View Full Version : Office space

Vinny Red
Dec 25th, 2002, 05:57:33 AM
mmm yeah, i'm going to haev to ask you to come in and work on christmas morning. So if you could just, yeah show up at 7 am, that would be terrific.

Heh. right. bah humbug to that. And yet 'm still the sucker who is here at work. The only one in my dept mind you. Why am i the only one? Because which business/corporations call in on Christmas to manage their accounts. Oh wait. none. why is that? BECAUSE IT'S CHRISTMAS. heh. no i'm not bitter at all. the only ONLY plus to this day is the double time and a half. But money isn't everything...

oh well.......at least i have new years off and some vacation time coming soon.......

ALmost time for that thing called a Road trip to get the hell out of dodge.

but they told me i woudln't have to move again, but now you're moving me andthat's my stapler i brought it in and i boguht it and it' smy red stapler why are you makign me move, i'm going to burn the place down..................

Sanis Prent
Dec 25th, 2002, 07:55:40 AM
Sorry you have to work on Christmas Day, man. Hope your work day goes by quick, so you can get to celebrating the holiday.

Vinny Red
Dec 25th, 2002, 07:57:27 AM
3 horus down, 2 to go, at least until my replacement comes in. Oh well better a young guy lke me work it, then someone with a family or small kids. that's how i look at it anyways....

Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 25th, 2002, 10:39:53 AM
Tis a good way to look at it, though.. still... yick. Beat the System!