View Full Version : What did you get for Christmas...

Dec 24th, 2002, 05:53:44 PM
or Hanukkah, Kwanza or any other holidady. I'm posting this a bit early so no one gets left out.

Simple, you open your presents and if there is any video game inside you post it here. Say if you like it or hate it or if you are hiding in your basement with the game tucked near your chest while you call it "my precious".

I'll start. As of now 7:49 PM the presents are under the tree, and there seem to be a few dvd's that could pass as games. But I highly doubt it. My mother says she wont buy a single game more, something about spending thousand of dollars on them since I was 4 year old, "your 19 yrs old, you buy your own games!" (nonsense!;)). Anyway I will surely get some cash from the grandfolks, which means I will buy Metroid Prime the day after Christmas!

One game for me!

Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 24th, 2002, 09:28:17 PM
My mom told me that games are too expensive and that I can buy my own. Bah!

But I've seen some dvd shapped ones, so I'll prolly get few of those.

Admiral Lebron
Dec 24th, 2002, 11:03:57 PM
I got for Hannukah:

Bounty Hunter for PS2
A Tuba Mouth Piece Case
A Mini RC
155 Dollars
A music Stand
SOCOM Navy Seals for PS2
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City for PS2
Destinay's Wat
John Williams Greatest Hits, '69-99
Eldar Scrolls III: Marrowind
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon
GeForce 4 MX-440 with the A/V adapter

And thats about it... I might get some x-mas gifts from my heathen friends sometime this week and I'll prolly post about them then.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 25th, 2002, 08:46:12 AM
I got a Radeon 9700 Pro (which my power supply doesn't have enough juice for, but I had an spare AT power supply, so it works just fine ^_^ )

And Battlefield 1942.

GeForce 4 MX.... x_x

Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 25th, 2002, 09:05:31 AM
I got nothing in the terms of game-age, which I expected.

Got clothes, DVD player, a tool kit, 5 or so DVD's and a cd. ^_^

Sanis Prent
Dec 25th, 2002, 10:57:36 PM
No games, unless you count America's Army, which came with my NVIDIA GeForce 4 4200 Ti 128 DDR WOOHOO!!!!

Dec 26th, 2002, 12:52:04 AM
In terms of games:
Clone Wars, Bounty Hunter, The Two Towers. :rollin
My brother got GTA3, but I imagine I'll be playing it more than him.

Jedi Master Carr
Dec 26th, 2002, 12:56:59 AM
I got TTT, and Bounty Hunter too, I will probably be getting Clone Wars for my Birthday next month.

Dec 26th, 2002, 01:05:25 AM
Just make sure you play it on Jedi Knight level to start. Padawan is far too easy, and I've only played it for about an hour in total so far. It is fun though. :)

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 26th, 2002, 11:52:42 AM
I got the following;

- Special Edition LOTR DVD
- Matrix DVD
- Phantom Menace DVD
- Attack of the Clones DVD
- Glory DVD
- Black Hawk Down VHS
- K-Swiss tennis shoes
- $200

Admiral Lebron
Dec 26th, 2002, 10:29:56 PM
I'm curious, why did you get five DVDs then a VHS? O_o

Dec 26th, 2002, 11:38:09 PM
I was asking myself the same thing...

My gifts:
-2nd Complete Season of the Simpsons
-SONY P51 Digital Camera
-Back to the Future Box Set(girlfriend's gift, she's the greatest)
-Moulin rouge on DVD
-SILVER R2D2!!! My local TRU had ran out, my aunt bought one for me, I love her!
-Black Hawk Down DVD!
-Clothes, lots of it. There are some ugly shirts that will be returned ASAP!

What I wanted that I did not get and will be spending the cash on:
-Metroid Prime for GC
-Stanley Kubrick Box Set.

Ro McCloud
Dec 27th, 2002, 03:44:06 PM

I gots....

-Gameboy Advanced: Inidgo Color.
-Megaman Battle Network 2: GBA
-Pots and Pans
-1 Pair of Jeans
-A cute black shirt
-Two Bras
-Rasberry Bubble Bath
-A Hersey's Chocolate bar
-A Homemade Necklace that says "Angel" on it.
-A Candle and a Pink little Clipboard
-Magic Zodiac 8-Ball
-$10 American and $40 Canadian

That's what I can remember.....:)

Dec 27th, 2002, 04:02:10 PM
Bounty Hunter
Jedi Starfighter

I've only played a bit of each. I got stuck on Bounty Hunter. Right after that bounty steals a speeder and takes off. On Starfighter I'm early in the game and playing at medium. I don't have the time or will to complete the game at Jedi. Now, if I can just get the boy away from his Scooby game I can get some work done. :D