREV is the only dvd my stupid comp won't play...*growls*

Ryla Relvinian
Dec 26th, 2002, 02:35:11 PM
Well, our family isn't opening presents until the 4th (when we get back) but right now I'm in Maui. That's a pretty good christmas present. Mike, my BF, got me Sims Unleashed and his mom got me a really beautiful porcelain nightlight.

Miryan no Trunks
Dec 30th, 2002, 02:45:50 PM
Weeeeeee I go up now

FotR Extended Version
Saving Private Ryan
Enemy at the Gates
MiB 1&2

Games and such-
Metroid Prime
HP: Chamber of Secrets
Resident Evil 0
Aliens vs. Predator 2
Final Fantasy Tactics
DDR Konamix
2nd DDR home pad (modded and everyting now)

Wacom Tablet (now to figure out how to use it properly)
50-cdr spindle
Black "Don't forget to chew" hoodie (cute pic of a cat sitting beside an empty bir cage, with the shape of said bird sticking out on it's neck
A.. err.. neat shirt. It's.. black.. with a white stripe.......
Big Shiny Tunes 7 cd.
Assorted chocolates of happiness
Pewter Gimli figurine holding a crystal

Maybe other stuff I forget now. I dunno.

Having a large family can be beneficial ^-^

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 30th, 2002, 09:16:58 PM
I have a large family! :mad

I got...

$130 from parents and grandmother
two candles
a small photo album
$15 gift card to Target! and a tootsie pop
one small photo of my brother's daughter
Matchbox 20 CD

I bought myself a pair of stripey pants and Panic Room, Minority Report, Eight Legged Freaks and Kate and Leopold on DVD. Yay me!

Zasz Grimm
Dec 30th, 2002, 09:34:34 PM
And to update....I got from my brother the Extended FoTR and collectors set of Start Trek on DVD. All the new ones, that is.


Marcus Telcontar
Dec 30th, 2002, 09:35:44 PM
Kate and Leopold on DVD

Tll me you your kidding, please