View Full Version : Planting a seed of darkness(Mon Malfoy)

Dec 24th, 2002, 03:04:36 AM
The Palace on Corellia was home to some of the mightiest warriors the galaxy has ever known. They were sith, feared beings of pure evil. They reveled in others pain and destruction. Giving their teachings onto worthy and willing souls whom would give their very lives to serve the darkside.

Such was what a certain sith master was going to do this very night. He stood within a rather large training room, situated in a building outside but connected to the main palace. Within the room were many tall trees scattered about. Tables littered with various weapons and training tools were set. Rocks, stones, logs, and big peices of metal from broken ships were set round the room as well.

Malice had sent a message to Mon Malfoy on where to meet his new master to begin training. Malice by now, was accustomed to training one within the darkside......tonight would be no different.

Clad in flowing white robes, the sith master stood and waited. He had given Mon specific orders to be here at 11:00 pm. It was now 10:40. And if Mon had asked anyone about Malice, he would find out that Malice did not like his deicples late. Infact, those that did arrive late, or failed at a task given to them by the sith master, they were punished by him.

Mon Malfoy
Dec 24th, 2002, 11:52:13 AM
Mon Malfoy arrived in the Training Hall just in time before his master had a reason to gave him his first punishment. He was dressed in a new green suit he found in the dresser of his room in the Sith Palace... He went on walking towards his Master, Malice with his trusty saber on his right hand.

"Master, I'm ready for my training..."

Dec 26th, 2002, 07:39:26 PM
Malice didn't even bother to look at Mon. He instead studied his surroundings. As the silence engulfed the room, the sith master finally spoke.

*Are you now?.....tell me Mon, what do you know of the darkside?*

Though Mon had already gone through questioning, Malice decided to put him through it again. Knowledge is a big key in mastering the force, and overcoming your enemy. He would make sure his deciple knew of this.

Mon Malfoy
Dec 29th, 2002, 05:28:47 AM
Mon Malfoy pauses for a moment... thinking hardly what to say in response for he doesn't want to disappoint his master.

"Darkside... This is my first time to really revel in the darkside master, but from my observation... it is those people to submit themselves to the darkside who gains true power and survive the world of continued battle... people who are fit to survive."

Mon Malfoy hoped his answers satisfies his master... he was overwhelmed by the tremendous force eminating from Malice, thus making him feel very uncomfortable...

Dec 29th, 2002, 07:38:19 PM
Malice listened to his deciple, not showing any sign of approval. His face ever emotionless, speaks to Mon.

*The darkside is the true side of the force. By tapping into your emotions, learning to control them, you will gain the untold knowledge of the darkside. And bable to harness it's limitless power*

Malice began to walk towards Mon.

*Do not be afraid, for fear is for the weak my deciple. Now, close your eyes, and think back. Bring up any and all memory of past hate,anger,pain, greed, and lust. Let those emotions flow through your body once again*

Mon Malfoy
Dec 30th, 2002, 12:22:54 AM
Mon Malfoy closes his eyes and he had brought back all the memories he had which all brings only anger and pain... The fact that his parents abandoned him to live on his own in such an early age, his struggle to survive in the unforgiving planet he had lived in... His work as a peasant who is always been abused by his wealthy inhumane masters...

Mon Malfoy's face started to distort in an unnatural figure... anger is starting to consume him...

Dec 31st, 2002, 04:26:17 PM
Malice felt the raw emotions start to rise in Mon. Grinning, the sith master continued.

*Yes that's good, let the hate flow through you. But you must not let it consume you, take control. Force your emtions under your control*

Pointing to a rock off the the right of them, Malice motioned at a medium sized boulder.

*Once you have your emotiond under control, will them to move this rock. Your emtions are one way to gain access to the darkside. It's raw power flows through you the angerier you get. Now.......move the rock*

Mon Malfoy
Jan 1st, 2003, 07:46:33 AM
Mon Malfoy nodded towards his master... he then concentrate in containing his anger so he will be able to control it... It's hard to let you're anger be with you and control it through you're will... but somehow, he was able to budge the boulder in a few millimiters... but this doesn't satisfy him... He looked unto his master and after a few moments, he closes his eyes... Mon Malfoy started shaking with anger... the thought of his past consumes him greatly... Then suddenly, everything stopped in a flash, Mon Malfoy opened his eyes and positioned his arms towards the boulder... Decided that he can do it, he looked at Malice then all of a sudden, the boulder moved in quite considerably long way from it's original position... Mon Malfoy grinned, thinking that he had used the force of the darkside for the first time... voluntarily...

Jan 3rd, 2003, 07:32:11 PM
Malice watched as the rock moved a bit. Looking at Mon, the sith master continued.

*Now, iwant you to levitate it. Picture in your minds eye the rock moving up into the air. From there, I want ou to hold up at eye level. Do not drop it, or you will be punished*

Like all his deciples, Mon would quickly learn that when Malice gives you a task to do, its best to complete it on your first try. Unless you want to feel pain from the sith master.

Mon Malfoy
Jan 4th, 2003, 09:44:06 PM
Mon nodded and he knows that he should never disappoint Malice or a swift punishment will befall him in an instant from a Sith Master who had tremendous experience under his belt... He looked at the rock and closes his eyes... seconds... then minutes had passed but nothing seems to happen... But Mon is determined to do what his master is asking him to do... He concentrated a bit more until it suddenly budge, then nothing... he got close to the boulder and focused his mind on his task... it moved! and when he opened his eyes, it was hovering about 2 inches from the ground... upon seeing this he loss concentration and the rock fell... He looked unto his master trying to translate it's facial expression if it was good or bad...

Jan 8th, 2003, 08:40:06 PM
No reaction was seen from the sith master for a while. That is, until a smile crept upon his face. Walking slowly towards Mon, Malice's smile turned into a sadistic grin.

*Apparently you take my threats as empty. Well then, allow me to show you, as i have dozens before you, what happens when you fail me*

Lifting up a hand, Mon soon found himself floating 5 feet off the ground.

*I told you to lift the rock, and hold it up. And what did you do.....you dropped it. I do not recall telling you to drop the rock now did I*

Before he could answer, a vice like grip was felt around his throat. The sensation tightened, squeezing his neck, cutting off the flow of air. Malice's hand slowly began to close into a fist, as it did so the grip around Mon's neck tightened and tightened.

*You will either grow to hate me, or like me, i do not care. But one thing i will make sure you do, is obey me. You will be a powerful sith, i shall make sure of that. But to be a powerful sith, you must first learn control, controlling the darkside and beinding the force to your will is the key. Your emotions are simply a way to tap into the force, letting it's unbridled power flow through you*

With this, Mon was sent falling to the ground. landing in a heap. Malice stood over him, his merciless eyes pierced right into his deciples soul.

*Now you feel pain, us it. Use it to lift the rock. Try it again and this time....do not drop it. Concentration is the key, a mind can be a powerful thing when used properly*

Through his punishments, Mon would soon learn that that was where most of Malice's teachings came from.

Mon Malfoy
Jan 9th, 2003, 05:55:43 AM
Mon Malfoy lay on the ground grasping for air while his right hand clench in his neck, trying to subside it's experience in Malice force... Upon hearing his master, he got a new perspective on him... The thought of Malice's greatness and power, he felt as if it was the person that most likely he will strive to become...

"I'm sorry master, it won't happen again and this time! I will do it and not fail or I shall accept you're punishment without any objection!"

Mon staggers to get up and eventhough his 17 yrs. old human body won't allow such amount of punishment, he was able to walk towards the boulder... ignoring the pain from his experience with his master...

He closed his eyes... and ponders on his past... then of his presence... the way Malice is treating him... and then... it snap... Mon opened his eyes and started shouting!


The boulder hovered 5 inches from the ground but this time it didn't went down... seconds have passed and Mon is growing weaker... his original position was firmly standing from the ground and about 55 seconds past... he was struggling to stay on his feet... decided not to let go until Malice tell him so...

Jan 13th, 2003, 05:10:13 PM
Malice's nodded his head at Mon as the minutes passed by.

*Good, let teange flow through you. The pain i hav just given you, use it. Use these emotions to fuel our power in the darkside. Now Lift the bouder over your head, and hold there for as long as you can. Once you have done this then your first training session will be over*

Malice wasn't always evil, he does occasionally shows a good side.

Mon Malfoy
Jan 16th, 2003, 09:13:37 PM
Mon Malfoy was exhausted but hearing that his first training will be over when he accomplishes his master's last task... he was on role... the feeling of the force running throughout his body is strange to him...

Mon Malfoy directed the boulder towards him... but it wasn't an easy task to do... He's height is about 5"8, and he was only able to levitate the boulder 5 inches... seconds... then minutes have passed before he manages to kneel and let the boulder hang over him... his youthful energy seems to fade for he haven't use the force in this span of time and this is his first time to do so... but he was determined... determined to prove that he is worthy to be a Sith...

Jan 17th, 2003, 08:47:49 PM
As the boulder floated over Mon's head, he suddenly felt it ripped from his weak grasp over it. Malice had used the force and oo control of the rock, suspending it 15 feet above his head. And he stood 6'7", though since he was experienced within force it was an easy task.

*You see Mon, knowing how to do move with the force is not enough. By practicing what you have just learned everyday, in no time you will be able to hold the boulder over your head with ease. For you see, i'm teaching you how to use the force for longer periods of time without tiring out. Now go and rest. For tomorrow we begin again*

With that Malice walked away. He had gotten word through the force that the master's of the order had called a meeting.

Mon Malfoy
Jan 18th, 2003, 12:56:01 AM
Mon Malfoy nodded... exhausted, he went out of the Training Ground and straight to his dormitory in the palace...

Jan 25th, 2003, 03:42:29 AM
The time had come. Mon has rested enough since his last training session. 3 hourse before Dawn, Mon had gotten a message from Malice, courtesy of a droid. Within the message, he was told to meet the sith master infront of the forest out/west of the palace. Here is where his second training session would take place.

Mon Malfoy
Jan 26th, 2003, 05:41:55 AM
Mon was anxious to finish his training and finally be a Sith... He then went to the place as fast as he can before he disappoint his master again for being late...

OOC: Where is it Malice?

Jan 27th, 2003, 02:41:46 AM
OOC: It's in a forest outside of the palace.....to the west.

IC: Within moments of his calling, Mon had arrived at the designated area. Malice stood there waiting, a blank look on his face as his deciple approached.

*So, are you ready to start on your next task my deciple*

Mon Malfoy
Jan 29th, 2003, 06:20:54 AM
I am ready for any task you need me to do Master... as long as I know it will help me be a Sith master like you, I will do!

Feb 1st, 2003, 08:21:10 PM
Malice nodded to his remark.

*Indeed my training would help you to oneday be just like me. But i would not like that. I enjoy being one of a kind. Instead, be a sith master of your own. Never try to be like anyone else, only strive to be your best*

Malice then lead him into the woods. Stopping at a set of very tall trees. Each going easily 50 stories high. Loking at Mon, Malice spoke to him.

*Do you know how to use the force to enhance your physical attributes?*

Mon Malfoy
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:24:13 AM
Mon Malfoy looked unto his master...

"I'll keep that in mind master... anyway, I've used the force only onced and that is to lift up a boulder... I am not sure if I can use it to enhance my physical attributes... master Malice..."

Feb 2nd, 2003, 03:20:30 AM
Malice nodded, then looked up at the tree.

*It is fairly simple. One merely needs to conjur up the force within them, then guide it through there body to enhance an attribute. Strength, speed, and many more can increase 10 fold*

*Your first task, you shall learn to do a force jump. Simply draw the force into your legs. Get into a postion like your gonna jump. Then just as you lift off the ground, will the force to basically shoot out through your feet, Propelling you upwards*

Malice decided to Show Mon as well. Not wanting to go to high, he concentrated on a small portion of his force energy. Crouching low, Malice leapt into the air, letting he force go out from his feet he was lifted higher then a normal jump. Easily landing on a branch 10 stories high. Looking down at Mon, Malice called out to him.

*Now you try. Jump as high as you can. But, try and get to where i am. That is your first task*

Mon Malfoy
Feb 11th, 2003, 02:42:34 AM
Mon Malfoy crouched a bit and prepares to jump as his master told him so, he felt that the he can now command the force by his will... He felt something strange in his lower body, something that was very uncomfortable... After looking upon his master, he jumped... He rocketed through the air without any good control and before he knew it, Mon Malfoy slams into one of the three's branch but he manages to hang on to the second branch... He quickly got into his feet at the tree and comforts his aching shoulder...

"There master, I hope that's enough..."

OOC: Sorry for the delay Malice, got pretty busy...

Feb 17th, 2003, 03:41:21 AM
Malice let's out a laugh and shakes his head.

*Nope. Climb down and try it again. Actually, here allow me to help you down*

Thrusting his hand out, Malice sent a wave of the force that knocked Mon off the branch, sending towards the ground. As usual Malice would live up to his word on punishing his deciples when they fail.

OOC: Sorry for my late reply. My comp wouldn't allow me to get on.

Mon Malfoy
Feb 20th, 2003, 06:50:01 AM
Mon knows this was gonna happen for not completely doing what his master had said to him... He staggers unto his feet and crouched again ignoring the pain from his shoulder which in return gave him more source of the force... he got the sensation again he felt the first time he tried to force jump more quickly now then without any hesitation, he jumped high maintaing his nice composure only to miss the tree he was aiming for, it seems he wasn't able to control the force the sent him rocketing through the air but in some way, he was able to land properly... quickly, he look upon his master and gives a smile...

"Hope that's enough master, I just underestimated the amount force I accumulated... that's all...'

Feb 23rd, 2003, 01:16:48 PM
Malice looked at him then nodded.

*That will do for now. But i want you to keep practicing this move. It is a basic move and should be learned quickly*

Walking to the edge of the branch he was on. Malice looked towards the ground.

*Now, to get down easily. You do the same thing you did when you got up here. Jump. Jump and let the force flow out your legs. Making your decent towards the ground slow. Here, watch*

Malic lept off he branch. At first he was falling fast, and looked like he would smash into the ground below him. But, his body quickly slowed, as Malice let the force flow from his legs towards the ground. Within moments, Malice touched the earth with barely a sound. Looking up, Malice motioned for Mon to join him.

Mon Malfoy
Feb 24th, 2003, 07:59:19 AM
Mon had watched his master demonstrated the task he was asking him to do... Upon his master's call, he leaped towards the ground... he was falling fast then he was able to direct the force on his legs... about halfway from falling, he started slowing down... until he was able to get down like his master although not showing a good composure like his master.

"Done... master..."

Feb 27th, 2003, 07:27:48 PM
Malice nodded.

*Alright good. Now, let's continue, i'll let you decided where you training goes from here*

Malice thought for a little bit.

*There are two more things you shall learn. One is force speed. The other is force strength. Which you want to learn first is up to you*

Mon Malfoy
Feb 28th, 2003, 07:44:23 AM
"I favor speed over strength master."

Mar 28th, 2003, 12:52:56 AM
Malice nodded.

* i see. Just remember, speed may be good. But it pays to have strength to back up your speed. A well balanced fighter is far more deadly then a fighter whom excels in just one area of fighting*

Walking backwards, Malice stared at Mon.

*Now, to increase your speed, you simply need to draw on the darkside. Let if fill you. Then, concentrate it into your legs. Increasing your legs power. Filling every muscle within them. This will help you to move faster*

Drawing on the force, Malice let it gather into his legs. When he had gotten enough, he took a couple steps forward. All that remained of where he stood was dust. In a matter of seconds, Malice had ran behind Mon. His breath blowing across his decipls neck.

*Now you try*

He whispered into his deciples ear.

OOC:Sorry for the late reply.

Mon Malfoy
Mar 31st, 2003, 05:38:54 AM
Mon was surprised on what his master had shown him... peaking on his back he nodded and started to accumulate sufficient amount of force on his legs... He felt his muscles on his legs being so light and yet very tight... This feeling was new to him and he thought it was a cramp but it doesn't bother him.

He took one step and he was amazed on the speed... after being amazed on this newly found ability he took several steps then he ran... It wasn't as fast as his master but it's still impossible for a normal person to move that fast...

"Wow... This is a great thing master..."

Apr 1st, 2003, 02:25:41 AM
Malice nodded in response to his deciple.

*Indeed it is. And as you continue to practice on your own, and use these abilities in fights. It will get easier to do them, and they will get stronger with each use*

Unclipping his double bladed saber, malice looked at Mon.

*Do you have a saber of your own?. This will be our next step*

Mon Malfoy
Apr 1st, 2003, 10:59:35 PM
Mon Malfoy pulled his skirt up a bit revealing a saber tucked into his pants...

"Well, I still have the orange saber you gave me master..."

He got the saber out and held it unto his front.

Apr 4th, 2003, 06:31:51 AM
Malice nodded.

*Good. Now ignite it and attack me. Do something simple*

That was all he said as his double blade ignited. Malice stood in a deffensive stance.

Mon Malfoy
Apr 7th, 2003, 10:06:17 AM
With the simple instruction that was given to him by his master, Mon rotated the saber on his hand igniting it in an instant... He summons good amount of force unto his feet and he let it burst out making him move fast towards Malice. He took a leap and two handedly bring the saber on his back determined to deliver a powerful attack. He closes his eyes when his saber was about to hit his master who didn't even bother to move out of the attack...

Apr 13th, 2003, 08:00:30 PM
Increasing his speed as well, Malice lifted up his saber. In a blaze of color, both sabers connected. Staring at Mon, Malice grinned as they were now in a stalemate.

*Now here's what you do to get out of this situation. Normally you would try and overpower your enemy. To do this simply fill your body with the force. Let it seep into your muscles, increasing your strength. Much like force speed, you are multiplying your strength. This is the second part of force enhancement you shall learn. Now, try it*

As he waited for Mon to do this task, Malice began to push down upon Mon's saber. Also pushing the deciple back.

Mon Malfoy
Apr 13th, 2003, 11:17:15 PM
Mon Malfoy was overwhelmed by his master's skill... He haven't fought with sabe before in his whole life but he is determined to learn... Taking in each and every word his master tells him... He was quite used to using the force, he directed his force unto his strength just like what his master told him but eventhough he felt a sudden burst of brute strength, he was only able to push his master for a brief time... Staggering to regain his composure, he summoned the force to aid his strength again... And this time, he was able to control it...

Apr 17th, 2003, 08:16:11 PM
Malice began to feel Mon push back against his saber. Grinning, he let Mon push him backwards.

*Good, now, push off my saber and continue to attack me. Never let up on your enemy. Giving them the chance to rest could mean your downfall*

OOC: Now when you go to rp fighting others in the SWbattlegrounds, i don't literally mean constantly attack your foe. A good deffense is well adivsed. Though when you do post to attacking you opponent, make sure your post only contains a max of 3 attacks in each. No more then that is usually allowed. Just a little bit of heads up for you incase you didn't know.

Apr 25th, 2003, 05:35:10 PM
OOC: Mon we will be cutting this training session short. For now go here and post a reply. It is your first mission.
