View Full Version : Anakins Power

Heero Luna
Dec 22nd, 2002, 05:13:52 PM
The duelling disappointment.

I’ll get to the point. The more I watch of the duel at the end of AOTC, the more disappointed I become.

For starters, Obi Wan looks like a pussycat. We’re all lead up to thinking he’s a bad boy after watching him in full swing in TFM, then Dooku takes the piss outta him.

Then Anakin takes over. What a moment! He uses to sabers! now we’re gonna see why the boy is so special, And to start with it looks great. But then its over, No sweat for the great Dooku.

I’m not gonna moan about the Yoda bit, cause it rocked, but my point is, The whole duel should have lasted a good 5 minutes longer, if not more. Obi should have put up a better fight. Still been beaten, but without looking so outclassed. Then Anakin should have really pushed Dooku. We should have seen more of his ability, and we should have seen Dooku struggling for a bit, then eventually getting the better of Anakin due to his experience, maybe a force push or something faltering the Padawans guard, then the arm could go.

What do ya think?

Dec 22nd, 2002, 05:39:10 PM
In a way I kind of agree with you. But on the other hand, I think that maybe it was important to the story that he had his @ss handed to him. I think that one of the themes in AOTC was that Anakin could have been better. When he confesses to Padme about his slaughter of the Tuskens, he says "I'm a Jedi, I know I'm better than this." Also, he brags to Obi-Wan about how great his saber technique is ("I thought I rivalled Master Yoda"), and yet he gets the cr@p kicked out of him by Dooku. I think they might use this in Ep. III to show Anakin as thinking he is very powerful and in control, but that in fact he is not and the frustration he feels at that realization will be one of the many factors that will turn him bad.

Also, I think maybe that was done to show that while Anakin is very powerful in the Force, he is still quite inexperienced, and in some ways, still just a "punk kid" who thinks he's the best thing there is to the Jedi Order. I think it only fitting that he be put in his place - and Dooku was just the one to do it.

That said though, while I thought the fight between Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Dooku was pretty good, I think it could have been a little more well-done. It was cool to see the contrast between Obi-Wan and Anakin's more agressive style compared to that of Dooku, much more reserved, but so practiced and calculated.

Heero Luna
Dec 22nd, 2002, 06:14:35 PM
Anakin should have put the fear of god up Dooku, forced him to work. He is young and naive, but as we have seen by his piloting skills, he is the one.

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 22nd, 2002, 06:24:16 PM
I will make one point - the fight is AOTC are more realistic. Most fights are over in seconds, not minutes. The only reason you see 20 minute duels is for specticle. For realism, AOTC was actually very good.

And there is one thing power cant beat. Experience. Dooku is vastly more experienced and would spot an opening far faster and end the fight in a blur. For a basically untrained swordsman veres a 50 year veteran, Anakin did quite well. But the fact was, Dooku was vastly experienced. Anakin getting his <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> handed back to him is exactly what would happen.

On sheer skill and experience, Dooku would have it over Anakin, no matter his raw power

Dec 22nd, 2002, 06:39:08 PM
Given the strong suspicion that Anakin will get his revenge on Dooku before siding with the Emperor, I think his "poor performance" vs. Dooku will contrast Episode 3 when Anakin *may* beat the pants off of Dooku. It will serve to show how much stronger he's grown in the past 2 years since the loss of his mom, his arm and his dabbling in the dark side. Couple that with Lucas having Christensen bulk up, and he's going to show us two vastly different versions of Anakin, the one from AotC that is naive, growing and inexperienced, vs the one in Episode 3 that will be angry, bigger, stronger and full of confidence in his power, but mislead.

Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 22nd, 2002, 07:47:57 PM
What Marcus said is entirely true, and I agree 100%-ly with it.

For starters, Obi Wan looks like a pussycat. We’re all lead up to thinking he’s a bad boy after watching him in full swing in TFM, then Dooku takes the piss outta him.

The same can be implied. Obi Wan has only been a Knight for 10 years or so, remember?

But also... a pussycat? Catching Force lightning with his saber? Mmriiight.

Dec 22nd, 2002, 09:17:06 PM
I think the fight with Obi-Wan was well done. Like Snack said, he did catch Dooku's Force Lightning with his saber. To me, that showed a certain amount of experiance that Anakin lacked. What you quickly realized during the duel was that Dooku was simply too experienced and powerful in the Force for Obi-Wan to handle. Obi-Wan knew the odds were against him. Remember in the Rebel Gunship he told Anakin he couldn't take Dooku by himself.

I would have liked to have seen Anakin put up a better fight however. That duel I felt was too short. I don't think we should have seen Dooku struggle too much, but I would have liked a little more sword play and some banter.

The Yoda duel was phenomenal. The only thing I would have liked to have seen was Dooku with the two sabers and perhaps a bit of frustration on his part. But what we got was so good that I find it hard to complain about it.

I've always thought that one of the reasons Yoda, Palpy, and Dooku were so powerful is that they had DECADES or even HUNDREDS of years to develop their Force powers. I'm not saying that all Jedi who live long lives end up being powerful. I think that it's a combination of longevity and potential. All of those guys had incredible potential and they were able to develop their powers. If Anakin had been a few years older and more experienced he very well could have taken Dooku. He has the potential, but he's just too yound and inexperienced to reach his maximum potential yet. I think that in EP3 we may see Anakin desperate enough to take a shortcut to help him reach his full potential. That short cut may well be the Dark Side and I think it'll end up leading to his downfall.

Dec 22nd, 2002, 10:16:37 PM
I agree.

The only problem I have with the Obi Wan portion of the fight is that he went down with 2 minor scratches and he couldn't even move afterwards. Even when that thing that Dooku was trying to drop on them was on its way down, he just watched it fall. He could have (despite his scratches) tried to drag Anakin out of the way and save them both, or B, use the frickin force and delay it's fall so that they can get out of the way. That was extremely lame to me. He was fully alert and did nothing.

Nathanial K'cansce
Dec 22nd, 2002, 10:33:04 PM
Maybe saber burns are more hurtful than they appear? It is superheated plasma, after all. ((To my knowledge, at least. heh))

You're right though. Obi could have at least grabbed onto Ani and dragged them both out of the way.

Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 22nd, 2002, 11:03:33 PM
I think since the 2 years pass he will get his revenge, but before he even tampered with the dark side completely, as we know Anakin the actor is working out, meaning he'll have strenght in both Vader proportion and Anakin, so he's gonna be stronger. Also he's in a war, of course he's gonna learn quicker then if he wasn't, and how to handle the lightsaber better, why do you think so many people after the Clone War who were of Jedi Legion (Meaning Yoda and Obi) saw he was a great Jedi Knight. He would have to have surpassed that of what he did in the last movie. It was nice, but it wasn't great, it wasn't ht emagnititude of a great Jedi Knight.

I was kinda angry about that Obi-Kenobi thing too, I mean I know everyone seen the fight with Darth Maul. He was amazing in that fight, his tatics in the other one were much more timid. Even though he did become a Master and his views would change, his aggresion wouldn't tone down, only be calmed and made for usage. When he faught Jango Fett the only reason he was equavilant was that he lost his lightsaber, otherwise it would have been a done fight.

I think in the movie Anakin was weaker in the saber aspect then Obi, or he should have been. Obi in Darth Maul showcased some incredible ability in the form of a lightsaber and as well against Vader, he did loose but by his own reasons. He was equavilant to a more expirence Anakin, with more aggression then even when his mother died.

The Ben was aging too....and a youthful Obi should have showed alot more greatiness in his lightsaber ability......

Your are completely right...


Admiral Lebron
Dec 23rd, 2002, 01:25:42 AM
Obi-Wan changed his style and it showed. In Episode one, he was much more wider with his movements. In Episode two, small quick jabs and deflection. The first style was meant for dueling (and it is the same style Yoda used) and the second style was meant for a galaxy in which the blaster was the most common weapon. And changing your style of fighting does take time to figure how to use it properly. While I am sure Dooku had spent many, many years using the same style, therefore a natural.

Jamel Croko'yn
Dec 23rd, 2002, 03:11:25 AM
Intelligent statement, you are right, and another significant change was that in the Phantom Menace he was a Padawan with less knowledge in the Force, and was more of an offensive character. The offensive attack was his mentality then, and was still someone who hadn't completely chosen his path as a Jedi or a Dark One, their was possibility that he could fall, so his aggression was a certain. Another thing was the influence of such a man as Quin-Jon Jin who was raised in the fighting style of dueling, and less of a weaponless community (universe). Though he could block lasers and such it was never truly the main course as melee weapons were probably one of the most used in Quin-Jon Jin's padawanship, yet it is still embarrassing to see Obi-Wan get so outclased by Count Dooku when his duelist stealth is far better then that of defensive with slow motioning. Normally he'd be up against a blaster of some sort, so motioning from his spot that much wouldn't be that much of a concern but in a duel he'd have to worry about being away from an attack, or dashing and striking.

Thanks Admiral for pointing that out..

Dec 23rd, 2002, 07:55:04 AM
I read that Obi wan had infact changed his fighting style for the reason that Qui Gon died at the hands of maul. He lost faith in that style and so went onto a more defensive style. It makes you less able to attack but makes you almost invincible if done correctly.

It could be that he was in a transition stage. If you think about it though, Yoda and Dooku tied thier duel. It only ended because Yoda had to save Anakin and Obi Wan. Now, if those two are a tie then its simply asking to much for Anakin or Obi wan to be any real competition.

Anakin rushed in too quickly and didnt think about what he was doing. Someone said it before, Anakin has the potential but not the experience. Hence why he is still a padawan. He has too much still to learn. Control for a start. Dooku is simply leagues ahead of Anakin and Obi wan. I would have liked to see them put up a better fight but they are simply no competition.

Heero Luna
Dec 23rd, 2002, 10:29:52 AM
Hence..."I see you 'becoming' the most powerful Jedi of all time. Even more powerful than master Yoda". Anakin still had a lot to learn when he faced Dooku, that much is clear.

I liked the comment about the duel and its outcome becoming one of the reasons for Anakins fall to the darkside. He stated himself that he felt that he rivalled Yoda as a swordsman, maybe the way Dooku beat him really did make him realise the extent of what he still needed to learn, therefore pushing him to find a quicker route to release his true potential.

Dec 23rd, 2002, 12:47:11 PM
If even if he was more powerfull than master yoda, that doesnt mean that he is a better dueler. It just means hes more powerfull. You can be the strongest man in the world but that doesnt make you the best boxer for example. Only training and effort will do that.

Also, that line where anakin said he thought he already rivalled Yoda as a swordsman, I got the impression he was joking about it. He wasnt really serious.

Heero Luna
Dec 23rd, 2002, 02:48:15 PM
I see Anakin as a cocky customer. Therefore I see his claim to have a bit of truth in it. Obi Wan stated to Yoda and Mace that Anakins main problem was his Over confidence and his arrogance in relation to his ability.

I don't think theres much question that eventually Anakin/Vader surpasses Yoda in both power and swordsmanship.

Dec 23rd, 2002, 05:31:00 PM
I don't know if I'd describe Obi-Wan's wounds as scratches. The were saber wounds. For all we know Dooku could have inflicted slashes that were rather deep. Think of what it would have felt like to have been cut by a real sword. I think his wounds were very deep.

As for fighting style. I believe the novel stated that Dooku used an older fighting style that many Jedi were unfamiliar with. The Jedi used a style that was effective against blasters and other weapons. While Dooku used a style that was more effective against fellow swordsman.

In the end, Dooku is just one bad mutha! It's going to be very interesting to see just how much Anakin's power has grown by EP3.

Dec 23rd, 2002, 05:47:42 PM
Do you think they were that deep? I see it this way: Dooku's saber only made a short gash in his uniform, indicating that the tip of the saber was the only part to actually make contact with Obi Wan's skin. Regardless, he was still fully alert when that thing was coming down and you can still move with one leg and one arm. :\

Marcus Telcontar
Dec 23rd, 2002, 06:15:55 PM
A Gash? I thought Dooku's sabre went THROUGH the arm and leg, as a stab. It would have frekking hurt!

Dec 23rd, 2002, 06:19:05 PM
I do think the wounds were rather deep. Plus, the saber cauterizes the wounds so there's a nice kid friendly lack of blood. ;) So you've got two deep wounds and maybe even a bit of shock settling in. Or, it could just be a movie and we're reading too much into it. :rolleyes

Dec 23rd, 2002, 06:42:02 PM
I also look at it this way: Luke had his hand chopped off and still managed to escape Vader. Vader had his hand chopped off and still managed to whip the Emperor down to the Death Star's core, but Obi Wan couldn't move? Couldn't conjure up any strength to move himself or Anakin out of death's way? I understand that if he had any power left, he would have joined in again and helped Yoda, so he had to be immobilized, but I still think that the end of that fight is bogus and probably took Lucas a minute and half to come up with. Sad but true. :(

Admiral Lebron
Dec 24th, 2002, 09:45:06 AM
Luke jumped. Thats not really "escaping." He just let go. Now, granted when he was on that antenna thing, he was holding on for dear life which Obi-Wan could have done if nesaccary. As for Vader, I don't even think that hand was real! Granted it would hurt him, but it wouldn't put a hinge on his abilities.

Heero Luna
Dec 24th, 2002, 12:28:55 PM
To avoid going to deep into the extent of Obi Wan's injuries, we should asume that he was left unable to save himself or Anakin from the life threatening scenario. Afterall, He was left at the fate of Dooku, untill Anakin stepped in, I don't think he was play acting. Do you?

Dec 24th, 2002, 12:47:29 PM
No, I just think it was poorly scripted. :\

As for Luke escaping Vader, he managed to keep his balance, crawl out on the catwalk, and then jump. My entire point is, deep wounds or not, Obi Wan shouldn't have been left immobilized like that. He wasn't paralyzed or strapped down. Heck, I remember stepping on a nail when I was a kid and the last thing I did was sit still and wait to die.

Heero Luna
Dec 24th, 2002, 03:57:55 PM
I'm no doctor, but it seemed to me Dooku made time enough to choose where he struck Obi Wan. He was show boating, maybe he delivered precise cuts to vital muscles, which in turn took away Obi's ability to move.

Merry Christmas..

Admiral Lebron
Dec 25th, 2002, 11:48:30 PM
Thats a good theory. Maybe he cut a tendon or ligament or something goofy like that.

Jan 2nd, 2003, 09:15:48 PM
WARNING: Long Topic.

What separates Anakin from being Darth Vader is what Palpatine said the best:

"...In time, you will learn to trust your feelings...and then, you will be invincible..." (slightly out of context).

In this circumstance, Palpatine is actually right about Anakin.

Anakin lacks focus.

Qui-Gon critiques his padawan, Obi-Wan, to keep his focus on the Here and Now and to be less concerned about being Mindful of the Future (at the cost of the moment). This was stated during EP1, the Phantom Menace.

Such is the same with Anakin.

Anakin's dillema is:

1. His thoughts of his mother, Shmi. Nightmares of her impending suffering being brought forth during subconscious sleep by the Jedi skill Farseeing (the ability to see people, places and things past, present, future).

2. His unquenchable love for Padme'. No need emphasising this.

If only Anakin could focus himself and screen out his two dilemmas, indeed, he would be invincible as Palpatine states.

A Jedi's focus with the Force IMO lies his or her strength. To lose focus of that fact with being the whole "your thoughts betray you" is what defeats Jedi and Dark Jedi alike.

Anakin is powerful but he doesn't have that focus. It's like someone who has Herculean strength. You could use it brutishly like a hammer, but if you can use it the way a surgeon uses a scalpel, then that is skill indeed.

"Power without perception is spiritually useless and therefore of no consequence."

- Fist of the Northstar (the Anime`)

That little quote above pretty much summarizes Anakin's plight. For those of you who've seen Fist of the Northstar, you pretty much know what I'm talking about.

* Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's fight against Darth Maul

Obi-Wan watches behind an energy barrier as Qui-Gon battles the Sith Apprentice Darth Maul. Despite not having his Padawan Learner alongside him for that time being, he does remarkably well for a minute or so.

But behind the barrier, Obi-Wan senses something amiss, as he watches his Master falter as if enfeebled somehow by Darth Maul. A Sith ability? Carelessness on Master Qui-Gon's part? Dumb Luck or failing of the Force?

It almost seems if rage boils inside Obi-Wan as the barrier drops and moves at an almost blinding speed as he proceeds to attempt to bring down the Sith warrior. One could almost debate that Obi-Wan gave into his hate and wielded the Dark Side of the Force but with no avail, being Force Pushed over the ledge by his opponent.

Obi-Wan then uses the Force to leap over his opponent who is clearly stunned. In the few moments before Maul is cut down, an almost "...What the F$%@?.." expression is on his face when he sees Obi-Wan struggle on a metallic outcropping in the shaft. Obi-Wan moves at a blinding speed and cuts down the Sith, perfectly in half at the waist.

* Attack of the Clones

Anakin enters the scene, grown into tall man, more in sure of himself (but at the cost of being way too oversure of his capabilities).

Obi-Wan said to Anakin that if he'd only practice more with his Lightsaber, he would rival Master Yoda. This begs the question:

What does Anakin do in his "spare" time?

From what I heard, Anakin's need to relieve stress from being on a City-Planet and the burden of being a Padawan Learner was spent going on neck-breaking airspeeder or speeder-bike joyrides through the labyrinth city-structures of Coruscant. Obi-Wan tried to curb Anakin on more than one occasion for being reckless.

Asofar as Anakin's actual Jedi training, I have not read any of the books relating to the pre A New Hope era, so I'm not sure actually what Anakin had to undergo whille with Obi-Wan, although his Master had plenty of adventures and Anakin accompanied him (from what I heard, Obi-Wan grudgingly and reluctantly wanted Anakin along).

From Anakin's perpective, he rescued Obi-Wan from a nest of Gundarks. If anyone does not know what a Gundark is, Gundarks are "powerful, semi-intelligent anthropoids...among the most vicious, strong and agressive in the galaxy. An adult Gundark has four arms and large ears as wide as its head. They range in subspecies from 1 to 2.5 meters tall..." (source: Star Wars Revised Core Rulebook by Wizards of the Coast). You don't want to get into a wrestling contest with one of these, despite Han Solo's assessment to Luke Skywalker: "...you look strong enough to pull the ears off a Gundark..." (Empire Strikes Back).

But if there ever was an Odd-Couple of the Star Wars universe, it's Obi-Wan and Anakin. They definately have a personality conflict of sorts but from time to time they push it aside. Obi-Wan himself tells Luke during ANH that "...he [Anakin] was a good friend...."

I wonder how and why Anakin brustled against Obi-Wan in the first place, and how would things be different had Qui-Gon lived to somehow teach Anakin (assuming that Obi-Wan passed his Jedi Trials and became a Knight).

* About Padme`

Personally, I find the whole thing about commitment to the Jedi order a hypocracy. In an extremely long analysis of what Ep3 might be like, I made some commentary that the Jedi Council is too full in itself.

Obi-Wan says to Anakin that he made a committment to the Jedi order, not easily broken.


Anakin should be allowed to share his feelings with Padme', to some extent.

How I came to this conclusion:

1. Adi Gallia, a Jedi Master on the council, was born to Corellian diplomats on Coruscant. She kept in touch with her parents, supposedly. Whether or not the JC (Jedi Council) permitted this, i don't know. Assume that they did: therefore, the directive that Anakin's feelings for Pade is Personal Attachment a conflict in interest; therefore, their ruling is hypocracy in favor in Adi Galla (unless they changed this ruling afterwards). Unless I'm mistaken, Adi Gallia's connection towards parents is still a conflict of interest and falls under Personal Attachment. If they did not allow it, therefore, this rule of Personal Attachment has been violated by someone other than Anakin Skywalker.

2. Ki-Adi-Mundi, Cerean Jedi Knight, had wives and children (plural). Supposedly he saved his daughter while simultaneously serving the Republic caused him to be invited by the JC on a temporary basis (pending investigating a rumor that a long-lost Jedi Master was hiding among the Sand People on Tattooine). I don't know if he still got an earful from Grand Masters Yoda and Mace Windu for somehow getting his daughter out from a conflict of sorts but assume yes or no. Perhaps and again after this the rule of Personal Attachment was instituted by the JC.

Thus, somehow, Anakin gets the bum deal out of the whole situation by not being allowed connection to the beautiful senator from Naboo.

* What If...?

Anakin had never met Qui-Gon? Suppose that Qui-Gon went to another merchant on the dry world of Dune (err, Tattooine) :) . Suppose that:

1. Anakin and his mother continues to live as slaves in the service of Watto. Would Watto still have sold Shmi out of pure profitability to somebody? Would that still have been Creeg Lars (?sp)? Would Anakin have killed Watto in a fit of rage, trying to protect his mother from being sold again like so much property?

2. Anakin without Jedi guidance still would have been brought to the Dark Side once he hits puberty. I think natural male agressiveness brought on by hormonal changes to him would ultimately influence him regardless. Would there have been reports of a strong Outlaw on Tattooine (Anakin)? Would the JC have started an investigation from feeling intense disturbances in the Force coming from the Sand Planet?

3. Anakin overcame his anger, hate and fear, overcame his own shortfallings, and became the De Facto Grand Master of the Jedi Council replacing the retired and ailing Yoda? Defeated Palpatine and his schemes on the outset? And teaching his two children Luke and Leia Skywalker properly, and having a great life married to the most beautiful woman in the Known Galaxy? This is a great What If...? scenerio I'd like to see written.

4. The disturbing rumor I heard that Anakin is really Palpatine's son and that the Skywalker lineage is directly tied to the schism of evil that is the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious. Palpatine originally seduced Schmi then had her memory wiped of the incident.

* Final battle on Geonosis during Attack of the Clones

Anakin's sheer recklessness and non-Dark Side rage over the deaths of the Jedi and the assassination attempt against Padme' leads him to be defeated at the hands of Count Dooku.

From what I observed, when Anakin wielded two sabers against the Count was probably the only time that the Sith Apprentice felt "uncertainty" (on the prospect of being "possibly" defeated) at the hands of Anakin. But Dooku uses the decades of experience that he's had (without using the Dark Side) to destroy one of the borrowed Lightsabers Anakin was using, then ultimately "disarming" Anakin (no pun intended). If you watch that fight carefully, Dooku was toying a bit with Anakin and Obi-Wan (he could have crushed them outright, but for script sake this obviously wasn't done).

From a sourcebook I had, Mace Windu was the best swordsman in the Jedi Council, only being bested by two people: Master Yoda, Master Dooku. Small wonder that Anakin was defeated, despite being the Chosen One, and that Dooku was very capable of keeping up against Master Yoda.

But Episode Two does bring to light at least one important fact: how Anakin loses his right arm.

IMO, Episode Three, Anakin will gain revenge in a not-so Jedi fashion against Dooku.

What we can expect to see:

1. I have read those rumors and heard from elsewhere that Mr. Hayden Christensen will "bulk up" to gain bodymass to fill himself out when he dons that dark armor of Darth Vader.

2. Anakin will learn from his mistakes by indeed *focusing*. Except his focus will be directed with rage and hate. If Palpatine's assessment is right, Anakin will trust his anger. Coupled with the experience and with the possibility of being a full-fledged Jedi Knight, he will indeed be invincible.

3. Perhaps Darth Sidious will step out of the shadow to oversee the fight of his apprentice Darth Tyrannus and Anakin. Palpatine will use "words of encouragement" to Anakin like he will someday use against his son, Luke Skywalker, onboard the Death Star during ROTJ.

"...give in to your anger. Strike Darth Sidious down with all of your hatred. Trust me, Anakin. Follow my teachings and there will be no one to oppose you."

4. Possibility on why Anakin goes bad: Obi-Wan said to Luke during ROTJ that "...the good man who once was your father was destroyed...." I believe that Anakin loses who he is because Padme is killed somehow or believes she dies. Theory: Padme is somewhere in a very nasty war zone during the Clone Wars, possibly under Jedi protection (not because of Anakin), when Papatine subltely manipulates her death. Anakin sees her death as a failure on the part of the Jedi's to help protect her and gives in to his hatred because of it, blaming them and helping the Purge that will all but wipe a few handful out.

After all, Anakin went rent with rage when his mother was killed by Sand People. Anakin confessed to Padme that he hated them all.

Such could be with the Jedi.

Another theory: Obi-Wan discovers that his apprentice is married to Padme and tries to keep them apart. Anakin sees this jealousy that perhaps Obi-Wan is having an affair with her. Obi-Wan tries to reason it out with Anakin but to no avail.

I believe that their first actual conflict will happen in a droid factory much like Geonosis. I couldn't help but notice that there was a lot of smelters around. Could be that when Anakin fights Obi-Wan he accidentally falls (or is pushed) into a smelter with liquid magma in it (or it is poured on him while he is in it). Anakin uses the force to leap out but inadvertantly breaks his neck and causes massive scars to his face and head against a metallic outcropping.

http://www.theforce.net/swtc/injuries.html. Check out this webpage concerning the extensive injuries of Darth Vader.

Anakin undergoes extensive cybernetic surgery and Sith training. Fueled by his fate and his inherent power with the Force and he becomes an unstoppable Jedi-killing man-machine.

* Padme' from a pyschological point-of-view: she is the only thing keeping Anakin sane. As I've stated before in another article I wrote, she consoles him after his small-scale genocide on the part of the Tusken Raiders. Indeed, there was horror on her face as she learns from Anakin that he killed every man, woman and child at that settlement.

What If...? she had NOT been there for him? What if she stayed on Naboo? Would Anakin given totally in to the Dark Side, succumbing to his sorrow and anger?

From Anakin's point-of-view, he confessed to Padme that her presence was soothing. From a Dark Side point of view, indeed, he was already doomed because his allowance of love as an emotion is in conflict with the Force.

"There is no emotion. There is only peace."
- excerpt from the Jedi philosophy.

But I can't help but feeling that her giving her shoulder for Anakin to cry on kept him from going into darkness.

* Theory: perhaps the other side didn't know either.

Luke (to Leia): "What do you remember about your mother? Your real mother?"
Leia: "She died when I was very young. She was beautiful. Kind, but sad..." (out of context).

Padme was saddened because, possibly:

1. Anakin was presumed to be dead, as told by Obi-Wan to her.
2. Anakin became a living monster, fueled by evil.

This is into contrast that perhaps Anakin becomes evil because he thought Padme had died or was put into safe security by Obi-Wan (to prevent Anakin from getting to her and causing any other emotional damage). I support the idea that Leia remembers her mother, Padme', being so sad because she thought Anakin had died, as Obi-Wan said (from his point-of-view).

* Theory: Padme' dies in childbirth (Leia's assessment that she died when she was very young, perhaps being an infant. Perhaps Padme' died due to complications due to twin childbirth).

* Theory: Anakin is told that Padme' is having an affair with either Bail Organa of Alderaan or with Obi-Wan by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.

* Theory: Anakin is seduced by a beautiful Dark Jedi woman in Palpatine's service. Padme' catches Anakin in an ackward moment (probably against his will), and she becomes angry at him. Obi-Wan acts as a go-between and prevents Anakin from explaining the situation. This was one of the rumors I had heard concerning EpIII.

In short, I can't wait to see EPIII, when Anakin becomes the baddest man ever and kicks some Jedi Council buttocks.

May the Force be with you. Always.

Lady X
First Lady of the Order of the Ebon Circle

Figrin D'an
Jan 2nd, 2003, 10:07:06 PM
I don't want to seem like a jerk, because many of the points you made are quite valid and interesting, but you might want to consider being more concise in your statements. Long replys tend to be topic-killers.

Jan 3rd, 2003, 07:52:25 AM
There's alot of great topics and points to discuss in that post, but I just don't have time to write about them all; I don't know where to start. :( Try posting one topic, discussing it with us, then moving to the next one. :)

Jan 3rd, 2003, 08:22:37 AM
I love to write and theorize, so I apologize about the windbag approach. Sorry! :) I'll take down to more bite-sized in the future on these forums.

Lady X
First Lady of the Order of the Ebon Circle

Jan 3rd, 2003, 09:39:31 AM
Thanks! :D
Don't let those great posts go to waste though, pick something from it and get the theory train chugging!

Jan 3rd, 2003, 10:30:03 AM
haha oke.. sorry, this is a little off topic probly.. but i just wanted to say that ANAKIN IS HOTT!!!!!!!! ;) :D

Jan 3rd, 2003, 11:37:31 PM
ok.. i was reading about the whole Obi - light saber wound thing.. and i think y'all have a point.. he should've been able to do more than just sit there and watch that thing (sorry.. im not exactly sure what to call it) fall on him and anakin.. after all.. like, someone said earlier.. the lightsaber heat seals up the wound, hence there being no bleeding. his scratches looked no more deep than the ones that Padme got on her back.. and she was a heck of a lot more mobile and agressive than he was afterwards. Not to mention the fact that Obi was able to use the force to pull his lightsaber to him to throw to Anakin.. he shouldve had the strength to either use the force to stop the thing from falling on him and Anakin.. or pulled him and Anakin out of the way. Perhaps, he was concentrating too much on Yoda and Dooku's fight that he did not notice it about to fall? Or perhaps, the gash on his leg and extreme pain numbed his leg which would make it more difficult to move? And the same for the gash on his arm.. perhaps it numbed.. between an immobilized leg and an immobilized arm.. it might be had to pull himself and Anakin fast enough out of the way?