View Full Version : reopening closed doors

Live Wire
Dec 23rd, 2002, 09:11:03 PM
Live Wire once again turned on the lights of her all to familiar palace room. She'd been away for far too long and now there was much work to be done. People and things had changed while she was gone so it was going to take awhile to get used to being here.

She feared that some would resent her returning but she knew others would accept her back with open arms. In truth she knew this is where she wanted her daughter raised. A nomadic life in the galaxy may be one that she could become accustomed to but she knew her daughter needed stability. For her TSO represented stability.

Throwing open the doors she walked out onto her balcony that overlooked the gardens. The crisp morning air stung her lungs but it was a good feeling.

"This is it Catherine" she mumbled to herself. "This is home"

Dec 26th, 2002, 07:37:11 PM
*I was wondering when you'd return Master....*

Turning around, LW saw who it was that had spoken to her. It was one of her old deciples, Malice. Walking in, his white robes flowed behind him. Malice walke up to LW and got down to one knee, bowing his head.

*It is good that you have come back. I was begining to think you'd never return*

Malice picked his head back up, a smile crossig his face.

Live Wire
Dec 26th, 2002, 08:00:11 PM
"Malice, my old friend. It is good to see you." Live Wire smiled as she bowed her head in return. He had changed since she had seen him last but she was glad that he was still progressing in the order.

"My return surprised even myself. However after being gone so long I think it was time that I come back home." She sat down in a chair and motioned for him to do the same. "Tell me. How have things been while I was gone?"

Dec 28th, 2002, 02:23:39 PM
Malice sat down beside her in another chair. Clearing his throat before he began.

*Well i am sure alot has happened. But i too had only returned to the order a few months ago. For i believe shortly after you had left, i also left the order. Wanting to go travel throughout the galaxy, and learning new things. Strengthening my knowledge through the darkside*

He stopped talking for a moment, letting everything sink in.

*But when I had returned, i found that members had betrayed the order, forming another sith group. Hearing this, i felt obligated to stay with TSO, and help them get revenge on the traitors*

A twing of anger was seen flashing across his face as he talked about this.

Live Wire
Dec 28th, 2002, 05:40:23 PM
She frowned thoughtfully as Malice talked. Indeed much had happened during her absense. "Sounds like TSO has been through some major changes. May I ask...how exactly did they betray the order? Leaving and forming a new group isn't exactly betrayal. People move on all of the time."

Dec 29th, 2002, 07:31:31 PM
Malice thought for a moment. Thinking back to what he has been told.

*Well mistress, they talkd down about the order. Criticized our teachings and way of life. Then, just simply up and left. About 9 of them altogether had left the order*

Malice then studied LW for a moment before continuing.

*I know not how any of that couldn't be betraying the order master? leaving TSO and forming a new group in the universe. Calling themselves the true sith. That sounds like betrayel to me*

Malice couldn't understand where Live Wire was going with this. So he stopped talking, waiting for her to speak her side.

Live Wire
Dec 29th, 2002, 09:09:31 PM
Suddenly Live Wire felt old....her reccent experiences had given her new perspectives and suddenly she felt like she had seen much more then her lifetime should have allowed.

She hugged her knees up against to her chest and frowned thoughtfully. "It is indeed sad that we lost so many people and its disheartening that they dont agree with our teachings and way of life....but we have never forced them on anyone or ever stopped anyone from leaving the order. We're not a cult...everyone here has free will to be here or not be here."

Live Wire had seen so many true betrayals....the attack on TSO that had led to the destruction of the palace jumped into her mind. "If you follow your line of reasoning then what we did when we revamped the order and abandoned the ways of TSC then that could have been called a betrayal as well. We can't stop people from disagreeing with us or having different ways. When TSO was founded we decided that fighting other sith groups was not the way to live. We have enemies in this universe and fighting others of the dark side is not the way to prosper...its a founding principle that has served us welll. So you have to ask yourself if we were able to get along with the other sith groups of the time why should we be angry that others left us rather peacefully to have an existance that differs from us. As long as they follow the dark path they are in a sense our bretheren."

Jan 3rd, 2003, 07:44:34 PM
Malice put his head down afte hearing LW's words. He felt ashamed of how he was handleing things. Listening to her, Malice kenw she was right. They were still sith and followed the darkside. Looking back up at his former master, Malice grinned.

*You see, that is why i picked you as my master LW. I knew you would teach me well. Even still now, you have proved i have much,much more to learn. For that, i am really glad you came back*

Standing, Malice looked around the room for a bit.

*So, what do you plan on doing now that you have returned*

Live Wire
Jan 7th, 2003, 02:37:32 PM
"We always have much to learn. It doesnt matter how long we have been alive, this universe will always have something else to teach us." She was glad to see that Malice was still as teachable as ever. Some apprentice's got promoted and felt they knew everything. In fact that was how she had been....but over time you learn that in the end you really don't know anything. Even now Catherine felt like she had just begun her education.

"I don't have specific plans. In fact come to think of it I rarely do. Most of my life has happened through rather impulsive situations. But I do know that this is my home for now."

Jan 9th, 2003, 04:31:52 PM
Malice nodded.

*Yes, i don't think i could ever leave this place again. Too much has happened that would make it hard to leave*

Malice then suddenly got an idea. One that he felt needed to happen, wether she wanted to or not.

*Master......how about a sparr, just you and me. I think we are way over due for one*

Malice grinned as he waited for her response. In the past they had sparred very few......and now being a promoted to master, h knew he would stand much better chance then before of going against her.

Live Wire
Jan 14th, 2003, 06:48:22 PM
She looked at him surprised. It had been awhile since she had sparred with anyone. Spar's were always the most fun part of training....well at least for the master, maybe not for the apprentice.

"It has been along time since we have sparred. I think it could be fun."

Jan 20th, 2003, 06:27:52 PM
Malice nodded and smiled at LW.

*Well then master, whenever you feel ready we can start. I shall be waiting you at the training grounds*

With that Malice bowed his head in respect and walked out of her room. He always wondered how he would fair against Mistress LW. Wondering just how much he had changed since she first took him in.