View Full Version : The Future is Before Thee...

Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 23rd, 2002, 10:32:59 AM
Jamel took his feet, slidding along the surface into the room, placing hsi hand upon it and reaching out with the Force he sled it open. Taking his feet in in the same fashion that he ventured to the room he looked toward the stone tiled surface where he would begin his training. It would be one of hush, and he was hoping for someone to enter to enhance his training as well.

Heading toward the white stone tile he sat motionlessly, placing his legs together in indain sit and begin his training within meditation. As the Force ran like a drapped coat over his being, he reached deep into what he had to offer, the gift he had and used it to search for the future. It took moments upon moments to find the truth of th efuture, or even the second nearing future.

Frowning in displeasure as he saw a creature running with a blaster as meanwhile a forgien toture object came downward onto a man, ripping his flesh immeditately on contact. Grinding his teeth under his frowned lips he shifted himself backward and twirled in mid air. Sliding along the ground, his reached at his lightsaber, drawing it up with the gift. Securly clutching the metallic black object, he swung it stealthfully around as he clicked upon the weaponary's igniting compontent. The orange haze extended itself from the crystal center, and he fell into his stance as he heard the sound from his head along the footsteps. It was tha to of the creature who was there to kill him. It was a robotic figure, but unlike in his future pyschic he saw more then one after him. Bouncing backward he jumped high in the air, meanwhile the object came down toward him. It had spikes along the side that was heading toward the surface, while the other top was flat and stern.

Gandering upward, he rolled back and motioned his hand at the rope that drove it down. Gesturing his hand toward it as he beckoned the Force he shifted it with a push. Driving it forward toward the group of robotic enemies he pulled away their blasters before they could hit him during their demise.

"Session one was nice..Now for session two." He came to a seat as he spoke quietly to himself, placing his legs back in a meditating fashion. His eyes were held shut as his thoughts once again reached for the tranquility that he had previously. It was a hard task, but he would have to master it if the boy ever wanted to truly come before the Council. He wanted to know that he could rely on all of these things without second guess, no fear at all.

"Fear Leads to the Dark Side.." The Scriptures said.


It was an item ripping through his arm, but not taking the item and dispatching it, but their was a deep cut upon him. Twirling around he grabbed his lightsaber and stared at the creature with two knifes. It was once again a manufactored battle driod made for these sessions. Leaping over another slice, the To-Be Padawan landed into a roll. As his thought's reached out to the force, he thought quitly to himself for a second as he felt the presence of his enemy pressuring and shifting closer ot him. Throwing the lightsaber ahead, he screamed barbically and the True Force within him was beckoned. Heading toward his enemy, he sliced their chest plate, dispatching it from the rest of its body.

Once again the metallic figure exploded from dicapitation and remained were only fragments. The young boy headed to the center isle of the broken temple training room and motioned to the door. Placing his hand upon the lightsaber igniting compotent, the orange ray of heat ran its way back into its projector. Placing it neatly at his waist belt, he came out the room heading toward the center to continue.

Jan 26th, 2003, 03:24:16 PM
"You can practice sense without wrecking the equipment."

Zeke leans in the door with Janus in tow.

"Beat me here. Today we learn Force Sense. Lime will learn later. She's younger, so I'm going to train her alone. Jamel, this is Janus. He's going to be your training partner."

Janus Riddyl
Jan 27th, 2003, 03:05:12 PM
Janus looked at Jamel and smiled a little. He extended his hand forward and spoke. "It's a pleasure to meet you, as will traning with you I expect."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 28th, 2003, 10:02:59 PM
I smiled back, unforcingly suprisingly, I normally forced my smiles in a showcase of pleasurment & commitment to the respect toward those who I disliked or found undiserving of some item or lifestyle. This time though it was different I found affection in this man, he was clear like a window--see threw but it still blurred the truth. This element of the man, or what I found as an element quickly intriguied me about him, I liked interested people.

"So, what race are you of?" I said, grasping his hand lightly as I shook it in responses to his reaching gesture.

Janus Riddyl
Jan 29th, 2003, 11:44:47 AM
janus smiled to himself, people he knew back home would not approve of him sharing anything about himself or the rest of his people. But Janus felt that the days of seclusion and hiding were over. "I am an Angel of the third moon of Iego. Its in the Outer Rim...What planet are you from?"

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 29th, 2003, 07:50:56 PM
I smiled at him as I answered his question, my lips curling to a smirk after every word.

"Well I'm from Lok, though I may seem to be a human I'm a 'Callistian' a race created in a scientifical expirmentation with human celluar creation. I learned about my race when at the Jedi Canidancy Academy in the Archives."

Jan 30th, 2003, 09:51:18 AM
"Not to cut introductions short, but let's stay focused on why we're here. You two can chill later, in the Living Quarters or the Bar and Grill."

Zeke walks to the wall and catches the lights, throwing the room into darkness. He summons his telekinesis and shuffles the two Padawans, landing them in totally different places than where they had been.

"Now, using the Force, reach out and find one another."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 30th, 2003, 06:45:53 PM
"What the..You want me to find him, I can't even see him."

Jan 30th, 2003, 07:45:20 PM
"Yes, Jamel." Zeke's voice rings out from the darkness, carrying an unusual seriousness. "Find him. Use the Force."

Janus Riddyl
Jan 30th, 2003, 09:15:38 PM
Janus thought for a moment. Finding himself in the Force was one thing, he knew where he was, but finding another was a little more difficult. He'd done it once or twice during training, but it wasn't easy. He closed his eyes and focused on the Force inside himself, now he opened himself to his surroundings. He barely sensed Jamel and Master Zeke in the Force and soon enough they faded away as he lost his hold. He opened his eyes now and spoke, "I barely saw you, then you both faded out."

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 30th, 2003, 09:20:12 PM

Man, damnit where is he...

I thought silently to my self, knowing that if it was in more angered louder tone in my mental state my Master would catch it through his telephatical linkage. During my thought sI was swinging, as hastingly and angringly as possible--it began to become irritating that I couldn't gain even a speck of wood in my aimless grasp.

"Hmm.." I murmured a sound of thought under the sight of darkness, jumping forward and reaching once more. In my jump I felt my foot hit the an object which lead me to a tummbling fall. Hitting the ground I rolled along it...

Okay, look through the force..

I came to a slow stand, and began once more, but more thorough with my thoughts, formatting my body in a meditation stance.

Jan 30th, 2003, 09:27:43 PM
"Stay calm, the both of you. It's frustrating, I know. But keep your cool. you'll never find each other if you lose focus."

Janus Riddyl
Jan 31st, 2003, 03:03:38 PM
Janus steadied himself and focused on the Force. He could see clearly the Force inside of him, now he opened it up to his surroundings. Things were very hazy, he couldn't tell a person from an object. He waited before he tried to decipher objects from people, just focus. Slowly things became clearer.
"I can...almost see you...I can't..tell...what is what." He said aloud.

Jamel Croko'yn
Jan 31st, 2003, 07:41:33 PM
The meditation began to work, and as the same as my newly aquantinted partner, I managed to decipher objects thorugh the workings of the Force. I think mine took much longer to succeed in sustaining and attaining the goal of seeing him, but it seemed now that I would have to find and touch him or at least direct where I saw him.

I could barley see him though, he seemed like a small ants in the undergrounds of Coruscant, but I still could see him.

"I found him.." I directed my comment toward my master, my eyes slowly opening to find myself no longer in darkness but in a light that was formulated by my optics in the Force.

Feb 1st, 2003, 10:59:52 AM
"People exist in the Force brightly. All living things do. All the rest is dull."

Janus Riddyl
Feb 1st, 2003, 11:43:53 AM
Jnaus heard his masters words and then started to look for the objects that would shine more brightly than others. There were two, one glowing even more brightly than the other. "That must be my master." He thought to himself. Now he spoke out loud, "I can see now. Both of you."

Jamel Croko'yn
Feb 2nd, 2003, 07:26:35 AM
I had managed to find it before him this time, and as he spoke I was already on my path toward the being. I motioned slowly and carefully for the cautiousness that a opstical could stand in the to be used to test my ability in the sense. I was only two steps away when I regained the composure that I any confident man would.

I glanced at my Master, a frown of pain coming to my face. In an immeditate rush I aimed for the door, and was out in the hall running back to my quaters.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 02:04:33 PM
"Um...guess that ends the lesson..." Zeke mutters, scratching the back of his head. "Well practice more on this later, Janus."

Janus Riddyl
Feb 3rd, 2003, 07:40:03 PM
Janus opened his eyes and saw Jamel running in the distance. He looked at his master and said, "Does this happen often?"

Feb 3rd, 2003, 09:01:55 PM
"Dude...I couldn't tell you. We'll do this again later. You're free to do as you please."

Janus Riddyl
Feb 4th, 2003, 06:34:14 PM
"Thank you master." Janus replied and bowed. He left the room to excercise his skills.