View Full Version : Searching.....(open)

Anthony Scott
Dec 22nd, 2002, 07:17:37 PM
A figure clad in a white t-shirt and brown leather pants entered the Jedi Temple. He quietly strode down a long corridor and then came to stop at a beautiful foyer with at least twenty fountains in the center. He paused at the entrance and ran his hand through her shoulder length brown hair before stepping into the room which appeared nearly sacred.


He said in a whisper before taking a few more cautious steps forward. Deciding that no one else was there, he sighed silently and then continued on, approaching the beautiful fountains. The water caught the lights hanging from above and created rainbows right before his eyes. Smiling, he reached out and touched the water with his index finger.

"They're just as beautiful as home -- perhaps even more so."

Anthony sighed once again before stepping back and looking down into the pool of water. His brown eyes gazed into those of his reflection as he quieted his mind and thought of what he would say if perhaps he found a Jedi to train him that day. He had been accepted to the Order, but had no Master to train him -- he was eager to get started, yet patient. I hope perhaps I am lucky enough to find someone today. he thought before bending over to touch the reflection of himself. The water rippled out distorting the image as he came to stand at full height once again to watch the beauty before him.

Dec 23rd, 2002, 03:10:42 AM
A newly knighted man approached the stranger with a slow wonder.

He had been one of the most promising padawans in recent times according to some, although Oriadin himself still felt he had much to learn. Not too long ago the council had granted him the rank of knight. Allowing him to take on a padawan for himself. He hadnt been looking too hard but had kept an eye out for someone who looked promising. Too many come here and fail to see out the end of their training, Oriadin thought. He wanted to be carefull about who he chose to be his understudy.

Oriadin made no sound as he approached. Not until he stood right behind the person who had caught his eye. Then he made a sound as if to clear his throat.

--Excuse me. Can I help you at all? Your not lost are you?--

Anthony Scott
Dec 23rd, 2002, 10:12:19 AM
--Excuse me. Can I help you at all? Your not lost are you?--

The stranger's voice came softly from behind Anthony. He caught his breath from the shock of surprise and then slowly turned to face Oriadin.

"No good sir, I am not lost -- well, in a sense I am, but I belong to this Jedi Order. I am merely here admiring the beauty of these fountains and perhaps, searching for a Master to train me in the ways of the Light."

He bowed his head after speaking before standing to his height of nearly six foot tall. A smile crossed his lips as he pushed his shoulder length brown hair out of the way and set his deep brown eyes upon the stranger. The orbs of chocolate glowed with an intensity, showing he was quite serious about this -- seeking out a Master was the first step to his long path as a Jedi. He knew that if he could find one, he would train hard with the Jedi Code bound closely upon his heart.

"You wouldn't happen to know anyone who is looking for a Padawan, would you?"

Dec 23rd, 2002, 10:28:29 AM
Oriadin remained silent for a moment, giving the mans question some thought.

--I may know of one or two.--

He said quietly, looking at the man. Oriadin seemed to be sizing the man up somewhat. He was curious about him. Oriadin had not set eyes upon him before. Usually the Knight kept a close eye on everything at the order. There were very few that he didnt know at least by sight. Finally a smile appeared across his face and he extended his hand.

--Hi, my name is Oriadin, Im a knight here at the order. And you are?--

Anthony Scott
Dec 23rd, 2002, 01:49:33 PM
The Padawan smiled and took Oriadin's hand in his own. A strange thing happened though, for when their skin touched a gentle charge ran through Anthony to the Knight. Of course, the Padawan did not know this, he never felt it but others told him it happened. Strange it was indeed but it was a gift he knew not of at the moment.

"My name is Anthony -- Anthony Scott. I have been here for just about a month with my daughter Faith. It's very lovely here, I must say."

He smiled and brought his hand back to his other, clasping them behind his back. The man's gaze shifted to the fountains as the path of the water changed once again. He watched them for a moment before turning his head in Oriadin's direction.

"So you say you know of someone who may be interested in taking on a Padawan? Maybe I might be able to meet them someday. I am patient, though -- I can wait. All things come in time."

Dec 23rd, 2002, 02:04:38 PM
Oriadin smiled. He sensed that Anthony was keen to find a master to train him, meanwhile being as patient as he could. It was hard to come across as patient when seeking a master. Oriadin knew this all to well. In this respect, the young man reminded the knight much oh himself.

Faith, now, he seemed to remember a young girl going around by that name. He'd seen her but not spoken to her. There were suprisingly few children around the order nowadays. In the past, only children would be taken to become Jedi. They were young enough to not know emotion and so it was easier to train them to deal with emotions.

--We shall talk about sorting a master out for you in due course. Why dont you tell me, Anthony, about yourself, and about how you came to the order. Tell me a little about Faith and your relationship with her. Why is it you want to become a Jedi?--

He hoped he hadnt bombarded the newcomer with too many questions but these were the questions that ensured he would find the right master for him.

Anthony Scott
Dec 24th, 2002, 01:13:49 PM
Anthony inhaled deeply and let his eyes wander back to the foutains. A smile crossed his lips for but a moment before he turned and faced Oriadin again.

"I came to the Order to seek out a place that I could serve the greater good. The Universe is so a massed with evil -- one can hardly step out of their door in the morning without seeing a man get murdered on the streets in cold blood. So long had I listened to tales of the Jedi; those who are out protecting the innocent and weak daily. It breaks my heart to sit around doing nothing when I know I can do something."

He paused a moment and thought back to his days in the Kingdom. Both of his parents had ruled well and had kept the order, but when they died a few months ago, Anthony was next in line to take the throne. His heart refused him to do so, knowing that it was no way to spend the rest of his life practically being worshipped by his people. It was not him -- not at all. Obviously distracted, his eyes wandered off again before he realized that he indeed had gone silent for some time.

"I mean not to keep anything from you, for I trust all within these walls -- yet, there is much about my life I wish not to share. Not only for my benefit do I do this, but to protect my daughter, Faith, as well. Yes, she is my daughter -- her mother passed away some time ago. It's been difficult playing both roles of mother and father. She could use a female rolemodel in her life, and I'm afraid she's turning out to be a tomboy under my guidance."

Anthony's cheeks flushed red as a cherry as he turned away from the Knight to hide his shame. It was nothing he could help though, he was raising Faith in the way that he knew how and she did not lack any love. Smiling at the thought of his precious child, he turned back to Oriadin once again.

"I wish to become a Jedi so I can help everyone -- I don't want the future to be ruined for the children -- like my daughter."

Dec 25th, 2002, 08:10:37 PM
Oriadin nodded, taking in all that was being said to him. He was silent and carefull. Trying to read in between the lines to what Anthoney was saying. Often, thats where people said the most. Reading between the lines was at times, the only true way to find out about someone, but you had to make sure you had your facts straight.

--I can see you have a good heart. It sounds as if you want to become a Jedi for the right reasons. That much I am happy with. By the sound of it you obviously do a terrific job in bringing up your daughter. I sense that you dont always know whats right but you always do your very best to make the right decision. That is a credit to you.

I also have some concerns reguarding your future though. I understand that it is difficult to trust people you dont know or have just met but sometimes you have to go with your instinct. Reach out and let your senses tell you if you trust someone. More often than not, your first impressions and feelings towards someone are the most accurate. A Jedi knight will find it hard to train somone who is not willing to reveal all to them. There can be no secrets. Trust and honesty are two vital things in a Master/Padawan relationship in my humble opinion.

In time, perhaps you will learn to trust and to put faith in others. I guess it comes down to how good your judgment is. If you have faith in your instincts.

Your relationship with your daughter is also a concern for me. You are in a difficult position as far as I can see. You love your daughter very much but that can lead you into trouble. Attachment used to be forbidden in the olden days of the Jedi. The rules and regulations are somewhat less strict now though. If your daughter were to be captured by an enemy, that could place you in a very awkward place.

In no way im I telling you havent got what it takes, because I think you do but I feel I should be honest and warn you of some of the difficulties that may lay ahead for you. There is much to think about in becoming a Jedi. The responsibility lies with the fate of the galaxy and not for personal reasons. That should always be remembered.

The thing you also have to ask yourself, and possibly the most important is, will you finish what you started. Will you never give up, no matter how hard things get or how dangerous a situation may be? If the answer is yes, and you feel you have the personality to get over the problems I have made you aware of, then I see absolutly no reason why a suitable master cant be found for you. I have a good feeling about you and im sure many would be willing to take you under their wing.--

Oriadin finally fell silent and looked deeply at the man before him. He'd given him much to think about and now it was for him to decide if the Jedi ways were his path to take in life. He folded his arms and looked expectantly at Anthoney.

Anthony Scott
Dec 28th, 2002, 12:11:48 PM
Anthony took in all that Oriadin said and he noded in understanding. Attachment was forbidden -- he had sworn his life to the Jedi and if he had to go on without his daughter, he could survive.

"I know -- this is a great sacrifice, but I have made it. My decision is final and I give my body, mind, life, and soul to the cause of the Jedi. I will finish what I begin -- I am not one to break promises."

He said with great confidence that held no hint of fallacy, for there was none. Other words struck a chord with Anthony, though -- things such as truth and honesty. He was an honest man, but did not want his life story spread throughout the people of the Order. Sooner or later they would know, and he would have to face up to his past, present, and future.

"I will be more trusting and open -- I will listen to my senses and keep nothing from anyone -- especially my Master, when I get one. You're right, I have given myself to the Jedi so that I may become one -- to do so, my new family must know me, yes?"

Anthony smiled to himself at this new understanding and resolved that Oriadin was very wise indeed. Lowering his eyes to the fountains for a moment, the Padawan thought deeply before turning his attention back to the Jedi Knight.

"Come what may -- I am going to become a Jedi and I will be a protector of peace and justice."

Dec 30th, 2002, 10:25:07 AM
Oriadins serious face suddenly turned more light hearted and less serious. A warm and friendly smile overcame the Knights face as he looked at Anthony.

--You have potential. No doubts there. I think you have the ability to become a very influential Jedi here if you work hard enough. I have seen by the way you have acted today that you listen and are willing to learn.--

There was a slight pause.

--As it happens, there is someone I know that would be very willing to take you on as a padawan. His ability in the force is weaker than many here at the order but he is very hard working and there isnt much about the Jedi ways that he doenst know about. There arent many things that catch this particular knight out.

No doubt, if you wish for him to train you, you will have to learn much together but it could definitely work. If your interested that is....

I am looking for a suitable Padawan learner and I would be honoured for you to be my understudy.--

He glared at the young man, wondering if he would accept his offer.

Anthony Scott
Dec 30th, 2002, 11:13:40 AM
Anthony listened as Oriadin spoke. It was comforting when the Knight smiled so warmly -- then praised his actions. As Oriadin described the man who might be able to train him, Anthony became more interested by the minute. He sounded like a great teacher -- then when the Knight standing before him revealed that this man was himself, Anthony nearly let out a joyous laugh. It was all so hard to believe, and it was happening to him! With a bow of his head, the Padawan nodded, smiling.

"I would love to learn under you -- and yes, I do accept your offer."

He said, smiling still. Joy beamed from the brown orbs of his eyes as he looked upon his new Master -- it was an incredible day indeed. Never did he expect to find a Master at that moment, but it was one of the best moments in his life. He quieted his thoughts, though -- despite the fact that they were going into overdrive at all the new possibilities that now lay ahead of him -- he remained calm, yet, one could easily sense his excitement.

Dec 30th, 2002, 12:41:45 PM
Oriadin smiled. Obviously pleased that Anthony had accepted his offer to train him. He hoped that he would be as good a mentor as Helenias Q'Dunn had been to him. Only the future would tell. Oriadin looked forward to taking someone on and pass on the information and training that had been passed on to him.

--Excellent. Well. I have a few things to sort. Perhaps we could meet up in the Bar and Grill tomorrow and just get to know each other a little better. What do you say? Perhaps you could bring your daughter, Faith is it? With you?--

OOC: I'll create a thread in the B&G for us when I get the chance. I'll post think link in here so you can find it easily.

Anthony Scott
Dec 30th, 2002, 05:28:33 PM
Anthony smiled and nodded, most graciously.

"That sounds like a good plan -- of course, Faith will be with me -- and if you don't mind, I can't always find someone to watch her, so while I am training, she might need to be with me -- unless of course, I can convince someone to take care of her."

He said and brought his right hand up to rub the back of his neck a bit nervously. It was a strange new feeling he had now -- it was as if he was truly accepted now, and he knew that his long journey on the path of the Light was finally beginning. It was truly incredible.

"What time do you want to meet tomorrow?"

ooc: Okay dude, sounds like a plan! :) Thanks again!

Dec 30th, 2002, 05:50:54 PM
Oriadin smiled happily.

--I am fine with Faith being there any time she wants too. I may be able to teach her a few things too, you never know--

He winked as he continued to smile.

--There is no need to thank me though. If I do my job properly then lives will be saved and peace preserved. In the end, thats what matters.

Lets meet at the B&G tomorrow about.... lunch time? We can grab a little something to eat while we are there. Have a think about any questions you want to ask or anything thats on your mind. This should be a two way relationship, the better we know each other, the better I think we'll work together.--

Dec 30th, 2002, 06:00:08 PM

Please find the link to the B&G here

Anthony Scott
Dec 30th, 2002, 06:01:07 PM
Anthony smiled and nodded in agreement. Lunchtime sounded like a good idea, he would be hungry then and he could only imagine that Faith would be as well.

"I'll be there then -- and I'll be thinking of some questions to ask, I can already think of a few."

He said as more than a few rushed into his mind. Laughing and surpressing the distracting thoughts, he nodded once again in silent agreement. Oriadin was right -- lives would be saved and Anthony would be sure to learn as much as he could to help protect these people he would never even know. It was a good feeling to have this in his life -- this is what he had been searching for all along.

"I have a really good feeling about this, Master -- though you told me not to thank you, I must. It means a lot to me."

ooc: Okay I will be there! :)