View Full Version : Soft breaze.

Narmo Loonia
Dec 24th, 2002, 05:51:18 PM
A soft breeze blew through the recruitment center. The door to the outside stood open. Through the breaze was the sent of the forest and wild flowers.

Suddenly from the open door, a black wolf slowly pads into the room. It sniffs the air and looks carefully around itself. Its dark eyes shifted across the rooms and the shadows. It turned back to the door barked back to were it came.

A being in silver plate armor slowly steps into the room. Even though the armor looked as if it would be the noisiest thing in the world, not a sound was heard. The figure walked over to the wolf and knelt down beside it.

A bow lay on the figures back with a quiver of arrows beside it. A sword at its side. Both weapons of unique make of the elves.

The figure stood after patting the wolfs head and removed its helmet, revieling the face of a young female elf. Her dark blue, keen eyes searched the room for life. She then called out in the smooth tongue of the elves.

"Aaye, nilmo. Sina i mar of Jedi? Or ah I wanwa."

'Hail, friends. This the home of jedi? Or am I lost.'

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 26th, 2002, 04:15:35 AM
It was not often that someone would speak in such riddles. In Dasquian’s knowledge, there was only a handful alive who knew the complexities of the language he had been taught as a child, and among those even less who looked like Hallaer (the moniker his people gave themselves).

The Jedi Knight paced towards this new piece in his mental puzzle of his heritage and bowed lightly.

“Vedui', I am Dasquian Belargic, a Jedi Knight of this Order. How may I be of service, friend?”

It was always wise, Dasquian thought, to test the water when it came to those who spoke in foreign tongues.

Narmo Loonia
Dec 26th, 2002, 02:53:09 PM
She bowed to him.

"I am Narmo Loonia. A wood elven ranger. I have come in search of the jedi for training. The forest has taught me all it can and I still wish to further my knowledge." she said in a slight accented common.

As she spoke, she looked right into the taller elf's eyes so that he might know that she was speeking the truth. The closer look of her eyes showed small silver and gold spects to them, making them resemble the night sky.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 10th, 2003, 03:15:39 AM
“I see,” replied Dasquian with a slight smile.

“It is customary for new recruits to explain their reasons for wanting to train as a Jedi. Could you please elaborate on what these are for you personally?”

Narmo Loonia
Jan 11th, 2003, 04:31:32 PM
"I am a ranger of the wood. I strive for peace on all levels. This include the level between nature and technology and the peace between the good and the bad. I have also been able to find no others of my race but have heard that there are a few here, yourself included I supose."

Narmo gently pet the head of the black wolf beside her. The wolf took a few steps towards Dasquian and sniffed him a few times. It then nuzzled his hand with its nose.

Jan 11th, 2003, 07:41:49 PM
Dinaer hated acting like an animal. But it was necessary. He nuzzled Dasquien's hand and was about to lick it, when he changed his mind and resumed his place at his lover's feet.

He yawned and laid down on the floor and rested. He hoped that Narmo could learn how to break the curse by joining the Greater Jedi Order. They had tried so many things already.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 13th, 2003, 03:23:07 AM
Dasquian nodded somewhat, though he was a little unsure about his being of the same kind as the newcomer. None the less, her words spoke of only good intentions.

“Very well. You are formally welcomed into the ranks of the Jedi Order.”

The Knight smiled down at the dark wolf.

“Usually it takes a short while for a Master to be assigned to each new Padawan, so I would suggest you acquaint yourself with the Order grounds in the meantime… there are living quarters available to all members and Yogs Bar and Grill is on site to provide food as well as a good place to meet comrades.”