View Full Version : Sage's Sig Shop

Syrius Cline
Dec 22nd, 2002, 09:04:43 AM
Only a few rules:

1) Don't ask for a sig if Marcus or some other sig maker is already doing it.

Meaning, you've requested one. Imagine this: you ask me to do a sig. Two other people have already asked me to, before you. However, I've taken a day off and wiped out all three. I come back to find that you went to someone else because you figured I was busy. That's just rude. You never know the sig maker's progress. They might be working a little bit on all three at the same time for all you know. Also, if you aren't in line and do the same, it's still wrong. This sig maker has taken your request and gotten to work and you change stream midway down the river. Not cool. If for some reason you want me to make a sig after requesting for one from someone else, ask that person for permission. That way he/she can drop your sig off his/her list. Although they might have already started on your's, in which case, just wait 'till they're done. And don't come to me two seconds afterwards, just so you can "view your options". Unless of course you're planning on making a random sig. In which case there might be an exception.

2) Have all your stuff ready.

Your pictures, the info you want, etc. Also, although this contradicts the rule, tell me if I can search for my own pics for the sig. Let's say you give me two really bad pictures of Cousin Larry from Perfect Strangers. They were the best you could do, but maybe not me. If you don't mind me finding other pics of the character, than tell me so. This doesn't mean I will, but it doesn't mean I won't either. Also, specify if it's the actor or character you want. Or if it matters what they're doing. Like mayber you want Cousin Larry mad, not smiling or happy. Because for some reason you want him for a Sith signature.

3) What style do you want it in?

Tell me what the colors should be. What mood or look you're going for. Oh, and if you feel like it, please tell me a bit about your character. I like to read that stuff anyway and it gives me an idea of what your sig should look like. Oh and inform me weither or not it's okay to color the character's clothing, etc. to match the text and background. Don't worry, it won't look goofy. And tell me if I can come up with my own background, if you don't specify your own. If you do specify one, tell me if I can vito it in favor of mine. I have lots of Star Wars photos for backgrounds and junk. Plus lots of tools to create star fields and the like.

4) Any future info

Might your character turn into a Knight soon? Or will they soon obtain a new brother that must be referenced? Go ahead and tell me. That way I can prepare myself mentally for when you come back a week later askng for a change. I might even make two pairs of signatures. One for now, one for when you need the new info put into it. That way it's already done. I'm not promising I'll do that though, but I might. :)

5) Be patient!!!!

6) Please answer all questions

Did I ask for you to tell me if I can change the pic? Then tell me. Don't leave out stuff or skim over this post. Tell me everything I need to know and everything I asked for. Even if it's a "no, use this pic only" or "I won't need future info put in".

Thanks for your time. I look forward to making you a signature. :)

NOTE: Forgot to logout. Meant to post as Sage Hazzard. We're one in the same. If his user name replies, treat it as me. :)

Xazor Elessar
Dec 22nd, 2002, 07:27:32 PM
I don't have any great pictures of Eowyn, honestly. I use the google image search for her and there is also some great link that Marcus has for pics for her. Anywayz.....

If you could still make me a sig, that would be awesome...I love your work. If you want me to supply pics, I will search harder.

As for a background/colors/and what text you use: I don't care, that's half the fun of having someone make you a siggy. :)

For text:

Xazor Dawnstrider
Warrior Jedi Knight

You can do whatever you like to it, I don't care....just make something you like. :) You don't have to worry about changing it or anything in the future, tis all good! :)

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 22nd, 2002, 08:11:44 PM
Would you make me one if though I'm getting Marcus to make me one, I'd like you to too because I'm trying to rally at least three for a random siggie? If not its cool, dude.

Syrius Cline
Dec 23rd, 2002, 01:37:41 AM
Well, since you're going for a random sig Kindo, I'll do it. Also, since I haven't made a Star Wars Signature for anyone in months, I could use the practice. Just give me the info I need, as stated in my first post.

Xazor, I'd be happy to do one. Especially since you have a random sig already and could incorperate mine into it. I might try my hand at locating some pics for your character. With the Two Towers open now it'll be easier and easier everyday to locate a pic. Do you remember the link Marcus gave you? Although I'd like to find a pic that hasn't been used in one of your signatures, that's probably near impossible, since when movies hit DVD is when the pics really start showing up around the net, because screen captures are possible then. I'll have to settle for trailer pics and publicity stills. Should look good though as mine and Marcus' styles are quite contrasting, making for a good random sig.

I'll get started on your's now Xazor. Don't expect it TOO soon, as I have to find pics, etc for it. Plus, I have to nail down your character's mood. :)

Kindo, just give me that info like I said and I'll make it now. Since your purpose is a random signature. :)

Xazor Elessar
Dec 23rd, 2002, 01:26:17 PM
I can't remember the link, I'll ask him for it again. :)

Ki-Adi Kindo
Dec 23rd, 2002, 08:23:55 PM
I'm going to PM you everything Sage.:D

Jedi Anakin Skywalker
Dec 24th, 2002, 11:30:18 PM
Hey Sage, Well these little punks over here at my website say my sig is to big, its ridiculous, anyway there complaining like crazy and they say i better change it or else. Well if its not to much trouble can u resize it. make it like half the size it is now i hope i can still see everything u might need to adjust the pics to where u can still make out who there are...lol! Sorry for the trouble i didnt know it had to be a certain size...:(

Syrius Cline
Dec 31st, 2002, 02:13:57 AM
Ouch, sorry I didn't see this before Anakin. I'll try and get to is quickly. I'm trying to enjoy the holidays though, so bare with me. BTW, those guys sound like snobs. They should have a little more patience than a "or else". They need to up their resolution to 800 x 600 or something. :lol I'll do it as soon as possible buddy.

Xazor, don't worry about it. I found a gold mine. Some really snazzy ones. I'll get it done soon. :)

To everyone, I'm planning on taking off on all online duties and posting until after New Years sometime. Sorry. :( But Anakin, since this seems really urgent, I'll make a special case for you and get it done sooner. :)

Jedi Anakin Skywalker
Dec 31st, 2002, 03:05:05 AM
Ok thanks Sage!

Xazor Elessar
Dec 31st, 2002, 10:55:04 AM
Tis alright Sage buddy....I just found a link to a gold mine a few days ago and forgot to post it..but since you found one, that's awesome! :)

Take your time....and enjoy your holiday! :) ::huggles::

Syrius Cline
Dec 31st, 2002, 11:25:37 PM
Gold?! Get out of my business! I'm plannin' on being a tycoon here. Get into diamonds or something. :lol

Okay, bud, I made it. I named it the same filename because a)I don't have to delete the old one and leave a big X for future generations b)because in the future, if you need another sig, it'll be better cataloged c)because they won't continue to complain about the old posts that had the big sig. Anyway, it might not show up the first few times you see it. That'd be because of cookies. Should wear off if you refresh the page or just wait a day. :) By the way, PM me a link to that board. I want to check it out. Oh, and if it's not small enough, I'll need to make you a new sig. Otherwise there's pretty much nothing I can do without making it microscopic.

Oh, and thanks for your patience everyone. :)

Jan 2nd, 2003, 01:20:43 PM
If you're not too swamped, I'd like one.

1)I don't have any sigs, this'll be my first one. I don't believe in random sigs, and have enough patience and distractions to wait a looong time on this.

2) Sig should say: "This is an accurate representation."
Pictures for sig: http://www.cartoni.it/fnts/cartoni/immagini/306x210/ranma05.jpg

The character pic is Ranma Saotome, from Ranma 1/2. Feel free to look yourself if none of these do the trick, but please, use ONLY male Ranma.

3)I don't really care what style you use...surprise me! Go ahead, do your worst!

4)No future info to be had.

5)I have plenty.


Syrius Cline
Jan 6th, 2003, 02:38:47 AM
Okay, Kanji's and Ki Adi Kindo's are done. :) I know both of you guys PMed me for it, but I'm posting it here. A) because it's good advertisement for my skills, so those unsure of if they want a sig by me. Helps show my stuff off too for compliments(they're always nice. :) ) B) Because I can preview my post to see if I got the image URL right, the html right, etc. :)


<center><img src=http://www.boomspeed.com/sagehazzard/kanji.gif></center>

For implementation, put this code in your sig field.

<center><img src=http://www.boomspeed.com/sagehazzard/kanji.gif></center>

Ki Adi Kindo:

<center><img src=http://www.boomspeed.com/sagehazzard/kiadikindo.gif></center>

<center><img src=http://www.boomspeed.com/sagehazzard/kiadikindo.gif></center>

Okay, Xazor, I need to tell you something. I'm waiting to make your signature until after the others. Because firstly you have enough to tide you over and secondly because I'm trying to make it extra special. I'm having trouble with it. I checked out all of the sigs in your random sig and they're a veried lot. I'm trying to get a unique flavor to add to it, so I'm having difficulty. So give me a little extra time.

Akkuracee, you and a dude that PMed me and I can't remember his user name are next, then Xazor. Though I'll be working on Xazor's throughout, so her's might get done first. Sorry for not replying sooner, assuring you that I'd do your's, I just wanted to wait until I had a sig done to reply. Because otherwise, someone waiting for one could see I replied but see no sig. Then they'd have to click on the forum and then the thread to see if that reply by me was a new one, or the old one. Get it? :)

Zasz Grimm
Jan 6th, 2003, 12:18:07 PM
Akkuracee, you and a dude that PMed me and I can't remember his user name are next, then Xazor.

Aejin Rahn.

lol. You could have just said Zasz.


Xazor Elessar
Jan 6th, 2003, 05:53:08 PM
That's fine Sage, take your time! I won't be around much anyhow so I'm not in a great hurry! I thank you for doing this anyhow. If you need better pics I have a great website full of 'em...lemme know if you do or if you have some. :) Anyhow.....I'm looking forward to it but don't overstress yourself! ;)

Syrius Cline
Jan 7th, 2003, 01:44:05 AM
:lol yeah, but I wasn't sure if you wanted people to know you play both characters. :)

Here ya go Zasz. It'd look better if I didn't have to degrade the quality for the size to be 30K.

<center><MAP NAME="Aejin">
<AREA HREF="http://www.swforums.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=55" SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="290,100,334,123">


For usage:

<center><MAP NAME="Aejin">
<AREA HREF="http://www.swforums.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=55" SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="290,100,334,123">


If you want it in another color, say red, just tell me. :) It's pretty simple to change and I tried out a few, this shade of blue just felt right. :)

Okay, Akkuracee and Xazor are next. :)

Yeah, please give me that URL Xazor. These that I have might not work. There are a LOT but they're already used in your sigs and some just won't work right. Thanks. :)

Aejin Rahn
Jan 7th, 2003, 07:38:04 AM
Maybe you could change it to green for me? If you have time, am curious if I would like that better. But this is awesome, thanks!

Oh, and don't worry, I don't care if people know who I am or whatever. :)

Xazor Elessar
Jan 7th, 2003, 04:28:33 PM
WARNING! MAD <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> SPOILERS!


There ya go! ;) Thankies again Sage! ;)

Xenodoros Stormrider
Jan 7th, 2003, 05:20:23 PM
It'd look better if I didn't have to degrade the quality for the size to be 30K.

Why don't you use JPG? That would ruin the quality less.

Syrius Cline
Jan 8th, 2003, 02:21:24 AM
Wow.... that's a much bigger mine than I found. :lol

Well, on sigs with glowing effects and really bright colors, I don't use JPG. Because whenever I do, it makes the colors look murky and bland, not vibrant and bright. Maybe it's just Paintshop's built in compression program that makes them look that way, I don't know. Since the three sigs here all have bright elements, I went for GIF. Actually, most of the sigs I make are like that, and they all have a simple color scheme(which Gif likes I think).

Okay, Zasz, tell me what you think. If you like this more, I'll delete the old on and upload this one with the same filename. Since already I'm losing space on Boomspeed due to Alex Ross paintings I'm showing off to everyone. :lol

I need to know which one you like better, in color scheme, so I can make that avator/personal pic you asked for. Since I'm thinking of making it with a gradient background or something. Something with a color scheme that should match the sig. :)

Zasz Grimm
Jan 8th, 2003, 07:43:07 AM
I prefer the green one, actually. If you wouldn't mind saving the blue and just sending it to me so that I can save it to my HD incase I change my mind or anything. I don't remember if I have it saved.

Jan 8th, 2003, 08:12:38 AM
Something I forgot to mention earlier, Sage: I can host my sig myself. I won't host anyone else's though.

Aejin Rahn
Jan 8th, 2003, 08:22:40 PM
Sage, saved it, and the green one, so upload away!

Syrius Cline
Jan 9th, 2003, 12:52:56 AM
Wow, thanks Akkuracee. Your sig should be done soon. I'm just trying to figure out how it should look. Since you don't have much text, I have room to play. :)

Okay, Zasz, it's uploaded. Should take effect once your cookies wear off(should be soon). I'm making your avator now. I'm just having some problems cutting out the pic I picked. Also, I'm going to upload it withen this thread, than you can save it to your HD and put it as your avator. Since SWForums takes the pic, even if it's an outside URL, and writes it to the local server. So I wouldn't be hosting the file anyway, after you put it as your avator. Cuts out the middle man.

Aejin Rahn
Jan 9th, 2003, 07:39:29 AM
Alright man, sounds good. :)

Jan 9th, 2003, 09:57:05 AM
Hey Sagey-boy! :) Can I have one? :D

Satine Capashen
Jedi Mastre and Warrior of GJO


Quote (Put this in if you want):
"Real Peace is not just the absence of conflict but the presence of justice."

And, just go wild w/ it if you want. :) Thankies!

Ki-Adi Kindo
Jan 9th, 2003, 09:01:45 PM
Hey Sage, thanks so much for the signature! It's the best one I've had yet! You're really talented at making them!

Xenodoros Stormrider
Jan 9th, 2003, 10:54:21 PM
Well, on sigs with glowing effects and really bright colors, I don't use JPG. Because whenever I do, it makes the colors look murky and bland, not vibrant and bright. Maybe it's just Paintshop's built in compression program that makes them look that way, I don't know. Since the three sigs here all have bright elements, I went for GIF. Actually, most of the sigs I make are like that, and they all have a simple color scheme(which Gif likes I think).

Have you tried setting the Mode to "RGB Color"? I had that problem once. The colors were dull and boring but it was because I had my settings set to "CMYK Color".

Dae Jinn
Jan 9th, 2003, 11:07:01 PM
CMYK is printer colors, RGB is "net" colors because that's how the screen makes colors......^_^;

Syrius Cline
Jan 11th, 2003, 11:45:47 PM
Hmm... I can't find where to change it one way or the other. I don't see a place where it mentions CMYK or RGB. I use Paintshop, so that might be the problem. When you had the problem, and fixed it, where did you find the option to turn it into RGB format?

Yeah, I learned a bit about the different color types after looking on the net about Comic Book Coloring. About how you have to make sure it's CMYK because it'll be printed, even though you're doing it digitally. But when I read that, I checked on how to change the mode or color, and I couldn't find it then either.

Sure, Satine. I'll get to it soon. I've been procrastinating(sp?) lately, and generally have been lazy. I haven't gotten anywhere close to being done with Xazor and Akkuracee. I'm having a designers block in combination with my laziness, which is really not good. Can you tell me the name of the guy you're using as your picture? So I might try and get a better picture. That is if you wouldn't mind another picture of him.

Well, I got your avator done Zasz. Hope it looks good. Just save it to your HD and then put it as your Avator. Then you can delete it from your HD if you must.

Jan 12th, 2003, 12:05:45 AM
That is so Shibby, Sage. Mucho Thanks to Ya for that sig :D (would've replied earlier, but school's in and you know the drill probally. :/)

Syrius Cline
Jan 12th, 2003, 12:15:20 AM
I misread the word "shibby" first go around. :lol I'll leave it up to your imagination on what I thought it said. :lol Hint Hint replace the two "b"s.

Thanks bud. Always relish the encouragement and complements.

That I do, Kanji, that I do... No wait, I'm home schooled and sleep until noon. :lol Don't fret, I understand. :)

Dae Jinn
Jan 12th, 2003, 12:23:53 AM
Homeschooled???? :eek! You missing all the fun trauma of normal hell...I mean school...I was tempted to ask for a sigga ^_^;l but never mind.

Syrius Cline
Jan 12th, 2003, 12:32:46 AM
I'd love to do a sig for you Dae, if you want one. Why were you tempted, yet now don't want one?

I've been homeschooled my entire life, othet than 4th and 8th grade. I completed 4th, but dropped out of 8th. I went to middle school in the 8th and became the QB of the B-Team. Since I was not experienced enough, and didn't know the plays. For those that don't know, middle school has a A and B team, or they might go under other names. They both play their own sets of games. It's just that supposedly the A team has better players starting than the B. The Coach told me privately that he thought I had tremendous potential and the strongest throwing arm, but I needed to learn the position. I dropped out because the school bored me to death. I had a 101 average(because of a few bonus questions, it went over 100) and was becoming EXTREMELY popular. It's not common that the new guy is both a egghead and an accomplished jock, not to mention the cool demeanor I had with the ladies. Although in the short time I was there, I never asked one out, and now I'm smacking myself for dropping out because I never got the chance. In homeschool... you don't come across many women that you can morally ask out. :lol It wasn't hell at all for me. Of course, that wasn't High School, it was middle school. I got picked on a few times but I just stood up for myself and the bullies quickly became my best friends the next day. Dang, I should have gone to high school. But now, I'm thinking of going to college early, like next year. So I'll just wait until then to visit the public school experience, since it'll both challenge me and better my future.

Xenodoros Stormrider
Jan 12th, 2003, 12:42:57 AM
I popped Paint Shop Pro into my computer and I couldn't find anything on how to change it. I think it's set to RGB automatically.

Can you post 2 images one in JPG and the other in GIF just to see the difference? I'm curious.

Lilya Goldberry
Jan 12th, 2003, 12:44:49 AM
Okies.....:lol Didn't need your life story ;) lol! It's cool, I've been in public schools for a long time (graduated college in June 2001) And I hated it.

and....you said you had sig makers block ^_^; :lol

I do have a pic I want in a sig, I just dunno how I'd use it :\

Sage Hazzard
Jan 16th, 2003, 01:38:31 AM
Uh... Well, give me the stuff you want in it when you get it figured out. :)

Oh, Satine, I didn't see your post! :) Can I have the character in the pic's name, since I might need a better pic of that dude you want in it.

Xenodoros, I'll do that soon. Once I get a sig done, I'll just get that done with it, so I can save my time uploading the stuff.

Okay... Akkuracee, I'm not done yet. I know, I'm lazy. But since it's taken such a long time, I'm going to try and put a lot of effort into making it great, instead of rushing it so I can get it done before it's been months. :lol I found a inked, non-colored pic. I'm going to color it and use it. That way you'll have a completely original pic in it. :) Felt like doing it since I wanted to make up for putting it off for so long. :)

Jan 16th, 2003, 07:24:08 AM
The char is Lucious Malfoy, or however you spell it. If you can't find any really good pics (i've been trying and haven't), Tidus from FFX works too. :)

Jan 16th, 2003, 09:32:47 AM
Original picture? Awesome. Take your time, I've got plenty of patience.