View Full Version : Just another day (open)

Daes Pilot
Dec 22nd, 2002, 12:23:26 PM

There was laughter, than a loud smash. The front door to Dae Jinns home on Coruscant slammed shut behind him. Dae's pilot stood on the stoop, banging hard on the door.

"Damnit, let me back in!" He yelled, in Saiya-jinn, half-serious. A plate came flying down from the balcony above him, smashing to bits, the food that had been on it sloshing up his pant leg. "Aw, frell.. That was followed by his jacket , his boots, and a few more pieces of glassware. He quickly grabbed his stuff and set off down the street.

He pulled on his boots, threw on his jacket and kept walking. He knew better than to stick around when Dae wasn't having a good day - especially when it was his fault. While she had been off with that new guy, Jeran, being all lovey-dovey, he had been at home. So, he hadn't exactly been tidy, so what? He sighed loudly, and kept walking. "Guess I have the day off now..." He thought, as he walked into a seedy looking bar. There were few people here this earlier in the morning, just a few locals and the bar-tender. He slid onto a stool and smiled at the tender.
"I'll have a beer, please." He said in Basic, with a rough accent. He placed his few credits on the counter, and took his bottle from the man. He turned, looking around the bar, and sighed. "Just another day.

Cmdr. Castles
Dec 30th, 2002, 04:14:03 PM
Mularc watched the figure come inside. With a wave of Mularc's hand it began to rain. Ah the rain. It's steady beat, felt soothing to his bones. That's why he had come here. Just to sit. Being no-one else in the bar but the man and himself he called out "Come and sit with me friend."

He knew who he was by the way he sat. He had known him since the reacorce war of Antioch. It was Dae. Mularc waved his hand again and the rain seemed to stop. Well not stop stop but you get the idea.

Daes Pilot
Dec 31st, 2002, 11:00:01 PM
The young pilot raised an eyebrow.

"Do I know you?" He asked, taking his beer with him as he walked to the strangers table.

Cmdr. Castles
Dec 31st, 2002, 11:19:26 PM
Mularc took a locket out from the pocket inside his cloak. It had a weird shaped symbol on it. The symbol was that of The Dark Ones, a secret organisation of Sith.

Dae had belonged it several years before, only to have his memory wiped of that time. He was one of the greatest Sith warriors in all the universe, but it was all lost a long time ago.

Mularc was the last standing of that great organisation. He had lasted the warzones, the battlefields and the snipers to come out on top.

"I can help you reclaim your past he said, showing Dae the Symbol and telling him the above"

Daes Pilot
Dec 31st, 2002, 11:39:24 PM
"My past? What the frell are you talking about?!?!?!"

He laughed loudly. "I've never been a Sith anything, and my name ain't Dae."

He took a drink of his beer and sighed, wondering what this weirdo was going on about.

Cmdr. Castles
Jan 1st, 2003, 01:42:43 AM
"Another one! god F$#K I'm not going good today!" "No matter I'll look for them somewhere else." Mularc strode out of the bar, Still intent on looking for Dae and the other Dark Ones...

Daes Pilot
Jan 1st, 2003, 02:03:37 AM
He took a quick sip of his beer and followed the man outside.
"Look for who? How do you know Miss Dae???"

Cmdr. Castles
Jan 1st, 2003, 02:11:06 AM
"Oh my god....I once thoguht there was no Inteeligent Saiya-jinns in the universe, then I met Dae. She was the one of the most itteligent life forms i'd ever met. Now you, are one of the crowd."

"It is either that or I have to teach you how to listen. It wasn't your past it was Dae's! No dur.....god."

Mularc waited for the man to react.

Daes Pilot
Jan 1st, 2003, 02:26:52 AM
"Hmmmmmm" he scratched his head. Dae had never mentioned anything like this to him before. And the mans remark about "no intelligent Saiya-jinns" had got him a bit angry.
" And, I don't need you to teach me anything, Mister. But, I do think you need to explain this to me. Maybe I can help you..." He said, not really believe he could do anything for the man.

Cmdr. Castles
Jan 1st, 2003, 02:48:08 AM
Mularc looked at the man. "Come. we will go to another bar." Mularc walked off with the man in tail. They entered a bar and ordered their drinks.

"Now let me explain this. Hey wait, now I know who you are....Anyway, Me, Dae and a few other Sith were once part of an organisation know as The Dark Ones. We were not part of the Sith order therefore hunted down. We co-operated a destroyed anything that seemed a threat or was taking up space on our land, if you know what I mean." Mularc paused a sipped his ale.

"Well one day we attacked the Massi Temples on Yavin four. We went in and Dae got into a fight with the leader of the place. She defeated him. We got pinned down. I escaped. Dae and the others had their memories erased and went on living normal lives."

"I know you because it was you who picked me up from outside the temples, because I didn't trust you not to "leak" the information out about what had happened, I erased your memories as well."

"A time of great downfall for the sith is occuring. We must re-group if we have any chance of surviving. They, Jedi, will come fo us and hunt us down. I don't want that to happen to the us. Can you help me find her, please. I will restore your memories if you do. Fair bargain?"