View Full Version : Fear and Loathing. A social outcast.

Heero Luna
Dec 23rd, 2002, 04:36:10 PM
Luna made his way out into the daylight. It was almost blinding as the darkness he'd spent the last few days in was vicously replaced by what seemed like a sunny, bright day. In reality the day was dull and overcast, but as he left the shelter of the cargo hold he had no choice but to cover his eyes.

Once he'd become acustumed to the light he removed his hand and with a squint looked around the diserted yard. Then without hesitation he made his way towards the gates and what looked like a public footpath. Where it lead, he had no clue.

That overpowering sense of vunerability came over him once more. Something nagged at him, almost pulled him away from himself to shake the thoughts from his head. This had become a common feeling for the youngster, And it was something that not even his master had been able to figure out. At least in his living years.

Luna once again found himself in a strange place, with not one clue on how he got there.

Dec 26th, 2002, 07:45:13 PM
As the youth walked on, he suddenly heard a sound. It was music, coming from somewhere off to the left of him. Whne he looked, he saw a man hidden under white robes sitting under a tree. The instrument he was playin was a harmonica. The melody was somewhat soothing, almost peaceful like in a way. This being had the ability to play a tune, and that tune would some times affect beings feelings around him. If he so chose to of course.

Looking up, Malice pulled back his hood, revealing his dark blue eyes, pale face, and his waist length white hair which fell down his shoulders. Contrary to his white robes, and the peacful music he played, a dark and brooding power surged through his veins. He was a beng of darkness, and this planet was his home. Looking up at the youth, his voice came out low and inquisitive.

*Not often do I see peple walking around here with no reason as to why*

Yes the demon sith master had looked into his mind, which he felt no guilt in doing so. Malice often did so to find out a few things about people or beings he just met.

Heero Luna
Dec 29th, 2002, 06:04:53 PM
Luna' hand drifted down and positioned itself upon his dull grey saber hilt. He moved around, squaring up to the stranger, but keeping his distance. His eyes shone, a glint of anger could be seen through the confusion.

"You brought me here?" he bellowed. "What do you want?"

He waited in hope for some kind of an answer to his nightmares of present. he needed to know what had caused him to lose the plot so magnificently. But more importantly, why he was here.

Dec 29th, 2002, 07:34:55 PM
Malice grinned, and even laughed at being accused of bringing this strange man here.

*You mistake me for someone else stranger. For i do not even know you, and therefore couldn't have brought you here*

Standing up, Malice slowly began to walk towards the man. No sign of aggression what so ever.

*But if you have come here not of your own doing, then i have only one answer. The force. It's will has brought you here. Most likely to learn the ways of the darkside. The force probably sense the anger and potential of you being a sith*

Heero Luna
Dec 30th, 2002, 04:50:56 PM
The young man took one step back, whilst he calmly unclipped his saber and took on a defensive stance. The hilt, he held in his right hand, his thumb caressing the ignition switch as he played with the idea of activating his weapon and striking down the dark minded stranger. He too had found time during their brief conversation to probe the others thoughts and what he found was unsettling.

He spat on the ground between the two, his eyes narrowed with hate. "I spit on the Sith......and the force!....You would be wise to back away now....stranger."

Although Luna spoke with purpose, one could sense that he, in himself, was battling against far more than the switch on his saber, He could see the stranger and sense his complete lack of fear at being faced by a Jedi.

"I hate the force, dark or light, its like vermin.. It infects you, takes away any hope you might of had of a normal life...I curse it for ruining me!"

Jan 3rd, 2003, 07:25:58 PM
Malice stopped in his tracks. Hearing his words of anger made him erupt with laughter. Looking at the man, Malice motion around him.

*If you hate the force and the sith, then you have surely come to the wrong place. For you see..........this planet belongs to us sith. You are on our home, a trespasser. We do not take kindely to those who come uninvited*

Reaching down to his side, Malice unlipped his saber from his belt. Eyeing the man, Malice ignited his saber, two white blades shooting out from both ends.

*The does not infect you, unless you are too weak to control it. But if you believe you can strike me down then by all means do try. I shall show you the power that the darkside of the force has to offer*

With that the demon sith waited, standing in a deffensive positon.

Heero Luna
Jan 4th, 2003, 05:26:12 PM
Luna's eyes narrowed as he positioned himself once again, a safe distance from Malice and square on, his right hand moved in to meet his left where both clasped his yet to be ignited weapon.

"A trespasser?" He muttered. By now he was confused, his thoughts raced out of control . He simply went through the motions, as if he were in a dream. His mind was completely shot, overdosed with thoughts, theories and unwanted senses.

The Sith was right. He was weak. He had no control over the force. It was as if his training had been wiped from his brain, then been replaced by mush. The more he tried to reclaim his mind, the more it eluded him.

"I have no clue what you want.....You manipulate my thoughts.......how can I ?"

Jan 5th, 2003, 09:33:36 PM
With the strangers last words, Malice decided to check things out for himself. Looking into his mind, the sith began to probe around. To his surprise, he could barely see anything. It was as if this man'smind had been wiped away, or he had a case of amnesia. Pulling back, Malice thumbed off his saber, clipping it back to his belt. Once more he bega to walk toward the stranger.

*Your confused......you know not where you are, i can help with that. You are on the home planet of The Sith Order. Better known as Corellia. I am Sith master Malice Draclau.........your name i do not believe you have told me*

With this mans mind as it was, Malice felt he was the perfect type to get to join the sith.

Heero Luna
Jan 6th, 2003, 04:36:56 PM
Luna took little comfort from the strangers offer of help, he stepped back and away from Malice once again. His knuckles whitened as he clasped his saber that bit tighter.

"Yet more words of reason....Your not unlike a Jedi in your mannerism.....Yet your so different....why do you plague me? What do you people want from me...I will give you nothing.."

With that, Luna released his blade, with a snap and a hiss, He was eluminated with a green shadow. He took the blade back over his right shoulder.

"Put me out of my misery."

Jan 8th, 2003, 08:31:13 PM
At being called a jedi, The man soon found his saber ripped from his possession by a violent unseen force. The saber floated towards Malice, resting in his palm. Holding the blade, the sith master grinned.

*Believe me, if i felt there was no other way, then yes i would put you out of your misery. but there is another way*

Malice threw Luna's saber to the side. Without warning, he thrusted out his left hand, sending bolts of lightning dancing across Luna's body. The electricity coursing through his body, filling him with pain.

*Do you feel that power, that pain. Join me, and you can have this power, cause this pain to those whom have hurt you*

It had been only about 5 seconds since Malice executed his attack, which soon ended, letting the smoking body slump to the floor.

*Your try my patience stranger, And i am not known for having a lot of it either. Now i shall tell you only one more time, you have potential to be a great warrior of darkness. Power is within your grasp, you only have to reach out and grab it. I can assist you in this. Join the darkside, Join The Sith Order. And with us, you will be un stoppable*

Heero Luna
Jan 9th, 2003, 04:15:48 AM
The Youngling tried in vein to keep a grip on his saber, but the power and speed in which Malice executed his attack left him snatching at air. The force seemed to betray him as he searched for a quick and effective retaliation. Then the lightning started. A pain like he’d never felt before surged through his every muscle, his body jerked violently as the dark master held his assault, then it stopped. His limp lifeless body slumped to the ground. He mustered the energy to look up at the other. The lightning may have stopped but the pain stayed with him as he heard Malice speak.

What choice did he have but to bow to the mans request, there he lay, unarmed, unable to hardly move, his decision would be an easy one, Survive!. As he didn’t really want to die. He had truly not sensed the danger that the Sith Master posed upon him. His head dropped, his face resigned to defeat.

A moment later he found the energy to sit up, it took a few seconds to gain his balance but once he came
to lean on the well placed bolder before him, he soon gained his composure. His eyes were streaming, not tears, but an after effect from the torturous lightning he’d been subjected to. Looking once again to Malice, he spoke, quietly but clearly.

“You harness such power…with such control…..this intrigues me..I must admit. Where I come from the force is solemnly used in such a way.” He paused as he wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his red tunic. The lightning had numbed his face , much like a dentists injection causing him to slobber quite uncontrollably. “If what you say is true…..What good to me would such power be? And at what price?

His mind was already racked with guilt, he was haunted by his recent past but not because of what had been done to him, it was caused by what he had done on to others. Mentally could he handle the darkside of the force. He’d already had an example of its true power, In his own hands and it’d ruined his life instantly, not to mention that of his victims. His only hope of embracing the dark force would come down to his own conscience, or ability to erase it.

Jan 9th, 2003, 04:59:45 PM

Malice echoed after Luna. True there was a price for gaining such knowledge to use the power he had shown. But to the master it was a small price.

*The price of learning to use such power from me, or from anyone else within the sith palace is simple. Total and unquestionble loyalty is to be given to your master and to the order in which as taken you in. Pledge your life to us, and in return you will be given the knowledge to wield great power. With this power you can do whatever you want*

Malice pasued for a second. Calling for two droids with the use of his comm link he always kept. His flowing white robes were still now as the wind had died down.

*With the power of the darkside at your grasp, you can have anything you've ever wanted. Kill all those whom have eer hurt you. The possibilities are endless. All you have to do is show nothing but loyalty and devotion to the order, then nothing will stand in your way*

With that he waited. Waited for the droids to appear.

Heero Luna
Jan 11th, 2003, 12:41:34 PM
Luna wondered what the man had planned for him. He remained propped up against the lone boulder as Malice ordered back up in the form of two droids. As they appeared around the offset belt of shruberry, he felt his throat tighten. He'd lacked food for over 2 days now and all of a sudden he felt it, his stomach growled, plenty loud enough for the other to hear. this embarrased Luna slightly and he shuffled to a more upright position to prevent a similiar outburst.

As the droids halted next to the Master , Luna watched and listened for their next order. Could it be that these servers were about to take him to a place where food was of plenty and where wash and sleep awaited, Things any human, in most a state of mind would craive. For a moment and the present, he found himself relieved of the burden he'd been carrying for the past months. A feeling of anticipation took over him. What the Dark Lord had spoken of was in the far reaches of his mind now, unintentionally leaving him even more open to the Sith and their seductive, evil ways..

Jan 13th, 2003, 04:56:58 PM
As the two droids rested by the demon sith, Malice kept his gaze on Luna, while giving the droids their orders.

*Take him into the palace to the med bay to get treated. After he has recovered, take to go eat in the palace' kitchen. From there i shall be waiting*

With that Malice watched as the droids carried off the man towards the palace. Malice following from behind.

OOC: Sorry i've been really busy IRL stuff andcot get on a whole lot.