View Full Version : Broken Kingdom: A Message Sent

Royal Messenger
Dec 22nd, 2002, 01:04:54 PM
"He cannot run from his past any longer, he must face it and embrace what lies ahead of him."

A soft voice sounded in the Great Hall of Castle Val. A slender woman turned and faced a tall, husky man behind her. A thoughtful smile crossed her lips as she handed him a scroll with writing upon it in the Old Tongue.

"Please, take this to Anthony and be sure that he receives it."

With a bow, the Royal Messenger stuffed the letter in his blue cloak and turned swiftly upon his heal to leave.

"I will, m'lady."

He spoke earnestly and then walked the length of the long hall before pushing through the doors at the end and leaving.


The Royal Messenger of Valarea arrived on the planet of Coruscant after a long trip from his home. After departing from the transoort, the man dressed in strange robes of royalty hopped abord a speeder and made for the destination on his holo-pad.

"You've really done it this time Anthony. You can't run from the inevitable."

He grumbled to himself as he was let off in front of a building of beautiful architechture. Sighing, he looked down at the crono on his wrist and adjusted his robes before making his way up the long flight of stairs. Once to the door, he knocked but received no answer so he decided to enter on his own. No one was inside, but he figured out that it was his destination: the Jedi Living Quarters. A number upon his holo-pad as well as a few directions quickly took him to a room where he stopped in the silence and stood before knocking twice. Nothing. Rolling his eyes, the man pressed in a code and entered the room of Anthony Scott and his daughter Faith. He retrieved the letter from inside of his robes and laid it upon a nearby table. The Royal Seal of Valarea rested upon the outside of the beige parchment. Its appearance was of importance and he knew that the man would get it.

"My job is done. I just hope that he gets it."

With semi-satisfaction, the tall man pushed out of the door and closed it behind him, then set off for the spaceport once again. With his job done, he could only hope that Anthony responded to what it said, for he knew not but had a fairly good idea. So without further wonderment, he let the matter slip from his mind as he boarded a transport back to Valarea.

Faith Scott
Dec 22nd, 2002, 01:13:11 PM
Faith ran ahead of her Father as they pushed through the giant doors of the Jedi Living Quarters. She giggled and turned sharply to the right, nearly running into a group of Masters who were busy discussing something of importance. They looked at her sternly but she stopped and bowed to them with apologetic eyes.

"I'm very sorry for what I did -- it won't happen again."

Her words seemed well rehearsed as she spun around and took off again. Anthony was right behind her by now, though.

"Faith, don't run ahead of me or you'll get lost!"

He called after her, but she paid him no mind and before he knew it, she was at their door.

"I didn't get lost daddy, I told you I wouldn't."

Anthony nodded as he walked up behind her out of breath. Placing his hand to his chest, he inhaled deeply and then placed his hand upon the door. It opened and the little girl ran toward her room but stopped and backed up to look at the table.

"Ooooo daddy! What's this?"

She looked at the folded paper upon the table with the golden seal upon it. A curious smile crossed her lips as she picked at it, but then she frowned when her Father stole it from her hands. With a pouty look, she sighed dramatically and then went to her room to play with her dolls.

Anthony Scott
Dec 22nd, 2002, 01:26:27 PM
Anthony's eyes remained locked upon the seal on the outside of the parchment. His lungs seemed to empty of their air and a hard lump formed at the back of his throat. He ran his fingers over the seal before picking it away and unfolding the letter. Inside he read of the Old Tongue, something he dreaded hearing.

Dearest Anthony,

It has been several months since your dissappearance and even longer since your parents death. I know that you are afraid and so you have chosen to run from your past and future. You cannot let our kingdom fall because of your fear. Not only I, but everyone else in Valarea is depending on the return of you and Faith.

I heard a rumor that your daughter is unaware of the fact that she falls in the line of royalty. Anthony, it is vital to her future that she knows, why keep something like that from her? I know that Princess Kalai is passed away from us and it pains your heart because of such tragedies in your life, but you cannot keep to yourself forever.

Anthony, I am desperate. I cannot handle an entire Kingdom myself. The people are becomming restless and honestly I am tired of my title. Everytime I turn around it's "Lady Elizabeth this" and "Lady Elizabeth that". Please Anthony, do this for me -- your cousin. I miss you as if you were my own Brother. Please return to us.

Yours Ever,

He swallowed hard and folded the paper back up again before sitting down in the chair beside the table. Tears stung at the back of his eyelids and he promptly shut them. Faith peered out of her room at her Father before lowering her head and turning back to play with her dolls. She had seen him like this many a time and had hoped that her Father would change with their new move. He had for some time, but then this came up. With a sigh, he put the letter down on the table and pushed it away from him, then set his elbows upon the table and put his head in his hands.

"I cannot do what they ask of me -- it is impossible. It's all impossible."

He said softly and quietly as iron tears cascaded down his cheeks. All was so confusing now, as his life's choices laid at his feet and fell into his hands.

Dantae Scott
Dec 28th, 2002, 12:34:02 AM

"What do you mean he hasn't replied to the letter yet?!"

A voice boomed throughout the grand hall of Castle Val. The owner of the voice wore an inferiated expression upon his face as he sat upon the King's thrown and sipped upon a drink. He looked quite discontent to say the least, but it was all a show.

"What the hell is holding him back?! Messenger!"

He called loudly and then was informed by an attendant that the Kingdom's messenger had yet to return. The glass in Dantae's hand shattered under the pressure of his grip and blood began to seep from the minute cuts upon his palm.

"Fine, I will go get him myself!"

Rising from the throne, the man pushed the black cape attached to his shoulders by the clasps on his silver and blue armor. Grabbing the matching battle helmet out of the arms of another attendant, Dantae placed it beneath his arm and slapped the woman who had been holding it. She fell to the floor and bowed her head in reverance to the man as he stormed out of the large fortress and caught his personal ship, setting the coordinates for the place he knew he'd find Anthony.

"I'll kill the bastard -- if that's what it takes to get him out of my way of the throne, I'll do it!"

He cursed as he slammed the ship into hyper drive and then called out to the royal command squad back on Valarea.

"All units: Set your coordinates for Coruscant -- we have my Brother to arrest for failure to comply with royal orders. Punishment is -- death."

The words were nearly growled out as he pressed the comm off and then set his eyes out the window. His heart was dark and evil, and most of the kingdom knew it. Somehow, though, his Brother seemed blind to it. A sadistic laugh escaped his lips as he leaned back and closed his eyes to rest through the short trip.