View Full Version : Flowers in the Deaths(Alana Stormcloud or vamp hunters open)

Aeris Thriner
Dec 23rd, 2002, 11:27:29 AM
I stood in the small alleyway with my basket. It was full of all kinds of flowers. I had roses, wildflowers, tulips, and many others. I picked one out of the basket. I rubbed its gentle petals across my face. There was nothing quite like a flower. Something that was so soft and pure. Like life it was born and died. They were so beautiful.

I was in my pink dress with my red jacket. I had my usual brown basket with the flowers, and I was selling them for my usual one credit. It wasn't much, but it was something that brought these people happiness. I smiled my usual smile. My brown boots clicked as I walked out of the alleyway. My brown hair swayed behind me as I walked, and I had it done in its usual ponytail. My pink bow holding it all at the top. I thought it looked nice. I went in front of the theater and started speaking. My calm, velvety voice came out from my mouth.

"Flowers only one credit. One credit for a flower. Any kind." I continued to say this over and over. Some people looked at me like I was a beggar. I was okay with that. As long as they looked at the flowers too. A woman approached me. She spoke:

"I will take one." She said as she handed me a credit. I pulled a rose from the basket and handed it to her. She slowly turned away and walked off. I smiled and told her thank you. When I looked down. She had given me five credits and I forgot to give her change. I ran after her holding the credits for her change. As soon as I rounded the corner I stopped, and my hand went to my mouth. I gasped and dropped my flowers. Someone was feasting on her. It was one of those horrid vampires. I had seen them in the alleys, but I had never seen them feed before. I did the only thing that I could think of. I screamed. This was horrible. The woman still had the rose in her hand. This vampire was feasting on the poor woman.

I looked in complete horror. I was so scared. What was going on? It seemed that I had sold a flower for this womans own funeral. I started to cry in fear. The creature turned and stood up. It was a woman. I feared for my life even more. Tears continued to poor down my face. I was to scared to move or scream again.

"What are you doing?" I said with a quick cry. Why did this monster kill the poor woman. For mere amusement. I still had my hand on my mouth, and I closed my eyes as hard as I could.

Alana Stormcloud
Dec 23rd, 2002, 12:21:25 PM
Alana dropped the woman she had fed from to the ground. Her eyes noted the rose in the dead woman’s clutch. Its scent wafted up to the Vampyre Lordess, and brought a smile to her face. She had always loved roses. It was a sweet reminder of humanity.

Alana turned to the woman who had cried out, sweet irony. It was the one selling the flowers that lay crumpled, and broken in the dead woman’s grip. "She will use it well, little one. Mayhap they will find her and bury her with the last flower she will ever smell?" Alana's cold grin widened. Her cruel eyes took in the small figure of the girl. She had no need to kill her, having just fed. But Alana was enjoying her terror.

"Alana called on the darkside, pulling the girl to her. Her hand that held the basket of her lovely flowers fell from her shaking hand, spilling them to the ground. Where they would be trampled, and bruised. The Vampyre pulled the girl close, her silken voice almost soothing if not for the words. "Hush, hush little one. Death can be as sweet as the one credit flower's you sale." Soft chanting came from blood stained lips. A terrible vision of death filled the girl's mind. She was laying there among her torn roses, broken as they were.

The girl cried out, and when her eyes snapped open to deny the vision, she found herself utterly alone. She, Left only with the sound of laughter in the dark alley, and the taste of blood in her mouth. She had bitten her tongue, and now tasted just what death could be....

Aeris Thriner
Dec 23rd, 2002, 12:35:38 PM
I was so scared. I screamed again after I was alone. I looked down at the flowers. They were all crushed, and now I got upset. It was too late to say anything to her. I cried for the flowers and I slowly got up. I stumbled out of the alleyway with sweat on my face. I was sweating bullets.

I looked to the nearest person and grabbed onto them, "Please help me. The woman in the alley...she was bitten. She is dead. Please help her." I looked up at the person. "Please help me." I said as I passed out. I slept horribly. All I could see was death and destruction. I was so scared.

When I awoke later I was in a completly diffrent setting. "Where am I?" I asked with my eyes barely open.

Aeris Jin Kerr
Dec 24th, 2002, 12:55:21 AM
"Somewhere safe."

Luckily for the woman, it was a vampyre huntress who she had grabbed onto. Aeris was passing through town for a quick meal before heading to Corellia after hearing reports about rogue vampyre gangs when a piercing scream rang through the air. Immediately it had caught her attention and she had followed it, only to find a girl stumbling out of an alley and latching onto her.

After the girl had passed out, Aeris had picked up her up (thankfully the girl was lithe and lightweight), and carried her to a nearby inn. After paying the fee for a room, she had set the girl on the bed and covered her up with the sheets.

"Do you mind telling me what happened?"

Aeris was placing a cool washcloth on the girl's head, wiping it.

Aeris Thriner
Dec 24th, 2002, 01:00:51 AM
I looked up at her, "I had sold my flowers to a woman who gave me five credits. I ran after her to give her her change, and she was dead. Being feasted on by a vampire. I couldn't do anything. I felt so helpless." Then my eyes widened,"The vampire picked me up without touching me. I was so shocked. She whispered something in my ear, and I passed out after that. I awoke later and then ran out to you." I said with my eyes beaming. I sat up quickly. I turned ot Aeris, "I want to fight. I want to be able to stop that next time. I want to be able to kill the vampires that hurt people. I want to...." I fell back down onto the table, "By the way, what is your name? Mine is Aeris."

Aeris Jin Kerr
Dec 24th, 2002, 01:43:05 AM
She chuckled before her face went solemn again. The girl was talking so fast that all of her sentences ran together.

"Well, isn't that odd .. My name is also Aeris."

On the outside, her demeanor was calm, but her sea-green eyes betrayed her thoughts. She said that there was a vampyre feasting on a woman .. in broad daylight! Are they really getting that bold? .. But the vampyre used telekinesis, something that only Force users seem to be capable of ...

And then, two words whispered itself in her mind, and a bittersweet taste was felt in her mouth.

The Shrine.

Her right hand clenched into a fist as she stood up, growling.

"Tell me about this woman, Aeris! What did she look like? Did she have dark brown hair and a sinister laugh? Was her skin fairer than the flesh of rotting corpses? Was she - .. was she ..."

Alana, at last I have found you.

Aeris Thriner
Dec 24th, 2002, 01:49:40 AM
I looked up at her. I was quite puzzled, "I beleive so. From what I can remember. Tell me are you what they call a hunter? Can you teach me to be one?" I smiled and looked at her. I placed my hand on her face, "I don't want to be helpless anymore." I let my hand drop, and then I slowly closed my eyes. I fell asleep and there I dreamed of te flowers. They made a picture though. It was a cross, a common weapon against vampires.

I knew my future from that point on. When I awoked I saw Aeris suiting up for a fight. "Where are you going?" I said sitting up. I felt alot better. I grabbed the small metal item at the clip of my belt and pressed a button. The small item spread out in two directions. It formed a bo and it was at least six feet long. I smiled, "Wherever it is, you are taking me with you." I gave a soft smile. I needed my flowers.

Aeris Jin Kerr
Dec 27th, 2002, 07:05:18 PM
The girl looked so innocent in her sleep that Aeris felt guilty about getting up and preparing to leave ... Well, only slightly. There was a large bag that she always carried with her, and inside were various weapons that could be used in her little "sessions". It was now that she was shuffling through it, making sure she had everything needed.

Taking out a silver dagger, Aeris put it inside her right boot and then placed the bag's strap over her shoulder. She was about to open the door and leave when the girl woke up. "Where are you going?" Cursing, Aeris turned around and saw the girl with an enormous bow and quirked a brow.

"What makes you think I'm taking you along? You're too young and helpless, kid. Stay here where you belong."

Alana is mine.

With that, she swung the door open and departed, leaving the girl in the bed.

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 28th, 2002, 12:08:32 AM
Like a dark thunderstorm Dalamar ran across the roof tops both Katana out. Leaping off the roof he extended his arms it felt like flying, he exalted in the dark power of being a vampyre. Landing hard, the ground crunched underneath him. Swords flashing in the crowd, people panicked as others died. Normally Dalamar didn't believe in the waste of life. But the owner of this establishment refused to pay Ashiva her due in a private matter. This disrespect could not be left unattended to. Two men with blasters appeared at the club doors targeting Dalamar. They dropped silently as the Warlord pulled his swords from there throats, there weapons never fired.

Kicking the door open a prince of the Shrine walked in "Oh Vinnie, he called out. "Don't try to run. You knew I was coming. Where's your talk now. I sincerly hope this isn't the best you can do or your never going to be able to stop me."

Men came in with crosses, and silver weapons. The Vampyre chuckled silently and shook his head. "Crosses, surely your joking. You want to kill a vampyre you cut off his head." Dalamar did a 360 sweep killing the man nearest him. The blood spurted out of the open stub of his neck. Like a deadly ballet Dalamar went through the men. Like a force of nature Hacking, and cutting, an unstoppable tornada of death. He walked through the establishment, blood covered his knee's, and splattered his black armor. A knight for death Dalamar was done playing game's, it was time to unleash the forces of the Shrine. People would know who, and what they where messin with.

Vinnie backed away he knew his own death was approaching. He begged and pleaded for some one to stop the Vampyre. His terror now evident on his pale face. The room suddenly got crowded as guards came in unwittingly to there deaths. The pale figure before them opened wide the doors to hell. Sending men to there maker.

"I am Warlord Dalamar, Keeper of the Dawn. I’m the last thing you’re going to see in the short life left to you." The body of the last bodyguard slid off the blade of the Dark Lord. Vinnie pulled out his gun. "No stay away I’m Vinnie Soprano you can't touch me I'm a made man."The Shadow of death passed over his face. Vinnie yelled. "No, wait Ill give Ashiva the thing. Whatever she wants just please, please don't hurt me.

Pushing a stud on the control panel next to him, a hiss was heard as small carved image of an Egyptian falcon appeared . Inside look to be ashes of some kind. "Here take it, take it just don't hurt me okay?"

Dalamar smiled razors "I’m sorry Vinnie there’s a new order in town." The Warlord took the hits from Vinnie's Gun. There was pain but it was worth it, to see the look of terror on Vinnies face. The Darkness had come to claim one as its own. With eye's of glowing crimson Dalamar held his attention. His whimper for mercy was quite satifactory to his vampyre ears. Ashiva had made her commands clear Vinnie was to die. The Dark Lord slid out a special curved blade for traitors such as this. The Shrine's retalliation was always swift, and lethal and this one was to be made an example of. The Vampyre was barely seen as he cut him across his mid section, letting Vinnie's bowels fall on the floor in a hot bloody mess. Then without pause he finished the move with his decapitation." Ashiva asks that I send her regards!"

Reaching down he took the falcon and a glass of 'Red Wine'. "I'm sorry Vinnie but you chose your own destiny when you chose to deny the Shrine." Lifting his glass he toasted to a room full of wounded and dead. "To the New Order."......