View Full Version : In a world of chaos (open)

Jana Silthron
Dec 24th, 2002, 12:23:56 AM
On Courscant, there was a building decorated with angel statues. A few female a few male. They lined the roof and were doted on platforms aorund the walls. People along the street looked up in aw at the amazing building then went on their way.

Suddenly, one of the angel's moved its wings. A closer look proved that it was not a statue at all. That is where Jana Silthron knelt. She watched the city and the people that lived in it.

"What they dont know...."

She left the sentance drift off. Her eyes watched every face as they walked by. The city planet was huge and noisy. Not something she normaly enjoyed. But tonight, she somehow felt she needed to be there. That something or someone would be there.

Jana rose from the platform she was on and took off into the air. She landed ontop of the building and looked up at the night sky. The stars shimmered against their velvet black backround. Her eyes reflected many of them back out into space. She could sense something coming. If she only knew what it was.

Dec 24th, 2002, 04:21:30 AM
Below the building Jana was on, the streets were littered with many beingsand sentients walking every which way. One such being was clad in a dark blue robe. This was rather uncomfortable for him, seeing as he was used to wearing only white.

Walking directly below the building, he stopped. His head turned up towards the top of the building. He did not see anyone, but he could feel someone was up there. Someone he had met once before. Searching his memory on the force signature, the sith master grinned as he found out who it was.

*The girl from the woods. It is time i pay her another visit*

Taking out his harmonica, Malice walked into the building and began wlkng up the stairs towards he top of the building. Playing the tune he had played that same night, Maice guided the noise with the force, so that it would only be heard by her. The rather unique rythmic sound of the harmonica floated acorss the rooftop, and right into Jana's mind. Along with a message from the musician.

(Remember me my fallen angel. You have disgraced my the first time we met, but you will do no such thing this time. Retribution is at hand, and my offer has changed. Either join the darkside, or die by it)

The tune he played suddenly turned violent. Reaching into the hearts of those around him and bringing up hidden anger and hatred. The people and beings suddenly started to argue and fight for no apparent reason. The demon sith master was near the top now.....the music stopped, harmonica put away, only the darkside was present within him now. All sense of humor gone from the sith. He ment business.

Jana Silthron
Dec 24th, 2002, 12:14:48 PM
Jana heard the song and her eyes narrowed. She now knew who was coming. She turned her attention towards the door that leads down into the building. She grabed her saber and activated the blade. It hummed to life as she stood there.

"I will not come down that easily. I am not an angel of light. Instead I am a dark angel who has given into her anger. You do not scare me, sith deamon."

She stands there, prepared for him. She could sense him coming closer and closer. His music had changed. It now only fuled her anger more. She felt the force ripple through her body.

The music stoped. She narrowed her eyes more. She could practicly see him through the layers of stone that were between them.

'Wait until you first see him. Then attack.'

She thought to herself. And that is exactly what she did. She waited for him to come through the door and then attacked.

Dec 24th, 2002, 05:20:13 PM
A soon as Malice had opened the door, the fallen angel attacked him. Grinning as she sped towards him, she was stopped instantly in her tracks. She had run right into a force shield. The loud thud it made as she crashed into it, made the sith master chuckle. Reaching out, Malice hi her with a swift kick, sending her back a few feet.

Making his way onto the top of the building, Malice took off his belt, and threw it to the side. As he had reviously said to himself, he meant business. The time for playing with your opponent was gone. She would face Malice for hwat he truly was. A demon. A child of the darkside.

Closing his eyes, he began the transformation. Buldges were seen moving long underneath his human skin. His form slowly at first shifted and changed. Loking up, Jana saw as Malice's eyes went from dark blue to pith black. With a ear defening yell, the change quickened. His body began to grow. Both in height and in size. The human skin literally ripped off his body, being replaced with blue, armor like skin. His nails and teeth replaced with longer, dagger like versions. Along whip like tail sprouted from his lower back. Along with it, a pair of of wings grew and opened.

When it was done(which it took at most 5 minutes) Jana now stared at an 8ft tall blue demon sith master. His pitch black ees stared at the falen angel. His long razor harp teeth formed a sickening smile as saliva dripped from them. Huge blue clawed hands crossed themselves over the demons chest. The darkside now began to gather it's self within the buge beast, as this was going to be a battle he enjoyed.

With a low, bellowing voice, Malice spoke to her.

*You ready to face Death child. I am not called the demon of chaos for nothing. An di shall show you why*

With that he outstretched one of his massive hands. A simply gesture of his hand motioned for her to attack once again. The force shield was long gone now, for it would not be needed.

Jana Silthron
Dec 27th, 2002, 02:23:34 PM
Horror covered Jana's face as she watched him transform into this monster. Her eyes grew wide when she relised what he was transforming into.

"How is this posable?" she says out of amazement.

When he is done transforming, she narrows her eyes into a glare. She listened to his taunts but then dismissed them from her mind.

"I care not what they call you. For soon they will call you dead."

She quickly charged at him. She brought both hands to her saber to help strengthen the blow and added the force behind it. She slashed up at his chest as hard as she could.

Dec 28th, 2002, 02:19:23 PM
As she charged, Malice jumped backwards, crashing into the door he had recently came through. The pain was of little consequence, as he had avoide possibly deadly move by the woman. Grinning, Malice lashed out with his tail, grabbing onto one of her feet and pulled it out from under her. Glaring at her, Malice called his saber to him, igniting both sides. The two white blades shot forth with a hiss, begging to spill blood.

*You will regret not joining the darkside. I could have given you power....and instead you chose to stay weak. For that, you will die with the weak*

Malice slashed down, aiming to cut her in half where she lay.

Jana Silthron
Dec 28th, 2002, 08:52:02 PM
Jana brings her saber up to block his attack then rolls out of the way. She rolls quickly to her feet and spins to face him. She smirks lightly.

"Your only reason to kill me is because I would not join the dark side?"

Her smile grew as she spoke.

"Then you have no reason to attack me at all. Except for the fact that I am doing this."

She reaches into herself with the force, drawing out all her anger. She holds her hand out facing the Demon infront of her. The dark side of the force ripples lightly around her. She suddenly bursts forward with a great deal more speed then she had before and slashes at his chest. She uses the dark side and her anger towards this being to strengthen the blow as she attackes him.

Dec 31st, 2002, 04:14:20 PM
Malice was caught off guard by this sudden attack. Jumping back, he ound that he was tooslow to avoid the oncoming slash. A burning sensation was felt going from oneside of his chest to the other. Her saber had made it's mark. Though the cut wasn't deep, it still managed to pierce through his armor like skin, burning flesh anjd causing blisters to form. Stumbling backwards. Malice fell to one knee.

With a hand over the mark, the demon glared up at Jana.

*Gggggrrrrrrrrr, child. You know not what you do*

Flapping his wings, The huge demon leapt into the air. Hovering over the area they were fighting in, Malice began to call upon the dark forces around him.

*Noctus belomy.......ferotus unglumus. Petrolion kinketsu*

The demon had delved upon his knowledge of sith sorcery. Thrusting his hands forward, two streams of fireshot forth. Each one taking the shape of a serpent. The fire beast sped through the air towards Jana, flaming tounges licking the air, wanting to taste the flesh they were about to consume.

Jana Silthron
Jan 2nd, 2003, 06:41:10 PM
Jana watched the firey snakes come at her. She stood prepared with her saber and waited. They finaly got close enough and she slashed out at them. She cuts cleanly through one but the other dodges out of the way and attaches itself to her wing.

Jana screams out in pain as the snake bites onto her. She brings her right hand up and force blasts the thing. It is blown off of her but comes back to attack again. She quickly dodges out of the way this time and brings her saber through its head.

She looks back at Malice. He seemed to be laughing at her pain. She glared and him and took flight. She ignored the pain in her left wing as she flew quickly at Malice.

"Your next, Demon!"

She shouts out and shoves her saber towards his side. All her anger and hatred and pain was shoved behind this attack.

Jan 3rd, 2003, 03:42:22 AM
Drawing upon the darkside, Malice focused it into increase his strength. As the slash came in, Malice met her blade with his own, both ending in a stalemate.

*Well......you do have some spunk in you child i'll give you that. But you'll not be the one to destroy me. No. I'll be the one to destroy you*

With that Malice lashed out with one of his massive feet, landing a kick to her gut. Pushing her back, Malice slowly began to decend towards the roof. It would not do good for them to fight in the air.....incase she damaged one of his wings and he fell. He didn't want to think of the pain he would feel the next morining.

Jana Silthron
Jan 11th, 2003, 06:45:35 PM
Jana gets hit with the kick and flys back into the small houseing of the starewell. She hits it with her back and drops to the ground. One of her wings rests in an odd position. Blood comes from a large wound along the arch of the wing. She slowly gets to her knees and looks up at him, shaking from the pain of her smashed wing. She could barely move from the pain.

"What do you want? Why have you come back?"

She just wish for the pain in her wing to stop. She was helpless at the moment. Without training beyond what she already had, there would be no way for her to destroy this monster that stood before her.

Jan 17th, 2003, 08:17:07 PM
As Malice decended towards the roof, he glared at her.

*I am your savior. I have returned to give you one last chance to join me. Agree, and i shall share all my power with you. What I can do, in time you will e able to do the same thing*

Landing, Malice began to slowly walk towards her.

*Think of me as your angel of darkness.......come to show you the power you can obtain. All you need to do is accept me, let me in and watch as the darkside shall open up it's secrets to you*

Jana Silthron
Jan 18th, 2003, 12:08:45 AM
Jana trembled as he came closer to him. The aura of darkness around him was like a thick, invisable fog covering them. Cold and restricting breathing.

"If I accept your offer, you will train me to destroy those that I hate?"

She slowly rose to her feet, still clutching her injured wing. Malice nodded once to answer her question.

"Then I accept."

Jan 19th, 2003, 04:18:00 PM
Malice grinned as she finally accepted his offer.

*Wise choice my fallen angel. Now here's what you do, Go andatch up you wounds, get some rest, and fly on over to Corellia. Find TSO, there i shall be waiting for you. And do not fail me, for i can find you anywhere*

With that Malice's form quickly changed back to that of a human. Though when he did he was naked. Changing into his demonic form he had ripped all his clothing. Still, he was a well stocked man and had no reason to be ashamed. The sith master simply levitated his white robes towards him, wrapping himself in those. Lookgck down at Jana, Malice began to leave the building.

*You have three days to get there. So i hope to see you soon*