View Full Version : Where I lay my head is home... (Open)

Hadrian Invicta
Dec 24th, 2002, 09:59:42 AM
Hadrian did not often sleep indoors, in fact he could more than likely count the times he had on one hand, since he was given the charge of tending to his father's flocks. He had been nomadic, he was excellent at finding a nice safe place to bed down and sleep, but it was always out in the open, under the stars and the moons.

But this, the sleeping chambers of the GJO, was something else entirely. For starters, a bed, Hadrian was not used to sleeping on anything other than his trusty mat and a rolled up cloak. Then ther was a cieling, another odd thing when you were used to being at the mercy of the elements.

There were blankets as well, not tired weathered wool rugs, but actual sheets of fine clothe, warm fluffy quilts and dawn filled pillows. A pillow! Hadrian could hardly contain his smile, he'd not put his head on a soft pillow in quite sometime.

But all the bed dressings and finerys could not compare to what else he found in his quarters, a shower. After spending the last 5 years bathing in a cold creek or river each night, nothing could compare to the sheer pleasure he would recieve taking a nice hot shower. Unaware if he'd left the door open or closed (yes he was raised in a barn) he immediately began to strip his clothes off, his tattered belongings fell carelessely to the floor in a heap and he darted his nude body into the bathroom, where he had started the shower and turned the water up a bit too warm.

"Aiieeee!!!!" He squealled as he foolishly leapt into the shower before testing the heat of the water, it nearly scalded his dark tanned skin. Eventually after getting over the shock of being nearly boiled, he turned the water to a comfortable temperature and allowed it to pour over his taut muscles. The tension in his body seemed to ooze off of him as the water cleaned his skin. He washed his arms, he washed his legs, he washed his chest his back, his hair, he washed ever part of his body and some parts twice. He stood with his back exposed to the warm water and his forearm against he shower in the wall, his head leaned against his arm and he closed his eyes. It was magnificent.

Slowly he got out of the shower and dried himself off, even the towels were soft! He did nothing with his hair, he never did, it was clean but unkept. He shaved his face and splashed some aftershave on, as he walked out into his room, he noticed he had indeed left the door open, so he wrapped a towel around him and walked nonchalantly to the door to close it. As he walked away he gathered his clothing and he threw it in a laundry basket, he'd wash his clothes before he wore them again.

I needed this... the weary shepherd thought to himself as he laid on his bed in his towel, resting his head on a fluffy pillow.

Jakob Burton
Dec 28th, 2002, 05:20:11 PM
Jake was roaming the halls of the living quarters. His steps echoed off of the walls of the empty hall. It was getting dark, but Jake needed this walk, figured it'd do him some good. He listened intently to the silence, save for his own stirring breath and the echoes of his footfalls. He liked the silence, for it was something that he didn't hear much of as a child. This also explained why he loved sleep. Because it was quiet, deathly quiet. When he slept, everything was quiet. The sounds of everyday life would fall on his deaf ears. And he loved it.

As he was basking in the silence, it was pierced by a scream. He didn't jump, for he was used to broken silence. He glanced in the direction of the scream and found a door. Whoever was in it hadn't shut it all the way, and the light from the room shot through the small crack in the door and spilled into the hallway, creating shadows where it could not reach. Jake, wondering what was going on, crept closer, and was about an inch from the crack in the open door, when he saw a man, naked, step out of the shower. The man was unfamiliar to Jake, and was probably a new recruit, but could've easily been someone who had been there for years. Jake didn't exactly roam in the social circles....as Jake began to walk away, something caught the door. Perhaps it was Jake or his clothes, or perhaps it was a draft. It made the door open. Jake, not wanting to get caught in an awkward position, slinked back against the wall. The opening door got the attention of the man, and he walked to shut the door. As he gripped the door and shut it, he didn't even notice Jake. Jake sighed with relief. That would've been a bit awkward..... Jake chuckled to himself about his own foolishness. He walked back from the wall and began down the hallway, when he figured he might as well get to know the guy. After all, it would help his social standings a little bit....

Turning around, he took a few steps back to the door. He raised his hand, and knocked on it, and waited for an answer.

Hadrian Invicta
Dec 29th, 2002, 01:11:08 PM
Knock, Knock, Knock

Hunh... wha..

"One second," Hadrian responded groggily. He stood up and cast the towel off and wandered to the closet, there he found a pair of boxers and a cotton, terry robe. He put them on and meandered over to the door. Turning the knob the door opened.


Jakob Burton
Dec 31st, 2002, 11:40:48 AM
"I was wanderin' the hall, and I heard a scream. It sounded like it came from this room. Is everything alright?"

Hadrian Invicta
Jan 6th, 2003, 01:12:48 PM
Laughter, Hadrian had forgotten that he had let out such a holler when he stepped into the scalding hot shower and now he couldn't stop laughing.

"I'm sorry that would have been me, I didn't realize how hot the water was until I got in."

Hadrian smiled, it was a large smile and relieved smile. He wasn't sure if anyone had asked him if everything was ok in a long time.

"Please come inside, I'm afraid I don't have much to offer, but would you like something to drink, I have cold water and some wine?"

As he stepped back he pulled the door open and gestured for the young man to come in.

Jakob Burton
Jan 8th, 2003, 09:58:27 PM
Jake stepped into the room, and as the door shut, he offered up his hand in a powerful handshake.

"I'm Jake, Jakob Burton."

Hadrian Invicta
Jan 10th, 2003, 03:15:59 PM
Hadrian gripped the hand in return and smiled.

"I am Hadrian Invicta, a Padawan of Jedi Knight Sene Unty, a pleasure to meet you Jake."

Hadrian motioned to follow him in as he walked towards his little bar in his room, on it was a pitcher of ice water and a few glasses. Slowly he poured two cupfuls and offered one to Jake as he drank from the other.

"Would you care to sit and stay for a while?"

Jakob Burton
Jan 13th, 2003, 03:22:37 PM
"Sure. I don't have much else to do."

Taking the offered glass, he sipped on it, and smiled. This was good stuff, but Jake couldn't tell what it was.

"What is this stuff? It's good."

Hadrian Invicta
Jan 17th, 2003, 05:04:12 PM
"Well mine is ice water," Hadrian laughed; "But yours is homemade wine, my father used to make it back on the home planet."

Hadrian took a large gulp of the liquid, then turned to the pitcher and refilled his glass. He turned back to Jakob.

"I only drink it on special occasions, though I offer a glass to all who visit me."

Jakob Burton
Jan 19th, 2003, 06:38:24 PM
"Ah! Good stuff!"

Jake quickly drains the glass, feeling the liquid flow smoothly down his throat. It was very good, superbly smooth, and with a slight tangy bite to it. He felt it settle in his stomach, and he reclines slightly in his chair. His eyes follow to Hadrian's face. His tone changes slightly, from one of utter happiness to one of questioning.

"So, what brings you here to the GJO?"

Hadrian Invicta
Jan 19th, 2003, 06:43:03 PM
"My so called abilities I supppose, though I have not honed them into anything resembling a Padawan yet," Hadrian replied witha smirk, then continued. "I made some rather powerful enemies defending the helpless on my home planet, I fled because not only was I proclaimed a traitor, but I was force adept to boot, both looked down on."

He took a drink of his water and looked at the man, his aura was peaceful and serene. It made Hadrian feel at ease.

"I have hopes of becoming a powerful Knight some day and defending the galaxy from those who wish to subjecate her. I have no love lost for the Dark-side."

Jakob Burton
Jan 23rd, 2003, 06:32:11 PM
Jake smiled, nodding his head.

"Man! That's almost like what happened to me......well almost. And why become a Knight, when you can become a powerful Master?"

Hadrian Invicta
Jan 27th, 2003, 09:21:17 AM
Hadrian turned and looked at Jakob, the words he had spoken had touched a nerve or sorts. There was a bit of remorse in his eyes.

"I have no visions of grandeur, Jakob. I seek only to serve, the Order and the Galaxy. I am a shepherd, titles are of no importance to us, only our ability to protect the flock."

The young black-haired padawan took another drink of his water and sighed softly.

"When my time is through, I wish to just be another Jedi who served, fighting and perhaps dying to protect those who could not defend themselves. I will need no statues commemerating my honor, no biography in a history book. The Pax Republica, will be all the glory that this Jedi shall ever need."

He grinned at Jakob as the softer side of his personality took over again.

"But to be a Jedi Master would be grand."