View Full Version : Heartbroken(Kindo,Zeke,Xazor,Open)

Tomak Ohara
Dec 24th, 2002, 12:42:20 AM
I sat in my room crying. I could see the others, but I chose to ignore them for now. My wife had left me, but they did not know. I decided that it was finally time to tell them. I stood and wiped the hair out of my face. My cape came to a halt in the air, and my white pale face was stained with tears.

I told them with as much strength as I could, "I have an announcement to make my friends. As you know Kaytor and I were recently married. Following our marriage she went and researched her clan for three months. Tonight she returned," I began to cry again,"and left again. For what I think will be eternity. She is gone, and I feel empty. I gave her my necklace and kissed her before she left. I could not be more distraught over the matter. So I ask you as friends to please help me through my hard times." I tried to give a smile, "Please my friends." I stood with my head hanging low and the ring from our wedding on my finger. One of my tears fell onto the diamond rose, and my heart felt a great pain. She was gone, and something told me she was never coming back.

Tears streamed onto the floor from my face, and I could feel myself breathing in spurts.

Dios Kane
Dec 26th, 2002, 08:15:21 AM
:: I was leaning up against the wall with my eyes closed. What was I supposed to do now? Tell him everything would be alright? His wife had just left him ad the guy wasn't really having the time of his life. He needed help but I needed just as much time to figure out what to do about it. Tomak and I had been through a tough friendship but right now we were up there. I mean, I would help him through the hard times, I figured I'd made it through mine so far with Maia's help and all theirs too but Fiend was still abroad. His problems weren't like that though. What was I supposed to do? I ran a hand through my silver hair before taking a swig from my flask. I looked at it afterwards and then tossed it next to Tomak.::

Here, you'll need some of this.

Tomak Ohara
Dec 27th, 2002, 12:59:04 AM
I looked up at Dios and smiled. He and I had been through alot, but no matter what it was he always had you smiling in the end. "Sorry my friend," I said still crying a little, "I never drink. Only drank the night of our wedding. She was so beautiful then too. The dress, and her face. I just wish I could hold her once more. Tell her how much I love her." I cried a little harder now. All these great memories. They were wonderful. I thought to myself for a moment. Why am I crying? I was the prince and heir to the throne of the Ohara clan. I had no reason to cry. If my wife was gone, then it was my job to go and find her. I wiped the tears from my face, and looked around at all the others. "My friends, you have all been wonderful here. I have had wonderful times, and in the past few years I have seen humanity at its greatest. Dios showing me that even in the toughest of times, you can overcome any challenge." I turned to Xazor, "Xazor showed me that even when your friends become your enemies, you should still bring them into your home." Then to Zeke, "Zeke showed me that I should always smile." The to my master, "And you Kindo. You have taught me much in the line of friendship, respect, trust, and the force. You have done your job as my master." I smiled and brushed my silver hair out of my face. I walked to the window and looked up at the stars. "Now I feel as though my training has finished. I have seen both the light and the dark sides. I have been taught by many great masters, and yet" I took a depe breath, "I belong on neither side." I turned to the others. "I feel my alliance is with the light, but my vampirism leads me to fight. I feel that it is no longer my duty to stand back, and watch as the world decays around me. People are dying as I speak, and I feel that I have learned everything I can." I gave a cool look, "So from this day forward I declare myself a knight. Not a jedi or sith knight. I am just the knight of justice. My solemn job is to watch over and protect this world." I turned back to the window, "I have watched this world age, and my immortality shall keep it that way. Therefore, I will watch over this world for the rest of its days. I must leave you all, but please I beg of you do not forget me." I picked up my large curved sword and hooked it onto my back. "Now then I leave you all as a knight." I turned to all the jedi knights in the room, "Remember, that it is not the title that makes you a jedi knight, but the actions that you do." I stood waiting for any last words from the others.

Xazor Elessar
Dec 27th, 2002, 07:28:19 PM
Xazor lowered her head and nodded. Tomak thought along the lines that she did. She too had seen both light and dark...she had been a Knight of both sides and now even, she did not totally fit in one area, but somewhere in the middle. Her nature led her to fight, but her heart tried to keep her calm. The woman's cyan eyes slinked up the Vampire's muscular figure to rest upon his face. He was strong, not just physically, but also in spirit. This time was rough, but he was making it through.

"My home is always open to you, my dear friend...even if your path leads you away from the Light. No matter where we shall go, remember me."

Walking forward, she laced her arms around his neck and embraced him tightly as tears stung at the back of her eyelids. Closing them, the Knight released her friend and gently took his hands in hers.

"It's time for you to stretch your wings and fly...and, if you return to me and to your friends...it was meant to be. If not, forever shall we keep you in our hearts, even into the afterlife. Take this..."

With that, Xazor reached into her robes and drew out a black box with a single rose engraved atop the dark wood. It was beautiful, but what rested inside was even moreso. When Tomak opened it he would find an amazing weapon: a crystal saber dagger. The hilt was made of pure black onyx stone and the blade was pure crystal from the planet Llum. A button on the hilt could be pressed creating a charge inside of the weapon. Once charged, two beams of energy would shoot up the crystal and intertwine, then shoot back down into the hilt creating a glow of magnificent power around the clear crystal. Smiling, Xazor handed the box to Tomak and wiped away a fallen tear on his face as a few fell from her own eyes.

"I made this especially for you, dear friend."

Upon the hilt was an engraving. She had made it for a very special day and now it appeared as though that day would not come, but it was, in a sense....today. The engraving read, in white cursive lettering:

To you, my friend I gave my heart
And put my trust in you.
To you I said we'd never part
And that I knew was true.
But the future changes all the while
And we see that now.
But keep upon your face a smile
And we shall keep that vow.

Knight O'Hara, may the Force guide and protect you throughout all the dark places you may walk.


Thinking of these words...the promise that they would still be friends...and all the love she sent with him, made more tears fall from her eyes. Sighing, she embraced him once again and then stepped back to watch her dear friend....one she viewed as a Brother.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 27th, 2002, 08:31:21 PM
After Xazor stepped back, Kindo walked forward until he stood mere inches apart from Tomak. He gazed upon him with that genuine smile of his and piercing sapphire eyes, as the all in the room was silent, waiting for him to speak.

" Oh where to begin. When I first entered this Order, they're were few who befriended me from the start, people who made the effort to get to know me. You, my brother, were one of those few people. I can still remember how our spar went when I first joined, how much we learned and how much fun we had. I remember when we held a ceremony in which we clipped your wings, allowing pearl-white wings to flourish in their place. I remember when I ventured to your castle back on Tattooine, only to find you there and eventually lead you back here, amongst us again. I remember all the parties, fights, training sessions, all of it, and I don't intend to let those go at any time. "

" You see, my memories are what complete me, shape and mold me. You've played a big role in making me the person I am today, Tomak, so to let you pass from my mind would be to lose a part of myself, and that could not, will not ever happen. You mean so much to me, and whenever you need has much has a good chat or a bite to eat, don't you hesitate to call me. I'm here whenever you need me, and the doors to my home are always open to you, as well has my time. You'll always be my brother, and I know that we'll remain allies for the rest of our days. I hope that our paths will cross once again and together we'll take a stand against darkness like we have so many times before. We'll always be brothers, brothers of the light. "

He embraced Tomak with a firm hug, yet not the single tear fell from his either of his eyes. There wasn't a shadow of a doubt that they would meet again, meet to do anything from sharing a cup of coffee to defending innocent bystanders from a band of thugs, one way or another they would team up once more. This wasn't the end.

Tomak Ohara
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:04:13 PM
I took the box from Xazor and hugged her back. I listened to Ki Adi's words with my best attention. I picked up the flask Dios tossed me and took a swig, "Thanks for the gift. I will enjoy this." I smiled and turned to the door. "Thank you for everything my friends. I hope our paths may cross again." I waved my hand in the air and walked outside. The hall was empty, but I continued on. Past the marble statues, past the elevator to the temple, past the training hall, and past the garden. It was all so beautiful at night. I walked up to the doors and closed them behind me. My hair brushed my face in the wind. I walked out toward the forest, and before heading out I turned back to the order. The building was massive, and the moonlight glinted off of its surface. I smiled and took the dagger from the box. I clipped it onto my belt and waved to the order. My best memories were, and always had been, there. I turned around and walked into the night. My place in society was now the Knight of Justice.