View Full Version : Life is of the Essences(open fight to a jedi/sith knight, or 2 padawan/apprentice)

Dec 22nd, 2002, 05:14:31 PM
I stood in the center of an empty village taking in my surroundings. My claws flashing furiously in the night. It was time to do what I did best. Time to kill.

I jumped in the air and my sash followed, creating a red stream flowing from my body. I landed on the top of a house and stuck my claws into the roof. Ripping the roof to shreds I jumped in and began the attack. A man drew his sword on me. "Never learn." I deactivated my claws and drew my sword. I decided to call it Black Sun. I waited, my sword in the ready position.

The man made the first move. He charged swinging his blade at my body. I lifted my blade effortlessly blocking his attack. I activated the boosts on my legs and slid around his side, once, twice, three times and then slashed. My speed created a double image, and he fell to the ground.

I turned my attention to the woman and headed toward her. I spun my body and lifted my blade. It came through her torso and she fell into two. My blade was much sharper now. It not only was dipped in cortosis, but also in diamond. It was a great blade, but it cost me a pretty penny. I continued, and as the blood splashed beneath my feet I chuckled. I was becoming so powerful. My fuma school was growing, and I would soon be killing pathetic Jedi. Or sith, it made no difference to me. It was just another life to kill. I had only twenty darts in each arm. I felt no need to load them to max.

My spores sat in my pocket. Those were a desperation attack. The doctor had finally welded the mask to my face, and now it acted as a filter for the spores. He also had added the temperature and x-ray visors. A very painful process to have something drilled into your skull. But the pain was worth it in the end. I now could find anyone in dark, behind walls, or even underwater.

I laughed and continued out of the house swinging my blade. As I stepped out the house collapsed in two. I saw women, children, and men run for their houses and lock the doors. Then I heard it. The footsteps of one, maybe two people. I closed my eyes and when I opened them again they had gone from their silver color to black. My x-ray visor had been activated. I looked in the direction of the footsteps. It was too hard to tell with all the houses, but their was definitely some people their. I readied myself for an attack.

Tempist the Uncaring
Dec 22nd, 2002, 10:20:41 PM
Was there any point to that?

The man's head was filled with a voice, but not his own. It was not spoken, but rather... sensed somehow.

They did nothing to you, they didn't deserve that. You are even worse than I was.

The footsteps grew louder, then stopped. No heat was showing, nor were bones or organs. The final location was only given away by a deep voice, matching the one he'd just 'heard'.

"Nice claws, they remind me of something I was a few years ago."

This new man was indeed strange, the killer probably wouldn't know what to make of him, his history, or his abilities. He didn't espically care though, he only planned on showing what he could do tonight.

Dec 23rd, 2002, 09:49:27 AM
I turned and smiled. No heat signature. I blinked and the vision went away. My silver eyes came back. "Thank you. They are my shredders. So you were once evil. You don't look it, it looks to me you were spit out of evils mouth. Evil being my master." I smiled. He wouldn't understand. I wish Fiend was here to hear his flattery.

I pointed my sword at him, "Is there something you intend to do about this? Or do you wish to join me?" I laughed. He was too weak. I would have my fun with him, but not before destroying another innocent life. "Pardon me, I shall return."

I ran into a house and killed the people inside. I returned from the house carrying the families heads. "Do these stir up memories?" I asked with a strange look on my face. I looked insane. I began to gather up my spirits energy and the energy of the planet. I was waiting for him to make a move. I had a great suprise in store for him.

I drew my sword to the ready stance, "Well then, have at you!"

Tempist the Uncaring
Dec 24th, 2002, 10:47:42 AM
"If I was spat from it's mouth, I'd hate to think of what orafice you were ejected from, impudent one."

Tempist eyed his opponent, taking a few mental notes, and deciding what to do first. This one looked stronger than the average jedi, but not quite as strong as a Sith Lord. It had been a while since he'd done this, so he simply smiled and closed his eyes.

His physical makeup began to change, as his body turned into a metallic looking liquid. Within a second's time, his form was no longer that of a human. Instead, it was Tempist's elder shape, that of a lizard-man-thing. He gave a broad toothy grin, showing his fangs.

<img src=http://tempiststarpit.clanpages.com/Tempistbeast.JPG>

Now, lets get this party started.

Not bothering to give this maggot the decency of playing fair, Tempist drew his saber, Horror (red blade), and his custom longsaber, Infinity (black blade, extra 3/4 of a foot at the end).

Ladies first. Tempist said, through the force, to his opponent, implying that the first attack was his.

Jan 8th, 2003, 07:34:03 PM
I smiled and leapt forward, "I will make you a woman!" I laughed and swung my blade at his abdomen.