View Full Version : The ultimate race...
Shediao Shi
Dec 22nd, 2002, 03:37:58 PM
As the Yuuzhan Von walked through the doors to the Roonstone Inn, He could still feel the living armor that was attached to his body. The armor was a sign of a powerful, deadly warrior or higher rank. He was The Warmaster's right hand man, he was of high rank considered to the race of Yuuzhan Vong. And that means respect. The only person he will take orders from is his master. The Warmaster.
Looking at the patrons in the bar, he thought about how incompetant they were. Although he was in another place, he still walked around like he was royalty to the place. He talked in a deep and very scratchy voice. Like many of his race. And with an accent. His amphi-staff, the weapon of a Yuuzhan Vong, tapped on the ground softly as he walked.
I want to speak with the head warrior of this establishment.
Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 22nd, 2002, 03:57:37 PM
Knocking a apprentice Vampyre out of his way Dalamar stepped forward. His two swords appeared over his shoulder. "That would be me." he said with a razor blade smile.
Shediao Shi
Dec 22nd, 2002, 04:06:38 PM
Looking at the two sword hilts that extended outward from his shoulder, he laughed at him on the inside. He knew that the swords that the man, or whatever he was, held were very sharp and very lethal. But that did not scare him. He knew that they could not pierce his armor. Not even a Lightsaber can do anything to his armor. Looking at his amphi-staff, he felt confident.
Yes, well, High Warrior, I have heard that this planet has a powerful race living upon it's surface. I would like to know if this race, that people of this universe talk about, is your people here.
Lord Soth
Dec 24th, 2002, 11:20:36 PM
Before Dalamar could respond back to the brazen Yuuzhan Von, the Death Knight interrupted the conversation from behind. Dark magical shadow's fell over the Sith Master like curtain's of inky smoke, not quite reviling the Vampyre's entire form as a powerful incantation spell rested upon his ruby lip's. Soth's cold blue eye's narrowed at the Von before him...
He knew their kind, their rich history of blood and destruction that was left inevitably in their crazed wake. And there was something more that the Death Knight knew of the mysterious being's that caused shear panic when their great unstoppable number's reeked havoc across the known galaxies. The one thing that the Von prided themselves with most of all,...their technological superior armor and weaponry! Nevertheless, Soth knew the Von's weakness, and he knew it well!...The unique simbiant life form's that encased the Von warrior and served as their choice of armor was looked upon by their clan as impenetrable and impervious by most sophisticated weapon's, if not all ever fashioned. This heightened arrogance that followed this belief, the faith that the Von had in their weapon's only served as an additional flaw within the warrior himself...However, there still remained that one subtle minute weakness that even the Von had not considered. And that's all Soth needed to lay low even their most powerful Yuuzhan Von... The Death Knight over his own long existence had encountered a number of their species. Soth's extensive knowledge of their culture and the gruesome rite's that the Von brood performed was a closely guarded secret unto it's self; much as the Vampyre creature had their own..."Know thy enemy!" was a rule of thumb that the dreaded Death Knight adhered to.
"We are the Damned...And if you do not state your business quickly outlander, will not live to see your beloved home world ever again!" Soth's word's were as lethal as the piercing gaze that bore right through the Von warrior. Two blue sphere's now ebbed and pulsated in sequence around the Dark Knight's talon armored hand's. The duel orb's erie dim light peaking in their zenith illuminated the ancient black armor of Soth's order; causing the intricately engraved silver runes that adorned it to glisten as the Death Knight stood poised and unmoving.
Nom Anor
Dec 27th, 2002, 10:57:43 AM
Knowing that he could not be senced by any of the occupants in the bar, he looked on the conversation that was taking place, with interest. He could see that the second in command of the Yuuzhan Vong was right in the middle of all of it. The other two beings, he had no clue what they were. All he knew was that they were the high warrior's of this establishment. He could see that his fellow commrad looked like he needed some help. He would even the odds.
Walking over to the place where the conversation was taking place, he stood right behind the highly ranked Yuuzhan Vong. His very sharp, and very strong amphi-staff could be heard tapping on the ground. He spoke to the two occupants that were a part of this establishmet.
"Hello, high warrior's of this clan. I do not want any trouble comming to the Warmaster's servent. He is very important to us. Much like your princess here is very important to you."
Keeping an eye on the man who had come into the conversation later on, he stood their. Poised. Like a statue.
Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 27th, 2002, 06:48:28 PM
"If you seek no confrontation then have your man curb his tongue" Dalamar tired of the Vong. He knew they where deadly and vicious, but no one threatened the Vampyre's in his own home. "Your toys will not avail you at the Shrine. We are the Masters here." Dalamars red blood eyes flashed crimson in the Vongs direction. He would let the alien call the next course of action his hand rested on his specially crafted silver Katana's.
Shediao Shi
Jan 13th, 2003, 11:04:16 PM
The Warmaster have sent me to make a pact with the race known as Vampire. I am searching for the one known as the Death Knight of the Black Rose. My Warmaster would like to speak with this Death Knight.
Searching the Vampire Lord for any sign of what he was looking for, but he had come up empty handed. Dalamar only looked like a usual vampire like the one's that he had studied on his homeworld of Yuuzhan Tar. The Warmaster had sent Shediao Shi in his absence, because he had heard of this Death Knight and of his race. They were lethal warriors, with outstanding skills with many things in the universe.
Looking past the Vampire Lord, into the darkness, he searched the darkened being for any sign of life. He could not find anything. Shediao Shi remembered from his readings that some of the highest Vampires were magnificent in an art called Sith Magic. Apparently, this man was. The arora that surrounded him could scare a mortal man to death.
With that he turned to the general of his army. Nom Anor. Since Nom Anor had come into action, the vong's army was now almost inempenetrable. The vong realy were one of the most Ultimate Races in the universe. He motioned for the General to retreat back into the Coral skipper. Corral skippers were the ships of the Vong. They were a bit different though. They were not built, but grown. Much like the Amphi-Staff that he now carried.
Hoping that he did not have to transport to another location to look for this Death Knight, he waited to see what the shaded being had to say...
Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 17th, 2003, 11:16:54 PM
"You look past me and expect to be respected." I am Warlord Dalamar keeper of the Dawn and Lord of the Shrine." Whatever you seek at the Shrine you can ask of me. The Warlord grew weary of the Vong. There attitude was starting to grate on the black clad warrior.
"Your time grows short and your prescence irritate's state your buisness and be gone!" The Deathwatch guards appeared to the sides of the Warlord they could sense his irritation at these beligerent guests.
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