View Full Version : Please dont step on my tail! [Open]

Dec 23rd, 2002, 03:06:15 PM
Kanji sat in the bar, keeping his long dragonic tail wraped around the stool he sat in. He had learned, quite quickly, that most patrons didn't look at the floor when they walked and stepped on the trailing appendage quite frequently.

He wondered if it was swell! Oh the horror of a bludge in the sleek scaled spear. Shaking his head, Kanji poked at the cook T-bone steak sitting infront of him with what the humans termed "fork". The silver tool was curious, it didn't slice through the food; rather, it just poke it.

Shrugging, Kanji let the fork drop to the plate and he glanced around. People came in and out, bumping into his wings as they passed, it nearly made Kanji move to keep the patrons from running into him.

Turning back to the steak, Kanji stared down at it. "Are you going to eventually... you know... move?"

Aeris Thriner
Dec 23rd, 2002, 04:24:22 PM
I smiled and walked into the bar. I had my usual basket of flowers, and I saw a dragon sitting in the corner. I swear that this place just kept getting weirder. I walked up to the dragon who had seemed to give up on eating his steak. I had seen him poke it a few times, and it seemed as though he could not cut it. I walked up to him, "Would you like me to help you cut that?" I lifted a knife and cut through the steak showing him how. "See like this." I said as I cut it up for him. I moved my hair out of my face, and my arms shown from my pink dress and red jacket. My brown hair was tied into a ponytail and was down to my waist. I smiled and handed him a flower. A beautiful yellow tulip, "Free of charge." I said as I gave a soft smile.

I looked at him before walking away, "My feet are tired. I have been selling flowers all day. Do you mind if I sit down with you Mister?"

Dec 23rd, 2002, 09:15:13 PM
Kanji gave a pleasant smile when Aeris handed him the bright flower as a gift and the draconian placed it gently in the chest pocket of his black jedi tunic. "Thank you, kind Miss. And please, do have a seat!"

His tail snaked out from around the stool and gently pushed the empty seat next to him away from the bar to allow Aeris to sit. Soon as the task was accomplished, he slipped the tail back under the stool - for safety sake - and introduced himself, "I'm Kanji, Padawan of Dasquian Belargic. Pleasure to meet you."

Aeris Thriner
Dec 23rd, 2002, 09:28:54 PM
I sat down, "Thank you." I said with a sweet smile. I gave him an odd look. "So how did you get the way you are?" I said. How do you look like that? It had to be a new fasion statement.

I looked at the small server droid and asked for a glass of red wine. I was very thirsty, and I had not had alcohol in a very long time. I was only twenty-one, but I had had alcohol once when I was eighteen. Accidently of course, but it wasn't that bad.

"So how long have you been here?" I said looking around. This place was magnificent.

Dec 23rd, 2002, 09:38:42 PM
"How do I look like this?" Kanji repeated, rasing a brow, "Well... I was born like this... I guess... the only way to be this way"

As the droid skittered away, Kanji turned to his drink; a 'coke' and took a deep drink from the straw in the cup. With his snout, drinking like a normal human would proved impossible without making quite a mess on the floor and drinker.

"I've been here for a short time, to say the least, about two or three months esssstimated.."

Aeris Thriner
Dec 23rd, 2002, 10:01:54 PM
I gave a gasp and then a large laugh as he took a drink. After I calmed down, "I am sorry. It is just funny to watch you drink. That deserves another flower." I pulled a white rose from my basket and handed it to him.

"I am sorry." I took a drink from my wine glass. Whoa! that was a weird feeling. I really hadnt drank in a long time. I looked over to him, "Well I am a flower girl. I thought about becoming a jedi, but I don't know. Convince me." I said with a smile on face.

Dec 23rd, 2002, 10:15:27 PM
Kanji slid the white rose next to the yellow tulip in his pocket, the two flowers mixing together lovely. He then turned his head torwards her from the flowers, "There is naught a way I can convince you to join the jedi, it's ssssomething you have to want to do from your heart, mind, and sspirit and not of coaxing. You must be willing to fight for something you belive in: love, justice, peace, tranquility and the such"

He shook his head back and forth, "I joined because I belive I can help stop the wars, bring peace to the galaxy.."

Aeris Thriner
Dec 24th, 2002, 02:25:29 PM
I smiled, "That is great. I wish I could be a Jedi. However, I prefer to bring peace by spreading my flowers. You don't really see them around that much anymore." I chuckled, "That and I kill vampires. World will be better off without them." I said giggling. "So tell me, do you happen to know where I can find any other vampires or vampire slayers?"

Dec 24th, 2002, 02:32:46 PM
"Nay, flowers are very scarce these days, I agree. I've read that places like Naboo have enormous gardens filled with rows upon rows of these plants," Kanji replied, recalling from what he read in the Jedi Archives.

At her mention of vampires, the dragon-kin shook his head lightly, “I’ve have not come in contact with any ‘vampire’ kind as of yet, so I am not of much help in giving locations of any.”

Kaytor Surna
Dec 26th, 2002, 12:49:18 AM
Kaytor sat at the booth next to them. She over heard their conversation. She smirked and shook her head when they started to talk of the vampyres. She slowly moved to where they could see her slightly.

"Well the vampyres are much closer than both of you belive them to be."

She sat there. She had met the woman before and figured that she knew that Kaytor was a vampyre. But she wasnt positive.

Aeris Thriner
Dec 26th, 2002, 01:38:27 AM
I turned to see a woman staring at me with dark eyes. "Hello, you must be a vampire. Your kind kill innocent people. Why? To feed, why don't you come up with a new way to feed. Otherwise, I might have to kill all vampires." I gave her a stern look. My brown hair came in my face, and I pushed it out. I smiled and looked at her no emotion on my face, "I am not as innocent as I look."

Kaytor Surna
Dec 26th, 2002, 01:48:58 AM
Kaytor grinned evily, showing her sharp fangs. This hunter did not know what she was getting herself into. Amatures should stick with the dummies not the real thing.

"Looks are decieving, arnt they, little hunter. For at first glance, I seem harmless enough. A closer look proves that a first glance should not be the only one."

Her eyes drifted to the dragon then back to the hunter.

"And what would you do to me here? This is a non-violent area. Your weapons as well as mine are at the door. Then again, if you wish to take this outside, I have yet to feed today. I could use a good meal of hunter."

Dec 29th, 2002, 02:32:25 AM
Kanji shook his head back and forth at the argument and challenge, "Not that I would condemn a good brawl; I must say that there will be no 'feeding' on anyone when I'm around.."

He glanced between the two, one felt nothing while the other seemed amused. The Dragon presumed the fanged one was what Aeris dubbed a "vampire", but one could never be so positive.