View Full Version : A child is lost(Faith,Anthony,Kwiet,Open)

Dec 24th, 2002, 02:48:23 PM
I smiled from atop the branches of a tree. The order looked so putrid from here. It always had, but now it really was. Teeming with the lightside. I smiled and chuckled a little. This was quite fun actually. I had a plan to get back at the order. Before I had left there was a new man. Anthony Scott, and he had a small child. Faith, I beleive her name was.

I jumped from the trees and activated my cloaking device. I slowly stepped into one of the windows of the living quarters. My senses were alert as I waited for someone to come and hit me from behind. I guess all the jedi were asleep. I slowly walked down the hallway and then I heard someone coming. I jumped to the ceiling and took hold. They came and went. I smiled, stupid jedi.

I ran down the hall quietly. I found the room that was marked as Anthony's. I figured he would be asleep. I took out a small lockpick and undid the door. I walked in slowly. I looked in each room heading for Faith's. I opened every door, and almost walked into Anthony's room. I finally found Faith asleep in her room. I uncloaked myself and placed a mask over her face. She could never be heard now, no matter how much she screamed. I shot a dart into her arm and she woke for a moment. The poison took control quickly though. I picked her up and placed a note on the bed.

Dear Anthony,

Your daughter is in my control now. So pretty. If you want her back then give me at least 10,000 credits, and a fight. I want to see if royalty lives up to everything it supposed too. If you want her back bring yourself and the money to the small village outside the mountains. There you will fight me, and then pay me. After that you will get your daughter back. But only if you meet my demands. You have three days. After that she gets dropped off the cliff.

Your friend,

I ran out of the house after that and saw a nice window. I leapt out of the window causing a large crash. I headed out of the forest, and for my base. When I arrived there I took Faith and put her in the room with Kwiet. He was about her age, so they could have some fun together. I then headed for my room and laid down. When I awoke about four hours later I knew she would be awake. I walked into Kwiets room and removed her mask. "Good morning Faith. Your daddy will be here to get you soon." I smiled and looked over to Kwiet, "Well son, you have a playmate for the next three days." Kwiets features had transformed from the innocent ones they were to a now demonic kind. He seemed stronger now. The fiend cells must have done that. He still acted like a child, but he was not afraid to hurt people.

It was all a test. Ansatsu would watch Kwiet, and sooner or later after some more training he would be as strong as Ansatsu. "Well then, if your daddy doesn't show up, then you will never see the light of day again." I smiled, "Unless you call the sunrise over the mountains light." I laughed insanely and headed for the kitchen. Kwiet was close behind me. "How about some training son?"

Faith Scott
Dec 24th, 2002, 03:14:29 PM
The little girl's eyes widened at the sight of the other child who she know knew was called Kwiet. Never before had she seen one her age, but the fierocity in his eyes alarmed the five-year-old. She scooted backwards until she sat against the wall, staring at Ansatsu and the little boy.

"Wh -- where's my daddy? He wouldn't have let you take me!"

She said innocently, having no idea what the evil man had done, nor that her life was in danger. Folding her arms across her knees, she pulled them tightly against her chest and rested her chin atop them. A few tears welled up behind her eyeslids and she could not fight them. They fell down her rosy cheeks one after the other and pooled at her chin.

"I wish my daddy was here now."

Her voice was a mere whisper for no one was listenening to her. Faith's heart was broken and she was so afraid yet she could do nothing. What did that man do to him? she wondered to herself before closing her eyes. She sat there and rocked herself back and forth for the comfort she was ever lacking.

Anthony Scott
Dec 24th, 2002, 03:32:43 PM
Anthony tossed and turned all through the night. Indeed, something was wrong. At one moment, he thought for sure he had heard something and nearly awoke from deep sleep because of it, but something turned his mind against it. Finally the dawn broke over the city of Coruscant and light flooded in through the windows of his Living Quarters. The Padawan sat up and stretched, then rubbed his tired eyes before swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. Setting his feet upon the cold floor, he rose up and looked about, expecting to see Faith up before himself. Shrugging with no sign of her, Anthony assumed his daughter still asleep so he headed for the refresher for a warm shower.

Nearly a half an hour had passed and he was finishing up his wet hair and adjusting his brown leather pants and white t-shirt. A hand with gel ran through his shoulder length brown hair. With satisfaction apparent in his smile, Anthony checked himself over in the mirror before shutting the light off and entering the living area of his quarters. A glance to the crono on the wall told him that it was about time for Faith to wake up, so the man walked into her room and then stopped in his tracks. There where his beloved little girl should be laying was nothing, save for a piece of paper atop the sheets of her tiny bed. His heart stopped in his chest and the man swallowed back the hard lump forming in his throat. Faith?! he thought to himself before rushing over to her bed and falling to the side of it upon his knees. He grasped the letter in his hands and read it over and over again.

"My -- little -- girl."

He chocked the words out as tears formed within his eyes. He fought them back but instead, inhaled three times deeply and then bowed his head to think. So many thoughts flooded his mind, but the first was finding a way to Faith. He was then reminded that he had no training, and so he was useless to her. I will surly die -- but it will not be in vain he thought once again and grit his teeth as he stuffed the paper into a pocket on his pants. Rushing out into the living area, the man checked over everything briefly before taking out through the door, forgetting to lock it behind him. His feet carried him with each swift step toward the spaceport just adjacent to the Jedi Temple. It seemed like an eternity before he got there, but alas, Anthony made it just in time to catch an outgoing transport. It seemed, when he punched in his destination, that only he sought to go to a village outside of the mountains. Everyone else was bound for extraplanetary regions. A sigh escaped the man's lips as he found an empty seat and collapsed upon it.

Though this was a time of trial, his face bore no visible signs that he was quite distraught over the situation. Anthony had a gift -- a gift like no other. He could step into a rioting crowd and bring them peace by just raising his hand to them. It was something told of in stories, but never seen -- until now, that is. He possessed a calm unlike any other -- a calm that kept his spirit serene even among tragedy and suffering. Through this all, he just kept talking to himself. Always in motion the future is. All things happen by will of the Force. We are at the mercy of the Force. Good shall prevail over evil -- and justice shall reign. he thought these things over and over again, believing every word of it. A silent sigh escaped his lips as he reclined and closed his eyes, relaxing in the knowledge that all would be well and soon, he and his daughter would be once again together.

Ceres Duvall
Dec 24th, 2002, 03:48:50 PM
During the night, Ceres too had her own share of tossing and turning. Usually, she slept flawlessly without kicking or tossing in her sleep. But tonight, something disturbed her. Her dreams were not the fond memories that she usually dreamt of, but instead the memories that she had tried so hard to keep from resurfacing. They were not her's. They were someone else's. And yet, something was different about this nightmare... In the dream, instead of her helplessly trying to struggle against the man that had stole her life away, it was another. Faith.

Ceres awoke, rather startled by the dream. Her heart tugged into the pit of her stomach, as if she felt that something was wrong. But being only a padawan, and not having done very much in training, she did not think too much into her instincts.

Just a dream...

She whispered to herself, closing her eyes.

A horrible, horrible dream.

She lay her head back down, struggling to fall back asleep. And still, her mind was filled with the same terrors, and of Faith.

When morning came, she felt drained even though she had slept the usual required eight hours. She even slept in past that, which was very unlike her. But she had felt more tired than she had before she went to bed. Why was that?

Even as she did her usual morning things, brushing her teeth and showering, she felt that same nagging feeling. What was wrong? Why did her heart feel like it was sinking?

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 25th, 2002, 07:32:34 PM
Little did Anthony know, someone like himself, another Jedi was sitting several seats down, back toward the corner of the transport. The eyes of this man, who was unknown to Anthony, rested upon him has he leaned back and rested for the remainder of the ride. The man's attire consisted of a leather trench coat, with a dark red button-up shirt underneath, a pair of black pants, and at last, some stylish sunglasses. Not exactly the beige robes the Jedi of old had wore, but he never had any complaints. A few people passing by recognized him from previous GNN reports or past newspaper articles, and he greeted them with a polite handshake and that bright smile across his face. He was always more than willing to take time and speak to someone, anyone.

It was none other than Ki Adi Kindo, Knight of the Greater Jedi Order. You would think he was going about his normal business that all the Jedi were up to, but a majority of what that took place in the day of a Jedi was anything but normal. He was there because he was trailing Anthony Scott. He had awoke earlier than usual this morning so that he could spend some time meditating, which he did for nearly two hours, and when he was finished with that and was heading for the Academy, he walked past several Jedi whom he knew very well, but one he didn't. This man caught all of his attention too, and not because they weren't well-versed, but because while they passed each other a vision flashed before his eyes, all happening in less than a few seconds.

Ki Adi stood completely still and held his head, almost as if he had a headache. It had caught him way off his guard, but he remembered most of what he saw. A tiny girl, one he couldn't identify, was taken from her home by someone who seemed to be covered in darkness. Though nothing in this vision was specific, something told him it involved this man he just walked past, so being overwhelmed with concern he followed Anthony, and here he was now.

Who this dark man was, he didn't know, but he wasn't about to ignore the Force, no matter how mysterious it got at times. Always, in all circumstances, trust the Force.

Dec 26th, 2002, 02:17:33 AM
I smiled and walked back into the room. I turned to the child, "Your daddy will be lucky to find you. Unless he brings me the ten-thousand credits and the fight I promised you will be dead. Along with your precious father. No doubt he went running to the jedi. Luckily, I am prepared. You see this forest is riddled with traps. Traps that even jedi masters might have trouble with. However, if they make it through all that then they will fight me." I thought to myself. The trip wires lay all over the forest. The kunai traps, the web traps, and my favorite, the laser traps. They were a last resort. If they made it past all that, then they would die for sure. I walked over to the girl, "So pretty. Your daddy must be very proud of you." I snarled, "But don't think you will get out of here without a scar my child." I took my finger and lightly traced it down her cheek. The small claws in my finger gently dug into her face creating a small cut. A small amount of blood trickled down. "Be prepared child. For these next few days your life will be a living hell." I laughed insanely and walked out of the room again. I slammed the door, and my son followed close behind. I walked outside and drew the Black Sun from it's scabbard. I looked around and slashed some trees down. I could feel their prescence. I could feel them coming, but I would be ready.

Anthony Scott
Dec 26th, 2002, 11:24:22 PM
As the journey to the village continued, Anthony suddenly got the feeling that someone was watching him. His brown eyes lifted from their fixed position and slowly went from face to face of the other passengers. After severl minutes of searching, they finally came to rest upon a figure in the upper corner. It was another man with a decent appearance staring right back at him. The Jedi Padawan fidgeted with uneasiness and attempted to look away but found himself unable. Something about the stranger was warm and comforting. A suggestion received from a Jedi Knight keyed in his mind and then Anthony closed his eyes and stretched out his senses toward the stranger. Good feelings came from him -- feelings of trust and friendship, perhaps a bit of curiosity. Opening his eyes, the Jedi set them back upon the man. Finally Anthony looked away, out the window to Ki's right, not allowing his eyes to look at the man again.

I hope he's not after me too.

The man thought and closed his eyes once again, drawing in a breath of air. Exhaling, he felt calm once again and focused on the serenity around him. All would be well, he knew it. Perhaps Oriadin was right about his daughter -- attachment was a bad thing, but he could go on living without her -- it would be difficult, but what if she had to go on living without him? Pushing the thoughts from his mind, he let his muscles relax once again. His mind calmed and he focused on the challenge set before him. Perhaps he would loose the fight, but in the end, he would get Faith back -- in more than one sense.

Ceres Duvall
Dec 27th, 2002, 12:07:12 AM
Ceres sighed as she exitted her room, hoping that Anthony was having a better morning than she was. She just couldn't stop feeling like something was wrong. Maybe the nightmare was just bothering her... She would probably feel the same way if Faith really was in danger.

When she came up to Anthony's door, she knocked only once, and the door strangely creaked open slightly. Anthony left his door open? And unlocked for that manner? Ceres thought that maybe it was a mistake and that he was probably inside getting Faith some breakfast.

Anthony? Are you here? I'm coming in, I hope you don't mind.

She walked inside, shutting the door behind her and continuing to talk.

Your door was wide open.

She stopped, looking around when no one answered. So he wasn't home, and neither was Faith. Was the open door an indication that he left in a hurry?

That sinking feeling she had nagged on, making her think the worst. But she didn't know what exactly was going on, and thought that maybe he was leaving or that maybe Faith was sick. Whatever it was, her first thought was to go to the spaceport, to make sure that he wasn't leaving. She had seen a few students leave before, and didn't want a good friend to. Hopefully she wasn't too late to find him.

Faith Scott
Dec 27th, 2002, 11:59:30 PM
Faith watched as Ansatsu brought his hand to rest upon her cheek. Suddenly sharp seering pain ripped through her little body as his claw dug into his precious skin. The girl did not fidget though, yet stared right into the Darksider's eyes. It was a secret he knew not of Faith nor Anthony, and he would not find it out either. Somehow, he would be unable to bring them down, no matter what he did. In the end, the satisfaction would belong to those of the Lightside. Faith's eyes followed Ansatsu out of the room and then the five-year-old placed her hand upon the wound, allowing the blood to transfer to her hand. The wound seemed to be healing then after she touched it. "The Healing Touch" as it was called by many searching for one possessing the power, resided within Anthony and his daughter. Still, they did not even realize it. Those they touched, including their own wounds, healed at remarkable speed, though. Sighing, Faith wiped the blood upon her clothes in an attempt to clean off her hand before she leaned against the wall once again and sighed. Suddenly an idea struck her and she rose to her feet and quietly walked to the door that Ansatsu had left. For being such a young child, she thought at a much higher level and had the idea of an escape. Smiling, Faith reached inside her pants pocket and found something she should not have had: a very tiny thermal detonator. Of course, to her it looked like a top and she threw it past Ansatsu into the next room. Suddenly as it landed, the bomb went off, exploding upon the table it landed on, sending shards of wood into the wall. Faith gaped in awe, but then quietly ran out and headed the opposite way. Her little feet carried her down two flights of stairs as she heard an array of 'bad words' sound from upstairs.


She simply stated with a quiet giggle before finding a very large door at the end of the stairs. Jumping several times, she finally reached the button she thought would open it, and it worked! The little girl quickly ran out of the 'fortress' and broke away at a five-year-old's sprint. She was fast and ran out of sight, only to be met by a large wooded area surrounding the home of Ansatsu. Shaking her head, the child ran away from the woods toward a small storage building where she banged on the door for it to open. Nothing happened until she saw a similar button to the one that had opened the door inside, and she jumped up and smashed her fist into it. Falling back down, Faith got up to her feet and ran through the door that was now closing. Inside she found weapons and other various yard tools. A pile of old gloves and rags looked comfortable enough, and so she carefully stepped over sharp utensils and other objects before reaching the soft pile of gloves, towels, and rags. Walking behind the pile, she dug into it a ways and then burrowed her body into the warmth that it held. She was not only warm, but also safe, unseen, and protected. Ansatsu would never find her there, so she would hide until she felt her father close. Soon she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, but her little ears kept her subconsciously alert.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 28th, 2002, 11:46:47 AM
Kindo knew Anthony had seen him and that he was keeping an eye on him. It didn't matter though. One or another they'd have to talk. He glanced at his side, checking to see if his saber hilt was clipped in place. Though he wasn't sure if he'd need it, he wasn't about to take any chances. He slowly closed his eyes and began meditating, focusing himself within the depths of the Force.

- Where are you off to? -

Those words were heard only within Anthony's mind, spoken in a subtle, yet unfamiliar voice.

Anthony Scott
Dec 28th, 2002, 12:05:59 PM
Anthony's eyes shot open as suddenly a voice entered his mind. He looked around only to see the man he was spying eariler was in some state of meditation. It was him, he thought to himself before closing his eyes and attempting to feel for that connection the man had with his mind. Yes indeed, Anthony new how to speak in one's mind -- but it was something he had not done for a long time.

I'm heading to a small village outside of Coruscant City -- to save my daughter.

He said softly inside of Ki's mind. Something told him that the stranger was not out to harm him. Rising up from his seat, the Padawan ventured forth toward the Jedi Knight -- then took a seat beside him.

"My name is Anthony Scott -- I am a Jedi Padawan and though for my lack of training, something tells me that you can be trusted."

Simply stated, was the truth that he felt. Oriadin had told him that he should begin trusting people based upon his senses, and so he did. Lowering his eyes, Anthony ran his hand through his shoulder length brown hair and relaxed once again.

Ceres Duvall
Dec 28th, 2002, 04:01:32 PM
Ceres hurried into the spaceport entrance and immediatly headed to the ticket area, praying that she was wrong about Anthony leaving. Maybe she was coming to conclusions too fast, maybe he just wanted to take little Faith on a vacation.

Excuse me?

The ticketmaster behind the counter looked up, not able to put a word in before Ceres asked her question immediatly.

Would you be able to tell me if a man named Anthony Scott bought a ticket today? He has a little girl, so maybe he bought one for her too.

The ticketmaster nodded then got to work searching on the datapad in front of him. After a few minutes, he shook his head and looked up at Ceres.

Ticketmaster: I'm sorry, Miss. But he left for Coruscant City. And from what i can tell, he went alone. Would you like to buy a ticket for the next transport out?

Yes, please.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 30th, 2002, 08:03:23 PM
Kindo extended his hand out towards Anthony in greeting as he grinned from ear to ear.

" Name's Ki Adi Kindo, Knight of the Greater Jedi Order, and you can always trust me. "

As the two shook hands, Ki's smile faded, as he grew completely solemn in response to the Padawan's answer to his question. It wasn't one he'd expected, rather, one he would've least wanted to hear.

Though great concern had swelled within him just from hearing about it, the Jedi Knight could only imagine what Anthony was going through. He must have had a peace like no other to keep calm like he was, to keep calm in the midst of so much pain and worry.

" Save your daughter... from whom? "

Anthony Scott
Dec 30th, 2002, 08:50:41 PM
Anthony shook his head and sighed to himself. The letter left upon Faith's bed rang in his mind once again as his eyes shifted to Ki once again.

"I don't know -- but he calls himself 'Satsa'. At least, that's how he signed the letter he left me. He needs ten thousand credits and a fight. It isn't the money I'm worried about -- it's the latter. I don't fight, Master Jedi. In fact -- it just isn't in my nature to be violent."

He shook his head and put his hands upon his neck, relaxing a bit more. Indeed, a great peace lived inside of this man's heart. It was something quite unusual for a person these days, but he was not a normal human being. In fact, he was not very human in nature at all. Everything about him was just strange. His eyes met those of Ki and gave off a pleading effect.

"Would you help me, please? I do not think I can do this alone -- not with the lack of training I have. All I can do is follow my instincts and my heart."

Ceres Duvall
Dec 30th, 2002, 08:54:28 PM
After getting her ticket, she went immediatly to the waiting area just outside of the landing bay that the transport would land. It wouldn't be here for about ten to thirty minutes, so she'd have to wait and wonder what was going on.

She closed her eyes, sighing as she recalled the disturbing dream and that nagging feeling that was still bothering her. Was it the force telling her that something wrong with Anthony's little girl? Or maybe it was just womanly intuition.

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 30th, 2002, 09:02:47 PM
Lion had sensed something from Kindo during his morning combat rituals, a mixture of amusement and curiosity. Lion's experience with Kindo told him something was amiss. He quickly gathered his longrifle and his saber from the bench and stuffed them inside a duffel bag. He sped out of the training room, moving purposefully toward his room. He threw himself into his room, and asked:

"Delphi, where is Kindo right now?"

Holoprojectors warmed overhead, and his ship's computer appeared, looking beautiful as always.

"What, no greeting, Lion?" she teased, surveying him.

Lion sighed. His computer was a work of art, replicating human emotions as closely as possible. Unfortunately, that meant that it also replicated EVERY human emoton...including sarcasm...

"Delphi, now ain't the time. Tell me where Kindo is, or I'll trade you in for a new C-series protocol droid."

She sighed, then said:

"Fine, fine...Kindo left for the spaceport." she said.

"Offplanet?" he asked hurriedly.

She smiled...

"I'll never te-..." She stopped when she spotted Lion tugging her power cord out of the wall. "Fine! He's headed for one of those little villages near the Mannari mountains...probably the only places not covered in City..." she mused.

He smiled, and then said

"Thank You! Bring my speeder around to the front."

She nodded and then shut off.

He grabbed some other supplies, and then headed towards the front door of the Living Quarters.

His speeder was already there, and people were clustered around it. He supposed that the sight of a vehicle flying itself around was a bit unsettling. A scorched man lying on the ground showed that his security system was working. He jumped over the side door into the black hot-rod speeder, and then whizzed off towards the nearest spaceport...

...unfortunately, traffic was bad...

(ooc: This is going to be a fun thread...)

Xazor Elessar
Dec 30th, 2002, 09:11:52 PM
Xazor had not slept a wink all night and when the morning sun broke over the mountains and flooded into her room, she could not help but greet it with a growl. Sighing, the Knight had hurried through her morning routine and found herself outside, atop a large building. It was quiet and calm up there, but that was disrupted when suddenly a hotrod speeder came whizzing up. Her eyes gathered the details of the face of the driver and she smiled as her brain put together that it was Lion El' Jonson. Jumping from the building just as he passed below her, she landed in the backseat and placed her hands over his eyes.

"He old friend! It's been a while, where are you off to?"

She questioned and then removed her hands so that he could see. Her waist length blond hair blew in the wind behind her and the silver coins clanged together louder than usual. The sleevs of her white robes hung far past her fings and they caught the wind and flew beside her, making her look almost like an angel. She smiled, exposing her elongated canines as she eyed Lion.

"I couldn't sleep all night! How about you?"

he called out over the loud hum of the speeder and the wind. Combined they made it nearly impossible to hear, for a human. She could hear perfectly but knew that her friend was not as lucky.

(ooc: Oh yeah, Lion! :))

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 30th, 2002, 09:49:15 PM
Lion had been stuck in traffic behind a large and particularly polluting freight-truck when his vehicle listed slightly to the right. Two hands clamped over his eyes, and it took him a second to realize what was up.

"Hello, Mistress Xazor. Only on Coruscant can a Jedi Knight fall into your car when you're stuck in traffic..."

He smiled and weight stabilized the vehicle, trying to shout over the noise.

"I sensed a little something from Kindo. He's at the nearest spaceport, but I had to convince my stupid AI to tell me where he'd gone..." he trailed off...

A voice barked out near his knee.

"Hey! I'm still here, ya' know!" shouted his computer from the center console. A second later, her face resolved itself on the small screen.

"Mistress Xazor, meet my AI, Delphi. Delphi, meet Mistress Xazor Leo Dawnstrider, Knight of the Order."

His computer let out a "hmph..." and then smiled mischeviously.

"Wouldn't it be nice if you just happened to fly out of control in this traffic...I know a shortcut or two..." said his computer, and logic symbols scrolled up one side of the screen.

Lion slapped a hand over his forehead, and then said:

"Oh crap...Delphi!"

The logic symbols froze, and his computer said:

"Hang on and buckle up...It's the law..."

The cockpit canopy slid shut, and the restraints locked around Lion and Xazor. Lion turned to his friend.

"Hang on tight...I've got a bad feeling about thissssss.................!" he yelled, as the speeder accelerated straight down out of traffic and towards two immense skyscrapers.

Dec 31st, 2002, 09:43:59 AM
I screamed and cursed under my breath, "Find the child! Do not let her escape!" I ran out of my door, and down the stairs. I followed her trail as far as I could to a shed. The shed seemed to be an odd spot to hide. I walked up to the door, my hand on the black sun. I blinked once and activated my thermal sight. Everything was damp and warm. I would never get a good thermal reading. I blinked again, and my vision switched to x-ray. I looked around and saw what looked like a body. I unsheathed my sword and slowly walked over to the pile of rags. I smiled, "Better move child." I lifted my sword and brought it down...and I was just about to hit it when Kwiet called out to me.

"Daddy, I think she is over here."

Trusting my sons instincts I sheathed my sword and turned around. I ran out of the shed and headed over to him. Then my senses triggered. I could feel them, and there was four of them now. I knew Anthony was coming, but one was diffrent. The other two were familiar. The woman was Xazor, and the man was Lion. Poor pathetic fools. I would need help this time. I removed the communicator from my belt and spoke into it. "I will be needing your assistance. It seems more filth are coming, than I expected. We will need to entertain them. Get here as soon as possible." I smiled and continued my search of the area for the girl.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 31st, 2002, 12:45:20 PM
As Kindo gently placed his hand upon Anthony's shoulder, his warm smile reappeared.

" Help you? That's why I'm here. "

He gave the Padawan a light pat on the back before he leaned forward, resting his chin within the cup of his hands. He shut his eyes, taking all his attention off everything else around him.

Satsa, the name passed through every corner of his mind over and over again. Somehow it sounded awfully familiar, almost as if was short for something else. After running down a long list of names and familiar faces within his mind, he finally started to get somewhere. He remembered Wei calling someone 'Satsa' a few times before. It was then when he at last paired the nickname with the real name.

His eyebrows slanted and fists tightened at the thought of who was behind the kidnapping of Anthony's little girl.

" Satsa is short for Ansatsu. "

Kyle Krogen
Dec 31st, 2002, 06:15:01 PM
Kyle had been strolling around when Kindo raced by him senceing something wrong he desecided to fallow him

now Kyle was sitting a small distance from Kindo and a man he had just heard was called Anthony he had also over heard the conversation but he hesitaded to get up and walk over to them

he sat there listening to there conversation silently.

Xazor Elessar
Dec 31st, 2002, 06:24:18 PM
"Oh my god! What the hell is this thing?!"

Xazor shouted over the wind when suddenly Lion's ship dove and spiralled downward. Holding onto the seats in front of her, Xazor also fought to hold down her lunch. Closing her eyes and calming herself with the Force, she inhaled deeply and nearly lost it. Flying was fine, to her...she loved it, but not in a death trap like this!

"So.....Kindo.....is up......to something? I FELT SOMETHING WAS WRONG THIS MORNING!"

She yelled again but then realized that the cockpit had enclosed itself by now. Blushing slightly, the Knight opened her eyes and looked at the back of Lion's head.

"Where are we going, exactly?"

Her question was serious this time, even though she had a few answers of her own. If we die....to Hell.....if we live....who knows! the thoughts played over in her mind, causing a smile to break over the woman's face.

Anthony Scott
Jan 1st, 2003, 02:04:29 AM
Anthony gave Ki a serious look. His eyes softened once again and he allowed them to meet the floor as before.

"Ansatsu? You sound as though you've met him before. Is he really bad news or something?"

The Padawan questioned as thoughts of his Daughter ran through his mind once again. Breathing in deeply, he allowed a calm wave to sweep over his body once again and keep his mind clear through all the turmoil.

Kwiet Ideya
Jan 1st, 2003, 10:14:07 PM
Kwiet knows she's in the shed. He hides there himself sometimes. Probably asleep in the big pile of stuff he made for himself as a "fort" one day. He sneaks up on her, silent as a mouse, and clamped one arm around her body and the other over her mouth.

"I found her!"

The boy's tone is innocent enough, as if he were playing hide and seek. But his eyes are fierce, and a tiny reddish tint gathers at his pupils. Fiend cell's influence over him is not complete. He has maintained his innocence through the will of Fiend. An assassin that thinks he's playing an innocent game is a useful tool indeed.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jan 4th, 2003, 12:09:09 PM
Kindo gave a faint sigh as he rewinded back to his own confrontation with Ansatsu that had transpired only weeks beforehand.

" This Ansatsu is a cousin to Wei Wu Wei. It hasn't been long since he left the Order. The Council wouldn't allow him to teach his style of fighting, and so he up and left. But since then he has done nothing more than stir up trouble with anyone and anywhere.. He believes he is more powerful than any Jedi, when in reality he is nothing more than a failure, someone who couldn't walk the road all us Jedi must walk, and so he left to walk down an easier road. "

While talking about Ansatsu and the path that all Jedi must take, he couldn't help but glance over the one he took the get him the title Jedi Knight. It was never easy. At times it did seem as if it was near impossible to complete the tasks both his master and the Council assigned him, and to become a Knight seemed as if it was some remote star glimmering from afar, but he never gave up. He stuck with it, endured all he had to, walked the long and narrow, and at times dark path. It wasn't any special skills that separated him from Ansatsu, it was determination, patience, and persistence, something he had that Ansatsu didn't.

He couldn't help but smile, thinking of his accomplishments as a Jedi, but that was quickly suppressed when he remembered why he was on a transporter sitting alongside Anthony.

" You need not worry, all will be taken care of. "

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 6th, 2003, 09:14:38 AM
Lion whooped as acceleration washed over im. He smiled at Xazor's questions and comments.


The vehicle dropped again, and his A.I let out a giggle.

"I'm gonna get you, you 2-bit piece of junk! I'll trade you for an Atari!" he yelled at Delphi, who was driving with reckless abandon. As he spoke, the vehicle grazed a large cargo tram and caused a traffic accident.

"Fine, fine..." his A.I said, and the vehicle accelerated straight towards a large, shiny building labeled:

"Dalay Ular Shuttle Terminal"

He cursed and tried to wiggle the locked controls.

He closed his eyes and prepared to die (by his own A.I, none the less...) when the vehicle to a severe stop. Lion's safety belt retracted and the canopy faded away, and Lion was thrown out of the vehicle onto the shuttle platform.

He managed to get his fear under control and sort-of slow his descent. By sort-of, that meant that he landed with all the grace of a falling brick. His car moved closed. He stared down at the viewscreen in time to see his computer stick his tongue out at him.

"Thank...You...Delphi! Now please, stop possessing the vehicle..."

The image on the viewscreen smiled, and then withdrew itself from the car. A second later, every device in the vehicle switched off...including repulsorlifts. The vehicle dropped the 6 feet to the ground and landed with a bone-jarring "crack".

Grimacing, Lion walked over to the speeder and went to help Xazor out of her seat...

Jan 7th, 2003, 03:24:43 PM
I smiled, "Good job my son. Now then, back to the house. The jedi will arrive soon, and I have a mission for you Kwiet." I smiled and walked back to the house. I could hear Kwiet behind me, and I looked to the horizon. They would be here soon, and I would be ready.

Kwiet Ideya
Jan 7th, 2003, 08:04:51 PM

He delivers a knifehand to the base of Faith's skull. That should put her out for a while. He follows his daddy, to learn what was needed of him.

Jan 11th, 2003, 08:09:43 PM
I smiled, "You are too strike at the jedi with the weapons I give you. Part of your training. You will be using stars, kunai, darts, and if need be....a sword." I walked into the house and pulled a small box from the table. I opened it up to Kwiet. Inside was a blade that seemed like a short sword, but it would work for him perfectly. A silver cortosis and diamond dipped blade. It was an exact copy of mine. I smiled as I handed it to him, "I call it The Eclipse." I knew he would love it. My thoughts wandered to the jedi. I wondered where they were.

Kwiet Ideya
Jan 11th, 2003, 11:20:40 PM
Kwiet's eyes shone wide with awe. Carefully he sheathed the blade and stuck it in his belt, then dumped Faith unceremoniously on the ground as he gathered his projectiles.

"I can stop 'em!"

He runs out the door, loaded with as much of each weapon as he could carry.