View Full Version : Les yeux d'un ange [Open RP to anyone]

Eve Siren
Dec 21st, 2002, 06:55:53 PM

Eve Siren, AKA Dark Angel in the streets, former Sith Knight, a lonely, lonely girl. She unpacked her weapons on the small table, in front of the couch - Two guns, Athena's Onyx blade, a few silver daggers ... And her glaive rested in the corner of the room. She undid her fingerless gloves around the wrists and let them fall on the table, with the weapons. She then took off her leather jacket, wearing only an sleeveless shirt underneath, throwing it on the couch. Syren was already sent to her room.


"I am offering you a position as my apprentice, Eve." The man said.

Eve arched an eyebrow, sitting up on the bed of the med-bay. She was almost dying there, in the Council room, and this man came and wanted to teach her. She hesitated for a moment, looking down, before a soft smile drew on her pale lips. She lifted up her eyes to look at her Master. From that moment, he became the man she respected the most, the highest authority to her eyes.

"I won't disappoint you, Sir."

She sat down and ran her hands through her hair, suddendly finding herself thinking about love again. She was tired. No, beyond sick and tired. There wasn't any words to describe how big the fatigue was on her. She litterally died a little bit every day. She leaned forward, her elbows resting on her thighs and laced her fingers together, a sigh escaping her mouth. He still haunted her mind, so much, it hurted. She closed her eyes, and held back her tears, her hands slowly unlacing to come and hold herself, her right hand coming up to stroke the 5 scars on her left shoulder. She stopped cutting herself up for him.


"I think this belongs to you." The winged man lifted up a lock of her dark hair, that he had cut earlier.

She didn't know if it was on purpose, or not. That winged stranger had just hurt Satine and pushed him away from them. She was paralyzed. Half with fear, half with sadness, that she had shared with Satine, a few moments ago. The stranger seemed hurt, she knew it was partly her fault. She approached him, and trailed her trembling fingers down his cheek.

"Will you be alright ..?" Eve murmured.

She didn't trust her left hand with a weapon, she thought. She stood up and ran the back of her hand over her wet empty brown eyes, approaching the window. The sun was setting, it was beautiful, yet so sad. The moon woke up only when the sun went to sleep - It was an never-ending tragic love. She opened the window and sat on the frame, leaning on the side. The wind was soft, and so smooth against her porcelain skin. She closed her eyes half-way, looking down at the bright city below. Her eyes followed the lights that were getting brighter every second that the sun came down.


"I just thought it was time for you two to meet." Vega grinned.

Eve looked over at the man who Vega was talking about. A tall, dark man, he was. He was pale, the kind of person that never talked much. It was odd that she never met him before, but she had heard about him. He just got promoted to Sith Lord, and his name was Dyne Darkforce. She knew a lot of girls in the Empire was after him, but she didn't understand why until tonight.

"Nice to meet you ..." He had a nice voice.

"Pleasure's all mine, m'Lord."

She grabbed blindly her Skull helmet and gazed at it with her empty black-lined eyes. "Never-ending tragic love ..." She whispered.

Never-ending tragic love ... Never-ending tragic love ... The words echoed in her mind. She lifted her eyes from her helmet, looking almost hypnotized, the hand that held her helmet slowly fell to her side. ... Never-ending ... Her fingers slipped. ... Tragic ... She let go of her precious helmet out of the window, her eyes falling on the full moon. Love.

Destiny Stormrider
Dec 23rd, 2002, 10:07:36 AM
The helmet fell right into Destiny's hands, almost as if it were meant to be. She looked up and tried finding the owner, but couldn't. All she saw were two hands.

"Alright Destiny! Now you have to go give it back to its rightful owner." she said to herself, followed by a sigh.

The girl climbed the stairs till she got to the floor she thought she had seen the hands coming from and started knocking on every door. As the people saw the helmet, they shut the door on her face.

"It ain't gonna eat you!" she screamed back at them. "These people are so strange."

Finally, Destiny arrived at the last door and knocked on it. She was sure it was the right one, it HAD to be.

Eve Siren
Dec 23rd, 2002, 10:18:12 AM
Knock, knock, knock.

Eve snapped out of it. She ran her hand through her hair and sighed. It looked like she had a headache, but it didn't really hurt. She stood up, walking slowly towards the door, grabbing her charged gun along the way. She secretly hoped that Syren didn't hear the knock, in case it was someone she owed money to. She opened the door, and aimed the gun at the stranger, her face showing a hint of anger.

To her surprise, it was a girl. "What do you want ?"

Destiny Stormrider
Dec 23rd, 2002, 10:24:40 AM
Destiny was half-paralysed at the gun. As she stared, she tried to form a complete sentence.


She realised she wouldn't be able to say anything comprehensible, so she simply held the helmet towards Eve, hoping it would be hers.

Eve Siren
Dec 23rd, 2002, 04:26:38 PM

Eve lowered her gun slowly, but still on her guards as she lifted up her other hand, taking back her helmet. She was half-embarassed, since the girl seemed innocent. Not too innocent ... But innocent enough to be a Jedi rookie. The corner of her glossy lips curved down in a frown.

"Who are you ?"

Destiny Stormrider
Dec 23rd, 2002, 04:58:21 PM
Destiny eyes shifted from the gun to Eve, as she heard the latter's voice.

"My name's Destiny!" she said as quickly as she could. And then she added "and if you want, I can leave right away! I mean I just came to give your helmet back, thought you might want it!" taking a step back.

Aeris Thriner
Dec 23rd, 2002, 05:12:26 PM
I saw the woman frown at the other one and slowly walked up. I slowly walked over to the woman, and pulled a flower from my basket. My soft boots made a clacking noise and finnaly stopped when I stood in front of her.

"No need to fight ladies. Here have a flower. Only one credit a piece." I gave a soft smile and brushed the hair out of my face. I looked around and let my bracelet slide down my wrist. I looked at them, and they both gave me a stern look. "Am I here at a bad time?"

Eve Siren
Dec 24th, 2002, 06:58:27 AM
"What ? This ??" She waved around her gun, obvious sarcasm in her voice. "Noo."

Eve sighed. Sometimes, good people really amazed her, other times, they amazed her too, but in the other sense. She stepped back as Destiny did, into her appartment, putting her helmet on a table next to the door. Then, she immediately put her hand in her back, pulling out another similar gun, aiming it at the second stranger.

"Of course not."

Aeris Thriner
Dec 24th, 2002, 02:21:39 PM
I dropped my flowers at the sight of the gun. I wanted to scream, but I knew better. I walked slowly up to the woman. I waited until I was about 5 feet from her, and I slowly reached for my side. I pulled the small metal object from my side and held it in my palm. I spoke, "It's okay. Just put the gun down. Everything is gonna be okay."

She never knew what hit her. I pressed the button, quickly moved to the side, and leaned into the pole. It went out and struck the woman in the chest. She dropped one of the guns and fell to the ground from the force. I looked to the other woman, "Get her guns." I stuck my pole in the middle of her back. My feet went onto her lower back.

I spoke with a threatining tone, "You try to get up and this pole goes all the way through your back." I said pushing it down harder, "Now tell me, why were you attacking us?" I smiled, "Before we go on, what is your names?"

Destiny Stormrider
Dec 24th, 2002, 05:32:38 PM
Destiny was still in a state of shock. She couldn't speak anymore!

How in the bloody Hell did I get myself into this?! she wondered, but it was too late!

Destiny didn't budge, she stood there looking at the other two women.

Eve Siren
Dec 25th, 2002, 03:58:28 PM
OOC - I'm too lazy to send a PM so I'll tell you here, Aeris. You can't decide what my character is doing, or else, it wouldn't be Roleplaying, now, wouldn't it ?

IC - Being an enhanced genetically engineered killing machine, this had done nothing but made her even more mad. The former Sith Knight didn't need to get up to get out of this mess. She put her palms face down on the ground, and did an uppercut kick upwards, the back of her boot hitting the girl at her jaw. With that, she grabbed the pole as she turned to stand up, throwing it at the end of the hall. The pole landed directly straight into the wall.

"Aww." She turned to the girl she had just hit. "Can we still be friends ?" Eve said, sarcasm obvious in her voice.

She grabbed her gun and shot on the floor, right beside that girl who pinned her down. Her emotionless face now changed into anger, but more like annoyed anger. She turned to the other girl, the one that was still in shock, and sensed something odd in her aura. A familiar feeling ... A past feeling. Suddendly, all she could think of was one person - Xenodoros Stormrider. Though she looked nothing like him, and acted all the contrary of him, her aura ... Thank you, Master, for these mind-reading abilities, she thought to herself.

"Destiny ... Stormrider ?" She muttered.

She didn't want the people of her past to come bother her, even less the people that she didn't know. She walked back inside her appartment and slammed the door, surprised at her discovery.

Destiny Stormrider
Dec 25th, 2002, 06:02:01 PM
Destiny shook her head. If she really wanted to become a Jedi, she shouldn't let these two ladies fight like this.

Destiny rose a finger, and was about to say something when she was struck by Eve's words.... "Stormrider..." It resounded in her ears.

The more she tried to escape being a Stormrider, the harder it hit Destiny. She would have tried helping Aeris, but her curiosity led her towards Eve.

The Stormrider opened the door lightly and poked her head in.

"Excuse me?"